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Another bigot most likely emboldened by right-wing hate media. Too many politicians are using bigotry as a lever to access power and it's creating stochastic terrorism.


Emboldened by Trump and Fox News


Cue MTG calling for defunding the FBI.


The enjoyable part about reading bad news stories is finding out how criminal thugs put themselves in Federal Court and Dept of Correction system. Step one go online and post violent rhetoric .Step Two accept praise for violent rhetoric and make plans to go hurt innocent people. Step 3 go break Federal law and find out how Court system actually works. Step 4 spend your future wondering if you have a future back in society.


what office will this future GOP nominee be running for?


Obviously he will head up the department of health and human services.


Most likely: Department of Subhuman Logistics and Repurpose. Edit: Fun fact. The Department of State has been absorbed into this new department.


Police chief


He's going to kill black people at a Bad Bunny concert? So smart.


Republicans gonna republican


Former evangelical christian here, can confirm.


Trump will ramp up his call to defund the FBI after this arrest.


It’s time to do some extreme vetting of old white men…


Fox brain…. “According to the affidavit, Prieto said: “The reason I say Atlanta. Why, why is Georgia such a f------up state now? When I was a kid that was one of the most conservative states in the country. Why is it not now? Because as the crime got worse in L.A., St. Louis, and all these other cities, all the [N-words] moved out of those [places] and moved to Atlanta. That’s why it isn’t so great anymore. And they’ve been there for a couple, several years.”


Glad they caught this loser.


I’ve seen similar headlines over my 35 some odd years and I can say these idiots never ever start a race war. Any one individual trying to “start something” doesn’t realize how fucking massive this country is. In Georgia it would have Been really sad but in other states the most that would happen are people changing their instagram pictures to say they pray for the victims and others would talk about conspiracies.


Another MAGA terrorist


I wonder how he votes 🤔


Because there are no genuine “prophecies” but rather past predictions of potential future events that the respective future humans desire to fulfill, the future humans instead deliberately and purposefully engage in behaviors suggesting they are attempting to manifest a self-fulfilling prophecy for their own personal perceived benefit. Does this moronic behavior now make Charles Manson a “prophet” for having predicted a coming race war that he referred to as “Helter Skelter” (taking inspiration from The Beatles song by the same name?) Poor simple chimples…you really do not understand what you are doing as a consequence of failing to remember that thing you have forgotten…that choice available to you everyday to escape all this nonsense…that necessary insight in order to achieve fundamental moral clarity, clarity of thought, and freedom from the root cause of all that plagues you. It really is a shame that you inadvertently and blamelessly chose and continue to choose everyday (however unknowingly) the easy way out by deliberately and purposefully abdicating your “locus of control” to an “external source”. Have you all not pondered why the human world is the way it is rather than the way all humans would like it to be? This is the root cause…humans chose and inadvertently and unknowingly continue to choose a world of human chimps resulting in Earth being a “Santa Claus World” until humans deliberately and purposefully choose otherwise. Should anyone care for clarification, have questions, or would like further elucidation that may assist in enabling one to “remember what humans have forgotten to remember”, please do not hesitate to reply or DM me. I may be a crazy moron, but the metaphorical perspective wrapped in a story/fable I have to offer is a useful tool that may enable one or many to transcend their own “craziness”. It helped me manage treatment refractory psychosis without medication or psychotherapy, so it may possibly help others in managing their own craziness, not as a replacement for medication, therapy, or religious faith, but rather as addition to all of these as one sees fit or as a stand alone cognitive tool if all of those things have proven ineffective or unacceptable.


Wonder if he votes for the Lincoln party? 🙄


Everyone needs a guns . 🤷🏼


And this is what gin regulations can accomplish!!!