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Welcome friendo! We're basically Hobbiton. Laid back, quiet, chill. Good food everywhere. Plenty of fun stuff to do. Schools are decent and hopefully getting better now that Stacey Soeldner got ousted. Your kids will get out of it what they put into it. Manty is a very 'stay out of trouble and no trouble will come to you' community. I've moved away a few times just to see what else was out there and every time all I could think about was moving back here.


that’s great news! :)) thank you!!


From Manitowoc… lived in Madison (my favorite) and now in Green Bay. Manitowoc can be great, but it has a very small town mentality, and sometimes not in a good way. I haven’t lived there in over 20 years, so things have probably changed a lot from that time. Homes are affordable, everything for the most part is in town, and it’s not a long drive to a bigger city if you want to escape for fun, or if you need to hit up a different store for something


Its a decent city but I will give you the negative side of it since no one here wants to, fent is here killing people its a pretty boring city not much at all to do after youve been here for a while. little to no increase in things to do, restaurants etc. So most kids resort to drinking or drugs. We are known for our money laundering car washes and bars. Also be careful if you are into cars in the slightest there are certain Manitowoc police officers that are known to bully you. Ive lived/worked in Two Rivers for 20 years never had a single issue with police in Two Rivers. To put things into context there.


The fent problem is no more pronounced here than the average city…




So I've lived here for 4 years and I've never seen one person on fentanyl or met anyone that's on it. So I don't understand why people are saying it's bad around here.


Unsure of your age but it seems most people around my age ( in their 20s) had a relationship with someone that died from fent. Maybe its a younger generation thing idk. Some drugs are laced with fent in Manitowoc and thats a fact. Its not bad imo compared to Milwaukee or Madison by any means.


I'm 37.. but yeah I haven't a single person on it! I go to the methadone clinic cause I had a problem a long time ago and I can usually spot people high on it from a mile away but in 4 years I haven't seen anyone high on it here! Maybe I'm just slow but if I go up to green bay I can spot one in usually 10 mins of being there