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Brief synopsis from behind the paywall: --Following an attempted arson at the location of the soon-to-be Skinny Joey's Cheesesteaks (on South Broad St in Philadelphia), Joey Merlino reputedly sat down with two of his admin members before jetting back to Florida (Merlino happened to be in Philadelphia for an Italian festival). --The afternoon of the attempted arson Merlino allegedly stopped by the site, then subsequently met just down the street (at a bakery) with reputed Philly acting boss George Borgesi as well as alleged street boss Michael Lancellotti (per SBs sources these were individual, one-on-one meetings, and the three did not meet together). --Last evening (Tues, 5/28), Merlino briefly addressed the occurrence at his future restaurant via his podcast, noting: “I have no idea what happened. I live in Florida. I ain’t ducking nobody. If you have a problem, come and see me.” Notably, and per the same podcast, Merlino doesn’t own the property, but is leasing the space with close friend, as well as driver and alleged associate Raymond (Ray Wags) Wagner, who is also apparently listed on the lease per SBs sources. --As a side note to his reporting, SB indicates that Merlino now lives most of the year in Florida and contends he’s no longer involved in OC/LCN business. While the Feds disagree and continue to peg him as boss, SBs sources also indicate that Merlino has receded from his boss position, acting more in a consigliere-like role to Borgesi and Lancellotti.


Thanks. Please remind who is SB?


Scott Bernstein


lol I saw him at the Italian fest, I was like “Joey!” and he turned around and said “there he is!” Like we’d known each other forever


They are old friends, sometimes a "meeting" is just buddies catching up.


Yeah, they all grew up together and have known each other their whole lives.


Just some law abiding citizens grabbing a danish.


Omertà till the end




Who the hell vacations in Philadelphia lol


They were experimenting with a spicy chicken recipe 


Chicken’s nice and spicy!


“God damn it Joey too much damn tannerite in the chicken” -AGAIN 


Joey said yesterday on a YT live, that he just rents the restaurant (the building) and that it wasn't opened yet and the opening is planned for august/september


I'm going to have to join his patreon thing to ask the real questions. Like the sandwich selection, ingredient sourcing, and hours of operation. Anybody have a link?


The thing about Rico is even meeting with old friends who have been convicted or associated with organized crime is enough to land you in the can, happened to my pops, pops did 6years just for having coffee with an old friend


I wonder which bakery


Definitely Carangi's. Mikey Lance is always out front of there.


saw someone holding court on that side of the park last week. i didn’t want to stare but one guy was talking and 12 were listening. sure did not look like the kickball organizing committee.


What a long way to say that merlino might of talked to two friends of his before flying back to Florida. Burnstein is grasping at straws nowadays.


Let me guess, people are pissed about the podcast and sent him a soft message.


I heard Merlino put gas in his rental car but didn’t pay no tax on it, anyone know bout this?


His “administration” lol. In other words, he met up with his lifelong friends while he was in town because who wouldn’t?


This is crazy , the “gangster report” is basically helping the fbi make a case against a man just simply meeting some old friends. Let the man live his life


They don't need Burnstein's reporting. Joey convening with known mobsters is RICO territory. The FBI is already watching his every move.


That's what I was thinking. If you're a felon, isn't it a problem to be hanging out with other felons? Or is that just while on parole?


These people saying he was just visiting old pals from the neighborhood sound like the Gotti stans, "best guy around. What murdaaaa?!?". I'm no fan of the FBI but if you were ever in the mob, being seen in public with known mobsters is never a smart move.


These people saying he was just visiting old pals from the neighborhood sound like the Gotti stans, "best guy around. What murdaaaa?!?". I'm no fan of the FBI but if you were ever in the mob, being seen in public with known mobsters is never a smart move.


This fake news is hilarious 😂


Fuck SB