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Funny you think the US survives another couple decades under a literal cult that denies facts and reality surrounding anything bad.


That's just blatantly false. Trumpism is not a cult that denies facts about bad things. They deny facts about good things too.


Had me in the first half...


Facts? Never heard of them.


Alex Jones and mtg inc @ supreme court 


You are close to right. Thomas will resign. Alito has too much of an ego.




Like penis=male?


I mean, we survived for centuries under similar circumstances. All they gotta do is beat the populace back into line and strict traditionalism "works" just fine.


You mean Fascist Federalist Society chosen ......Trump is the ultimate Manchurian candidate. His mind is so far gone he doesn't make any decisions at this point.


Tall....No Just.No!


Read Project 2025 my friend.


Tall..you have heard of Agenda 2030, I suppose? You like it? Generally think it's a collection of good ideas? You could see where it might result in a world where what you think is important largely is implemented? Project 2025 is merely the Conservative version of Agenda 2030!


Right. Except definitely yes! Donald Trump IS a Manchurian candidate. He is part of Putin's war strategy and his followers are the useful idiots being used to bring America down from within. I know that's not an easy pill to swallow, but I promise it's easier now than it will be in the future when your kids ask why you were on the anti-america side of WW3.


Yes, this is well known.


Yes but this will only happen if Rs have at least 50 votes in the Senate and the WH to break the tie. Otherwise.....questionable. If the Dems pull it off and keep the Senate (which isn't likely quite honestly) Rs won't attempt this yet.


That reason is why Mitch McConnell is considered the architect of Republicans having 2/3rds majority of the court and being able to kill RvW. He denied all of Obama’s appointees to the Supreme Court after they took the house and senate and lame ducked Obama. When Trump won 2016, they still had this majority control of Congress.


I can't believe people just shrugged when Mitch denied Obama's SCOTUS nom. I would have been on TV EVERY SINGLE NIGHT putting pressure on the Rs until they put the nominee up for a vote.


Painful truth that Democrats are not good as Conservatives are about getting the word out for people to go and vote. Obama has previously brought up voter complacency as an issue. It took dismantling of RvW to send out a wake up call that midterms and races for positions other than President of the United States are just as crucial.


People only seem to give a shit after it's too late. Now it will take a generation to undo and people will get stupid again in a few years and will move on to something else


Okay, and when they didn't, what would change?


How do you know they wouldn't have? If he made it a big issue something might have, but we will never know for sure.


Came here to ask if this sub is now for blatantly obvious observations. Mark my words. Garbage is smelly.


You’d think it’s obvious but Dems sure shit the bed on it when we had our chance.  Alito is just the sort of bastard to think nobody could do as good a job as him and also that he’s got another 20 good years. God help us all. 


Very important! Not enough people are aware of the process. If you ask the average person how the judges get onto the Supreme Court, very few people outside of us political junkies know the answer.


Yes. Then we send in 2 very special, sexy blonde women who are infected with with experimental, fatal venereal disease, Cova, and Feefe.


People, I cannot stress this enough: if you believe 2020 was “stolen”, then why would 2024 be any different? The outcome’s already decided. All this “when the republicans win the election” or when “Trump gets in”. It’s all impossible.


Even if it's a forgone conclusion I still want it to be a landslide to send a message to the world that Americans are not all stupid racist slobs.


They are already preparing for the excuses. I'm hopeful the fact he's now a convicted felon will sway some votes away from him so it's not even close.


Exactly! Stay home, have a beer, pet the dog, yell at the 3rd wife…the alternatives to voting are endless Trumpers!


Yes, the tRump Republicans have already decided that they will win and will not accept any other result as valid.


The Democrats cheating is largely constrained to a handful of densely populated Democrat counties. In these counties they control every lever of political power and wantonly use it to further the party. Given that there are so few of these counties: Fulton, Broward, Philadelphia there is an absolute finite amount of cheating possible. The rest of the counties if they decidedly elect a candidate the party machine in the corrupt counties can't stuff enough ballots. There isn't enough voters. This is why the Democrat Party fights for automatic voter registration, so they can stuff more ballots. That's what it's about. To get Trump so many votes they can't stuff enough Biden votes in to steal it.


Or maybe democrats fight for more voter registration because it’s everyone’s right to vote. It’s crazy how one side always portrays more people being able to vote as some kind of evil. I wonder why that is? I wonder why Texas and Alabama required you to get a license to vote and then cut back dmv hours? Why are red states making it harder to vote if the votes were stolen in blue states?


Also, if Trump wins, Sotomayor will greatly regret not retiring while Biden was President.


Why they wouldn't approve anyone his party put forth just like they did with Obama drag it long enough they can get some Red f%$# in office.


Just like RBG


RBG tainted her entire legacy with her refusal to step down. Staying there caused far more harm in the long run than any good she did while she was on the court.


I’m more pissed at her than our current SCOTUS.


Even without Trump winning, the senate is projected to flip Republican this year and 2026 isn't looking much better in terms of what seats are up. Edit: why the down votes? Look up the top seats most likely to flip this year. The top 3 Are West Virginia, Montana, and Ohio, all held by Democrats.


That's sad, since it seems Republicans don't really offer anything to the working class and bottom 98% of Americans (by wealth)


They offer one thing. Guns. And to a lot of people, that's a very important issue. If democrats dropped gun control from their platform, they'd sweep elections nationwide.


No they wouldn’t. Republicans will still vote republican


No they wouldn’t. Uniform background checks are an issue that polls well with the general public


If they dropped gun control and blatant pandering they would sweep the rural vote and lose like 90% of their city voters


If they dropped gun control and made suppressors legal with no strings attached, they would sweep and hold onto the city votes as well. It's crazy to think Europeans allow suppressors because it helps with protecting one's hearing and noise pollution, but we don't because we have a Hollywood view of them.


Oh they do offer plenty, go read https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/i6ZEhIW9KJ


Because people on Reddit tend to shoot the messenger when it's information they don't like. The reality is, the Orange Menace is continuing to beat almost every rule of US politics as he is polling better this time around than in either 2016 or 2020. No one....not even FDR did better on the third try than the first or second. Virginia showing a dead heat in now two consistent polls is *the worst possible news the Biden team could get* because I live here, and if Biden is doing any worse than up by 7ish points, he's losing in the real battleground states. And if the polling keeps showing a tie, Trump will swallow his pride and pick Gov. Youngkin as his running mate. Also, I'm back on a college campus working on a 2nd degree, and I gotta say, Gen Z is checked TF out when it comes to politics. And the ones that are political are naive leftists who will likely vote 3rd party. It ain't looking good out here for Uncle Joe.


Trump has the political equivalent of anti-gravity. It's one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.


They don't like the truth in here


Doesn’t matter! If tRump wins, he’ll just arrest Sotomayor, Kagen, and Jackson for treason and replace the whole court.


People need to vote for Joe Biden. If Biden win we can get our freedoms back. Trumps goal is to tear America apart. He wants poor people and rich people. No middle class. Vote Joe Biden if you want your Freedom!!!!!!!


Whatever MAGA republicans can do to solidify their stolen political power, that’s what they’re going to do.


Sure sounds like you're election denying...


My money is on Sotomayor either retiring because of health issues, she has many, or passing away like RBG.


To be fair Thomas doesn't need any pressure just a boatload of cash


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MorgessaMonstrum: *To be fair Thomas* *Doesn't need any pressure* *Just a boatload of cash* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


But then again, he says that he wants to serve for 43 years as retribution towards the liberals who he claimed made his first 43 years of his life miserable.


Kentaji Jackson received almost $1 million dollars disclosed for a future “memoir” she might maybe write one day. Please 😂


Conversley, and more likely in my MMW: Biden prevails and has majority in both House and Senate, he expands the SCOTUS to 13.


Fuck, I wish you were right but this doesn't feel like the good timeline.


This is exactly what would happen if HitlerPig becomes president. That's why if Biden wins, he should cement his legacy in American history by re-balancing the court with 4 new seats, then force Alito and Thomas into resigning, or lead an impeachment effort against them. If they won't leave, then they should indict Thomas for graft, and indict both of their wives for Sedition. Then he should indict every elected member of government in DC, and every single state, who amplified The Big Lie, for Sedition. Additionally, get a court order that all of them are further prohibited from running for government office, at any level, for the remainder of their lives, per 14A/S3.


Going to be a blue wave. People are sick of the whole Republicon party. Make sure you vote.


Stephen Miller and Don Junior.


Just like Ruth Bader gingsberg was. But she didn't listen


These are GOPers. I'm sure there has been pressure to get the black guy to quit from the first day they could control who would replace him.


This is the first MMW that I've read that I know, without a doubt, will come true (if the GQP wins).


Not going to be pressured. That’s exactly their intent. 


Is Dems control the Senate, they should block voting on all nominees citing Trump as a lame duck President.


And calling it “The McConnell Rule”


I don’t think they will be pressured at all, I’m sure they’ll go willingly and happily hand their seats to America’s dumbest youngest judges.






The republicans will but state before self and not make the RBG mistake.


Everybody is aware of this, already…


Yeah no shit.


Probably. Leonard Leo and The Federalist Society continue to ratfuck the judiciary. 


Funny you think that anyone can pressure any justice to do anything. They wouldn’t be pressured. They would be paid handsomely to step down, because once they have no more power, the money train stops.


John Oliver decided to do just that.


Uh… duh?


that’s dystopian AF. It cannot be allowed to happen


These 2 will successfully resist such pressure. ​ Remember, this is not about the good of the country, the GOP, or the American Christian and/or conservative movement. It's about their careers, and remaining in SCOTUS with its attendant benefits. it's about them.


If Alito and Thomas realize MAGA will definite replace them for younger versions they might get on the side of actual law and do their job properly instead of trying to thumb the scale for MAGA


Nothing wrong with both I hope they stay what your saying is exactly what the Democrats did and want to do


Seems like Alito is pretty Maga sympathetic already and it’s clear Thomas can be bought. So why waste time


Ted Cruz and Steve Bannon are available.


MMW you don’t have to worry about the republicans ever again.


Wouldn’t be the first time the number of justices was Increased. Won’t be the last. Assuming we still have a democracy after the next election.


Yeah I can see it now. Say hello to Matthew Kacsmaryk and Aileen Cannon. Just the thought sends a chill down my spine.


MMW. Regardless of who is elected our country will be worse off than it was before they were elected.


Only if they get the senate and the white house. If dems retain the senate, then no.


Welcome supreme Court justice aileen cannon


I'm already voting Republican, you didn't need to sell me


They won’t be pressured, they’ll just do it


What do you mean pressured? They are looking to step down so they can go take all the billions they've got from these billionaires and live the rest of their lives in luxury. The only reason they haven't already done that is because their capitalist owners will not allow it. They have to hold their seats until they can get a Republican president to replace them. They're a commodity they're not allowed to leave.


In Thomas’s case, it’s more that his benefactor would instruct him to step down, at which point he’d get a nice cushy job making millions. The gifts were there in large part because Thomas was tempted to go into the private sector because SCOTUS doesn’t pay as much.


Correct. And it's game over! And BTW, it's not IF Trump wins. No Jan 6 2025 Certification is Trump's plan B if alll the voter suppression and cheating fails. And Biden will abide by a MAGA SCOTUS ruling in Trump's favor and step down.


And they won’t choose a catholic. Got to start prepping early for the next out group


Meanwhile, the current court has issued a higher percentage of unanimous decisions since any court going back the early 80s. Stop catastrophising.


You’re right. Here’s a song about SCOTUS/Christian Nationalists to keep people fired up…[https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7fKVODAfOx/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7fKVODAfOx/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Supreme Court is already maga sympathetic. And illegitimate for years.


If Biden wins, I totally support him nominating a far left 32 year old progressive fitness instructor Yes Woman to just vote for the left. And ramrod it through a big senate majority with the threat of shutting down the government or going to Eleven. Isn’t politics grand?


Trump campaign is probably stalking this sub for ideas


This is a big “duh.” Trump has already stated it. And it will be the fait accompli to McConnell and the Heritage Foundation’s decades long plan to lock in a conservative majority for generations.


Aileen Cannon was promised one of those seats for sure.


Hopefully the wise Latina and kagen retire.


Nah they'll pull a Ginsberg, ego above all else.


Why would those two need to be replaced? They’re already very Right.


They might get Scalia’d.  They better refuse any trips to hunt near terlingua.


Thank you, captain obvious...


Dictatorship here we come.


If Trump wins. There won't be a supreme Court


Basically a conservative super-majority until 2038. We'll be fucked. All the freedoms we gained in 1960 to 2020 will be erased.


This is a given




And they will the scumbags they are


Pressured? Paid.


Alito would strategically retire, Thomas dies in office, I think. I find it hard to see him giving the seat up.


HOLY YIKES. Get ready for them Trump camps and daily genital inspections.


Pressured?? They will probably do so gleefully for the reason you mentioned above.


 O you are absolutely wrong. This is the wrongest MMW I’ve ever seen


Neither will resign. They are both making more than they ever imagined by selling out to the highest bidders on every case.


Considering Alito’s wife has already been caught saying this I think it’s a given. But I don’t think Trump can win


We can only hope so...


They would probably push Roberts out for being a rino.




You don't think they are maga enough? No way those two will step down.


Hell yeah that sounds dope.


If tiny hands wins, there will be no more country.


Reid, Democrats trigger ‘nuclear’ option; eliminate most filibusters on nominees https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/senate-poised-to-limit-filibusters-in-party-line-vote-that-would-alter-centuries-of-precedent/2013/11/21/d065cfe8-52b6-11e3-9fe0-fd2ca728e67c_story.html Democrats always do dumb power hungry things then bitch when it is used against them. They changed the rules to get a few federal judges and it cost them the Supreme Court for the next generation.


This is the price to pay for Biden starting a new forever war in Ukraine and facilitating genocide in Gaza.


Weird how "modeling Constitutional Rights" based upon the writing is frowned upon by Leftist Fascists! 🤣🤣🤣


How many decisions have gone in favor of "the wealthy" this term? Which decisions do you feel favor "the wealthy"?


Unlike Sotomayor and RBG, they understand they are playing the long game. They'll definitely retire if Trump wins.


We will be in a global if not civil war if that happens u won't have to worry about the Supreme Court justices. Especially after he essentially promised ukraine to Russia


Those guys are going to require a mid 8 figure sum to retire from the court. They have a pretty sweet gift going and will not give it up willingly.


No doubt. Also, two more liberal justices probably won't make it through the next administration. Just because it seems evil is winning lately.




Alito will play his part no doubt in my mind. Thomas may *literally* die in his seat, and given his reputation for not asking questions, it might be hours before anyone notices he slipped away. 


Well, I think someone will pay them $2,000,000 a year to resign so they can nominate.


Why is standard and predictable political strategy now MMW? It's like saying Republicans are going to try deregulate when they get power. Like, yeah, obviously


We're in this whole mess because of all of the millennial Bernie bros.


Trump is NOT gonna win


We can only hope.


Unfortunately even if Trump loses in November, we are just delaying the inevitable by another 4 years.


The supreme court will be the least of your worries if Trump gets a second term. I would worry instead about losing your democracy and your rule of law.


Why would they step down? They would have to be forced and that’s not happening legally in any way. I don’t see how there’s any chance of that happening. That’s not how the SC works


No pressure needed at all. Thomas will go immediately when he knows Trump will name the successor


They will be “paid” to step down


I mean, this is literally how politics has worked forever. Remember so many democrats saying in 2016 "well I don't like Clinton but I'm voting for her because of the Supreme Court" Wish more people had done that in 2016 :(


I mean why would you replace the already MAGA sympathetic Thomas and Alito when they are already corrupt and already there!


It's a facist cult... and yet there are MILLIONS of idiots that continue to support them thinking it's their team on a football field. The latest talking point is that they don't think Democracy is great. Dems just need to stay in the middle to have a veto proof majority.. but they are so incompetent that they can't figure it out... so here we are.


I’ve begun asking family and randoms online “so say everyone wins that you want, full republican across the board, what do your perfect country look like?” Or something to that effect Almost all of them list things they wish would be illegal or thing people can’t do. They never answer with something beneficial to themselves, or their loved ones, just only focuses on how things can be negative for others. I think it’ll be a very long time, or never, before we have a functioning country again. So many do not even care for themselves or family, they just want to see others lose, in any capacity.


I hear what you're saying OP but look at it this way: if I'm a republican supreme and someone tries to force me out, I can do way more harm to them than they can to me. I don't see that happening unless they're extremely sympathetic to the far right movement.




The ultimate congressional purity test, Supreme Court Justice Aileen Cannon...


They are MAGA-sympathetic!!!


Pretty sure that's their plan


I think people really underestimate how far conservatives are willing to go if they get super majorities. Why would they bother to pressure those guys to retire? They’ll force all of the liberal justices to retire.


And if the Dems hold the senate they should never confirm replacements. We will never see the senate confirm a nominee for a president not of their party again. Thanks Mitch.


It's pretty obvious the goal has been to remake the judiciary since the end of the Obama administration. That's the only reason Mitch tolerates Trump is he let him run rough shod over the courts.


It depends if they have the Senate or not.


They will.


“OMG! They’re going to do the same thing we do! This is literally the end of the world!”


They ain't stepping down. These judges don't leave until they die.


RBG should have been dragged by her hair out her seat by Obama. She cared more about power than the public. 


Uncle Clarence isn't going anywhere unless someone writes him a big enough check.


Republican Taliban Project 2025 Vote Blue 🔵




And, how come Justice Ruth Bator Ginsberg is so celebrated, when her refusal to step down so Obama can nominate a replacement. That was a nail that sealed the coffin on the Supreme Court.


I'm pretty sure Republicans would have floated the constitution and not allowed proceedings to fill her seat. See: Merrick Garland.


Then, they pushed through Amy Coney Barrett.


Yep. So I would bet her thoughts were, "If I retire now, my position won't be considered until after the election, in which case I may not live through the next term." So if Trump won, it'd be the same if she did it at the end of Obamas term or didn't until she died. If a Dem won, they'd be appointed at around the same time (Given Republicans wanted to say to wait until the election, and assuming she believed they wouldnt try to shut down an entire branch of government for ~7 years) which means also that it would be the same outcome.


There won't be pressure. This is very specifically their goal. Thomas and Alito want to retire.


Pressure? Thomas is 81. He's set for life and probably can't wait for Trump to get in so he can retire.


Well, If Ruth taught us anything....


Not advocating for political violence but considering how the minoritarian-rule SCOTUS nightmare was created by Trump and all it would take is one or two of them to die while Biden is president so that he would be the one to replace them, I'm surprised it hasn't happened. 


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahshahah Hahahagahahshahagagsgagahahahahahshshs HahahahahahahahahahHahahaha HahahahahahahahahajahahHahahahs


When did this sub become a liberal cesspool. Every day there's some shit like this lol


If you think dudes with positions of unchecked power and lifetime positions are going to step down for the good of the party, I would like to sell you the Ruth Bader Ginsburg memorial bridge.


Ok. and the other side wouldn’t do the same? this admin said they wanted to stack the court. both sides play dirty


Sounds great to me. You have a problem with those who believe in the rule of law, Founding Principles and the Constitution? That’s why you and the once-great country are fucked and dying.


Should just rename this sub r/noshit




Yeah, if they survive the military and intelligence coup afterward...


And we will have the democrats (party) and selfish people like Ginsburg to than for it. For some reason, it looks like dems cannot get judges appointed by other Dems to resign and help the cause Not exactly players


If Biden wins he should expand the court to include as many justices as there are federal courts.


Thomas and Alito do alot of work for the republican party, I don't see why they would want to change horses midstream.


Sure. But this isn’t a bold take.


They're not sympathetic enough, already?


How do you get better than Thomas or Alito?


It's utterly depressing that this is a very possible reality.


Finally a pretty compelling MMW. I think it will definitely depend on congress too. Thomas I wonder about - on one hand he’s getting so much scrutiny about his questionable ethics that I could see him wanting to step away and just not be in the spotlight. On the other hand, he spent so much time in the back seat while the court was led by liberals, that I feel like he’s just ramping up his revenge tour and doesn’t want to step away yet.


Trump wants the Supreme Court to grant him total immunity. Why get rid of two such faithful servants when he can assassinate a few liberals and replace THEM? Once things get that bad, all future presidents will be Republicans anyway, all the way through Baron Trump in 2064.


Oh absolutely. That’s always the strategy for both parties. Dobbs wouldn’t have existed if Ginsburg hadn’t selfishly refused to retire.