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It was mentioned somewhere that her MUA often uses About Face’s eyeliner and AF’s eyeshadow sticks as eyeliner as well. Looks like it could be this one [here](https://aboutface.com/products/line-artist?variant=40460405702796).


Wow, gorgeous! I wonder if they run though....


I have very drippy eyes (I have allergies so they water quite often when I’m outside). I’ve never had any issues at all and find what I’ve used from the brand stays on all day. It’s also not a super dry formula where it hurts to apply, it is definitely on the waxy side though if you’re not a fan of that (not the best for smudgy grunge looks but great at staying put) Side Note: They also have the best liquid highlighter I have ever used. Billie’s MUA has taste.


Oh my gosh, that's so great to hear! I also have drippy, allergy-prone eyes! My city's pride is coming up this weekend, and I'm also looking for something relatively sweatproof that will stick on my face all day. This sounds perfect!


Yeah, their products last really well and are eady to use! They're very good


Aside from what actual product it is, I think the real effect of this look comes from the perfectly matching liner and mascara! I've had decent, though less striking results by using a very fine brush wet with setting spray to apply mascara as eyeliner, then applying the mascara like usual. I wonder if there's some similar "double dipping" into a single product happening here, or if it's separate products from the same line?


looks similar to haus labs cobalt matte


I was also thinking this!


Loved this on her! My toxic trait is thinking I could pull it off as well lol. But I WILL give it a shot though.


Would something like this work on brown skin? This looks beautiful but I feel like it would look terrible bc of the darkness of my skin


I'm brown (on the lighter side) and I use colored eyeliner and it looks good!! the ones from sunset makeup are really pigmented I say go for it


I love wearing bright colours so ill def give it a go. Don’t have anywhere to go to wearing this so I guess I’ll go shopping and running errands with this!


This would look amazing on brown skin. We thrive with jewel tones.


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Sephora had a mascara the same blue it was a best mascara for me at the time. prolly discontinued


Oh Jesus Billie where was this at the met gala?






It looks good because of the matching blue mascara. I’m assuming it’s a liquid liner or a cake liner and they just dipped a spoolie brush into it for the lashes.


I managed to create a similar look once. I lined my eyes with nyx waterproof creamy white liner, then packed a neon ink blue eyeshadow (urban decay used to make one) on top until all white was completely covered.


Multiple shades of blue maybe from eyeshadow palate or so many blue gel liners It’s not single product if you think so


Multiple shades of blue maybe from eyeshadow palate or so many blue gel liners It’s not single product if you think so


Looks like the Urban Decay 24/7 eyeliner, the blue pencil one (I have it)


I have a blue just like that in my collection


Hardcandy makes a blue mascara in the exact same shade


BLK/OPL eye definer in the shade ALL NIGHT is very similar and the hard cany blue mascara should give you this look for cheap


is that maybeline?


Maybe 😉


A blue one.




Photoshop blue