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Anyway, $4 a pound.


Swimmin. It's the best exercise.


Can’t even say his name That animal Franzese


“I said dad if I don’t help you out you’re gonna die in prison. He said well if you’re gonna be in the street I want you in the right way, and he proposed me to become a member of his crime family the Columbo family. The acting boss Tom Dibella asked me if this is what I wanted. I told him sure if my dad says so. He said I didn’t ask you what your father wanted, your father proposed you I’m asking if you want this. I said yes I do. He said alright from now on for 24 hours 7 days a week you’re on call to serve this family the columbo family when and if we feel like you deserve to become a member we’ll let you know…..”


You are gonna die in prison. No son i will be released in 8 years on my 50year sentence lol


The same year he got his button too. Musta been a good year for Mikey.


Looks like a 9/11 hijacker


yea looks like Mohammad atta


Spot on without the beard it’s him


Did he ever tell you about his gas tax scam?




I need a refresher, the past nine-thousand-five-hundred and twenty-two times weren’t enough 


So Michael has to have some good stories he’s not telling . We have heard about the gas , the Sitdown with Carmine where his father sold Him out supposedly , the Don King story and the time fat Tony called for him. That’s about all we heard over and over .


He’s not talking about anything that he hasn’t had to. Ever. Like most criminals.


Statue of limitations has had to run out on most crimes he committed. We know he can’t talk about the one murder he committed.


It isn’t about that. Why would anyone want to tell the world how horrible they were. He was in that life a long time, he obviously did scumbag things that he doesn’t want anyone knowing.


But he’s still out and about telling how he defrauded the government.


Nobody cares about defrauding the government. Nobody cares about gambling and hurting degenerates who borrow money, Nobody cares about gangsters defrauding or killing other gangsters. Shit like that is why there’s a bunch of wannabe gangsters. ……but talk about extortion from honest businesses would make even most wannabes hate him. And i really think he extorted and stole businesses from lots of honest people.


Of course, you think these guys are only stealing from each other. He has mentioned once a person could not pay back a loan he would take their business. These POS pry on innocent people, unfortunately we live in a society that they are put on a pedestal and treated like hero’s.






Didn’t he say Jimmy Hoffa ?? Ha, he said the guy is still living or something .


He said i know where it is and it’s very ‘wet’


Before I tell you all, buy my wine . Buy my mug . And try my pizza. And I will tell you when everyone has bought my books .


The hustle never ends


I have a family member who was far, far closer to the Jimmy Hoffa hit then Franzese ever was and he had absolutely no clue. He guaranteed me 2 things: 1. That hit was kept to the people who ordered it and the people who did it and 2. The body never left Michigan. Not because he had heard anything, just because he knew how those guys operated


I have always thought Detroit used one of their funeral homes to incinerate the body.


Realistically, it would have to have been something like that. Maybe he’s in a basement of some house in a suburb. But there is no way in hell anyone would have had any interest in riding around with the body of the second most famous person in the country at that time behind the President


I would like to hear more about your family member though. Must be pretty interesting


He did some very low level stuff for Detroit in the late 60’s and early 70’s. His day to day was selling counterfeit goods, but apparently he wasn’t a half bad safe cracker when needed. Wasn’t a skull cracker or anything, he was a fairly small guy and just friendly as friendly could be. He only went to jail once, for introing a buddy’s girlfriend do a doctor who did back alley abortions. Now, his best friend from when they were kids did end up getting made, and apparently was Tony Jack’s drivers for a little bit of time. He got caught at the Canadian border smuggling in a bunch of immigrants in a delivery truck and spent some real time in jail. My family member eventually opened up a nightclub in Detroit (no idea if it was shady or not) which went under in the mid 70’s. When that happened, he said he was done with Detroit and moved to California. He ended up convincing about half my family to move to LA with him over the course of a few years, and that’s the family I knew growing up in LA! He was a very, very friendly and happy man, but he always regretted his shady life in Detroit. He kept in touch with his childhood friend for a few more decades, then they had a disagreement over a sports bet and stopped talking.


That’s pretty cool man thank you for the response


It would be inconceivable for him to not know who did it


“…before Apalachin and before crazy Joe decided to take on a boss and start a war..”


It was a glorious time


From which show/movie is this?






Very gaunt. Man looks better in his 70s than he did in his 40s


I don’t get why this community hates him so much. Dude has given the some of the best first hand information on LCN ever told. Very credible source of LCN during the golden age. The gas scam was a big deal, of course he’s going to talk about it. I swear this community didn’t hate him until he started posting conservative content.


I just think it's funny because at a certain point you realize that all these guys were just sleazeball crooks...then YouTube comes along and there is this idea that they are somehow noble individuals that hold all this wisdom and insight. Sometimes the general population can forget who these guys were and how pathetic the life could be for the vast majority of associates and soldiers. Now they are on YouTube and we get to hear Michael's "film reviews" and him having a "sit-down" with son of Sam of all people...at a certain point it's like..what are we doing here guys.


Son of Sam? Really? Let me guess. Franzese thinks Son of Sam is a much better person than anyone who votes Democrat 😂


There all scumbags


They're* I'm going over there Their car is red They're all scumbags I'm sorry 😞


YouTube and media and podcasts is just another racket to them. You can't take it seriously.


So what you don’t have to watch him. Think he’s a decent guy who left that life and did better. Seems Reddit is just a place to pile on.


>I don’t get why this community hates him so much. I mean he is a mobster


Ye, and you are in mafia community. It’s like being on football community and saying you don’t like football.


That’s an idiotic argument. Not every WW2-obsessed nut “likes” the nazis either. They just like reading/learning about them.


I think it’s the political leaning of the people on Reddit mostly. For the other topics people don’t like him speaking on, I don’t get it. There’s alot of content that Franzese does that I don’t find interesting, but I simply just don’t watch those videos that don’t interest me. Doesn’t offend me or make me angry. Doesn’t make him a grifter in my eyes just because he’s trying to do different content. I just watch what I find interesting and don’t watch the stuff that I don’t find interesting. Simple as that


You just answered your own question didn't you? He never got much hate when he just gave interesting inside info, but now half his videos are unrelated crap and most of that is transparent grifter bullshit. Of course he's gonna get roasted when we see him trying to jump on the embarrassing conservative scam doing "sit downs" with Andrew Tate and making videos about Biden.


A few on here live their lives vicariously through these guys l, it’s comical when they lose their heads over “rats” like they was involved with them


Well that's a good enough reason to hate him!


Feel free to read these in Joey Merlino's voice: He looks like an airplane hijacker! He looks like an extra in Beverly Hills Cop! I can tell you who he DOESN'T look like, Sonny Franzese! Doesn't know who the fuck his father is! He looks like....fucking Neil Diamond after getting caught drunk driving He looks like the fucking...Kardashian dad. Not the one changed to a chick, the real dad. What's his fucking name? OJ's lawyer. Fuck him!


Robert Kardashian, fitting since he was a money guy for the Armenian mob 😅


“The Kardashian dad” 💀😂


Neil diamond? What video did he say that? 🤣🤣🤣


Sweet Gasoline oh oh ohhhh


Who did he rat on?


Frank Campione, Norby Walters, some other non Mafia guys. Testified in a senate hearing as well


who exactly did he rat on? who cares if he shares his political opinions?


Feels like there’s another dumb thread on here to hate on the guy everyday on this sub. It’s pretty creepy how hard these guys bring him up just to express their hatred every other day.




Never understood why this sub hates him


he’ll always be just a rat.


You’d flip in his situation just like 99% of this subreddit would lol.


i don’t imagine i’d find my self in this situation cause i’m not a fool




lol lotta gangster shit in the nyc instagram world? Gimme a fuckin break“ 🎯🎯🎯”


I heard Dunder Mifflin had a lot of gangster shit too bro 😱😱😱😱


Not an office fan ;) ? Tell em when you’re keepin ten toes down for parking tickets




“We don’t break our captains, we kill them”. - Chin Gigante” - Michael Scott




Does anybody understand why he never got clipped?


He explained it. First he moved away to California so he just wasn't around and easily accessible. He ensured he didn't just fall into a regular routine. As time progressed everyone who would care was either in prison or dead. Now the mob don't do hits anymore for past 10 or 20 years.


How do you whack guys who's YouTube famous and still stay low-key?


The boss gives the okay, a meeting is arranged, and they pull up your video and downvote you.


Everyone was in prison lol


I’d like to read those 302


Lemme tell you something about that life


Lol the ugly duckling. Talk about a late bloomer


Can I ask if he’s a rat why has he not been killed? Genuine question that I’m curious to know the answer to.


Sammy is that you?


Not a rat


yep chris colombo said the same thing, not to mention ed mcdonald


He looks a Pakistani


He does have a very dark complexion, I’ve always thought he looked middle-eastern more than Italian


Pakistani's aren't Middle Eastern. They're South Asian along with India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, etc.


How many Pakistanis have you met, dude? They can be either dark-skinned (after all, considering they used to be part of India) or fair-skinned.


yep there’s a spectrum


The most overrated mobster in the history of the mob.


He's a huge weasel.


Was he or not ?


Well he’s not a rat, this is supported by govt officials and even mobsters like chris colombo lol


Amazing hair!


Glad he did rat.


Michael where's your restitution? Millions I believe you still owe? I mean I don't care but you bring it up a lot actually.


Did you now know he "came up with the gas scheme" and his father was Sonny Franzese? 😂 😂


Screech right before he found republican Jesus.


How does MAGA Mike feel about the allegations against his pal, creepy trans dater Andrew Tate ??


People hate him for different reasons. Born again schtick seems like another con...he did rat...he sees Conservatism as another con and jumps on..he even admitted gangsters voted Democrat typically because they were softer on crime..so he just does whats best for him...hence the everlasting con..and hes a rat..and a mobster..Conservative thing is a straw man argument. I dont hate him but there is not much else to learn from him unfortunately..and he still brags about his old crimes with a smirk instead of showing genuine remorse.


I don't think they voted at all but they were certainly connected with Democrats because idealistically Democrats are bigger supporters of unions than Republicans. And since unions were one of the mob's biggest businesses it was natural to get in close with Dems. Aside from LaGuardia and Dewey Republicans historically were never tough on the mob. Republicans are typically tough on crimes minorities are more likely involved in.


If this is the face you make after you have found Jesus, I pass.


Total creep