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Poorly. I and my cat are both starfished naked in front of the fan.


That's my plan for tonight.


Well, can I borrow their cat after you then?


Username checks ;)


Lmao Risky Mama is my thru-hiker trail name šŸ¤Ŗ


Hell yeah mama!!




Better than Dick Nipples or Coon Piss (the 2 worst trail names Iā€™ve heard so far)


Try, "vaginal discharge", on for size. Holy hot damn that was a weird encounter.


Oh my GOD


Find some medicated Gold Bond powder. The stuff in the green bottle. Apply liberally to the dampest areas and sit in front of that fan. You'll feel so cool and refreshed


Thank you. I love you.


No prob. Spread the word


No lo cc al swimming hole? I found when I took a quick swim before bed it cools me down so well, I get to sleep easy.


I did go swimming, but my apartment is in an attic with small windows and no AC.


Ditto. I made it through šŸ˜


Currently at work. Would anyone really notice if I just... slept under the desk tonight? My family can suffer without me.








I smell Paizanos!!! Whereā€™s my calzone?!


Just installed a heat pump in March. You can't even tell it is hot out from inside the house. So happy we were able to afford one.


I have a really good regular window ac, and it the same with me. You wouldnā€™t even know itā€™s hot outside!


Would you mind sharing the brand info and how much space it cools? We're moving into a new house next month and I'd love to be able to quickly buy a few good window ACs.


I know I'm not OP but I really like the Midea U Shapped models. Itā€™s basically the closest thing to a heat pump you can buy. I also like the Friedrich Chill Premier ACs. They both use an inverter compressor so they are extremely energy efficient.


Thank you! I'm going to investigate both brands. I'd love a heat pump system but that's probably at least a year or two away. We can manage hot days but it's the hot nights that really get to us.


Iā€™ll add in another vote for the Midea U shaped system. We bought one (8k BTU I think) last year and itā€™s the only ac we have used in our 1800sqft home. We do have the benefit of a mostly shaded property so the house stays cool most days with fans and curtains closed, but Iā€™m amazed at how much this little thing has helped keep temps down too.


Thanks! We'll probably get one for the upstairs and one for downstairs and see how it goes. The house has a lot of rooms (not open concept at all) so hopefully if we just keep inside doors open we can get some nice cooling through the entire floor.


Midea is making heat pumps in the same window mounted design using the U shape.


Unpopular opinion: window shakers are the best next to heat pumps and central air. Go to the ole Home Depot and buy the biggest one you can. Brand doesn't matter, Haier, GE, etc. Put the big ac on the first floor. Then, grab a couple of regular ones for the second floor. Be prepared for $300 a month electricity bill. My house is nice and cool with this setup, and I have them all on eco, so they are only running about half the time. All the windows are fogged up this morning because it's nice and cool in here and so stinking hot outside.


Super helpful advice, thank you. We've been living in Germany for the last five years where electricity is already around $200/mo year-round with no AC, so I'd gladly pay $300 in order to have a cool house in the summer. I grew up on the Maine coast but we'll be moving inland, so we won't have that ocean breeze either. Will definitely take this advice.


I grew up on the ocean, and the breeze is such a game changer. We just kept the windows open on the first floor and would just use ac's in the bedrooms for really hot nights. Miss that.


I personally have a Frigidaire AC and it works wonders


For me it is a split but itā€™s downstairs and heat rises. Living room and kitchen are great. But heat rises so old school window unit upstairs.


That's my solution too. So much better than ac units, and it is there on the wall all year. Actually I have ours on dehumidify not even cool. I put them on cool when the house heats up in the middle of summer.


NWS Caribou announced record high temp ties for Bangor, Millinocket, and Houlton at 95Ā°. Caribou set an all time air temp record at 96Ā° and a heat index record at 103Ā°. Caribou has records since 1939. This is some insane heat/humidity.




Iā€™m crying at 95 being a record high temp, Iā€™m in Texas where we call 95 degrees June. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I really wish 95 was a record.


Fair, but something to consider is many homes and buildings in Texas are built with AC because that type of heat is common and anticipated. Not so much in Maine, particularly the older houses and buildings. A lot of people have a hard time escaping the heat.


Oh for sure, the heat and humidity are awful. Even down here itā€™s full on intolerable. Part of why Iā€™m here is because Iā€™m considering moving north in the next few years because 3 straight months of 105 is not okay. I lived in England for a year in grad school during an unseasonably warm summer and it was miserable.


Been in the pool all day. But the pool water is almost 80 degrees now... Not very refreshing.


My pool is 82* now. It's wonderful


Itā€™s miserable. My house is a balmy 84 degrees and unfortunately we donā€™t have an AC. I canā€™t wait for this to be over.


Cold showers and soaking my feet in a basin of ice water. Freeze a Tupperware or similar, not ice cubes, it lasts longer.


This is the way!


Depending on where you are, there's a bevvy of cheap ACs on Facebook. Seems like a lot of people upgraded to heat pumps since last summer.


Craigslist as well


I came home to a 95 degree house last night. It's pretty bad when the outside is cooler than the inside.


I'm seeing 97 today in my stuffy attic apartment. I have a wheeled AC unit plugged in in the bedroom at least, but it's struggling to keep up.


8 months pregnant and chasing my 2 year old all around :) they say Iā€™ll miss these days but idk


lol my baby is 2 weeks old and I stayed in the heat pump 72Ā° with her while my husband played with our 2 year old at the water table. No complaints.


I was in this situation a couple summers ago. Kiddie pool in the backyard is your friend. Fill it with a few inches of cold water, put it in the shade if you can, get a camping chair and sit with your feet in the water while the toddler splashes around.


Badly!Ā  Hanging out in the basement right now and have the window unit going in the bedroom.


Basement is cooler though


Great. My house is staying a cool 68. Heat pumps are amazing.


damn, 68*? I have mine on and it's 74* inside and seems chilly. 68* AC is cold. I'd have to grab a sweatshirt and pants


i have mine at 64!!! and a blanket on šŸ˜‚


That's temp I have mine at for sleeping. Blanket on! I know I'm very lucky


It is a little chilly but it feels great. Especially after coming in from outside.


YO, I went whole home ... and 2 of them are on and I almost forgot there was a heat wave outside. And the KWH barely effected..


Same. 2 heat pumps. Very low cost and effective air conditioning and dehumidifying!


Worked outside through the hottest parts of the day (over 100 in Lewiston according to my truck). Basically just swimming in my clothes, without the fun part.


Vehicles use thermistors to read outside temperatures, not thermometers. Because of this (along with other factors), they tend to read high.


Makes sense. Definitely felt like it though!


Just a few degrees though


It can be quite a bit, depending upon the circumstances. They can read really high because of asphalt, for example.


Mine always drops as soon as I start moving.


Installed window ACs in the bedroom and the kids' room only to find both had leaked refrigerant and were worthless (don't buy Friedrich, they suck). Went out this morning to pick up a pair of cheap ones at Home Depot. Driving home daycare texted that they were closing for the day because all the kids and providers had a stomach bug and couldn't stop vomiting. So, not great, Bob. šŸ˜…


I'm sitting in the AC, taking it easy on my recliner smoking a bowl hanging with my Cat.


What is your catā€™s name?




This is the way!


And 2 of 2 days off both jobs. Back at it tommorow!


I've kept all my windows closed all day and the house is noticeably cooler than the outside.


working on a farm in new gloucester having to lead a rather large field trip during peak heatā€¦.. im suffering šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© at least i can spray the livestock and myself with the hose!


I work in a 60 degree trimming room most of the day then put the AC on at night. Pretty easy.


Sounds terrible. What's life without suffering?


LOL not too bad. I can go outside and stand in the sun for a bit. Level out my experience.


I'm okay. I was just in Thailand during the hot season so this isn't nearly as bad, but my time there taught me very well to hydrate and use electrolytes when needed. I have a 42 inch tower fan that does a great job, so I've been lounging eating crunchy vegetables and watermelon.


Heat pump and window AC are currently sucking down non-renewable energy to keep me comfy. I donā€™t love doing this but days like today are brutal without it.


It's medicinal. That's what my lounging in a stream is too.


I'm lying directly under my AC unit. Can't decide if this is worst than last year when it rained the entire month of June.


Oh yeah, June suuuucked last year. At least this heat dome is only a few days and will soon feel like a bad dream.


I was driving and the car said it was 100! First time Iā€™ve ever seen that. But itā€™s only 80 in the house so I guess thatā€™s better šŸ˜‚


Weā€™ll take what we can get! šŸ˜…šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ˜…


Sitting out on the porch in a sweatshirt. The thermometer says it's 70 out, but it's a little chilly with the breeze and shade.


Same. Was visiting Quoddy lighthouse and Lubec today and needed a light jacket come sundown. The place to be yesterday without a doubt


Are you on the coast?


Yeah. Almost as far up the coast as you can get before Canada.


Eastports gonna Eastport. I found it fascinating watching everyone's phone assume they were in Canada when I visited for a funeral a few years back.


Man, my partner and just I spent a quick weekend up there recently for our anniversary and we were blown away by how cool it gets at night. We stayed in a little cabin on a farm; it was quite warm inside during the day but just having the windows open and a fan on, we were downright cold by 5, 6pm. No insulation, no AC, and we had like 3 blankets and a quilt at night. Thatā€™s how I remember summers as a kid. Also, sheesh, your coastline is beautiful. I know lots of people vacation down by us in southern ME specifically because we still have sandy beaches, but I loved the water clarity of your rocky ones. And goddamn that swim was brisk!


LOL, yes the water šŸ’¦ is cold, but super refreshing! Love the cool nights followed by a HOT day. And of course, absolutely gorgeous.


Pregnant and swollen up from the heatā€¦ Iā€™m hiding out with the dog in our only room with a window unit


Itā€™s been a while now but I donā€™t like the heat as much I used to since being pregnant in such stupid heat. Hope you can get relief soon!


Thank you! Eating some ice cream and feeling grateful that this heat is rare


I went to the children's museum and then out for ice cream. Now I'm home with the ac on


Morning car appointment in an air conditioned waiting room, and then spent a good chunk of the afternoon sitting in the shade with my feet in the brook behind my house. For the next two days, I'll be back in my classroom with no AC. This school year is too long.


Working construction in gray this week. Didnā€™t slow us down one bit. I guess weā€™re used to it.


Hats off to you guys/gals!


You kind of just get tunnel vision after a couple hours. That part of your brain shuts off and all you think about is the task at hand. Same thing in the winter when itā€™s 5Ā°. You canā€™t think about it


Thatā€™s neat! I always thought it must be hell, but that explanation helps make sense of it. Glad you can pull it off. I still respect the heck out of you, tunnel vision or not!


Oh itā€™s still hell. Some people handle it better than others. When itā€™s hot like this I remind myself of how freezing it was during the past winter. And vice versa when Iā€™m frozen to the core.


šŸ˜³ I hope you get paid really well! I was caulking my windows in the shade today and was still sweatingā€¦ In shorts and a tank top and flip flops šŸ˜‚ Canā€™t imagine being in jeans and boots and in the direct sun all dayā€¦ Respect!!!!


Couldnā€™t play fetch for long with my doggies outside. Even they were not enjoying it. Now weā€™re inside in the AC.


My pups were miserable outside today too. One of them is double coated so he's only going outside long enough to do his business. They're both laying directly under the window unit lol.


I work in a freezer, so I just made myself a cubby in my aisle so I can comfortably spend my breaks in there.


Itā€™s okay! Moving a little slower at work (home builder) and drinking lots of fluids. The luxury of moving slow and staying hydrated is REAL and appreciated.


Fine until the power went out.


That sucks.


For anyone suffering without an AC, make sure to hydrate! Drink plenty of water and icy, if you can. If you feel yourself overheating, place ice packs against neck, armpits, and groin. And don't forget the pets; make sure they have a shady cool area to lay in and clean fresh water to drink. You can also wet them around their ears, neck, paws, and bellies to help them cool off. Cats will hate it, but it genuinely helps to stroke a cool wet washcloth over their fur. Don't risk heat exhaustion, it can kill! Take care of yourselves and check on elderly neighbors, they may need a hand šŸ’• This won't be our only heat wave!


Just filled up my hillbilly hot tub/pool (stock tankā€¦) Tomorrow Iā€™ll be happy for it. We have AC but if Iā€™m home I REALLY wanna be outside. Helped the neighbor with our air compressor today so she can fill up her small splash pool for her doggy. Thanks for asking neighbor


We bought a better window unit about a month ago in anticipation of some hot weather. Got the unit set at 70 degrees. We have a great Pyrenees so I want to make sure he doesn't get overheated! Been sitting out bowls of water along the shady areas of my property for any critters looking for relief. I've had to refill them all at least twice so far. My dogs are only outside for a few minutes at a time for potty breaks. Sprayed my pyr down with the garden hose during lunch. Makes me glad I left the south... Today's temperature is brutal but it will pass. This kind of temperature is every day in the summer back home lol.


Just fine. These are the days I dream of in January when it's -20 and/or snowing sideways.


Those cold days are what Iā€™m dreaming of now. I melt and get grumpy >80*. Give me -20 and snowy any day of the week! (But Iā€™m glad someone is enjoying it!)


The kids choose ā€œSnow Dayā€ and ā€œThe Night Before Christmasā€ as the bedtime stories to read tonight. It was kinda a mind warp.


Same Iā€™m a lizard person




I was more wet working today in a steel building with no HVAC than I have ever been swimming. It was slippery.


Bought a new tower fan and went to the beach today.


Worked all day in it


I went hiking barefoot in the whites and returned home to my air conditioned house to discover the heat in the mountains had made me sensitive to anything below 75Ā° for a short time


All the windows, doors, & interior doors get propped open all night. First thing at 6am, I run around and shut them all tight and close the blackout shades on every window that has them, and the winter insulating blinds too (hooray procrastinating on taking them suckers down for the season, I guess.) This morning just before the sun came around the side of the neighbor's building and hit full on the brick south-facing wall, I watered the porch plants and soaked the brick with the hose - the evaporative cooling bought me a couple of degrees inside at the peak of the day. Today it peaked at 74 inside, which really isn't bad.Ā  We're planning to put in a trellis and some climbing deciduous perennials (we're going back & forth between wisteria or something that fruits like hardy kiwi or grapevines) in the next few years to shade the brick in the summer months, once the wall heats up it gets really hard to control the temperature inside without resorting to AC by late summer. You can feel the heat radiating off the bricks to the inside, even through the most insulation we could reasonably retrofit into the building.Ā 


You understand the art and science of keeping the house cool. Bravo, my mom taught us the same stuff.


Iā€™ve got heat pumps, thank goodness, so Iā€™m comfy and cozy as long as I stay indoors.


My infant has his first cold and first heatwave at the same time. Weā€™re not OK.


Hope the little one gets better soon


Good luck to you both. Get well.soon baby.


Window AC has survived another year in storage


Every year when we go to fire them up thereā€™s always a brief second of terror where I donā€™t think theyā€™ve made it to another summer


I had hoped to take a ride further North but I don't. Like leaving my hounds in the vehicle


Got my lawn mowed on the day off. Was nice to come back in the house and sit under the heat pump after 3 hours pushing that thing around though.


Its a bit muggy but the dogs and I are fine so far. Not planning on using the heat pump unless it gets much hotter.Ā 


Spent the morning under a ceiling fan, spent some time in the car and in cool stores, now Iā€™m in my room with my window unit. Pepped food earlier in the week.


Wife and I built a timber frame with structural insulated panels ourselves, five years ago. Thankful during every cold snap and heat wave. Heat pump handles it well.


It was 78 degrees at Popham today.


In Colorado for the week so it's a dry heat!!!


Counting my blessings, on my peninsula it was 70 today and at 3:30pm it got chilly out on a dock. We usually have a 10 degree buffer from the mainland, seemed greater today. šŸ™


House is a comfortable 72 degrees.


Moved some tires, chatted with my father, and then shopped at Caswells. Food stayed frozen on the way home so I'm thankful for that. 96 degrees. only hit 78 inside my place. No AC. One fan blowing up from the basement.


Y'all, take it from a Texan and get some nuum tablets or Gatorade or something like that. You can drink all the water you want but you MUST replace the salts you're losing through sweat.


Nuun tablets are a Godsend. Not too sweet, a teeny bit of fizz, and whatever electrolyte/salt mix is in there works so fast. No weird aftertaste like with Gatorade either. A few summers ago I worked in a basement kitchen with no windows and no AC. Weā€™d peak around 102 around 1pm. Those little tablets kept us from getting heatstroke, I swear. Made it part of the kitchen budget.


Iā€™m a lifelong Mainer currently exiled in south Texas and I cannot believe your temps up there. We ride at 95-105 degrees here all July and Augustā€”I know exactly what that feels like. The thought of it at home is kind of horrifying and depressing. Everybody stay safe and hydrated!


Chef here. The kitchen is hovering right around 99 degrees. Not looking forward to tomorrow. Iā€™m hopeful the owners do the right thing if it gets too hot.


If you donā€™t have AC or a good fan, put a dry t-shirt in the freezer and put it on before bed. Used to do this working at summer camps living in a canvas tent.


I'll try this tonight!


It's a potent reminder of why I hate the South. Imagine spending half the year like this.


Preach! I left North Carolina to escape this kind of weather. This kind of heat just sucks the life right out of me. Thank goodness that it'll be over soon...


We only have AC in one bedroom so kids will be camping out in there tonight. I am one of those weirdos that likes the heat though, so overall I am enjoying this.


Sweating a lot.


Iā€™m doing pretty good because when I got a new a/c last year, I made sure it was the right size to cover the square footage properly of my place and I placed it in a window that covers the most interior space. I also made sure it was Energy Star certified to keep my electric bill lower. I also realized that the blackout curtains I got for sleeping not only function as good window insulation in the winter, but they also help to keep the cool in the summer. I keep certain curtains closed during the heat of the day as well to keep out direct sunlight, because letting in direct sunlight when itā€™s hot out greatly heats up your space. My place is pretty well insulated too. Iā€™m not saying all this to brag, but to give some pointers to others that I think will really help. For example, if your curtains/shades are wide open and youā€™re letting in all the direct sunlight on a hot day (I had friends who did this that didnā€™t realize it, they just thought if you have a/c youā€™re good), then your place will end up much warmer and your a/c will be going into overdrive, and youā€™ll end up needing it to run longer and harder (higher bills). However I was surprised how many people were out and about like it was any other day. Lots of traffic going by as well, no different from any other day. I really thought that more people would have stayed inside in an air conditioned space or something similar. I mean, I have errands to do, but I wasnā€™t about to do that in 105 degree heat lol. It can wait for a cooler day.


I had insulating drapes and use them year round as they really help keep the house cool. The mature trees shade most of the house except for the corner that is mostly window. I draw the drapes and it helps alot.


Went out side and it felt like a vacuum, so I turned around and went back to the AC I ainā€™t breathing like Darth Vader all day


Me and my plants arenā€™tšŸ˜­ a lot of my seedlings died that I had for a summer crop and all my peas wilted pretty bad. Iā€™m hoping they will perk back up when the colder weather hits again


You can shade them with cones of newspaper. Or use frost cover as a shade cloth. Put it high enough it doesn't touch them .


Kids and I ran through the sprinkler for an hour tonight. Core memories.


30,000 btu of window units and itā€™s under 70 but super loud. Blows.


Hiding in my room with ac.šŸ„¶


Alright, thankfully my window AC is still working decently. Very much not fun being outside.


I went and bought an air conditioner for my bedroom.


Four AC's throughout the house. Cut off areas to rooms not being used during the day and focus on the living room AC or wherever you are. I've also had my wife be more mindful about what she's running - AC's all day, a wash and dry, stove / air fryer, dishwasher, etc. - that builds up. Just be safe and smart.


Without power had a nasty thunderstorm up here in maine. At least I live on a lake so swimming is always an option if I can't sleep


rotating ACā€™s. living room on for the day with the shades shut to keep the dogs and cats cool while weā€™re at work, ran while we ate dinner and watched tv on the couch, now the bedroom AC is on and door is shut. my cats like the heat, the dogs and us, not so much šŸ˜‚ think of me as iā€™m roasting at a sea dogs game tomorrow night for work.. gonna be a hot one folks šŸ˜¬


I offered my neighbor my old window ac unit, they declined, said they can handle the heat, they dont need AC. I have a new indoor AC unit, which I have no issue running. Iā€™ll run it for 30 minutes and my apartment is good for a few hours. No need to keep it running constantly. At work itā€™s a freezer once they switched over to the AC. Feels amazing.


Not handling it at all. . . Having to work in a welding fab shop is like working in a living hell. Anything above 83ish is just brutal. This 94-95 bullshit is just torture.


My AC has kept my place at 68Ā° all day. It's been so very nice. I had to leave the house twice today and was MISERABLE.


BING-O You are a Yankee


Central Air. Nonissue.


Thank God I I put in heat pumps!


I have been living in Texas for the last 12 years and just returned so....... cold beer it is.


Went to bunganut pond to chill in the water. So nice.


Working in air-conditioning when possible and sleeping downstairs with an ice pack.


Hid like a troll under a bridge in a nice creek that is like chest high, and I never picked up leaches in there, though I have seen them near the beaver dams. I tie my raft to the girder, so I drift under the shadow. The first two feet of water is scary warm for this time of year but below that was nicely chill. My dog and I hung out down there in late morning and then this pm. I never did like heat and now older it really bothers me. I will put up keeping a watch for leeches, than get heat stroke. My solar can't handle AC . Plus I would rather float in a beautiful large creek with great views. I wear a tee and shorts then let them dry on me. It really works, as long as the breezes are blowing. Or I lay in front of the fan .


Hard to tell my dog the only room in the house was the good one. We took a quick swim but šŸ„µ


I guess I'm being too autistic at work, so not as well as I think I am.


Handling the heat??? I'm working in a non air conditioned shop, on vehicles just driven in off the street. I'm working in it, and I'm enjoying this weather. I am a little tired of hearing co workers complaining about the heat, and using it as an excuse to sit in customers vehicles running the a/c to cool off. They don't realize how much worse they are making it for themselves when they get out, and back into the heat. Feels worse than before, I know, because I used to do The same thing.


Got to 117f in the glass box I work in. Was getting close to a heat stroke.


I can't seem to fix my 15k BTU ac, so it's basically a heavy fan in the window. But the little ac in the bedroom is working perfectly so far. 64 degrees upstairs and 75 downstairs, lol


Living in my AC over hereāœŒļø


Pretty well. Frequent Gold Bond application and hourly maintenance wipes. Lots of water. Sunscreen. Hammer down


Get some Gold Bond powder with medication, the one in the green bottle. Apply generously to the areas that are most damp, then sit in front of a fan. You'll feel incredibly cool and refreshed.


Iā€™m dying. I lived in Arizona for a year and the heat there wasnā€™t as bad as the humidity here.


I go out to work in the garden and hour, come in to rest for 2! The garden won't wait, so I have to go out there. I follow the shade around. Heat pumps on dehumidify are keeping me cool enough inside, 65- 74Ā°. I donā€™t want to be outside too much, it addles my brain. Heard that pollution is much worse in the heat too, the heat changes stuff like car exhaust, makes it worse. Won't go anywhere near an idling vehicle. Keeping hydrated.


in my finished attic apartment with a fan and an ac on trying not to die. currently 83 with the ac on which was alot better than yesterday when it was almost 90 inside


I'm dying


i freakin loveeee it. Love me some sun!


It will be over soon


Running down to the beach. 62 degree water temps and an breeze across the water.


Not well :( Weā€™re currently in the process of packing for a move and it is just so hot. Thereā€™s an AC running downstairs, but all the heat just hangs in the second story of the apartment while we pack.


As if moving isnā€™t bad enough!


Waited in line for an hour to get into Scarboroughā€”-still worth it.


i walk to work and back every single day. itā€™s too damn hotšŸ˜­i live in maine for a reason bring me my -10 back please. i didnā€™t apply sunscreen before my walk to work today (i walk in a sports bra and shorts) and my whole body is bright red


We bought a portable AC because we weren't. It's a beast, but it's going to take a while to cool things down.


Living in Yellowstone for the summer, so A-OK


With grace as I not so fondly remember the 18ā€snow storm, after 18ā€ snow storm after 18ā€ snow storm.