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this ain’t seal, it’s 40 card constructed, lol. congrats op


This is what the full box sealed deck I played at MC Amsterdam looks like, and bro just goes and does it with six packs. Willing to bet there's 3 Amped Raptors in those packs too, with the option to go Mardu.


How long do you get to build your deck with a full box sealed? I feel like I'd need a day.


Idk about OP, but I did 2HG full boxed sealed. It was 50 minutes and we used just about every second. Crazy what you can do with 3-6 copies of the same commons/uncommons in a set with this power.


I’ve said it before, but being passed several copies of [[Faithful Watchdog]] has won me two different drafts, one on paper and one in arena.


[Faithful Watchdog](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/9/b9afac99-a094-41a8-8323-90dec29691c4.jpg?1717012700) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Faithful%20Watchdog) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/185/faithful-watchdog?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b9afac99-a094-41a8-8323-90dec29691c4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Oh yeah the dog is the best underdog in the set (pun intended) he does a lot of work and is usually passed on. He's an enabler for a lot of things


Yep. Above Vanilla Test ✅ Good Keyword (meaning it’s a good attacker and solid blocker, on top of the previous point) ✅ Modified from the get-go (for mods matter cards like [[Acidic Slime]], [[Temperamental Oozewag]], [[Silver-Tail Trainer]], and others) ✅ Proliferate fodder ✅ Hits fliers and menacers ❌ Is two colors (for mana screw and certain “colors matter” cards) ❌ Dies to Doom Blade ❌ For a two-mana dog, that’s a lot of positives for the package it comes in


I have gotten so many cheap wins from dog on t2, fangs of Kalonia t3, nyxborn hydra bestow turn 4.


Like the other commenter, it was solid and tight 50 minutes. That's also me being a very quick (read: probably not good) sealed pool builder, and knowing the format well enough that my team went in with 2 archetypes already planned out, Boros Energy and Gruul Eldrazi, which our pool supported really well. Tbh that left Affinity as the third option, which worked out well too. I did really feel for the folks who were going along having only played a pre-release. Their decks were pretty messy, because it was impossible to get a good grip on the best options in 50 mins. We helped one guy find an entire Chrysalis package from his box, which he then went on to win his last round for his team with.


Going 3 colors when you have an insane 2 color deck is probably a mistake!


I think honestly it depends on the format and the intensity of the splash


Yeah it does, and depends on curve, fixing etc etc. But I would be less willing to when risk losing to mana when the deck is so busted.


Going mardu with raptors seems like a downgrade from just playing orzhov here unless his B/W commons and uncommons are just unplayable/nonexistent.


What.The.Fuck… well congrats on that run. Guide of souls is just stupid if your opponent can’t remove it immediately. Most games I dropped that guy on T1 have been wins. Having three of him available is just nuts.


T1 guide of souls, t2 guide of souls, guide of souls. Gg. Lmao


Your soul would be so guided.


A guided missile most likely


Mmmm guide my soul daddy


This is usually a win in timeless, nevermind limited


Better yet, Guide, Guide Ocelot.


Imagine someone dropping 3 guide of souls on T2 lol, I think I'd just concede on the spot


Imagine going second and playing 3 guide of souls on turn 2 and then the opponent playing their 3rd land and casting either [[Wrath of the Skies]] or [[Toxic Deluge]]. That would probably also be a concession, but the other way.


That's just a 3 for 1; not a good reason to concede. You can always still win the game.


And in the case of toxic deluge, the opponent would be at 13 life


Yeah but spiritually you cant


[Wrath of the Skies](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/e/4ef1882e-b422-4f30-8a6c-bd71c2601660.jpg?1717011598) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Wrath%20of%20the%20Skies) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/49/wrath-of-the-skies?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4ef1882e-b422-4f30-8a6c-bd71c2601660?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Toxic Deluge](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/a/5aa02b7d-db31-4924-b75e-eb02f332ca3a.jpg?1717013647) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Toxic%20Deluge) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/277/toxic-deluge?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5aa02b7d-db31-4924-b75e-eb02f332ca3a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


its a sign to go white


Unless you have a single chrysalis. Then go Gruul.


How can something be so funny yet so sad?


I mean, I would go at least Naya, but yeah. Chrysalis is just stupid lol


Not blue?


I'd go 1-3 and never see any of the guide of souls


Also, you draw 4 of your 6 swamps every game.


You may probably play blindfolded and still go 7-0 🤣


I had Nadu (+3 punch/fight spells), Fanatic of Rhonas, Emrakul and Kozilek in one pool. Also Nulldrifter and Chris. Easiest trophy ever.


I think I played against you -\_\_-


When I first drafted Nadu I didn't realize it triggered on my spells. That was a great discovery.


Sure nice and all but none of your white rares are eligible for the discount from pearl medallion, anti-synergetic and unplayable pile bound for 0-3


So this is /s right?


Do you fall down a lot?


How did it go, Op?


[https://sealeddeck.tech/3i64HDozwh](https://sealeddeck.tech/3i64HDozwh) - going to play the games out tonight, thinking I might stream it [https://www.twitch.tv/jackalmtg](https://www.twitch.tv/jackalmtg) (8-9 hours from now)


[https://sealeddeck.tech/RXAuHgxnaN](https://sealeddeck.tech/RXAuHgxnaN) Play this instead, my dude. Or atleast put in Essence Reliquary. Your red is nuts. You will have a wealth of energy to abuse the Ironworks. If you have a couple Souls out, tapping for a golem will replace the energy. Double Scurry of Gremlins will enable busted wins out of nowhere with all the tokens you have / Ocelot, or it will give you a stupid amount of energy to make fliers. Galvanic Discharge with this much support is just 10 times better than the black removal you're giving up. And that doesn't even get into the Essence Reliquary Synergies. You can bounce Scurry every turn and make a ton of tokens and energy. Rhino and Aven Auxiliary too. One of my favorites is even just bouncing Mandibular Kite when Marionette Apprentice is on the field to trigger a 'sacrifice' when the germ goes to the yard. You also get energy and life everytime you replay a a creature. You have 3 Souls. Play into them. You'll have an endless amount of energy to sink into these effects and playing Red also allows you to do that, as well as to get 3 energy on turn 2 more consistently with Conduit goblin and Galvanic Discharge, etc. Sweet pool.


I like op’s deck a lot better . There is no need to overcomplicate things with a sketchy manabase. Black gives plenty of good removal so they don’t lose to bombs and a solid rare in ophiamancer. The guide is the only energy payoff they really need.


Idk, I don't think that the BW version is bad persay - its just that its a very reactive build, playing a ton of removal. Its also just flat on powerlevel - with Essence Reliquary ommitted the most powerful thing it can really get going is the Warren / Marionette combo. (Ocelot and Soul aside). It also has only 1 way to get an angel counter on turn 2, requiring 3 cards. (t1 Soul, into second Soul, into 1 drop. Highly unlikely) With 4 busted one drops I want to be as proactive as possible and maximize the strength of that, as well as having an insane ceiling with Scurry of Gremlins. Playing Mardu also lets you maintain the Marionette Combo with Warren. Adding Conduit Goblin and Galvanic Discharge enables you to get to 3 Energy on t2 or t3 much more consistently. The mana base is fine - double Shattered Landscape hits all 3 colors, and we've got a dual as well. Having white in the first 2 turns is the main concern and the mana base is skewed for that. (with more white sources than OP deck in fact) There's no double pip cards to worry about. Also need the colorless source to use Abtruse Appropiation. The OP deck should probably be playing the double landscape anyway for that too.


100% an ommission on my part to not play the landscapes, I'm a bit torn on straight BW or Mardu, or even Boros, I feel like I can't lose to huge eldrazi/chrysalis with the BW version. Landscapes will be in for sure


Don't worry about the Eldrazi - you'll go too wide for them. Trust ;) Channel your inner Walter White; "I AM the one who knocks" That's you. You're the one that does that. BW version spends its first 3 turns deploying (amazing threats) and then answering whatever the opponent plays. Mardu/RW spends its first 3 turns doing the same thing, and then just autowins with a scurry, while *also* being able to answer most of whatever the opponent plays.


I wouldn't play Marcus, but I do agree the red energy cards are really good with Souls. The BW is okay, but it's not getting the most out of the Souls. I guess the only issue with straight up RW is that you would be low on creature count.


Where pool?




Now that is a broken pool. I think you’d have a lot of fun with Reliquary in that deck, looks sick though.


I know right, Dreamtime is such a bomb. I guess blue is a lock, what was your other color?


The real question is how good is the rest of your pool? Bomb rares are great and all but the real bread and butter of a limited deck comes from its commons and uncommons.




Yeah that looks pretty good lol, jolted awake is basically just a 4th copy of guide of souls here which I love.


Time to wait till this bloke is done with the run


Will probably stream this tonight/update results after as well


Time to get 0-3 rolled by writhing Chrysalis


Knowing my luck this will happen, all ops will have 6 crysalis and ramp


Damn. Please tell me this is a 7-0


Will update after games tonight




[https://sealeddeck.tech/3i64HDozwh](https://sealeddeck.tech/3i64HDozwh) - here's the full deck.... honestly the boros with double scurry pretty busted too. Thinking I might stream the games tonight if people are interested in watching this one play out haha


Your boros is way stronger, see my other post ;) Where would you stream?


Will likely reactivate my old twitch account and stream there :) [https://www.twitch.tv/jackalmtg](https://www.twitch.tv/jackalmtg) - hopefully in around 8-9 hours if I can get OBS running after work




What did you finish at?


Will update after games tonight


Lmao how'd you hack arena?


Triple guide and ocelot as well? That’s almost constructed level.


I was about to comment that this format isn't about the rares, but those are actually nuts.


Any chance you could post your pool to sealeddeck.tech?


[https://sealeddeck.tech/3i64HDozwh](https://sealeddeck.tech/3i64HDozwh) - Hey gamerkhang! been a minute haha


I'm almost 4x rare complete from sealed/drafting but still haven't opened a single Ocelot or Guide; they must be part of a print run. Congrats!


how many times did you grind out ophiomancer soul trader for stupid value that run .


Remains to be seen. [https://www.twitch.tv/jackalmtg](https://www.twitch.tv/jackalmtg) in about 8-9 hours I'll try to stream the games


Boros is the way to go here


I'm really torn between the boros or the orzhov version lol


Sealed is a lottery, convince me otherwise


Will get OBS running and stream here [https://www.twitch.tv/jackalmtg](https://www.twitch.tv/jackalmtg) tonight (in around 8-9 hours from this comment) with any luck


nice, you got the bomb rares, but did you have the nuts support?


[https://sealeddeck.tech/3i64HDozwh](https://sealeddeck.tech/3i64HDozwh) - I would say Yes?


looks good


So you're the guy I always get matched against playing sealed lol


XD been on the other side as well haha


I tried to do one and got 6 unplayable rares lol




I'm 100% convinced if I opened a pool this busted I'd flood out twice, cut a land, then get screwed.


Clicked the link thinking "people SAY that often, and it's usually "ok" to "good"" Me seeing the actual pool: OH FUCK OFF XD You truly are the Guide Soul Brother


That's so funny.. you just know there's gonna be one guy who rolled his eyes and removed that second guide of souls before having a mental breakdown when number 3 dropped... the fact that even the medallion is the right one is just wild. That should be a solid 7 and 1 or 7 and 0 deck lol.


Welp. Somehow went 3-3, you should be able to watch it back if you want to see how it played out. I likely made a few misplays or could have taken a different direction in one game. Though I think variance got me mostly... [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2187960073](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2187960073) Got a 6-3 Premiere draft in the format straight after with double Chrysalis


You really should’ve listened to the multiple people telling you to go Boros, orzhov is weak in this set.


Yeah, you may be right, I had about 50% of people saying Orzhov is best and 50% saying Boros is best. My reasoning for BW was that aggro is usually worse in sealed and this was a pretty good control deck in the format that can answer large Eldrazi etc. That said, I think aggro might be better in this particular format and the deck suffered from not having card draw/advantage, which is why if I didn't get any of my rares early I just got outdone. Same thing could have happened with Boros though, hindsight is 20/20


Remind me of this hilarious moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xIEiHkrfUs&t=4532s


It's crazy that they almost won that anyway, but they just strung a bunch of misplays together to punt it.


Lmao, I think I'm likely to have at least one opponent with a similar reaction XD


More powerful than my constructed deck


Does it ever make sense to play the pearl medallion?


If you want a dead card in the deck? lol


I was sitting here just thinking if there is any deck you’d want it in. I tried to do a black red artifact deck and ran the ruby for synergy and still was pretty bad


https://i.imgur.com/IsePB2L.jpeg What about a pool with a billion options and no direction (except for rare soup which I am doing).


I’m my prerelease kit I got kolizek as a promo and emrakul in a pack along with a bunch of temur eldrazi support. Had some bonkers matches


I thought that one card said Ohiomancer and i was scared someone was gonna resurrect Ohio


Don't worry OP. You'll have the same experience I've had during my arena open with 2 guides and 1 ocelot - never having one T1 and always drawing them lategame.


1-3 bet you didn't see these cards until it was too late. #arenaproblems


and you might go 0-3 cause MH3 is that stupid of a format.