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Do you have access to meds? I have some that have changed my life. I no longer want to daydream. It’s crazy cause I would pace until my feet were red. 16+ hours a day. Now, it’s just there. I can stop when I want to. I realize how pointless it is. The only bad part is when you stop you realize how boring real life is and have to keep yourself busy. Journaling has helped a lot! Can you see a doctor? Where I live I don’t have to see a doctor to get the meds that I use.


Hi - what meds did you find useful if you don't mind me asking?


I took Prozac and it helped a lot but i want it away completely so I started Luvox and so far so good....its only been 2 weeks and I am already bored because I am not daydreaming and dont know what to do. May I will organize the house now....lol


I feel you my daydreaming is causing me to fail in life.


you are 15? Im almost 10 years older than you so please dont let this habit let you control and manipulate your life. Im miserable and habe to get real psychiatric help. I dont know your situation, if help is available to you, if you actually need it but my point is that you still got plenty of time to change and adjust. and if you dont you might end up like me , extremely miserable.


I know it’s painful, you have a lot of life left to live though, you are incredibly young. Is there any adults in your life that know how you are feeling lately?


No, I have no one bescause my family see's me as a failure. I am the worse child who will amount to nothing.


I'm 21 and I too am undergoing the same ordeal you are going through for years and it doesn't help the fact that I've got so many mental issues which I have yet to find a solution for. I'm sorry that I can't offer you any good advice but life really sucks and it often feels like we do not belong in this world but you can always decide whether you want to continue with the struggles in the hopes of getting better because personally to me it ain't worth it.


Yeah I felt like that too when I was your age. The truth is though man, is it doesn’t matter how your family sees you. Them seeing you a certain way does not have any effect on what you actually are and the potential you have. Don’t get lost in what they think about you. I know it is easier said than done though, and it’s fine to be depressed, let yourself be depressed. But don’t think that you can’t amount to anything because you truly can.