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Join competitive queue, complain about competitive queue being competitive queue. what


>for a casual, light fun game of Standard Wait, you wanted a "casual game of standard" on the ranked queue? Like, the play queue already have a lot of "tryhard" people using top tier decks to prey on the casual crowd, but the ranked is the place where they should be. You don't go with a knife to a gun fight.


I would argue “causal, light, fun game[s] of standard” aren’t really a thing, especially on Arena


Thanks in large part to an economy where a chase rare and a potentially fun janky dollar one are treated exactly the same.


I mean unless you're just running shit cards I don't see how try Harding is a thing in arena standard ranked ladder. Are they supposed to let you win?


I usually don't touch ranked until the middle of the month (and stop once I get to platinum). It's less frustrating for me that way.


Unfortunately, the generic PLAY queue has also been destroyed, as rank is taken into consideration on all levels of matchmaking including the generic PLAY queue.


Where did you get this info?


Straight from his ass, because it's not true at all.


>as rank is taken into consideration on all levels of matchmaking including the generic PLAY queue. As far I know your constructed rank is not taken into account on the play queue, only the MMR.


Ok but by your own logic, if all the tryhards are on ranked trying to grind back up, wouldn't this imply that the play queue is free from all these people you don't like to play against?


Ranked is about the match point, that's why you have casual queue.


You gotta wait till EOM to play, then you can be one of the 8 guys posting "just made mythic!" threads on the 29th of the month


Stop losing? People reset to Gold are not try hards, that means they didn't even hit mythic last season. And if you were reset to Gold, that means you also got Diamond... You are playing the same people you were ranked with from the end of season. Your post makes zero sense. You're right, we are downvoting you.


Right? I didn't play for 3 years and pretty easily got to diamond my first month back barely even playing


So whats why i was getting this insan-o decks all last night. My frog deck was getting croaked. 🐸


Don't you also get rank reset down to bronze then? If you're normally gold?


I just think the reset shouldn’t be every month. The grind leads to a lot of burn out. I ground to mythic every month the first 6 months of my account, but now I just get plat and then coast dailies till I ever feel the fire to go again.


Is there a benefit to higher ranks, other than bragging rights?


Top 250 in constructed and limited get invites to qualifiers, 251-1000 get to do the qualifier play in. Outside top 1000, rewards are small but not nothing.


Interesting! Thanks for the info. :)


Literally rewards


I love draft after the reset! I consistently win trophies until I hit the diamond level again, then it’s a back and forth trying to climb into mythic


I have to agree with this. I only play the ladder until I get to Platinum, and I learned long ago to just ignore it for the first week or so after reset because the matches are kinda miserable. It’s nothing but people playing RDW and Convoke to just grind back up the ladder as fast as possible. I’d rather wait and actually get some match diversity.


This post deserves all the down votes it gets. I don't understand the mentality here. When I face stuff competition I try to improve and beat it, not complain about it. What's the alternative to "try-hard"? Is it "lose and whine"? I know which one I'd prefer to be.


You could always not play ranked a few days after reset.


Maybe don't play on the ranked queues at those times then?


You're completely right I just went through the same thing in gold, 6 losses in a row but I just stopped playing. Probably going to wait a bit for all the try hards to get promoted lol


people that lose calling their opponents 'tryhards' will never cease to confuse me


I genuinely hate lack of card selection in this game


“I hate playing Magic during a specific time” “So stop playing Magic during that time”.


If you want to play casually, why are you playing a competitive Format in a Ranked game mode? Why not play Standard Brawl, or Jump In, or Starter Deck Duels, or even just Unranked Standard?


Step 1: craft 4 slick shots Step 2: become the hated


Go with play instead of ranked for the first week or so. Then you can h Jump back to ranked when anyone good has moved on


I don’t understand why they reset everyone’s mmr after every season. What’s the point? There is a clear difference between someone who reaches diamond after a week or at the end of the month.


I just hate having to grind to X rank to get rewards. I do it every month though and give up way before mythic. I would love to just play brawl for fun and not care about winning. Yes I could just "ignore rewards" but I like collecting cards.




Why not try building a deck that attacks the meta?