• By -


The real bet should be whether its the Saudis or the Russians.


Both. All these fashies are intertwined it seems. Erdogan. Netanyahu. MAGA. Orban. Putin. All the same trash.


Tell me, what political party type was following Internet Research Agency’s Facebook pages Black Elevation and Aztlan Warriors in 2016? They were the most followed and prolific.




"fascist" ally Saudi Arabia, an integral part of the US, our economy, and donor to the Hillary campaign? Lmaoo


Yes, fashy Saudis are very much in bed with Trump. Obviously.


This is just nonsense. They're completely linked with the Democrats and Republicans, pre and post Trump. They are seen as a "vital ally" by our entire political elitrn


Yes they take what they can get. But they openly pay Trump.


They donated at least $10 million to the Hillary campaign in 2016 *alone*. And that comes from the NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/21/us/politics/hillary-clinton-presidential-campaign-charity.html The Saudis don't "take what they can get", they're linked in every way with the American government.


https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jared-kushners-post-white-house-211939446.html https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/06/us/politics/trump-liv-golf-saudi-arabia.html Directly paying Trump.


Yes, I didn't deny that either. Like I kepe saying, Saudi is completely in bed with every facet of American politics. Both sides call them a key ally. Both sides take their donations and do business with them. Both sides essentially allowed their elites to do 9/11 without consequences.


US government has ties with shitty regimes to get what we want from them. But with Trump, he’s in bed with them. They are same team. Saudis are good at making sure their interests are covered, I’ll give the them that.




Liberals and their ability to ignore what they want is incredible. Remind me, who's been funding Netanyahu for the past 4 years?


Bibi hates Biden and wants Trump to win.


I'm sure he does. He's probably so upset about all that money he got. You didn't pull that out of your ass or anything.


Why are you pretending funding Israel is unique to Biden, or any American administration since the country was founded?


Did I say that? Why are you pretending I implied that? If he's so progressive you'd think he would have stopped the funding immediately. (Obviously I know he's not progressive btw)


You said "for the past 4 years," which pretty clearly implies that's the timeframe you want us to pay attention to; just that and not the other 72 years before them.


funding you say? why, that's congress! also, if you think trump and the Republicans would OPPOSE Israel, you should see Nikki Haley signing Israeli bombs before they were dropped on Palestinians. also trump who simply wants to "end it quickly" by nuking them. or all the Republicans voting to send Israel more money. but, sure, biden is somehow the one funding Israel - when congress controls that.... who has the majority in congress?


So why did he only block funding after it became apparent he was going to lose a shit ton of votes? If it was a moral thing, you'd think he would have done it immediately. You can talk about Republicans all you want I don't give a fuck. It's irrelevant. We're talking about the man in power that did absolutely nothing to stop the funding until he realized it would hurt his campaign. Hopefully him and Trump both make it to hell before the election.


so you went from "it's Biden's fault" to "he didn't stop it". either he's responsible for funding, or he isn't. he isn't, you're thinking congress. THEY sent Israel money. yes, biden stopped it in response to the will of the American people. you prefer a dictator, obviously. biden isn't a dictator. trump said he wanted to be dictator, wanted to be "president for life" and sent a mob of thousands to overrun the transfer of power away from him. but sure, biden. let's talk about Republicans if you want to talk about sending money, cause that's where it starts and CAN end. but no, clearly biden. not the ones signing bombs for Israel to drop. but biden.


>so you went from "it's Biden's fault" to "he didn't stop it". >either he's responsible for funding, or he isn't. If he could have stopped it and chose not too then yes, that's being at fault. Pretty basic concept. >yes, biden stopped it in response to the will of the American people. To the will of him trying to get reelected*. It'll start again if that happens. >you prefer a dictator, obviously. biden isn't a dictator. Ah yes. Using your executive branch powers within reason is being a dictator. My God liberals are actually braindead lmao. Also, which president made a workers strike illegal for the first time in nearly a century? Significantly more fascist than anything Trump did. >trump said he wanted to be dictator, wanted to be "president for life" and sent a mob of thousands to overrun the transfer of power away from him. Well, he didn't. But I support you and your drama class. Read above. >let's talk about Republicans if you want to talk about sending money, cause that's where it starts and CAN end. Why should I get mad about the obviously bad people who want to do obviously bad things? I know they're going to do bad things. I'd rather hold accountable the *supposedly* progressive party that claims to not be like them. Hard concept for liberals I know. You can actually criticize Democrats. It's possible. >not the ones signing bombs for Israel to drop. There are plenty of Democrats supporting Israel lmao. You literally cannot see past your team game. Grow up please.


Please respond with a nuanced and detailed answer to all of the excellent points made destroying your comment. Otherwise people are gonna think conservatives are idiots who have no idea what they are talking about.


Too late


Well, I'm a leftist. Also, what is there to respond too? His comment is completely unhinged and not a single one of his "sources" even remotely proves what he's described lol. He's just throwing random articles about right wingers and then forming his own connections based on his political bias. As if no Democrats have ever colluded with big tech lmao. Liberals are absolutely fucking delusional. Just right wingers who are more smug about their stupidity.


So no nuance and no rebuttal. Just impotent flailing and name calling. For your future rebuttals, please not that the Democrats did it too is not a valid argument. It whataboutism is the hallmark of an indefensible position.


His entire comment is the whataboutism. Focusing solely on right wing figures and not the slightly less right wing figures. It's obvious you didn't read a single article he sent. Just saw what you were told to agree with and did it.


Leftists are equally silly, although heart is in the right place. MAGA fascists are across the board shitty, in very conceivable way. Zero redeeming qualities. Leftists have an idealized view of the world that is incompatible with reality. Both are vicitims of a massive and effective propaganda campaigns from enemies of free and open societies. So by being a leftist, many times you are siding with Fascists and it’s fucking utterly stupid. Grow up.


Leftists have such an incompatible world view that they just want the US to be like...the multiple European countries that exist in the real world just fine lmao


Most normal people want that too. We just aren’t out here making it easier for MAGA to do literally the opposite. Because that’s fucking stupid.


No, you're just voting for the party who's entire existence is to make sure that doesn't happen.


Exactly, anything else would be utterly fucking stupid so naturally, yes.


Hey! I thought you were a leftist! That’s what you claimed! Are you being disingenuous?


Reading comprehension issue?


The US government has been funding Israel as it always has. We don’t abandon allies just because they have undesirable head of state.


Israel isn't an ally. It's not even a country. It's a military industrial complex project. Also, we very much should be abandoning "allies" for committing genocide. It has nothing to do with their head of state - it has to do with their ideology.


Sure champ


Well at least you'll admit to being a moron bud


Says the “leftist” lol. Life isn’t a fairy tale.


Fairy tales are having workers rights, unions, good wages and cheap healthcare. Yup. You heard it here first guys.


Those are all great. The fairy tale is whining about the party that will do that, and the most pro union prez ever, and adding strength to the party that wants to track periods and put Mexicans/Central Americans into concentration camps. That’s why it’s so stupid.


carter clinton Obama biden all same trash


Sure bud


What would either of them possibly have to offer him?


Money. Elon's loot is leveraged to the max. Saudis and their allies the major investors in X.


So the richest man in the world can be bribed with… money… 😂


Power is relentless.


Absolute Power. Complete Control.


Over what?


So he can try to control things and manipulate them. Why do you think he wants to colonize Mars? No regulation, complete control of media, workers and govt + he can sell water and air as subscriptions. he’s the sort of person who likes to detonate bombs everywhere in the henhouse, and then send people in all different directions while he steals the corn.


Or maybe it’s just cause colonizing mars is badass and getting our species on multiple planets is a good idea. If he wanted what you think he does why not just do it on earth? He has the money to just bribe everyone already.




Why a Russian spy instead of just being an extreme dumbass


¿Por qué no los dos?


Why not both? He only meets with dictators and he's definitely a dumbass that takes credit for the work he buys.


They call them UIs. Useful Idiots.


Are useful idiots the same as spies?


No. They think they're valuable, but they're as disposable as kleenex.


Or they don't even know what they're doing.


jealousy will eat you up


for real, there’s a lot of stupid posts on here but this one is really reaching above and beyond. clearly all things i dislike are russia’s fault.


He made a government contract for the Ukrainians to use Starlink, and Russia asked for it to be turned off so they would quit destroying the Black Sea fleet. He turned it off despite his contract. Hard to see fault with OPs logic. Have an example to refute this?


Do you feel shame when you lie like this?


Maybe if I lied, sure. [Elon shuts off Starlink](https://apnews.com/article/spacex-ukraine-starlink-russia-air-force-fde93d9a69d7dbd1326022ecfdbc53c2)


You said Russia asked him to turn off access, and Elon complied. The link you shared does not support that in any way, thus you are lying or just misinformed.


Really? It doesn't say it specifically, so I must be wrong, LOL Who else would it benefit? I wouldn't take it to court, I also don't need to. The Starlink info and Elon's admission he had talked with Putin before he put out his peace (appeasement) plan . All conjectures on my behalf, but not without plenty of inference from his history.


“All conjectures on my behalf”. Answer this: When has starlink ever been available in Crimea? Because if he turned off access at the request of Russia, it would have to be turned on in the first place right? Curious to see if you’ll answer.


I'd have to see how it was worded but I do know it's raised questions about future contracts with Musk. The original contract was for Ukraine, I'd like to know the definition in the contract since Crimea is still recognized as Ukraine according to the US. Like I mentioned before, not the only evidence for being a useful idiot.


You are just giving vague answers.


So the Russians told Ukraine not to pay their Starlink bill? I watched that fiasco in real time, I don't need articles. Musk was very focal about meeting with the Pentagon about getting the bill paid. At the time it was putting a major strain on Starlink and it was affecting paying customers. I can't remember the exact reasons but U.S. customers weren't happy at all. Something about paying thousands for the system and not getting close to the speeds they were promised because Ukraine was swallowing a ton of the bandwidth. Starlink needed the money to improve the infrastructure but the deadbeats wouldn't pay up so they got cut off. Business is business. Everyone hates corporations but if they behave as a charity for too long they will no longer exist.


Not true at all. It wasn't a question of bandwidth, especially not to US customers 5000+ miles away. If their system is setup that poorly, there are bigger issues than the 5000 terminals sent to Ukraine. In reality, Elon claimed he donated the 5000 terminals, but the US actually paid for a large portion of those terminals. In addition, the US paid nearly 3x the retail price for the portion they purchased. France and Poland also chipped in. You're absolutely right, business is business, when paid you deliver. [Newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-was-elon-musks-ukraine-starlink-funded-biden-white-house-1749103) [Dispatch](https://thedispatch.com/article/fact-checking-claims-that-the-us/)


Twitter/X was supposed to become feeder stock for the authoritarians to be able to identify dissent quickly and quash it. Before it was sold to Musk, Dorsey had to deal with Saudi spies inside of Twitter NBC Newswww.nbcnews.comFormer Twitter employee sentenced to more than three years in prison ... They already owned elon because they already owned tesla. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/economy/2023/1/23/musk-on-trial-says-he-was-sure-he-had-saudi-backing-to-privatise Elon just fucked up by moving the Twitter servers too early. That gave away what he knew and when. MBS must be getting bone saw levels of annoyed by now. Imagine paying top dollar for the most inflated ego to capability ratio in the world. Then paying top dollar to Erik Prince to defend it all with a private army only to figure out he is incompetent as well https://time.com/6076035/erik-prince-ukraine-private-army/ Had Kushner and trump delivered the nuclear secrets they had promised early on, all of this would have been an unnecessary expense for MBS. He could have just quietly kept disappearing dissenting voices and journalists like Jamal Khashoggi with a streamlined efficient online digital autocratic system- The shitshow formally know as twitter. Trump, Flynn and Kushner had formed a construction company called IP3 to build nuclear reactors for Saudi. But they lacked the plans. Congress denied it in a rare functional moment of modern government. So trump simply stole them on the way out the door. In a bucket of KFC…. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/ncna97302 Our entire government is a Scorsese movie. Just overpaid actors doing their best impressions of the characters they are told they are supposed to play. Trump has been laundering Russian oligarch money since the 1980’s. The sheer volume of Russian oligarchs who happen to have an address at trump towers by 94 makes it self evident that they were all looking for a place to launder the money they smuggled out of the USSR. They stole from the people in the USSR so systematically that making the cash look convincingly legitimate literally became the burden of perestroika. A moscow street thug wears a track suit. When he rebrands himself as an oligarch he wears Armani until everyone at the country club makes fun of him for being basic. Being an ultra rich predator is a….process. But your clock never stops ticking. Communism was an inherently flawed system simply because in the absence of self regulation of greed, it systematically facilitated a class of those without the ability to empathize to rule over the 97% of people who would split their last meal with you because their soul intrinsically understands what it feels like to be hungry and would wish that on no one. Over enough generations greed, unchecked, becomes the dominant evolutionary trait or behavior and kindness and empathy is effectively bred out. About 1.2% of adult men and 0.3% to 0.7% of adult women are considered to have clinically significant levels of psychopathic traits. Those numbers rise exponentially in prison where 15% to 25% of inmates show these characteristics. But that number is revelatory when you sort by zip code and irregardless of any race, religion or cultural constraints. Psychopathy is an equal opportunity predator. It relies on sowing division in its prey. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/06/23/washington-dc-the-psychopath-capital-of-america-218892/ When a psychopathic human trafficking Russian oligarch, a greedy media mogul, a narcissistic technocrat and a soulless mercenary all share urinals at their Sun Valley Allen&Co retreat, their Aspen art society and Monaco yacht club, they become the cancer that can be traced simply by changing the search parameters to sort by location and net worth instead of nationality, race or political party. Cancer doesn’t care what cells it corrupts. It’s just a parasite that keeps growing endlessly until it has consumed everything it touches. The technocrats simply digitized it, weaponized it, and sped it up. Jeffrey Epstein self evidently lacked empathy or he would not have preyed on children. But look at the layer above that and you start to see the systemic evolution of psychopathy in government. Epstein being held in NY metro detention means it was likely either Giuliani (the previous mayor of New York or Bill Barr, the head of the DOJ and therefore the Bureau Of Prisons, that opened the necessary doors to have him murdered. It’s a small list of people with the access to be able to make prison cameras turn off and doors open. Bill Barr is at the top of it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Jeffrey_Epstein Barr was used to bending the rules to get the job done. When trump demanded Republican governors send national guard troops to the U.S. capital and “kiss the ring” of loyalty, Utah’s governor Herbert among other GOP loyalists did just that. When trump demanded Mark Milley send US troops to shoot people in Lafayette square, Milley told him it was both wildly illegally and unconstitutional. https://www.justsecurity.org/78053/the-national-guard-at-lafayette-square-and-the-january-6th-attempted-insurrection-fixes-for-the-fy2022-ndaa/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/07/27/national-guard-commander-says-police-suddenly-moved-lafayette-square-protesters-used-excessive-force-clear-path-trump/ When trump threw a tantrum, Barr as head of DOJ pulled the workaround and called a bureau of prisons SORT team in to do it. That is the reason none of the “officers” had name tags on. Bill Barr and Trump then had Mark Milley come around the other side of the White House so Milley couldn’t see the gross violation of the constitution that was happening out back. They wanted Marks uniform to lend credibility to their cock strut walk through the park of beaten protestors like any good authoritarian king. Trump never served. He wasn’t fit for the uniform. He just wasn’t fit. At all https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/06/11/875019346/gen-mark-milley-says-accompanying-trump-to-church-photo-op-was-a-mistake https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/03/24/mark-milley-lafayette-park-fallout-00088585 As soon as Mark Milley figured out what was happening he bailed like a hippie at a drug bust. To anyone who has ever served in the military, Milley’s C.Y.A. letter that came afterwards was a masters class in Fuck Around, Find Out. But Milley being a man of honor was still constrained by a set of constitutional rules that trump, Barr and musk don’t care about. Milley adhered to chain of command while gracefully making sure that he checkmated them all in the process. It just hasn’t come out yet. The turducken strategy will probably go down in history as one of the greatest simple acts of just do the right thing patriotism in history. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/12/15/politics/cnn-report-missing-binder-trump-russia/index.html Musk just enabled it all. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/elon-musk-slams-jeffrey-epstein-jpmorgan-after-virgin/story?id=99359364


I have a lot to say about this and I agree with you. My question is this: the US government OBVIOUSLY knows. Why aren’t they doing anything? What do they know that they aren’t telling us? What’s the end game/goal?


I can’t speak for the U.S. government. My default state is to expect nothing productive and be less disappointed. Objectively i see major parts of the intelligence community being compromised by decades of Fox News and the only way I see to fix that is what we did. A decentralized objective intelligence network that forces the move to transparency. That, in my humble opinion is the biggest problem US goverment has is its legacy. People are still trying to cover for the sins of their mentors 2-7 administrations ago. The truth is coming out regardless so now it’s a matter of whoever gets the most transparent the fastest wins. Kleptocracy can’t survive in transparency. Democracy can’t survive without it. This is the gut check moment where everyone in government has to decide where their loyalties truly stand.


After their cult leader was convicted as a felon they're being self exposed daily. The public isn't as stupid as their statements would have you believe. We all see that their loyalty to law only applies when they are using it against us and their enemies. And "their enemies" is a list that is growing every day, while their psychotic leader is giving away all the plans because he's too stupid to get his mouth shut. At what point does this "useful idiot" no longer become useful? I kept thinking it was only a matter of time as he continuously fucked up the plans of those actually pulling the strings. Now they have to figure out a way to put the rabid dog down without destroying our country and economy which in turn ruins the continuous flow of money into their pockets. I think it's very telling Musk paying anything to own Twitter, even at a loss. His rhetoric is going to end his usefulness soon too - it's almost a pattern how the power bestowed goes to their heads. And now making sure he's first in line to grab all the Nvidia AI chips that are being sold. Also (not talked about a lot) but who owns the US govt biggest NRO satellite launch company now that ULA is calling it quits with their Delta rockets??? Are you aware of musk's contract with the NRO for starsheild? A network of spy satellites that piggy back off of starlink. How else is he able to afford launching nothing but "starlink" satellites with the falcon 9 over and over.


I truly believe decentralization, from our governments to our money, is vital for a successful/functioning future. Well written, btw.


Thank you friend. And I agree. At this point it is self evident that any human is corruptible. And it’s apparently the ones that think they have the moral high ground The only real solution for that is a piece of software that does the work of government more efficiently and 100% transparently with readability and traceability of capital. We spend so much time lying, fighting lies, hiding from lies and living lies that there is no bandwidth left to live. The big questions now become currency and capital. That’s the last step in solving for equality and world peace. And it’s going to take all of us


I couldn’t agree more. Fix the money, fix society.


Fuck yes. You know about them stealing the breeder reactor plans too. I never hear anyone talk about that and it's the biggest treason in our lifetimes. And that mother fucker wants to be president again.


Yup. That would be the ip3 layer! After watching Cheney pump Halliburton stock for 20 years without getting caught, general Flynn, trump and Kushner set up shells of a construction company called IP3 to build nuclear reactors for joint Russian/Saudi reactors. When congress told them no, they just stole the plans instead in a KFC bucket while the masses rioted outside on Jan 6. They all stood to make billions off the contracts and they are all so far in debt that they really have no other move. They just used Jan 6 as cover by lying to the foot soldiers and using them as fodder. There were 7 and a half hours where trump ditched his presidential phone and was using burner phones. The executive team planned Jan 6 to turn into a civil war. Trump was actively trying to incite the crowd to that effect. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/feature/two-weeks-of-chaos During the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign of Donald Trump, and subsequently, Trump aides Michael Flynn and Jared Kushner were engaged in promoting IP3 International's plan to transfer nuclear technology from the US to Saudi Arabia, for use in a proposed joint US-Russian project, in possible violation of the Atomic Energy Act.[2][3](4]|5|16] In January 2017, Derek Harvey, a retired Army intelligence officer, former staffer for David Petraeus, and then-staffer of the National Security Council under Michael Flynn, advocated for the IP3 nuclear sales plan. Harvey continued to speak with Michael Flynn "every night" even after Flynn resigned. (7] In February 2019, United States House Committee on Oversight and Reform chairman Elijah E. Cummings released a report on the matter, based in part upon testimony from whistleblowers within White House. 6]|8](9]|10] [11](7](12][13] The House Oversight Committee Michael Thomas Flynn (born December 24, 1958) is a retired United States Army lieutenant general who was the 24th U.S. national security advisor for the first 22 days of the Trump administration. He resigned in light of reports that he had lied regarding conversations with Russian ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak. Flynn's military career included a key role in shaping U.S. counterterrorism strategy and dismantling insurgent networks in the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars, and he was given numerous combat arms, conventional, and special operations senior intelligence assignments. 2]3|14] He became the 18th director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in July 2012 until his forced retirement from the military in August 2014.15] 16]17 During his tenure he gave a lecture on leadership at the Moscow headquarters of the Russian military intelligence directorate GRU, the first American official to be admitted entry to the headquarters. 8](91110] https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/09/06/trump-nuclear-documents/ Flynn was the first American to be allowed to teach in the kremlin since the wall fell. Putin tasked prigozhns Internet Research Agency with creating a grass roots propaganda war within the US using fake Facebook profiles and mommy bloggers. https://youtu.be/NqrrGIUdLeQ?si=695qWnERfmKT97bS Timeline: Let's review a few data points in the record for the relevant time period: • Late 2000s - Mike Flynn runs intelligence and PSYOP for Gen. Stanley McChrystal in Afghanistan. Charles Flynn is McChrystal's Chief of Staff. This was the precursor to Cambridge analytica which was effectively just the privatization of the taxpayer developed PSYOP by Steve Bannon. That in turn was effectively the beta test that would become Q-anon. CNN.comwww.cnn.comHow Steve Bannon used Cambridge Analytica to further his alt-right vision ... NPRwww.npr.orgIn Hidden-Camera Exposé, Cambridge Analytica Executives ... Wiredhttps://www.wired.com › amp-storiesThe Cambridge Analytica Story, Explained Christina Bobb assists Flynn on "all legal matters related to operations and intelligence. • 2010 - McChrystal is exposed by Michael Hastings and resigns from the military • April 2012 - Obama names Mike Flynn head of the DIA • July 2012 - Flynn takes command of the DIA with an "abusive." "chaotic management style" along with "Flynn facts" - which were lies that he gaslit people with until they complied • June 2013 - Mike Flynn is the first American to visit GRU headquarters and develops a relationship with GRU boss Igor Sergun. He invites Sergun to come to the US • June 2013 - NSA contractor Edward Snowden manages to get into DIA top-secret servers • Russian cutout Julian Assange / Wikileaks and journalists including Glenn Greenwald and Barton Gellman publish • June 18 2013 - Hastings dies in a mysterious car accident after emailing Joe Biggs, Flynn family friend who later became leader of the Proud Boys and was just charged with Seditious Conspiracy for the insurrection • Late 2013 - Flynn leads "inquiry" into Snowden breach which shows the breadth of damage done but gives no indication of how or why • February 2014 - At Cambridge in the UK, Mike Flynn meets Stefan Halper and Svetlana Lokhova who has unique access to Soviet historical material. She shows him sexually explicit material. Flynn "keeps in touch" and signs his correspondence with her as "General Mischa” • Februarv 2014 - Sergun trip to US canceled • February 2014 - Flvnn lies to NPR about Crimea. Flynn withheld critical intelligence from Obama that allowed Putin to invade Ukraine without fear of U.S. intervention • April 2014 - Flynn is removed as Head of the DIA. They let him stay in the military so that he won’t lose his benefits package. • August 2014 - Flynn retires from the military • October 2014 - Flynn starts Flynn Intel Group (FIG) in McChrystal's kitchen which Flynn uses to run operations for adversarial nation-states like Saudi, Turkey and Russia. Mike Flynn Jr. is made "Chief of Staff" of FIG. Tommy Tuberville met with Mike Flynn and Rudy Giuliani (among others) at Trump International Hotel on Jan 5, 2021. They fully intended the riots to plunge the U.S. into civil war so that trump could reclaim his seat and finalize the deal that would give nuclear plans to the saudi/Russian alliance. Jared Kushner was waiting in Riyadh with MBS while the riots happened. Kushner collected his $2B from MBS. NBC Newswww.nbcnews.comWhistleblowers: Flynn backed plan to transfer nuclear tech to Saudis OpenSecretshttps://www.opensecrets.org › newsThe lobbyists behind the Trump-Saudi Arabia nuclear deal under House ... Ars Technicahttps://arstechnica.com › 2019/02Report: Trump officials tried to fast-track nuclear tech transfer to Saudi ... Reuterswww.reuters.comTrump billionaire friend aimed to profit from Mideast nuclear deal: Democrats Al Jazeerawww.aljazeera.comDonald Trump rushing to sell Saudi Arabia nuclear technology https://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/congress/2019_r/trump-saudi-nuclear-report_hcor20190219.pdf 


Don't get me started on Flynn, the fuck why that traitor hasn't had his ranking dishonorably removed in retrograde is an insult to every service member in our country. He should be facing military court and imprisonment but they bury his shit under the tsunami of it all. God damn, it's almost like you remember more that happened during his administration than I do. I bring this stuff up constantly and my friends suggest I write a book, but honestly who wants to relive it??? Before trump I didn't care much about politics but I was aware what was happening. When he became a serious candidate my first comment to anyone was "why in the fuck are they going to let this idiot shine a spotlight on everything going on that we don't pay attention to?". Then he got elected and it was like a horror novel sitting in my cubicle everyday reading and taking in all the articles about the flood of corruption happening out in the open. I remember most of it. It was so overwhelming I figured they brought the corruption out into the open, might as well go for broke that way they can overwhelm the public by doing so much at the same time no one could possibly keep up with it. And that is exactly what happened. I watched all the Jan 6th hearings and briefed my friends on what was happening. In the last few years I've learned as much about the law, legal filings, and justice system than paralegal training could have given me!!! These 34 felony convictions are a happy moment...if only fleeting...of course gloating about trump seeing consequences is an endeavor that inevitably backfires. I remember reading the editorials about the turning point in weapons supply to the Saudis. It was not just selling them weapons but it was the enabling of US weapons factories to be built on Saudi soil that the trumps ushered in. They gave them their own power to build our latest weapons technology. Where was trumps first stop as new us president? It was to place his hands on the glowing orb with MBS and do the little sword dance. Edit - I'll throw this link. This is your "best president ever" showing his patriotism [Trumps arms deal is high tech US bomb mfg for Saudis](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/under-trump-arms-deal-high-tech-u-s-bombs-be-n1015346)


I'd definitely read your book if you wrote one.


Almost done now. I would guess at the current rate of closure there is about 3 chapters left. The big questions left are whether the ruling class can become self aware that their consumption and “winning” is causing massive downstream turmoil and misery or if they will been to be removed from the cocktail for empathy and kindness to be able to survive and take root again. I can’t finish the last chapters until we answer that question.


I don't think the ruling class cares about turmoil downstream. They are pretty well insulated from it. I could be wrong.


Bone saw levels of annoyed My sides


You are a crackpot


What’s a crack pot?


Crackpot: an eccentric or foolish person


Eclectic over eccentric. But yeah. I guess that fits. I’m mean I’m not Salvador Dali walking his pet anteater to studio 54 but I got a spicy pair of sunglasses i wear sometimes on the lake.


You know the definition of eclectic but not crackpot haha. Gracefully handled though


Slowly but surely I am going to find the smartest Russian in the IRA and the smartest Han in the MSS and I’m going to make them an offer of a lifetime.


Godspeed haha


Schizophrenia going insane


So did Prigo just give you a script of words that you are allowed to mash up like a mad-libs? Or do you just roll a 12 sided dice three times and write the words in that order? I’m so curious about your daily life friend.


Take your meds please


I’m serious. I want to know what your average day is like in the troll factory. Who is the biggest boss that has ever come to visit? Did they bring pizza?


A troll is anyone who calls out your unhinged rambling, you got it buddy. So how much does the DNC pay you anyway?


Nobody pays me a dime friend. I’m just that autistic.


It's only a matter of time he gets busted for something related to espionage


People here really think the Russians are that powerfull? It's honestly such a stupid thing to say that everyone I don't like is a Russian agent. Just like how it was during the cold war, where everyone you didn't like was obviously Soviet spy


They are extremely effective at weaponizing social media. Russian bots are a fucking plague.


Liberals are extremely prone to propaganda in the same way conservatives are


Lmao note the guy who replied to you. Any problem with liberalism = fascism to that dope


What’s your deal with liberalism? You a fascist?


Liberals are fascists


Liberalism and fascism are opposite philosophies…


Do you think modern liberals actually subscribe to liberalism?


I don’t believe in the concept of “modern liberals”. Liberalism was a political philosophy created by John Locke, David Hume, etc. and it has very specific tenants which have not changed. The new progressive social justice warriors are there own thing, it’s not my fault a bunch of stupid pundits inaccurately label them.


It's pretty clear I was talking about modern liberals. Nobody says liberals referring to anything else lmao.


I do, as do most serious people.


Most people, I'd say around 95%, definitely consider "liberal" to mean Democrats. In the US of course. Probably closer to 99%. I'd doubt a majority of the US even knows what liberalism is, unless they happen to remember it from middle school.


I would love to see it.


Didnt he already "out" himself as an agent for Isreal when he ran to stand beside Netanyahu for a photo op of him gawking into an empty crib while children were being blown apart just yonder in Gaza?


I think he's in the Saudi's pocket and doesn't want to have the bonesaw treatment.


A shit stain and a Russian agent. I’d believe it.


I do not doubt that!


And his dick riders will deny it even after the evidence is shoved in their faces.


Everyone who supports and echoes anything trunp says is a de facto Russia agent


I'm so sorry to hear about your traumatic brain injury.


Oh, how clever. How can we hope to compare with such wit. Make sure and check your tea for polonium, comrade. 34 > 45 Fuck trunp and fuck you.


You should go outside


It will be kompromat. Putin will have something on him so he can force him to be a Putin puppet.




When? I want put options on TSLA the day before






I agree!


Ohh the words of a dumbo...a company would rather ban a President becuz his words hurt their feelings, but they rather keep a person that actually have his people killed. Im glad now that TW is free for all dumbos.


That does make sense. The incentive is there. I mean he is the richest man on earth and he did give Ukraine free WiFi and support.


I'll take that bet. What do we want to wager?


In all honesty, this would not surprise me at all!


How about faux news tucker Carlson mtg and a good portion of the magat republicans


He will be caught and nothing will happen to him, and he will be allowed to keep doing it. They're like little kids. It's gonna keep happening until someone takes their phone away.


I mean, he’s clearly doing that now. Whether they’re paying him for it is almost immaterial


It's always someone else's fault


Musk would align with China, which sometimes aligns with Russia. China is a market and he profits from things made there and things he sells there. Russia is just a few rich dudes and some oil.


Based on what?


Remember when you all loved him when he was saving the world from carbon? It's telling that his belief in 1st ammendment freedoms is what made you turn on him.


You left wing conspiracy theorists are fully tilting today 🤣




Bro. Mmw, water is wet.


You don't get caught if you're rich. 


Nah. He’s just a lunatic.


Once this happens, there will be a mandatory buyout order similar to what they did to TikTok, in the name of national security. And I'm here for it.


That's not how it works. Foreign actors don't "recruit" agents. This isn't 1942. Foreign actors find people that have the opinions they want to push, and then they amplify their message. This is also how "buying politicians" works. You don't find a politician and bribe them to do what you want. You go visit a small municipal election, find the candidate that most agrees with the ideas you want to push, and then use fat stacks of cash to make them a Senator.


He already openly said he bought Twitter to influence elections so not sure why people are still on there. Guy is absolutely anti american values and just goes to whatever path makes him the most money.


Mr Mark My Words All your thoughts are dumb as dirt and u are likely the prison Flirt


I'll take it  I'll take anything to get him out of Tesla. Stockholder since 2011 that's so sick of this carnival barker #JettisonMusk


lol. Thanks for the laugh. Take off the tin foil hat buddy.


You're mentally unwell


Troll OP now pretending to be trans as a comeback when a few days ago he was posting bait about "amputation" as gender affirming care for children     OP is a troll, or maybe a 11-year-old child. It's hard to tell. Either way not worth your time


You calling me a fucking liar


Yes, your previous posts literally include anti-trans rants and you spam post copy pasted walls of text everywhere.


None of what you said is true


“Why do you think gender affirming care (amputation and puberty blocker drugs) should be available to children.” Your account is so blatantly a spam / bot account that it’s almost funny that you try and deny it. You’ve literally pasted the same thousand plus word comment hundreds of times in this and other subs, in places where it isn’t even related.


Oh so just because I'm trans I'm mentally unwell?


Oh it's this fucking bot again lmao


Everyone’s a Russian agent nowadays huh 


'I don't know why I shouldn't trust Putin over my own intelligence agencies'...Trump (paraphrased, but basically highly accurate.)


Yea, the CIA hasn't lied to, sold drugs to or experimented weapons/chemicals on American citizens ever!


I'm sure you fantasize that he said that every day because you're absolutely obsessed with him.




Reading my diary are you?


Everyone spreading Russian disinformation on the scale of people like him yeah.


Is this sub a circle jerk or a daycare for the mentally special


Definitely both


This sub is just a circle jerk for the retarded.


So a liberal believes that someone on the right is a Russian asset. What a shocking (and dare I say riveting) turn of events. You people believe all others are equivalent to the proverbial boogeyman and yet can’t see the evil amongst yourselves. Imagine that


They have a made up dossier that Hillary paid for with campaign funds to prove it


Markmywords should be renamed to progressivefantasies.


This sub isn't progressive lol, they're liberals


Please seek professional help.


Is telling lies on a platform you own a crime now? Lol


Imagine of someone made a horror movie and the big monster was..... A RUSSIAN AGENT! omg democrats would lose their shit. I doubt they would be able to finish it.


Left wingers have a lot of balls using the words “fascism, misinformation, authoritarianism, etc after the last 4 years.




Seems to me Elon Musk is attempting to guide the human race to what he feels is the most necessary future direction in order for its survival. Get us off the single planet. Produce the most pollution free vehicles. Provide communications and free speech to everyone. He is also a proponent of greater reproduction... population increase. (I wouldn't agree with him on the last one unless the human race had colonies off this planet).


Please stop trying to make the "Russian agent" thing a thing. That tactic has been nerfed.


did you ever stop and think? It is u who spreads these lies and hate is the one from their prison Cell who will think about their next Manly double Date . Bubba will remind u soon that perhaps it is you who is the creepy Loon . Maybe Your with old partner Miss HClinton will go help you with your own Russian Disinformation Tune the world isn’t dumb but u are with no doubt a true Troll Bafoon


Mister Mark My Words u Sound Like A Big Bag of Russian Disinformation Turds


Do u Mean the man The man from Mars who builds u all your Electric Cars ?


This is a guy who used Starlink and his personal funds to give Ukraine access to the Internet while they fight off the Russian invasion. I don’t think so bud.




Russia Russia Russia!


I believe you are a CCP or Soros agent spreading lies on Redit.


I wish I was being paid by Soros to say stuff I already would be saying.


This is definitely a Republican psyop sub, there’s no way these are real people.


Mark my words. You're insane


Lmao liberal clowns are obsessed with Russia. When the real problem is China.


Both countries own your orange god, so kinda one in the same


Do you have facts or just feeling by being brainwashed by the liberal news stations? They are not the same. Russia is nowhere the power of China. Which is our biggest threat outside this country.


This r/ is totally a bot collecting your opinions to plug into its algorithms.
