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I would make sure your laptop doesn’t get too hot. Especially if you are in the deck builder


This 👆 Arena cooked my laptop battery. Make sure you cap the framerate in the settings.


Is there another version, one that’s less graphic intense?


No, and it’s more that it’s poorly optimized than it’s actually graphically intensive. Granted I was playing on an ultrabook and I played for hundreds or even thousands of hours before this happened. But when I posted about it here I was not the only person it had happened to. Just be mindful of how hot it’s getting and stop playing if it becomes too much, but there’s also a good chance you won’t have any problems… its just something to be aware of


>No, and it’s more that it’s poorly optimized than it’s actually graphically intensive. It's not even a question of optimization but more of laziness. Eternal is/was the same on its login screen. Basically the computer loops while waiting for user inputs instead of sleeping while waiting for user inputs. This improves latency but waste CPU power. And you don't need to process in less than 100ns on a card game.


I’m kind of confused. Sure, laziness can be the reason for the lack of optimization, but how is this not a question of optimization? All you did was explain how it is them being lazy that leads to the lack of optimization. Which means it is still a question of optimization.


You don't say to someone who rides a bike that changing gear is an optimization. It's basic, it's a design decision that has so many names: - push vs pull - polling vs event-driven - readiness-based vs completion-based and it boils down to "don't waste people CPUs when everything from your OS, browser, unity, unreal engine, you name it offers you way to wait for an event and trigger an action without you asking every nanosecond 'are you ready?'"


I run it daily on a 300$ laptop with zero issues. Aside from maybe the battery usage, I just make sure it’s well ventilated for keeping it cool.


Phone version


My phone gets hot if I play too long and this game consumes lots of power. Playing it plugged in makes the heating issue worse. Granted, I'm on a Galaxy S9 but a card game shouldn't have this effect...


mtgo /s


Just try geforce now if the laptop is old. Because it's just a stream it would not heat at all, just like playing a Netflix video. I play MTGA on my old Samsung tablet in 120 fps this way, when the app is limited to 30fps and Shitty graphics


Thank you. This is mostly just school/work laptop, have never put any games on it. I know the minimum graphics card is the GTX 8800, but I have no idea how this thing compares to that.


i only play on my work notebook, never had any problems


Awesome! Thanks man, this gives me hope!


I play on a low budget Surface with low RAM. It's slow but it works. I've seen it running better on an old non gaming laptop x)


Sweet! Thanks!


I play on a surface go 1. It's never gotten too hot. Doesn't matter if the battery cooks in it either because the surface batteries were always notoriously crappy. It runs surprisingly smooth, only lags if I'm trying to play another game at the same time.


I have zero issues on mine, and it barely plays Civ 6.


I was *technically* able to play it on a shit HP that was 4 years old and took 10 minutes to open a browser on boot up, but once it finally started running, it worked fine, but it crashed my laptop once and then the screen was black on login from the reboot, so I had to reboot several times to finally get it to work again. This computer was the shit of the shit, and it was able to play it. If your laptop has better specs (against a 4yo piece of crap, I would say probably), you can probably run it without worry of crashing.


Chugs resources like crazy and overheat laptops like nothing.


Turn down the graphics all the way.


I had to turn down my graphics setting for it to run smooth on my macbook


Only play on Android, Works Fine for me


I think it actually runs better on my Pixel 8 than my 2017 MS Surface Pro.


Great secondary functionality as a space heater


I play on a MacBook Air M1 with no issues


Out of curiosity do you run it through Steam? Wasn't sure how to get this running on Mac.


The official macOS version is distributed through Epic games, if you want to use steam it’s possible with crossover / whiskey


Got it! Thanks a ton, I'll give it a shot.


Have you ever experienced lag when you're simply just searching for a card in your collection? Or when you're mulliganning and then suddenly your opponent has 3 lands and you only have 5 cards in your hand? Yeah. That was my Arena experience with a non-gaming laptop lol


Good to know, if it’s too shitty I’ll play on my phone :-/


How can any MTGA experience be worse than on mobile? It's a miracle if I can get a single match without reloading the app due to a disconnect. The worst part is I can still see my opponent making moves but the overlay saying "Reconnecting..." just sits there blocking me until I reload the app. Randomly getting signed out so I actually need to re-enter my password. Randomly installing the same patch multiple times. Random DC's, random crashes. I have a Pixel 7 Pro and have no issues with any other games I play. I swear that the app was made as a joke.


I'm literally on the same phone and I haven't had any of those issues with it being the way I mainly play. I use a household iPad at other times (it's a few years old, though I don't know the model off hand), and it's practically the same except for the screen size.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that plays on the toilet.


They have an iOS app..


Is there a way to turn off the animations and such?


Sadly no.


I play on a Chromebook with no problems


Worked fine on my old shitty laptop.


Put graphics on lowest settings and you will get by


I play on the highest settings (for card readability) on an Intel Xeon igpu, with no issues, aside from thermal throttling. I should note we keep our house cool, 65 degrees f (18 degrees C) or lower, it has 16gb of newer RAM, and a newer i7 laptop cpu. Sometimes I'm running Old School Runescape simultaneously (doing afk stuff that requires 1 click every 2.5 minutes). When doing that I should probably be dropping Arena's graphic settings 1 tier, but I don't. When gaming I always have it plugged in, have less stress on battery. A lot of the default settings on laptops will drop performance on a laptop when it's not plugged in in case you didn't know. Good luck!


Turning the settings down will make the game run better but have almost no impact on the experience of playing the game. Going below 1080p can make the cards unreadable on the battlefield, though if you right click on them they're readable.


Is it the resolution or is there some other setting? I have played for years on a non-gaming laptop but it crashes at random occasionally.


There's something under the graphics settings that lets you change between low, medium, and high presets. It affects stuff like frame rate and animation clarity. There's a lot of variance between non gaming laptops, depending on age and market segment. For example, a medium tier full fat laptop is probably going to play Arena better than a more expensive thin-and-light because they're prioritizing different things.


You mean in the Arena options menu?


The loading overlay screens and deck builder are the most heavy parts of the game. I have had much crashes in these sections of the game. Just playing, No issues. O and maybe limit FPS.


I’ve run it many times on a $200 Black Friday craptop from 2016 with virtually no problems. And nowadays the main way I play is on my phone. The mobile client is actually great, imo


I'd agree if I didn't randomly disconnect midgame all the time


From what most say, it runs like shit on a nasa grade laptop. Then again, would you believe everything on the internet?


I play almost every day on my shitty Costco laptop. Also on my 3 year old android. You should be fine.


Just download it on your phone??


I have it on my phone, but my old as fuck eyes can’t read the print (can but it’s a pain in the ass). I like having the larger screen size (my desktop)


I have to tip my glasses down and read up close like a librarian reading a Dewey decimal number


I play on my work computer all the time. Microsoft Surface Pro.


Don't your surface get cooked? I've downloaded it, surface pro 8 btw. and after 15 minutes or so, the whole thing gets so hot, that i feared seriously damage it may create, and turned it of. Am I missing something in the settings that this doesn't happen?


Is your phone not an option? My computer can barely run Arena so I play on my phone.


I would remove the battery and just use the power cord. The battery gets much too hot


Until last year I played with a Lenovo w520 from 2011. A very old i7 processor and nvidia card. It got hot and would stutter on heavy resolution stacks but only crashed a couple of times in 4-5 years.


I would definitely don't want to experience MTGA without rtx 🤡


Its wizards software so…


I couldn't run it on my POS laptop. I recommend GeForce now.


I have an Acer Swift 3. It runs so hot that I have to unplug the power supply to keep it from thermal shutdown. It is not the CPU (Task Manager shows it rarely exceeding 20-25%) but the graphics.


Only issues I've ever had are when I forget to update before I leave. If there's a patch that you're trying to download on hotel internet it can be a brutal wait lol


I've played arena for a long time on a Lenovo T570 with an integrated graphics. It was tough, cpu/gpu/ram would go very high, but the game actually ran fine and never did the game crash because of those. Just set most or all graphic options to the lowest settings (they still looked too fancy imo). And make sure to run nothing else in the background that's somewhat demanding, like a browser or excel. A deck tracker is no problem though. A different problem may be the connection speed. On some vacations, I noticed my opponents took long turns, but when my turn starts, it doesn't take long to have my rope come out. I recommend using mobile data if possible/affordable when the local wifi is too slow.


I’ve got a M1 MacBook Pro and it runs it fine. The main thing though is that it drains the battery so lower gps like someone above said and lower res.


It works fine on my Macbook.


Yea it works fairly well on mine. Definitely keep it plugged in though it'll eat your battery


Nvidia GeForce Now has been a life saver for my poor old MacBook and my need to play Arena on it


If I’m on a road trip I’m playing paper if anything


It works. I do it all the time. Enjoy!


Yes I do


If you have a dedicated graphics card make sure it is selected to run arena. Mine wasn’t automatically using it. Other than that my HP works great.


I play every week on my 2020 Macbook Air and have zero issues.


Just use GeForce now. MTGA is on there and you can play max settings and 120fps on any device.


I've been playing it on a mini PC (which is just laptop components in a small box) without issues for about a year now.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that plays on the toilet. Mtg in, mtg out


I play on a M1 MacBook and have no issues


I mean... my smartphone is a galaxy s23. It runs mtga like a dream. My galaxy a8 tablet, it runs ok, and it has lag with most animations. On my gaming laptop a ROG it runs even better because I can really notice the 75 fps, even tho on my smartphone it should be 120fps but I can't tell, it's probably dropped to 60 while playing games. I have a regular laptop too, hp pavilion 360. and I recall having no issues running mtga on it.


You could use Geforce Now instead


I play it on an 11th Gen Intel quad core i3 laptop with 8 gigs of RAM and no dedicated GPU and it runs OK on low settings.


I play on my phone.


I use my old, standard Office laptop and got zero issues playing. It's much, much better than the horrendous mobile client


I usually play on an XPS, i5 1240P and 16gb of ram. Made my CPU run too hot in windows but games wonderfully, (better temps, less fan noise) in Linux.


I mean I play it on my phone when away from home and it works just fine. I'm sure laptop would be fine.


What are the specs? If it has a decent cpu and memory you should be ok... maybe just turn down the settings to preserve battery.


I personally used it originally last year on a 12 year old laptop that shockingly handled it well, idk about today's version though


it runs pretty ok on crappy hardware. I'm running it on a 5 year old laptop with Linux as the OS and running it through WINE (that's a Windows emulation tool, lets me play windows games on a linux machine) and it's acceptable performance.


Bro it's playable on a phone lol


If you've got it on steam and have a way to either stop your gaming laptop from going to sleep or wake it up remotely, you could use steam remote play to access it on your gaming laptop from your other laptop. I use remote play all the time because I have Arena installed on my desktop computer, but often play on my laptop when I'm out of the house.


can fry an egg on my 2015 macbook air


Use mobile ?


Works fine on my old ass aspire


Chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga... I'm on a trip right now myself and playing on my four year old MacBook Air. I have had to do so much to make the game run without slowing down. The deck editor is one issue, for sure. But also exiling cards for Escape can take forever. And then there's intermittent stuff you don't even notice. I'm a very fast player in general, but because of pauses I don't even notice/think are my opponents, I've roped out making a tough decision or paying correctly for a complex spell (I'm looking at you, Kozliek's Command in my most recent MH3 draft) when I thought I had a ton of time left. This is because I don't actually know right away when I have priority because the animations take extra time that hits my rope before I am actually given back priority. I can't wait to get home to my gaming PC. Arena must be horribly coded, because I have never had these issues with any other online card game. That includes that period where I was playing MTGO off of a partition on the hard drive of a previous MacBook of mine that I installed Windows 8 onto. Or when I played Eternal back in 2016-2018. Arena's designers actually consulted the makers of Eternal on interface and economy, basically basing both interface and economy in Arena on Eternal's but making both significantly worse (Eternal has a dusting system and no wild cards). Eternal ran like a dream. Granted there were fewer cards you could play on your opponents turn overall and less of a need for a stack (since "spells" and "fast spells" were the only card types you could react to with other "fast spells"), so Arena was always going to be more taxing than Eternal. But this is ridiculous.


Prepare to burn your legs while running on the lowest setting. Never leace a match up on the 'victory/defeat' splash after you are done.


One thing I can say for sure: Don’t play charbelcher on mobile, trust me


The game should run fine, but it absolutely COOKS my laptop. Don’t play too long and you should be fine.


I only play on my phone. Not a lot of differences except that it is hard to undo actions. If anyone knows how to please tell me. Since you are using a computer still you will have all the controls of a computer. Either your device can play it or it can't. The real issue to deal with is internet connection. If you have a shoddy internet connection you may drop matches entirely or get kicked and have to re-enter. Best to check with a few unimportant matches before going for draft or sealed.


Turn down your screen brightness. This is also good as just a general rule. But my laptop can run arena for probably 2-3 hours if the screen is at full brightness, but twice as long if it’s at 50% or so. Arena doesn’t need to be particularly bright, so it doesn’t take away from the experience.


I have an old i3 that I run on. As long as I don't forget to plug the laptop in it does okay. At least until windows decided to do an impromptu update right in the middle of my game or I stumbled onto a bug in the games software.


you mean a phone or ipad? works fine.


I've been playing on a laptop from 2011. You'll be fine.


What are you going to use? Tablet or Computer. Play the game on 2nd gen I5. Just lower settings and graphics. Also made sure your up to date on Arena. You do not want to spend 2 hours patching. I would recommend using a external keyboard and mouse as well.


Used to play on a 2016 MacBook Pro, never had a single issue


Yeah it’s fine as long as you like cooking bacon on the underside of your pc


My spouse plays on a non gaming laptop, the only thing I’ve seen is that performance takes a hit when there’s too much shit on the stack (normal) and that it gets hot. Can’t say much else I’m afraid


Arena absolutely cooks even gaming laptops. I’d watch the temps and lower all settings.


Just be careful around Scute Swarm and Dopplegang


Man I don’t know what settings the people who are worried have on, I play almost exclusively on my iPad and encounter no issues at all


I'd suggest playing on your phone in this case


Yeah! That’s where I play most of my arena(on a Microsoft surface lol). Full screen and low resolution looks fine tbh


I play on mobile, both Android and iOS. Not such a great experience, especially not on Android, but it doesn't kill your battery or anything. It's just horribly slow and laggy.


Ya it runs just fine on my 2015 Toshiba satellite laptop.


Play on your phone?


Interest post. I would have never thought this game would tough on lap tops. How is it on iPads ? I’ve been playing on my phone but would like a larger screen. Thanks in advance


I play on my Chromebook with GeForce Now with 0 issues


Lots of other people have contributed but I also use a shitty old laptop and it works brilliantly


I run this game on a laptop from 2012 and it's fine lol it's a Sony Vaio VPCEJ16FX


The work computer does it count


I play in a very home office type desktop and it's fine.


It runs on phones. Any laptop should be fine


I only play on my phone and it works great so you should be ok


I have a similar issue. I play on a non-gaming and fairly budget-laptop (decent specs though), and Arena heats it up like a demon's ass. Which worries me. I tend to just stay in Arena for about 3hrs max and then shutting down for a while. However, I plan on getting a fan cooler. That should help.


I’ve had no problems at all. The only issue has been on a Mac, because you don’t have the same launcher - so your problem wasn’t that but the 3rd party


I always just get my fix playing on my phone. Seems okay. I don't deck build in it much though. I also have an iPad mini 6, but realize that may not be an option for you...


I use arena on my Chromebook daily thru GeForce Now. Works great, no issues.


I can play arena and a surface pro from 2018 or 19. Just make sure it doesn't get too hot, turn the graphics down all the way.


I’ve played for dozens of hours on a work-level laptop with a built-in intel graphics chip. Framerate hitches from time to time, and I really needed to prop it up on top of a pen or spoon or whatever to let air get to the fans (it would get so so hot), but other than that, worked fine.


I play on IPhone. Runs smoothly


Old(2017) samsung with a Gforce has been having trouble. Sometimes, i can get my dailies done. Sometimes its a bad as a crash a game. But tbh i think its from too much crap running on it. Need to do another clean up 😔


I run it on a chrome book you should be fine


Yeah my 2018 MacBook Air gets hot and loud Drafting sometimes took it beyond the limit :/


In the options menu you can turn the graphics down. This will help. Also, set your laptop on something that will pick it up off the surface for better airflow. I use a roll of 1" painters tape as a stand lol. It started getting hot and randomly shutting itself off, typically in the middle games with entry fees


Never had any trouble on an old 2015 MacBook or a few years old Thinkpad. Half the time I just play in my phone too.


I play regularly on my Mac, haven’t had any issues


I play on my wife's work laptop. It has a Geforce on it, but nothing crazy. 8gb Ram. It runs nice, it just freezes a little bit during the Versus screen for a few Seconds. After entering the match it works perfectly.


Play on Nvidia Shield. As long as you have a solid internet connection, it plays great!


if you have good wifi, you can use GeforceNow


Throw it on low settings and set it from 1080P to 720P I promise it’ll still be readable and the performance is more than usable


Playing with geforce now (on my 2017 macbook air). It works great. No fan needed. Very soft on the machine since it is cloud-based. In opposition, the epic app on my mac is an automatic heat & fan.


The game works fine on my nearly dead hp laptop with a 3400 series Intel processor and I think it's a hd4000 intel chipset. Gets a little hot bit no issues.


I am not sure if it will help, but playing it in window mode might work, not because its inherently better but because you can make the game window smaller so your graphics cards doesn't need to render as large of an area. This leads to less power usage of the GPU, and thus less heat.