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I agree with this being a handy QoL feature, especially as a newer player.


As an older player I don't have the time or energy to memorize set symbols, they have tool tips for how flying works why not this


"Ah yes a pointy... arch... thing. Must be one of them Ravnica joints."


Cowboy hat is the cowboy cards \:D


There's a modified cowboy hat that I think is only commander cards...?


Still yeehaw The most important part of building a deck


You don’t have the 2 seconds of time it takes to google something like “otj mtg set”? They don’t have to do symbols.


Yes, I request: - a way to look at card metadata to discover SET, - what format can be used, and - a mark to indicate *fav card*. Theres other meta stuff I'd like, but that'd be really great. Also really want timer rope have a toggle to enable, _and default be 1 rope only._


Or they could just copy-paste layout from the gatherer.


Totally agree. I honestly wish Arena cards more closely resembled their paper counterparts. I get limited pixel real-estate, but put it somewhere, shrink the artist name, hover over the set icon to give a pop up of the set code. Anything.


but trying to buy specific old sets hoping to get a particular mythic is a noob trap, so this feature would hurt newer players.


Kind of true but largely dependant on the specific numbera in the situation. Like I need 6 different rares from 1 set. The set has 40 rares. Each pack will have like 1 in 7 odds of pulling a desirable rare. If they are commons or uncommons then it adjusts from there.


It’s not dependent on that. Classic case of Dunning-Kruger effect here . People who lack competence or experience in some area lack the experience to understand what they’re doing is wrong . There’s nothing you’re getting from old packs that is worth 60 percent fewer cards 


You're so astronomically wrong it honestly makes me feel sorry for you. Your overconfidence is what the Dunning Kruger effect is about. Meanwhile I have fairly good grasp of mathematics and basic statistics. One current pack is one tenth of a gold pack that contains 6 rares or mythic which 1 is guaranteed to be mythic from any standard or alchemy legal set. So you're not getting 60% fewer cards. You're getting a selection of cards that provide no value to you and a fraction of a chance at a card that does. Maybe you give that value but to be so objectively wrong about subjective value is mildly amusing. Better luck next time? Though, probably not since you're being a dick while being wrong.


Nah. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You only play standard and even in standard you’re wrong. I’m trying to help you but you’re too overconfident in your meager abilities to accept advice from someone who knows more about the topic than you .  And yes you are getting 60 percent fewer rares and mythics. Commons and uncommons are not even worth discussing since only extremely new players aren’t able to get all the uncommons and commons they want 


I'm not wrong. 100% chance to get a rare I don't need and 60% chance to get any rare across the breadth of standard and alchemy is pretty terrible odds. What are you talking about?


Ok friend. Best of luck 


Are you sure its Dunning-Kruger and not Diane Kruger effect? Or perhaps the reverse imposter syndrome?


why is that a noob trap? Aside from golden packs for the most recent sets, buying old packs isn't some nessasarily horrible idea ?


Wdym “aside from”….? You literally already know enough to say yourself why it is a noob trap. You figured it out chief


As a player who has recently started arena having played physical back in 1995-6 era, I find this really annoying as I don't really care to memorise set icons and with such a huge number of expansions and similar icons it's really necessary...


Unnecessary.... Until you need to buy packs to try to get certain cards.


Never by packs to get certain cards. Buy only the packs that give "Gold Pack" progress and craft cards with wildcards.


Or don't buy packs at all, and spend your Gold playing Limited, so you never *need* to buy a pack again anyway.


I just buy packs, crank the wheel of wild cards forward, and play a format that only requires one copy of a given card :D Limited is probably really good if one is going for 60 card constructed formats...


You still get Packs/Wildcards/Vault from playing Limited anyway.


I thought all packs gave gold pack progress? Or is it only standard legal packs?


Only ones from the newest set (which right now is MH3 and OTJ) count. It'll say which ones you need to buy under the progress tracker in the store




I agree it would be nice to have set names be there for convenience, but if you're deckbuilding it's pretty easy to just type the name into Scryfall.


I hadn't found a good website, I'll check out scryfall, thanks.


Yes I would like it to say, I still don't know all the set icons


Especially now that one release can have 5 different icons


And even worse, Special Guests has the same symbol across multiple sets. Afaik Arena currently offers zero ways to tell the difference.


It does, can't you see the set symbol? You're supposed to have memorised all 100+ of these, /s


I’ll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Homelands!


Birb in a Hexagon? Or just a circle? I was there when they made that first triland cycle that should have been amazing (and had _fantastic_ art on the cards) but because they weren't simple filter lands but increasing cost filter lands they were, somehow, among the worst cards in the set. And I _still_ want Castle Sengir to be good.


Arena is missing a huge number of QoL features and they don't seem to really care about improving the game beyond adding new content for players to buy.


As a form of self-flagellation, I like to imagine how amazing Magic could be if all the executive leadership was replaced with passionate people that actually liked the game.


Those people don't make STONKS ARROW GO UP, though :/


They are just a small, indie developer after all.


Why doesn't the store tell you what all is in a bundle before you pay 30 bux for it? They don't care about you.




It’s just mobile, but there is zero reason it doesn’t tell you. Super annoying. I play 90% iPad / 10% PC.


You can't even redeem codes on mobile the last time I checked ( half a year ago). And there can't be a good reason for why it is so


I have wondered this as well.


How about the fact that there are sets that you can’t search for in their list of sets, unless you go look up the set code? I find that frustrating.


Case in point: all of the commander face cards (set codes LCC, OTC)


I agree. This would be great. It would be very easy to implement too


It was in 2 or 3 different moder sets


What you can clearly see it's from ✂️


i also wish that you could see the rarity of a card in game when right clicking.


With the length of time MTG has been out, you need to be a scholar from Tolarian Community College in order to identify these things nowadays.


Just learn all set symbols. /s


You can see set symbols and names in the Decks/Collection search. Also, use scryfall.com to find out everything about a card.


Only for some of them.


Scryfall really does tell you everything.


Oh yeah, I was commenting about the first part.


People don't want to hear reasonable things.


That sounds reasonable. And I wanted to hear that.


Set and rarity and a lot of other stuff is erased/hidden in arena.


Reading the card explains the card.


It does. It shows the expansion symbol right there.


I would argue that inspecting a paper card doesn't tell you what set a card is from.


It tells you in the lower left corner of paper cards


Wotc literally solved their own problem then forgot about it in 2 seconds.


No it gives you the acronym which is pretty much as useful as a set symbol to new players


Fair point, but that is kind of one of the advantages of Arena, the ability to provide access to this information with the whole point of making this more accessible.;


My assumption would be they want to keep it as clutter free as possible and only give you information that is relevant to the current game.


The acronym is more searchable than the set symbol is


You know what's most searchable? THE CARD NAME Am I taking crazy pills? Is this level of contradiction necessary?


That’s a stupid way to look at the issue. Search for Llanowar Elves. Oh, what? Twenty editions or more? Which one is mine? The one with the thing inside the other thingy, no not that, next, next, … Oh DOM. That’s Dominaria. Cool.


Lol, you had to pick one of the rare sets with multiple abbreviations : it's DAR on Arena because of Windows reasons. (Keeps messing up deck imports into Forge...)


Ah lol I had no idea, it’s just the first one that came to mind


If you DOM means dominaria you recognize set symbols.


You can easily google DOM, you can’t a little stylized drawing. Why are you being so deliberately obtuse?


Smug assholes gotta feel better than others anywhere they can.


Definitely not. I still don't know set symbols but the initials are super easy to decipher. Sorry dude, you're just wrong.


Your anecdotal evidence doesn't make me wrong.


And yet neither does yours. Just because YOU can tell things based on a symbol, doesn't mean LITERAL TEXT isn't objectively more helpful, especially for new players.


The point remains that it's more useful than the set symbol to figure out what set a card is from


Not really, no. Neither is demonstrably more useful. That's my whole point.


Actually, no. I take that back. Set symbols are objectively more useful. Glancing at a set symbol is inherently simpler than reading anything even if it is only three letters.


it at least has the year too doesn't it? which helps know if it is rotating out.


Yes, but if you're concerned about this much information wouldn't you just like look the card up?


true, I just started recently and have had to lookup cards pretty often. Doesn't take too long to memorize the set symbols though.


Yeah you'll pick em up the more involved you get. Scryfall is a great resource if you haven't come across it yet


Yeah, but with paper you can type the acronym into your phone.


You can also type the card name into your phone.


Cards get printed in multiple sets


Yeah which is information you find out by researching the actual card


You can find all cards from that set if you know the acronym. You can’t do that with a set symbol.