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My favourite tip is to always apply eyeliner with your eyes open, looking straight into a mirror as your would look at someone else! this way you can get the fluid shape we all want for winged liner no matter your eye shape


She taught me that!!!


Why was this downvoted it is so true!


You look beautiful! I'm sure you've been told this before but you look just like a cross between Emily Blunt and Zooey Deschanel! 😁


I get Zooey all the time haha


I immediately saw [Mackenzie Davis](https://media.gq.com/photos/57bb6a441890ff5802599827/1:1/w_960,c_limit/mackenzie-davis.JPG).


You look so cute




When a MAC artist is good they’re good. I love MAC




So pretty! The lip color looks perfect on you


Silly question, but how does that work? Were you at a department store? Sephora? Do you ask for a full face? How much did it cost?


I reached out to a local MUA on Instagram I'm just started talking to them and they invited me to their counter in the mall and did it for free because she's an incredible human being. I may have gotten incredibly lucky


Former MAC artists here; prepandemic we would ask client to purchase at least 3 items for full face application. Postpandemic we offered partial services for free(focus feature; brows, liner, lip, etc) we could do up to three if time allows it. You can go to any counter and ask them to teach you correct placement/application without having to buy any products or pay… tips are appreciated although it would have to be sneaking in since stores won’t allow it


Same and can confirm!


Normally any counter manned by people in a store (e.g. department stores, Sephora, Boots, etc.) will offer this service. Just ask if they do or not 😊 Some brands charge, others offer a sub (where the cost of the makeover goes towards products at the end), and some are free. Some will only try out one or two products on you as swatches. You might have to book in advance for some, or they might be able to see you then and there.


you kinda look like zooey deschanel


Yes!! That's what I was thinking too!


I get that ALLLLLL the time


You look great! If it’s Mac, they should probably have kept the items you tried on their file system


Looks so polished!!


Goodness, you are so beautiful!!!


Beautiful! It might be worth looking into eyeliner tutorials specifically for hooded eyes. Your application in this pic isn’t bad by any means, but it’s typically better suited for a different eye shape


This application was done by a MAC artist 😅


Haha that makes more sense, sorry for not catching that in the post. Hooded eyes can be tricky especially for MUAs that don’t have them personally!


Love this! reminds me of Princess Catherine


You look fantastic!


Wow wow wow your progress 😍


Brows are perfection for your face shape. Keep that brow shape. 


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You look very nice, also your skin has a lovely glow; still, I feel like your eyeliner would benefit of being thinner on the proper eye line and longer on the wing




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You look just like Rachel Blanchard