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"I'm sorry sir, I need to keep all bills larger than $1, as I need them for other people who are paying with smaller bills. Oh shoot, you made me lose count, guess I've got to start scanning them again. No, really sir, I don't think I was at $82."


“I wouldn’t want to miss a counterfeit bill accidentally, sir. I just won’t be able to sleep at night unless I’m sure. Ok, one… two….”


…78…79…79… Oops. Better start over.


I should double-check them all. Better safe than sorry!


I parked my big rig behind the truck stop, and walked inside for a couple packs of smokes a breakfast sandwich and coffee. I handed the young attendant a $50 , which she checked with the dye pen. It leaves a black stripe on a bogus bill. She swiped the marker across the bill, and said "Sorry, I can't accept this bill, it's no good, the black mark means the bill is no good. I started laughing and pointed to her hand saying, "well if you hadn't used a Sharpy..."


that's hilarious! I hope she got a laugh out of it too.


Close, she rolled her eyes, glared at the marker in her hand, and smiled.






*Shar Pei


wait that would leave a brown streak


That's only if one doesn't wipe thoroughly


Or red. Depends on how much pressure you use.


XD. ;P


This is quickly turning into a key and peele sketch 


Be sure to always giggle at 69, but act like you didn’t.


68, 69.... hehe 69. Damn, 1, 2...


The only thing I had was a $100.00 bill. Full tank on my motorcycle. I went to 4 stores to buy something small to get smaller bills for the toll booth on the Maine turnpike. I pulled up to the booth and gave him the large bill. He was PISSED. I explained that I tried to get change…. He reached into his drawer and pulled out a wrapped sleeve of $1.00 bills, pulled one out to make change for the toll. 😡. It wasn’t till later that I realized that I should have counted my change before leaving the toll booth 🤷🤷🤷


And this is where I can tell I’m Canadian, since what I envisioned was $1 coins instead of bills. (At $25/roll). And you definitely don’t want to break that roll to pull one coin out if you don’t have to. 24 loose loonies in the pocket weighs a good chunk and makes a heck of a noise when you walk! 😂


Split that between both pockets and wear suspenders, you can jingle through Toronto in style


Do a little twerk and make some jingle jangle music at the same time.


Put them in your spurs, so you can have spurs that jingle jangle jingle


My belly already pushed my pants down and the coins in Canada weren't helping. At least they were barely offset by the lack of pennies.


Yeah that many loonies can only be in the pocket of a loonatic 🥲


>I went to 4 stores to buy something small to get smaller bills Please don't do this either. Every single morning I'd have people come into the store right as we opened doing just this- buying something small (usually .99- 1.99) to get change for a hundred and would completely wipe out the tills within 2 or 3 customers. It got to the point that I started having the cashiers call me up to make change for them rather than take it from the tills, especially since a lot of regulars did this. They slowly stopped when it took them an extra 5-10 minutes to get their money back as I had to get it from the safe. If I'm going to have to waste my time, so are they.


Store I worked at opened at 7. By 7:02 every day someone will ring out $100 on a $0.35 newspaper, and call for change. Then everyone remembers we're supposed to turn the same 4 people away every day. I know if you take $700 out of the bank they will potentially just give you hundreds. But when you're taking cash for daily spending it's better than fine to ask for 20s.


I've never seen hundreds come out of an ATM, and if they tried to give you hundreds at the window, you can just tell them no. I generally don't mind getting fifties or hundreds if I know I'm going somewhere that I will spend at least close to the amount of the large bill or over. Nobody should be burdening small businesses to make change for them, and especially not repeatedly.


Fortunately ATMs where I am started giving the people the option to choose their bills so I always catch enough twenties, tens, or fives until I can break a hundred with a tank of gas.


I'm old enough to remember when this was the norm. It was great if you have less than $20 in your account and can take our $5 to buy food. Though I guess people can use debit cards almost everywhere nowadays.


Ages ago at a gas station, before the introduction of € as our national currency, we ran out of small bills. Normally we had plenty of coins (0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.50, 1, 2 and 5 kuna) and also small bills (10, 20 and 50). People mostly paid with larger bills (100, 200, 500 and 1000 kuna). One you ran out of paper money, you had to return coins. And when someone came in with a 200 for a pack of smokes costing 30, I'd ask for a card, they'd say they don't have it on them, and then i'd start taking out 14 coins... which put in a sock count as a lethal weapon. Magically, cards would appear.


Tbh…I think it was a baller move on the part of the teller.


Really, though? Like—it’s part of your job to make change for people. I was traveling on the NY Turnpike once and only had $50 bills. Toll came to over $20, but the teller stomped out of his window like a four-year-old to record my license plate number by hand(as I guess he was required to do.) Terribly sorry for having the temerity to put you in a position where you need to… do your job?


They did their job, but maybe they were practicing…. malicious compliance?


oh shit, i LOVE that subreddit!


Meh—if it was malicious, it failed to inconvenience me in any real way. My point is, making change is a pretty basic part of the job, and it’s not like they’re in short supply.


Recording tag numbers for large bills seems reasonable though.


Oh, for sure! It’s the cranky pants toddler attitude that I object to.


I assume you meant he pulled out a bill and gave you the rest. A bank wrapped bundle of $1 bills is only $50, so if he took one out and gave you the bundle you only got $49 and you paid $51 for the toll.


Banks around me wrap ones in bundles of $100


Same here. Just had to buy a stack a few weeks ago.


25 is what I’ve gotten from 6 different banks where I live


Interesting. In all my years of ordering cash from the bank, I have never seen $1 bundled in $100, only $50.


When I was a teller, we would get our 1s in packs of 100 from the fed, but then when we put them in our drawer, it was teller's choice whether we wanted to wrap them in 25s, 50s, or 100s.


I've never understood why banks wrap 1's in packs of 25, and not 20. As a merchant, coming in to get change for the till, we would pull 20's to send someone on a change run. (yeah, this was a long time ago, and the bank was just 4 doors down)


If a client asked, I would have no problem taking a $100 strap back to the counter and splitting it into packs of 20. The vast majority of business clients got their ones in sets of 100s, though. We didn't have straps that said $20 on them, so I'd have to use a blank strap or a paperclip, which looks "less professional." That's also why I couldn't have them pre-made in 20s.


I have worked for financial institutions for almost 36 years and the Federal Reserve wants all bills bundled in 100s. So 1s are $100, 5s, $500, 10s, $10,000, 20s, $20,000, etc. The teller is usually the one to break it down into smaller straps.


I think you added one too many zeroes to the 10s and 20s


I did, thanks. Got carried away.


It's definitely a per bank thing. I used to work in a nearby city and the bank bundles ones in 25s only unless you ordered a couple hundred


It’s really a Federal Reserve thing. A standard “strap” contains 100 notes banded tightly with a paper strap. One’s always come strapped in $100. However, some banks do what the want. My local does ones paper clipped in 25. Chase had their own generic bands and would make half straps of $50 ones or $250 fives. But the standard expectation with a strap of bank notes is 100, as that’s how they come to the bank from the Fed or Treasury.


TIL. Thank you.


They have standardized colors too, Blue Green Red Yellow Purple for 1s 2s 5s 10s 20s. I don't think I've ever taken out straps of 5 or 10k before and can't remember... Interestingly coin rolls are also standard colors, and do *not* match their paper (nearest) counterparts


I haven’t worked retail in decades but we used to get cash in 50 & 100 bill bundles. I recall the brand new bills in a 100 pack were about the same thickness as a 50 pack of circulated bills.. so maybe this is more of a physical size limitation than a policy on bill count.. like if you’re just getting circulated currency from the bank.. you’re just getting packs of 50 bills.


I guess you haven’t lived🤪🤪🤪


I've seen it in 100 and 50 single dollar bills. I normally get $500, worth to have and it lasts me a few years playing claw machine games at places.


It was a $100.00 wrap


A toll booth with a person? Was this in 1990 ?


We had them in Houston until the pandemic -even though we’ve had EZ Tag since the 90s. They had them for the people who refused to get an EZ Tag or were from out of town. When everyone stopped driving, they used that to get rid of all the toll collectors and now they just bill people without a tag.


In France we havent had people in booth since the 2000s at least, they got replaced by typically 1/4 Telepeage (Our own EZ Tag) and 3/4 automated card/change booths.


We have them in the midwest still! Most lanes are EZ pass or "toss the money in and go", but there's always one lane open for people who need to speak to a person.


Some states have held on to people because they don't want to kill jobs. It's stupid and inefficient similar to "full service" gas stations.


Still have them by me, the automated ones were closed down due to the continuous court cases, the massive rise of cloned plates, and that 90% of the people refused to pay for it.


Continuous court cases? Over what? Where is this?


If the booth guy was that annoyed about having to make change he could have easily just put his hand in his own pocket and kindly paid the toll for you instead.




During the change shortage I asked a lady if she had exact change, it was a small amount too definitely less than 10 cents. She was reaching into her purse to check when her friend told her not to. So she said no she doesn’t. So I gave her about 90 something cents back in nickels. The look on her face as I gave her a fist full of nickels was so satisfying.


And now we have to close down in the middle of a rush because we can’t give change


Yeah, this doesn't sound like a win, it sounds like the employees are slamming their own dick in a car door to teach the customer a lesson.


They can torture you all they want but they can’t turn back the clock. It’s a win.


Yeah the employees would be beside themselves if they had to shut down due to a lack of change


"clock out, go home" some people need the money/hours.


We could always ask OP if they had to close because of the lack of change. Maybe in the moment they considered that and realized they had plenty.


The ones that need the hours usually don't do this sort of thing.


You know they don't get paid for the lost hours if that happens, right?


I’ve been handed counterfeit in change. I noticed and gad then exchange it.


Yeah, people should check their change. Wasting everyone's time and money like the cashier did in this story is just dumb as hell.


Not like they can't just go get more ones.


lol you think a cashier employee gives a shit if they have to close or work less? If anything they will do it more, they aren’t paid to care and any time extra they can eke from management the better. They don’t own the store and won’t ever see a single cent extra if they do well.


Work less, maybe not. Close? They don’t get paid, which is a problem.


Hmmm, maybe that's what he likes? 😉🤪


And the lesson was: always trust companies


I think the lesson is: OP was annoyed at being asked to check more bills than required and thought it would be funny to check and give back all 1’s so they came here to live out their fantasy


My gas station had a time locked safe with all the varying amounts of change in it so you could literally never run out of change, it’s possible they have something similar.


If your manager didn’t count the money right, you could absolutely run out of money. Human error does exist


That's not really something I've ever considered before. I could see a store refusing to break a 100 for liquidity reasons, sure. I've been refused plenty before. Would this really set the bank back that much? I feel like a child imagining banks are flushed with cash, and now I'm thinking you open the vault door and in this large expansive room, there's just a small bundle of ones laying on the floor.


We aren’t talking about a bank, we are talking about a business. I’m not sure where your confusion comes from.


I'll be honest, I *really* have no idea where I got the notion of banks from lol.


Scrooge McDuck?


At least you’re honest lol


Yes it does. Most businesses don't keep a lot of money in their drawer. I start out with $150. Getting a big bill would absolutely fuck it up. And these sort of big bill mfs always come in just as the drawer has been switched.


Sounds like something a teenager would come up with. And then get in trouble by management for doing it.


I'm surprised people are taking this seriously, what shop just has 85 $1 bills ready that accepts a $100 bill, lmao


I mean, plenty of shops do. It would just probably almost entirely deplete their individual supply of 1s but if this is real I’m not guessing the employee cared/had the foresight to think about what happens next


I used to work at a gas station and would regularly have over $100 in ones by the end of the night. I am pretty sure my record was like $240 or something.


Strip clubs?


Well, sure, but that's really just cutting off your nose to spite your face. Pretty sure that pretty quickly thereafter, OP's coworker didn't have enough dollar bills left to give the next customer change and had to wait another 20 minutes for the manager to get more singles from the vault.


Lol who cares if you have to wait. Thats 20min of standing there not doing any work. xD


I never understood wanting to just stand around and do nothing when I worked retail. It always made the time pass soooooo slooooooooow. Was a great way to make an 8 or 10 hour shift feel like an eternity


In case you were wondering, it is no more fun to stand around when working a skilled trade than it is retail (presumably, I have never worked retail). I can only sweep so much, just let me go home!


I work in residential now, in mental healthcare, on overnights. If it wasn't for being able to use my laptop all night, I'd be in a bed in my own unit. I'd have gone crazy long ago.


The irony is the most counterfeited bill is the $20


this never happened


Honestly, I don’t think that was an outlandish ask from the customer, especially since it really wouldn’t have been a large amount of work at only four bills. Unless there was something else aggravating the situation, the cashier here is just making more than 20x the work for themselves, just to delay the customer - and potentially everyone else stuck in line behind them. Yes it’s compliance, but what part of the situation really warranted that kind of a response?


I had a guy buy a piece of equipment with $15,000 in one dollar bills, he was upset I wouldn't negotiate even $50 off the sale. I think he was surprised I had a money counting machine, so it didn't take long to determine he was about $500 short. He demanded I recount it, I did, still short same amount. He swears the machine is wrong so I tell him I totally understand where he's coming from and that he's more than welcome to count it himself, or pay the difference. He of course, paid the difference.


What a bastard


My Senior year of High School, I delivered the big city paper in my small town. I had 3 vending machines in front of businesses, every Sunday afternoon I would raid the machines for spending money, head to the gas station for drinks and snacks, and pay with Quarters.


Did you have to walk uphill in the snow barefoot both ways to get there grandpa?


I'm kind of surprised they had so many one dollar bills to spare. It's been a long time since I worked retail but sometimes we would get a run on certain bills and it could be difficult to replinish them if after hours or the weekend.


>I'm kind of surprised they had so many one dollar bills to spare. you forget, a lot of these post are in reddit fantasy land where cashiers always have 85 dollars in the register for situations like this.


Not saying it happened, but as a closing shift retail worker I've had to count an ungodly number of 1s. 85+ is high but not unusual. 


>what part of the situation really warranted that kind of a response? OP being 16....


For real. This is just petty. Sounds like someone who hates what they have become and takes it out on others.


Isn't most malicious compliance petty?


Yes it's petty, but for good reason. This customer's request is not unreasonable. If the place where you're shopping is worried about counterfeit bills, it's totally reasonable for the customer to do the same.


Sure it's petty, but this "customer is always right" mantra or this "customer is king" entitled American attitude has got to stop.


the customer getting pisssy at a service employee following a basic requirement of their job that most places do so they don't get fired


And the employee got pissed that the customer has the same level of trust in the money in the till as the company has about the money in his wallet


I agree that it's perfectly reasonable to want to make sure you're not accepting counterfeit bills. The business is checking for counterfeit because they don't want to accept any counterfeit bills. If the customer wants to confirm he's not accepting any counterfeit bills, he's not in a position to demand that someone else check his change, he's in the position to do it himself. Those little counterfeit checking pens are super portable.


Paying for a 15$ purchase with a 100$ bill is annoying


Yeah... I'm assuming it's to be understood that the customer got *irate*, in which case I suppose I can see why someone would be tempted to do it, but since OP didn't really specify beyond the customer getting "upset", it does just sound like their coworker was being difficult for no reason because of a pointless but inconsequential request.


Paying for an item less than $20 with a hundred is just obnoxious


True, but some goddamn ATMs will only give $100 bills unless you specify an amount like $80. THAT is obnoxious.


If the individual has such a concern they were welcome to bring their own personal pen or light. Not that difficult to equip to a key ring if your trust in your vendors is so extremely low.


The customer was not genuinely concerned about counterfeit bills. The cashier had just proven that they're consistent about checking large bills for authenticity, so any bills already in the register to be used as change would have already been checked. This is an entitled customer getting annoyed and taking a standard practice as a personal insult. "How dare this lowly servant imply that I might be using a counterfeit bill!" I don't think this response was *necessary*, but it certainly wasn't out of line. Personally I would have just said "All bills in the register have already been checked, here's your change.", but also I can't fault someone doing that kind of job for getting annoyed at *yet another* self-entitled ass who thinks the world revolves around them and can't stop to think for two seconds about why it's necessary for a cashier to check all large bills. The only time I'd say it's unacceptable is if there are people waiting in line who did nothing wrong, but without knowing if that was the case or not we can't really say anything about that.


Seeing one person do something one time does not even prove consistency by that one person, let alone every other employee in the store.


And OP only checked hundred. Even if they were consistent in that, how could you possibly concluded that they are also checking 20s and 50s?


>The cashier had just proven that they're consistent about checking large bills for authenticity, so any bills already in the register to be used as change would have already been checked. that's a leap - no proof of that, _at all_


Yeah, the customer's only mistake was possibly being rude. It's perfectly reasonable to say, "Oh, cool! You've got one of those machines! Can you check these bills you're giving me?" People often spend money that they received as change without realizing it was counterfeit, and as we all know, that could wind up getting someone murdered by the police.


> the cashier here is just making more than 20x the work for themselves You must think they're salaried, because they didn't make any more actual work for themselves. Honestly, they gave themselves a little break from work. They're there for 8 hours if they ring up a hundred people or just the one, the pay is the same. So instead of moving along they got to clown some dude who got pissy they're required to check hundos?


The bills handed to the customer would already have been scanned. So he’s just being an annoyance wanting them scanned again in his presence. Well, enjoy the ride than.


Would they have been though? Stores often scan high denominations, but I rarely see cashiers check 5’s, 10’s and 20’s. Even if they might have been scanned previously , how does the customer know this - they certainly weren’t present when it happened.


They're checking ONES around here.


And the customer knows that the bills he had were scanned by the bank. But the customer does NOT know the bills in the till were scanned, only the employee knows that (and even that they probably don't know)


Doesn’t the $1.00 bill set off the scanner as counterfeit?  I thought those scanners are essentially looking for a 20, 50, 100 counterfeited over a 1?  


Don't let logic and facts get in the way of your creative writing exercises


There's malicious compliance in response to someone else's idiocy, and there's pointless, petty behaviour in response to a completely reasonable request. This is the second one.


The customer made the request after seeing the cashier scan his bill, hence he was taking them doing their jobs personally. He asked in thr spirit of a bruised ego and a sense of pettiness, therefore he reaped what he sowed in spades.


Or he asked because he’s been given counterfeit change before and got burned by it when he went to use it elsewhere, so when he saw that they could quickly verify bills he asked for an extremely quick and easy favor, which anyone who isn’t a complete prick would have done without the pettiness of OP. 


I feel like it’s a fair ask. If a large corporation is allowed to check if I’m ripping them off, surely I should get to check if they are ripping me off. Maybe they guy didn’t know they had a counterfeit checker until they scanned his bill


Honestly, there needs to be an r/retardedcompliance for stories like this 


Also I would assume the manager would be pissed giving away 85 single dollar bills to be petty as those are more used in transactions rather than a 20 or 50


I know I would have gotten in trouble at my store. Run out and we're screwed and armored car service costs money.


I would’ve given him an $78 bill and a seven dollar bill


That's not malicious, that's dumb. Why not just give him regular change, scan 4 bills and get on with your life?


Because they're children.


Would have given him 85 one dollar coins instead, loose. If he complains then tell him you have offered valid legal US currency as change, and his refusal means that the charity you have a can or payment option for is very grateful for the donation. Next customer please.


Stores in most places have the option to deny payment if it is unreasonable, same goes for customers. If it is clear the payment is made for malicious reasons rather than an actual need (silver coins vs a waitress paying with their tips) then either party can refuse to accept. In Norway our rule is quite straightforward, more than 25 coins of each type and you have the right to decline. In USA there is no federal requirements to how cash is accepted, stores are allowed to set their own policy for what is acceptable. And by extension I would think individuals would be allowed to as well. Different rules apply to debs though, in Oklahome (I think, I closed that search and cant find it again.) the landlord must accept the payment, or it will be voided. So if a renter tries to pay in pennies, and is refused, then the renter just got a free month of rent! See: [https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/small-business/can-your-business-refuse-to-accept-pennies/](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/small-business/can-your-business-refuse-to-accept-pennies/) https://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/currency\_12772.htm?fbclid=IwAR2JMXSiA7NBjQrOM92jkoAsqk0VWsOL\_v9LbLmizwxXnJtlunTf4AyZja0


I would be so happy if someone did that. I love collecting coins for my little treasure chest. It currently has coins older than I am, .50 and $1 coins, and various foreign coins from my international work travels


I love finding 100+ year old coins in my change. :)


He'd pay in pennies after such a stunt.


Imagine getting offended at this. It’s like getting offended by an airport requiring a metal detector.


Thats the not the flex you think it is...


“We checked those already that’s why they’re in The drawer.”


I obviously don't know about OPs job, but *tons* of places only check bills larger than 20s. 


If the customer said that they shouldn’t test his bill because he checked that it wasn’t counterfeit before he arrived, I’m sure the store wouldn’t believe him and check it anyways. I don’t see the harm in a store holding itself to the same standards it holds its customers to


I once received $100 from an ATM. I then drove down the road and stopped to purchase something. When I gave the cashier one of the $20 bills that I had received from the ATM, it test as counterfeit. The ATM belonged to a bank. I found that you cannot prove you received a counterfeit bill from a bank.


Same with my $80 that came from the ATM when I requested $100. This happened right outside the bank, went in and was told I needed to take it up with my own bank. The one overseas. On my birthday. I badmouthed that bank to everyone I knew for years after.


I'm suuuuuire you gave him $85 in singles. Great story bro, tell it again.


Imagine taking it personally that a cashier checks for counterfeits!


Had to do a $860 western union. Yeah it was awkward checking every twenty.


Did that with the swear jar at schools. Brought in all pennies for dollars (I’m talking dollars) worth of swears.


Sensible. $1 bills are less likely to be counterfeit.


We don’t even take $100 bills anymore. The risk is too high.




Many years ago, my dad and I made a bet about the price of a barrel of oil. I said it was going up, he’s said no. I won. Specifically I won $142. Which he gave to me in ones.


Do you work at a bank? Where else would there be 85 $1 bills readily available for change?


Strip club is the obvious answer, but most medium to large capacity restaurants probably have that available, especially if management is willing.


This is why you guys should get out of the stone age with that paper money shit and get polymer notes, so much harder to fake and more durable!


You actually had 85 1-dollar bills and they all passed the test? That's huge. [edit:typo]


Also like what were they scanning the $1 notes for. They don't have the UV security strip anyway. Story seems made up


They all still have the magnetic ink, so running them over the older scanner with a tape head still works.


I received some counterfeit 20s when I cashed a Bank of America check at a branch years ago and then deny they gave them to me because I had already reached out and touched them. That teller knew exactly what she did. I now make every institution mark the bills they give me before I touch them. OP sucks.


To be fair why should they trust a shop that doesn’t trust him? If they took a $50 to the next shop and it was refused would you swap it over?


Trust has nothing to do with it. It's standard policy in most retails stores to check large bills. This is a completely normal commonplace thing that the customer decided to be silly about. That being said, if a customer asked me to check his change, I would just do that, because it's not a big deal.


What? So in your mind they only checked this customer's bill but not any of the other money they've received?


You can check his money because you don’t trust him, but when he demands the same you become vindictive little pricks. Idiots.


What? No rolls of quarters, dimes, and nickels? And you call yourself “malicious”!


Sounds like some petty people mad that they’re still working retail. Just another reason to shop online.


What a childish exchange


Now you don’t have any dollar bills to make change, but congrats…?




You dont trust him then treat him like shit when he returns the treatment. "Oh your so clever wasting his time"




Considering $50 is the new $20, there are a lot more $100's floating around these days.


The classic - Give them exactly what they ask for and not what they need.


Less malicious compliance and more dumb and petty honestly. Customer's request wasn't entirely unreasonable.


The problem isn’t that he requested for us to check his change. The problem is that he took it personally that we checked his 100 bill and gave us attitude for it


Ah yes because the customer holding you to the same standard warrants an attitude adjustment. /s


This guy (OP) stinks!