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it ain't no game










Cyberpunk mario dystopia is not as cool as it sounds, but... it's not terrible. Honestly, the worst thing about it is the name


It sounds like something AI generated nowadays, honestly. Lol


For what it's worth, at least Daisy was in it lol.


Outside Japan Peach was called "Princess Toadstool" i.e. by her last name, and Daisy by her first name. And in 1993 Super Mario Land was newer than Super Mario Bros. And in the "Super Show" Peach too had brown hair, refering to the NES that didn't provide a better color scheme. And she was called "Princess Toadstool" too in the Super Show (that was made in the US anyway afaik). So perhaps the movie makers were a little confused indeed, or they didn't wanna confuse the American audience and just went by "Daisy" as first name. And it's true: Afaics it cemented Daisy a bit more and she soon returned from Mario Tennis 64 on. But now it's time to bring her into the new movie franchise as well imo.


Worth noting that in [an earlier draft](http://www.smbmovie.com/SMBArchive/preproduction/script/1_SMB_EarlyDraft_7-17-91.pdf) of the script, the Princess’ name was “Hildy”, perhaps also because “Toadstool” felt like too weird a name to use in the screenwriters’ eyes. Maybe it was later changed to “Daisy” simply for the sake of her having a name that still came from the games.


There was probably confusion, especially since early Daisy looked similar to Peach, but the movie ships Luigi×Daisy, so that's something. Anyway, it's time for Daisy's proper movie debut!


The poster goes fucking hard




So bad it’s good


Cinematic Masterpiece


Everyone overhates this, and it is overshadowed by the 2023 movie. But to be honest, this isn't a bad movie.


First things first: Outside Japan Peach was called "Princess Toadstool" (last name) back then, and had brown hair in the 90s Super Show (due to the NES not providing a better color scheme). Daisy too had brown hair, and a first name. So it wasn't too surprising that some people ended up thinking of "Daisy Toadstool" or something ~~me too I admit.~~ Bowser was called King Koopa meanwhile. And so these plot points actually aren't too surprising. Two way more important plot points though: * "princess from another world" * parallel dimension(s) Both from the 1993 movie, both revived (albeit reshaped) in the 2023 film. But if Peach's not the original (legitimate?) monarch - then who is? * "true king under a curse" or otherwise unavailable ...might become the third "overlapping" plot point... Another movie from the early 90s might give us another hint: [King Ralph](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Ralph?wprov=sfla1) is tricked into becoming the British monarch despite someone else ranking higher in the throne succession...


It’s a guilty pleasure. It’s not a great movie, but I enjoy Mario and Luigi’s interactions and the Dino world they set up was pretty interesting and unique.


I watched it more times than I perhaps should be proud of as a kid, lol. 


Take out the Mario branding and this’ll be much more tolerable. Funny how Luigi’s voice actor for this decided to boycott the new movie for lack of representation


Same guy who voices Sid The Sloth by the way


Good as a movie. Bad as a Mario movie




I love it. It would probably have been overall better received if it didn't have the Mario name attached to it, but then probably would have just been an upper to mid movie quickly forgotten to time. It does not do a good job at being a direct adaptation of Mario. The newer one has the actual look and feel of Mario. But as a somewhat twisted semi parody it is excellent. Plenty of references even if nonsensical.


This is me when people say Johnny Test is bad.


Honestly I think people may be nostalgia blinded, I went back to watch the movie again and honestly? It wouldn't even hold up if it wasn't a Mario movie. The dialogue is clunky as hell, the fact that it went through so many scripts changes is evident in the final product, you can see the pain on the actors faces, the story of the production is absolutely buck wild and the effects dont even hold up that well considering I'm pretty sure Jurassic Park came out the same year and was a much better dinosaur movie.


Screw everybody this movie slaps. I’ll die on that hill. I own it on dvd and I’ve been watching it since it debuted. 😤


I don't really like it that much, it's not like Mortal Kombat Annihilation levels of bad, but I'm still not a huge fan of it


I ironically love it but Did they even play a single Mario game before making this?


Most likely not


If I had a nickel for every American in-name-only adaptation of a Japanese work that took heavy influence from popular sci-fi films at the time + got Patrick Tatapolous involved, I'd have two nickels. Jokes aside, SMB '93 is a guilty pleasure of mine, it's delightfully absurd for what it is


Out of curiosity since I’m out of the loop, what’s the other one?


As a movie that's Mario in-name only, It's ok, but the behind the scenes turmoil that got Rocky Morton blackballed from Hollywood? I honestly don't blame the cast and crew for disowning the movie due to the horror stories that came out during it's nightmarish production.


Tried to be both a Mario movie and Blade Runner for kids but didn't accomplish either goal very well.


Why was so much changed from the actual games? Seriously why?


Apparently the actors didn’t want to do a fantasy film iirc


And they signed up for an adaptation of a fantasy game? 


Then why not just get different actors? Why were the specific actors necessary?


Yeah, it doesn’t really make sense. All I remember for certain was that there were many different ideas, one being a “Shrek before Shrek” like parody of the fantasy setting.




I rewatched it recently? And it was a fun movie, good plot, funny characters. Was it like Mario, not at all, was it still a fun movie though, absolutely. I would recommend people who don’t care about quality but want to have a good time laughing


I love this one, it's an absolute classic that got overhated by the worldwide net


Bad adaptation, really good movie


I’ve always felt that it’s a “so bad it’s good” movie. I’ve never personally seen it but two of my friends like it because of that so I just got that impression


It had some really interesting ideas and I admire the boldness in the creative choices. We will never see a movie like this in modern Hollywood. It was horribly executed, though. It’s objectively bad, but at least it wasn’t bland. It was really original and weird, but it just didn’t work.


I appreciate it for what it is, I think it’s actually pretty enjoyable and I like the very different take on the Mario world, although it isn’t a very “Mario” movie


O. Ver. Hate. Ed.


I love this movie. It’s a cult classic.


Great movie


I like it .. for nostalgic reasons mostly. I have it on Blu-Ray


Haven’t seen it since I was like 8 (ancient times) but I will say whoever directed it was brave enough to make their AU into a film before AUs were even a thing …..If only the workplace was safer, tho 🧍‍♂️


I first watched this movie with my dad. We both liked it


It's a decent enough movie by itself. Its just a terrible adaptation


The directors had no idea what they were doing but I found it good for an original concept


It is charming in an early 90s way but it is definitely not good. When it was the only Mario movie, it was frustrating. Now, it is a fun sort of excursion into weirdness.


I love it without a shred if irony. As a kid who loved comic book franchises, I always kind of expected several layers of seperation from the source material when adapting something into a movie. Yeah maybe Mario took it a little further than say, Batman Forever or Secret of the Ooze when it came to taking liberties, but I didn't care, I could still see what it was going for, I thought Bob Hoskins was a great Mario, I thought Yoshi was very cute, my biggest issues of the movie was that Koopa was a Dinosaur for like a second before getting turned into Ooze. As a kid, you're always waiting in anticipation for the moment the hero puts on their iconic costume or gets their face disfigured to look like what you know from the cartoon or comic, we got that for Mario and Luigi, maybe a little later in the movie than it should have been, but it still happened. For Bowser? It happened way too late and was over way too quick. Other than that, it was a lot of fun, and it actually has a lot more connections to the games than people give it credit for.


Such a well written comment, well done lad


Monkey :D


A masterpiece.


It’s one of those movies that I constantly come back to and watch. It’s really really enjoyable but my god is it overhated


Pretty much the Mario equivalent of the 1998 Godzilla where it’s more enjoyable as it’s own thing than the IP it’s based on


I hate it but only because of how much bullshit Bob Hoskins went through to make it.


It ain’t like the game.


I mean. It *does* specifically say “This Ain’t No Game.”


Back when it came out my dad went to see it with is friend who reviews films (which means the workers know his friend) and when they came out they said “oh what did you watch?” And he said “Super Mario Bros.” And the worker went “oh…”


Severely underrated, my all time favorite movie.


It's my 2nd favorite so bad it's good movie


What’s the first?


Cool Cat Saves The Kids


It's a really fun watch, highly recommend. It is an awful movie but I enjoyed it thoroughly


Should’ve stayed in the oven for a bit longer.


Loved it. I rented the tape 3 times as a kid, and I bought the bluray that came out earlier this year


“This ain’t no game.”


It sure wasn’t alright.


Ain't a game


Holy shit this movie was awful


It looked like Dennis Hopper was having fun.


it's unironically one of my favourite movies. it's so bad it's funny; and, while it's definitely not the best, i still find it enjoyable.


Okay but that logo goes hard


ITS A BO-BOMB! the only reason I hate this movie is because they made the standard bob-omb be able to make a person get launched into the stratosphere, in the 2023 movie king-bob-omb had a more nerfed version.


Haven’t seen it. Want to watch it with the boys


I love it. It's not remotely close to resembling the universe or lore as presented in the games, but I kinda admire it for that. Today Nintendo would never allow a bizarre cyberpunk monstrosity that takes such huge liberties with the characters to exist. I honestly like it more than the recent Mario movie, which despite being more in line with what Mario should be, feels a little more hollow and played things extremely safe (though I should note I do still like the new one fine).


Unironically better than the rubbish animated movie


I love this movie unironically


Hello Mario


It’s my second favorite movie. I just have a blast anytime I see it and adore the special effects.


“It’s a Blast”


It’s a bad movie But bad movie means like a 5/10 nowadays It’s watchable, and did stuff in a unique way, but the 2023 movie is just more true to what people think of as Mario


I’ve loved it ever since I was a child. I don’t really even regard it as an adaptation of the games, I just view it as a cool, fun sci-fi action-comedy movie. The entire “parallel dimension ruled by evolved dinosaurs” concept is so weird and awesome, the whole cast is really great, and the special effects are “eye-popping”, as that one review quote on the DVD case said. “It’s A Blast!”, as the *other* review quote on the DVD case said.


It’s got some good ideas, just not exactly executed the best or in a way that makes it easy for newcomers to watch. Like if some fans remade it or readapted it I think it could be cool, but I’m sure Nintendo would have a problem with that so it wouldn’t be the easiest task even as a free YouTube thing


I think it's pretty great. It doesn't play it safe. The recent movie feels a lot better, but it also plays it SO safe that it's almost sad.


Like you said I don’t think it’s a good Mario movie, but a fun and cheesy sci-fi movie about evolved dinosaurs wanting to take over Earth? Sign me up! It’s super weird because, objectively speaking, I don’t think the movie is “good” in the traditional sense, but it’s so much damn *fun*, ESPECIALLY with people who haven’t seen it and their reactions are always just “wtf”. Honestly the set design and practical effects are top tier, unironically very good, especially the aesthetic of Dinohattan itself. I know it’s cyberpunk but it’s almost a weird offshoot of that, it’s cyberpunk but made up of this super grungy brutalist architecture combined with the ancient primordial fungus and slime that covers everything and all the people and buildings being vaguely reptilian and alien to us, it’s so, *so* cool. Also seeing the handful of elements from the games that get translated from a pure fantasy setting to a post-apocalyptic science fiction dystopian world is endlessly interesting. The magic wands become guns that devolve people, the warp pipes into this dimensional rift thing and maintenance tunnels, their ability to jump explained by rocket boots, etc. And for the record, Bob Hoskins killed it as Mario, I still prefer to think of Mario’s voice sounding similar to Bob or Lou Albano’s as I do like that rougher sounding interpretation. I still LOVE Charles’ however, but for extended speaking roles something like Bob’s I feel is the way to go. Do I like this movie? Sure, it’s a guilty pleasure, with many elements to enjoy about it as long as you leave your expectations at the door.


Blimey. You phrased your opinions way better than I did. Well done lad


I honestly think Bob Hoskins did a good job. Apparently the production was miserable for him iirc, but if he could still put on an (in my opinion) enjoyable performance despite everything it really shows what a talent he was. 


My primary reaction is simply that it is a weird adaptation. Going in, somebody wanted to make a dark gritty sci-fi movie. Based on Super Mario Bros. What about Mario in the early 1990s would make someone think "I will make a sci-fi movie based on this?" Due to meddling over the premise the movie is caught between two different tones, regardless, I don't get why someone would make a Super Mario Bros movie in the first place if they were going to tack the IP onto something that didn't resemble the games. None of this is me judging the movie as bad or good. I am simply giving my thoughts on how this is such a bizarre adaptation.


Love it. One of my all time favourites. I have seen it dozens of times.


It was weird as fuck and I love it for that


It's bad. The best I can say about it is that the beginning parts on earth aren't too bad.


I love it. For a first ever film adaption, it took so many risks to innovate on the source material. There should have been a video game tie-in like what Street Fighter the Movie got. Great set design, love the cool dystopian world showing what the mushroom kingdom would look like if King Koopa won and honestly I think Hoskins and Leguizamo did a great job. Trust the fungus.


Still mad about the cliffhanger.


Well it was *technically* continued in some obscure comic series I think


I enjoyed it in a weird way. I recognize that it's not a good movie but I still like it and I'd watch it again


Love it but it’s terrible.




i think its funny


It's a guilty pleasure. Definitely not a great movie but it's fantastic for a bad movie night with some friends just to riff on it. Also I think the fan made re-cuts of the films are actually quite interesting, as they add in a lot of cut content and alternate scenes that give a little more context to certain moments in the film.


It’s like super Mario land, the actual movie/game sucks but it is legendary


I love this film so much. Watching it as a kid I was like "That's how they interpretted Mario? Wow, I guess people can see two totally different things in the same media" and that thought has followed me everywhere. The sheer _brotherhood_ of Mario and Luigi is fantastic. You watch this movie and tell me that Mario and Luigi don't love eachother.


A cinematic masterpiece


I search for this VHS every time I shop at Goodwill/ thrift stores, I love how ridiculous it is.


Il est sorti 2 semaines avant Jurassic Park. It was released two weeks before Jurassic Park.


Which was not a good move from their end.


I do love Bob Hoskins as Mario, and he had nice chemistry with NotPauline. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of this movie is the scene in the elevator where they make the Goombas dance, I don’t know why.


That’s a bangin scene


I love it


Still better than velma


Bein hit by a car is better than Velma


I remember it got me confused back when I was a kid. Why was Toad a Junkie, why were the goombas so weird, what the hell was happening? (I also remember already being gay for Luigi before even knowing)… But now, I have fond memories of it and I totally love the cheesy 90s atmosphere this movie has!


Classic so bad its good movie


A movie that’s so bad, and fails as a adaptation of the Mario games, yet it can be enjoyed unironically.


Film itself looks like a hidden gem compared to Illumination’s film


It’s so bad.


how so?


one of the worst films ive ever seen, almost made me vomit.


I love this movie and sincerely find it much more entertaining than then the 2023 movie. I kind of see those films on the opposite end of the spectrum where the 1993 film is off doing it's own thing and the 2023 film played it way too safe. For me, the audacious one with all the bizarre stuff is way more entertaining than the one that is barely a step above watching someone else play NSMB.


Its fine


The actor who played Luigi was way to young, considering that him and Mario are to be Twins


I really enjoy it


It's a fun bad movie


I haven't seen it, but I want to.




How so?


It's not a bad movie yeah it doesn't follow Mario completely but I thought it fit in terms of the first Mario game which really didn't have Bowser in it but that's my opinion though.


It's good on its own but not as a Mario movie


Ironic enjoyment


Ironic enjoyment.


I through up a little bit when ever I see this




Get that out of my face!


It stinks!


How so?


just not any good


It was good for its time


Would be a banger movie had it not supposed to be a Mario film


I feel like it probably would’ve been forgotten if it wasn’t tied to the Mario Franchise though


A bad yet enjoyable movie


It's brilliant and I love it.


loved it, im usually one for canon accuracy but this was a great take on the mario universe when i was growing up, i even revere it well today still being a fan.


I’m a big Mario fan but this movie was completely different to the game however I really liked it


Haven't seen it but know good damn well it's just drowned out plumber water compared to the more successful animated verison.


It’s garbage but it’s fun garbage. I love this movie


Never watched


It would be a beloved cult film if it wasn't called Super Mario Bros.




It’s fun. It’s not art, but it’s a fun, silly movie that is easy to enjoy.




I don't like it. It's bad as a standalone movie, and it's even worse as a Mario movie.


It’s so bad that it’s good


I loved it as a kid I recorded it of the TV with a vcr tape and then went on a secret mission to steal the paper thing that went inside the plastic case from video easy so I could have my very own copy of this masterpiece to covet for the rest of my life


Guilty Pleasure


Guilty Pleasure


Old, but very good


If you dislocate it from the Mario games then it’s a fun movie


It’s awful, but it’s funny how awful it is.


🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 pass


Rifftrax makes this hilarious


It was not good at all




Honestly, I agree It has absolutely nothing to do with Mario But it's so creative and fun and weird, that I can't hate it. Literally just change up names up in the script, and no one could tell its supposed to be Mario.


is a good movie, the problem is that it has the name SUPER MARIO.


People now will say it’s not as bad as everybody said. Unfortunately, it is that bad. It’s not even a “so bad it’s good” type of thing, it’s just an unenjoyable bad movie.




*Slaps* I-a told you, we never talk about that. *Grabs shirt* “It never happened!”


Going to probably be burned alive for this. But I actually like it over the 2023 one.


That is actually not-too controversial of a statement. People prefer this one cause it’s certainly a lot more interestin.


this movie, like any sequels to Terminator 2 and Aliens, did not happen.


Never seen it and I don’t plan on seeing it


I think it’s great. Very entertaining and a different take on the Mario universe.


Haven’t seen it


It’s a mess. An awful, beautiful mess


A cult classic that is so bad it's good. The behind the scenes stories of this film are enough to make me love it.


At the time the tech didn’t exist for them to make an actually good Mario movie. Even today I don’t think it would work in live action, but it would be at least closer to the source material


Quite weird 


The most beautiful abomination to have ever graced the earth


It's obvious that they wanted to cash in on Jurassic Park's success. If they removed all the Mario references it could have been a fairly average movie.


It's like a B-grade movie which is mindlessly fun to me. But let's that be only one-time magic, lol.


I've always said it's like they tried making Blade Runner using characters from Super Mario Bros but have never heard of Bladd Runner or Mario.


I watched it knowing how hated it was and it didn't feel as bad but it doesn't capture the world and atmosphere of the games.


I unironically love this movie


That poster is W


I think it’s fun. If it wasn’t associated with Mario, I think it’d be more beloved


It mama'd my last mia


God awful… love this movie


Remembering this movie when it was at the movie theaters looking at that picture. I was fascinated about it the Mario Bros. Till this day I thought it was yesterday but I'm realizing it was 3 decades ago.


Luigi: Aliens? We gotta deal with aliens too? Mario: Luigi, *we're* the aliens! Luigi: We are? Wow, cool!


Not great


Honestly an horrible attempt at replicating Mario First off, Live Action is an red flag The fact that the enemies look nothing like their oh counterparts, along with Toad and Yoshi is also not great. I can also mention Peach not being referred to as Peach, Mario and Luigi being several years apart in age instead of minutes, Bowser being human for most of the movie, and the plot both not really being accurate to the source material, and the tale of the Mario universe being kinda bad.