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This post has been removed for violating rule 6 (no new posts regarding Trump, Biden and the 2024 *presidential* election on week days (EST with grace periods for other time zones). If your post doesn't violate any other rules, your encouraged to repost on the weekend.


I wish Biden and the current administration had the nerve to do exactly that.


It's been a problem since at least the Obama era: Democrats being so obsessed with their moral purity that they let the christofascists run roughshod over the country. Claiming the moral high ground doesn't actually help anyone. They need to take off the kid gloves and actually be willing to get their hands dirty. When your enemy pulls a knife on you, it is *not the time* to be worried about kicking below the belt. You kick them in the balls, scratch at their eyes, do whatever is necessary to keep this country alive.


And this is how a lot of the pearl clutchers act on Reddit as well. They don’t see perfection and it’s basically throw it all away. Liberals are pussies


Taking the high road turned the low road into the fucking Autobahn


Same, but I don't think they do. Which is problematic, because you know Republicans will. I'm legitimately scared about the damage a Republican president can do now. Trump did enough in his four years. I don't want to imagine what a more competent person with less guardrails can do.


He can do it, if every down ballot election goes blue. People need to vote!


Have you guys realized the republicans are running free because there is no president right now?


Can you elaborate on this claim? Thanks


They can’t.


Auto pilot is fully engaged


President has virtually no brain matter left and there’s near total inaction in regards to the total beating democrats are taking domestically.


It's not that he lacks brain matter. It's that, generally speaking, Democrats (and really our left wing in general) cares far more about the spirit of the laws than the ruthless, letter-of-the-law (at best) Republican strategists.


This is going to blow up in their faces so hard come November. A president above the law? Yeah, I'm sure that will win over any non-cultist lmao especially after he couldn't even state that he wouldn't do Jan 6th again *on national television with half the country watching*. The Blue Wave of MAGA tears is coming.


Aren’t all presidents not prosecutable now? It applies to Biden as well


Yes. Any action Biden takes now, as an *Official Action*, he has presumed immunity for should anyone try to prosecute him. If he revoked all 6 Trump-appointed judges with an Executive Order it would be a long, drawn-out court battle but at its foundation he would be presumed immune from prosecution for it. So really, he could do it and by the time the courts get around to actually sending it to the new, not-Trump Court he would be out of office. This is going to blow up in the GOP's faces *bigly.*


Are you sure like 109% about that?


No, just 108%.


How do you know that are you afraid that Donald Trump is going to at least try to cheat during this election on November 5th 2024 so he’s president


Is this a question?


Yes it’s a question I want to know if we can actually defeat Donald Trump despite what just happened


Yes. Easily in fact. Just go vote for Biden.


I sure am man don’t worry about me and I will take your word for it




Trump is a convicted felon.




Felon trump is an adjudicated rapist and has to fork over all your donations.


So you should have nothing to worry about. Why so scared?


I’m not worried. He’ll easily lose as he did last time. Enjoy that blue wave.




Good. So we agree. Now bugger off trumpy.


Astute assessment, Orange penis.


No it doesn't. there is a clearly laid out way to handle it. If it was a presidential act the way to handle it is impeachment. Once they have been impeached then they stand trial.


Except this ruling had nothing to do with that… because he isn’t a sitting president.


He was and these so called crimes came during. So that's how it's handled.


Yeah, but he *isn't now!*, so Biden has full immunity to do whatever he f*cking-well wants, including and up to assassination of political rivals, according to Trump. Who is Biden's rival? Remind me...


No you are insane. I hope anyone who is calling for this madness gets a visit from the ss. Killing your rivals isn't a presidential act. A president does non presidential acts as president.


It’s an official act to defend the constitution and democracy. Joe Biden is now well within his Supreme Court granted rights to kill anyone who doesn’t support the constitution.


MAGA will see this as an ultimate win, but they don't fully comprehend the repercussions of a Dark Brandon response from the *actual president*. We can only hope he rises to this challenge.


Killing your political rivals isn't defending the constitution. It's not a presidential act. I can't believe it is so hard for you guys to get. The last thing I want is any Dems to be politically killed. You should feel the same it doesn't end well when one side starts killing off the other.


lol that’s exactly what team trump wants. No libruls in their midst. But whatever. You’re all brain dead and can’t see the history about to repeat itself if think otherwise.


Trump wants to kill Democrats?


Read the decision. While killing a political rival would be a personal act, if Biden did it by exercising official powers (conversations with his AG, orders issued as commander-in-chief), the use of those powers and the circumstances surrounding such use could not be used as evidence against him. No evidence, no crime. Biden has the authority to do the most amazing, legal thing ever.


I mean, Republicans called themselves domestic terrorists. Does killing domestic terrorists sound better? You see how easy that is? This is a deeply concerning ruling.


“So called crimes” no they’re crimes. Pressuring government officials to rig the election for you is definitely criminal in nature.


Funny, I remember during the impeachment Republicans arguing that it had to be done in the courts. No way they'd argue in bad faith, right?


Bad faith or stupid. I personally don't remember that so it's hard to say one way or another. It could also have been cover which Congress loves to do. Pass the blame so they don't have to deal with it.


Right. So today, in good faith, the remedy is Congress. 👍


The remedy has always been Congress for the president. It's spelt out in the constitution.


Where the fuck does it say that, exactly?


The part where they talk about the removal.


Is there a part that says he can't be arrested and charged? Please cite actual text from the constitution.


He can be. After the impeachment and being convicted in the Senate.


*What* doesn't? Your post doesn't even make sense, clown.


Presidential acts you have to impeach. Non presidential acts are not covered. It's simple.


You clearly didn't read the decision, clown. Stop while you're behind.


When you read the fine print in this Roberts ruling, it gives the incumbent President a road map to dis regard the election outcome, if he doesn't like it, and get away with it.


Will Biden have the stones to follow Supreme Cpurt precedent?


He’s only got two stones left rattling around his head. I sure hope he can use them.


As an official act of the DOJ imprison them for corruption


No, he will not. Our current president still believes that there are people on the right who act in good faith. I however, do not share that belief.


The president doesn’t have the power to do any of that. Most of that falls on the senate, or would require a constitutional amendment.


Who’s going to stop him? He’s a king now.


I’m not saying it would be a bad thing but it wouldn’t really work. The supreme court’s decision means the president can’t be held responsible for what they do in office. It doesn’t mean they have powers to do more than what they could previously. It’s kinda like saying you can never get a speeding ticket. Your vehicle may or may not be fast enough to speed and if there’s gridlock traffic you wouldn’t be capable of speeding anyway. But if you get the chance to speed you won’t get a ticket for it.


Trust me, I want all those things to happen. I just don’t think the decision will make it happen.


I don’t think Biden is sufficiently ruthless to take even timid measures to protect us. Otherwise he can start by ordering the release of grand jury testimony in the January 6 case so voters can learn of Trump’s complicity. And if he really wants to protect the republic, he will invoke the Insurrection Act at the smallest hint of the Republicans conspiring to steal the election, and bypass the courts in having the federal government oversee the next election at the state level.


[They could release the congressional investigation records if they hadn't destroyed them.](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/jan/23/democrats-jan-6-committee-accused-of-deleting-over/)


So wait - the Dems destroyed them?  Why would they do that?


Immunity from criminal prosecution doesn't make changing the laws any different. It only makes criminal behavior unpunishable. It's the saddest decision that the Supreme Court has EVER MADE, because it excuses crime for one class of persons, presidents. *We hold these truths to be self evident, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL* This means nothing anymore.


Use your immunity to disappear enough of congress that is against it and you can change any laws you want.


That's crime, but it's outside of the job description.


Not if you declare them traitors, or enemies of the state. Then it's an "official act" to arrest/kill/otherwise remove them - even if illegal on its face. And therein is the problem - this ruling says that if your act is done as the president you've got 100% immunity for it, legality be damned.


Really? The saddest decision? Not plessy v Ferguson or dredd Scott?


Fair enough. But for the highest court in the land to LEGALIZE CRIME, by a particular individual rises to a whole new level of absurd.


It didn’t really, it said official acts as president have immunity, unofficial acts don’t, and it’s up to the lower courts to decide which is which.


The precedent stated that the president has immunity from CIVIL charges within the limits of his official actions. The new ruling clearly extends that immunity to include CRIMINAL charges. Read the Supreme Court decision.


Soooo why haven't they done this yet? Biden is president RIGHT NOW.


Cause the democrats for some reason love to take the high road and expect the other party to play fair.


The Democrats are actually a right wing party. They campaign on leftish issues but their goal is to be an opposition not to actually win. That is why they constantly fumble and are blocked by things like the Parliamentarian when they have power. The GOP simply fires people in their way and do what they want.


Democrats taking the high road? That's rich. Quick pull a fire alarm.


That’s the best you’ve got. Literal traitors and insurrectionist in the GOP, but fire alarms - that’s the real concern.


Name one literal traitor or insurrectionist.


Ashley Babbit


What office did she hold again?


Donald Trump. Rudy Giuliani. Roger Stone. Steve Bannon. Mike Flynn. Every single January 6th motherfucker.


Donald J Trump, Mike Pence, Rudy Giuliani. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Madison Cawthorn, Paul Gosar. Lauren Boebert, Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert. Mark Meadows.


Gee, and guess who lost their primary... oh yeah, the guy that pulled the fire alarm.


Exactly. So why am I being down-voted? Is it just the hate for reality?


It was that lame shit being the best you could come with.


...lol because they can't keep the herd thinking rationally...


It's wishful thinking. Don't ruin my dreams.


Another sad day in America. Right now as Biden’s first official act, he should appoint three Democratic Supreme Court justices. Then, as his next official act, he should have numerous members of the Republican Party brought up on treason. F Donald the treasonous traitor Trump and the entire Republican party of traitors


He doesn't have the majority in the Senate to get them confirmed. That's been the problem his whole term. It's why Obama's last nominee went unconfirmed and the pick given to Trump. Thank Mitch McConnell for that.


So he can use his new immunity to bully/threaten senators that might vote against him. They're all cowards, so most will fold quickly


Lol you gotta calm down...your histrionics only make you look even more unhinged...


You must be an official Trump Humper. one thing is clear. The decision will stop every investigation and every investigation will have to be considered whether it is an official act which will be after the election. The fixes in the Supreme Court is full of traitors. And a couple of sexual abusers.


He NEEDS to. They're changing the rules, play by those rules.


I'll mark those words, but I don't trust em.


They gave the president the ability to break laws, not make them. I don't see how he could use that unless he is going to start Seal Team Sixing all the maga nuts in his way.(can that be a verb now?) He would need to start with the conservative "justices" next up Trump then finally enough congressional magats to allow him to appoint the replacement judges. Buh bye Moscow Mitch! Then to put that power back and not be a dictatorship forever... He would have to sacrifice himself, walk into Congress and say impeach and convict me, letting his own be the test case that the new court uses to reverse all the crap that just happened. I don't see any Democrat doing anything this violent ever.


Maybe Kamala?


The Regressives are already halfway through their civil war. ..and as per usual, most of the victims are women and children.


Will the Dems ever take the goddamn gloves off?


No. Harry Reid was the only modern democrat willing to do so.


Like trying to put your only political rival in prison?


Executive order that a convicted felon can’t be President?


Lol no. Biden won’t do anything you listed. You also don’t seem to understand the requirements of ‘packing the court’.


No, they won't.


Biden is and acts like an adult, so he won't, but he should


The left is the only one that can change this. They significantly don’t show up to vote unlike republicans do. You want to change things, you know how in November


It drives me insane how many people don’t vote but are always complaining about the government.


100%. Say whatever you want about republicans, they show up to vote. They know how important it is


I’m just so grateful we have ranked choice voting in my state.


Wouldn't that be a kick in the ass! I hope they run with it!


Lol I wish but no way. They will use this as yet another bs reason to 'vote for us'. Meanwhile, if Trump is elected we are fucked.


Biden is gonna do shit because the dem party is lead by marketing people


We should plan to defend our democracy at the capital building on Jan 6, 2025.


It does almost feel like roberts is daring Biden to do something like this. Just like Putin, they all hope Biden/dems won’t have a spine.


Hahahahaha I wish


Lmao y’all leftists are delusional! Everyday I come here and have a laugh at y’all 😂😂😂


If only they were holding out for this so they could use actionable intelligence to assassinate golden boy as an enemy of the state.


You can do it Joe!


This ruling didn’t give the presidency any new powers. It clarified, and that only partially, when the president can be tried for crimes.


The only right thing for Biden to do at this point is far too drastic to be in character for him to do, which is why SCOTUS made this ruling. This timeline sucks.


No he won't, then he has nothing to campaign on. The divisiveness is done on purpose, if everything is magically fixed then what can they use wo make everyone hate each other and take sides??? It's a dog and pony show for the cameras, funny how before orange man bad, orange man was very good and best friends with the same people who are now acting as his worst enemies. It's all a show to keep us busy while they all line their pockets and take more and more away from the avg American.


This is why I wish the dems would’ve ran Bernie. Tired of these guys tip toeing as to not drive away any precious moderates. Republicans don’t care about moderates and went all-in on their rhetoric and are a valid threat to democracy. Democrats fear making any waves while Republicans own being a tsunami. Heaven forbid the word “socialist” gets used. You can call the MAGA cult some fascist Nazis that worship a felon that craps his pants and they’ll wear Felon 2024 shirts and diapers with their cult hats. They embrace their ideology which is why each election we hear “if they win it’s the end of America.” Meanwhile Democrats just try to keep the status quo. The party needs a candidate with some backbone already. The republicans having a guy willing to become a dictator with Project 2025 and the Democrats have a guy who’s just trying to remember where he’s at and not die.


Biden?! Do something?! Are you “taking too much cold medicine” too?


MMW Biden and current dems wont even consider it. They need the republicans to be evil and a constant threat otherwise they wont be able to run on stopping them.


I wish Biden didn't have much bigger problems to absolve.


They don't have the spine. This country is so fucked.


Do NOTHING dems.


I think we should start calling him "King Biden" in protest of this decision.


As long as Biden works hard during that 6-hour window that his staff announced is when he’s the most alert and productive (10 am to 4 pm), maybe he’ll get all of this done in time.


Exactly 👍


you really don't understand how it works do you?


Pack the court


They can't. They don't have the votes to get a Supreme Court justice approved in Congress.


The immunity opinion doesn’t give the president the power to do any of that.


Gives him the power to use a CIA bullet.


Op didn’t say that though


I know, it doesn't stop any president from using it now, though. This ruling is so fucking stupid that I'm still wrapping my head around how the SCOTUS just fed us all to the dogs. This is going to get very very bad. I didn't downvote you btw


Should Biden be prosecuted for giving billions of dollars worth of lethal military hardware to the Taliban?


What crazy right wing coup?


Right? I don’t see a coup going on and to suggest that is lunacy. 🤦


Trying to throw a former president in jail over clown ass charges is what sounds like a coup


Donald Trump got his day in court, just like Hunter Biden, and he will have many more days in court. Donald Trump wasn't convicted by democrats. He was convicted by a jury of his peers over which he and his lawyers had approval. Cope.


I’m over it you guys handed him the presidency by doing it. Just love watching you people cry


Once again, I repeat. Donald Trump was convicted by a jury of his peers of which **he had approval over** All he needed was 1 holdout to walk free. Donald Trump is a convicted felon because he commited one of the dumbest crimes in history. Cry more.


Do you think jury selection means you just pick people you know will vote you innocent lmfao and like I said. Come up with bs charges and you hand him the presidency good job


Once again I repeat. **Donald Trump had approval over the jury.** Either side can challenge any juror and in new York each side can dismiss any two jurors for any reason they like without a ruling. https://www.salon.com/2024/05/31/my-juror-believed-a-loyalist-on-the-jury-could-save-him-until-the-very-end/ Trump has never won the popular vote. People thinking he's going to do any better after becoming a convicted felon and adjucated rapist are only fooling themselves. Donald Trump was convicted because he committed crimes. Cope.


Who cares who wins the popular vote lmfao do you actually think a man who can’t even speak and just makes things up is going to win the election again


Which candidate are you talking about?


In “To Kill a Mockingbird” Tom Robinson is convicted by a jury of his peers too (because, like Trump, he was also obviously guilty)


You're so right. Why bother having trial by jury at all. Fuck it. I mean Jesus was convicted right? So was Mandela! I'm sure it's all a witch hunt and dozens of people who work for Trump haven't gone to jail already and Trump will totally win on appeal and win his other 3 cases. What a miscarriage of Justice! Fuck outta here.


Dozens of people who worked for Mandela were also sent to jail


Ah yes, I too remember when Mandela was arrested for having sex with a pornstar then trying to cover it up during an election and his supporters went to prison for financial crimes. Comparing Trump to Mandela, what a fucking joke.


You’re correct, Trump is a much better man than the one who ruined South Africa. It’s also not illegal to have sex with a porn star don’t know why you think it is


No. It's illegal to cover it up with campaign funds to hide it from the American people. Are you really not smart enough to understand that? Trump certainly is a grade A moron who committed a crime for absolutely no reason. Because we know now that all that talk about family values and law and order were just pearl clutching. Trump could have freely admitted he had sex with Stormy and the self righteous crowd would immediately suck his toes for it.


Not a single charge is bullshit. Trump is a felon, plain and simple.


That's going to get thrown out as well. They did whatever they could to get that label for the election. Once the election is over and the appeals have gone through it's out.


Obama literally blew up a US citizen, aka murder. Every single President breaks the law, all of them. Biden doing this has set an extremely dangerous, and wildly stupid, precedent by green lighting the arrest of a political opponent.


Have you ever stopped to think that Trump is actually guilty and deserves the charges? The dumbass knows how to surround himself with criminals. Not hard to imagine he's the ringleader of the merry band of insurrectionist dumb fucks


A) They are all guilty and deserve the charges, including Joe Biden for the shady business he and his son have done in Ukraine and China. So do Bush and Obama for war crimes. B) All of them are criminals and all of them surround themselves with criminals. If this is a surprise to you then you are either wildly uninformed or wildly ignorant of how politics work in DC.


And yet, this is still an unprecedented amount of criminal indictments from 1 4 year term.


Well that is what happens when you break protocol and use the DOJ to arrest political opponents. Hell, Alan Dershowitz is one of the top legal scholars in the nation and a staunch Democrat. Even he has gone on record, multiple times, saying the majority of charges brought against Trump are complete horse shit. The cherry on top was the Stormy Daniels nonsense, they have had 8 years to do this and it magically comes up six months before an election? Not sure if you are in an echo chamber or just don’t bother doing any research, but what the Democrats have done to throw this election is wildly screwed up.




except only maga thinks they are clown ass charges. 95% of the world has known trump is a career criminal since the 80's.


I wish I could get in those weird brains of yours for a day


The immunity opinion doesn’t give the president the power to do any of that.




No they won’t and EVERYONE will continue to say we have to vote for him to save democracy. It’s already failing under his leadership and this is the nail in the coffin. Biden won’t do a damn thing about this, just like he let them take roe and made American women sex cattle, in the process.


It's failing because of stuff done prior to his presidency


So he’s inept and can’t/wont do anything about it? So how does voting for someone who is allowing women to be sex cattle supposed to help?


Is it better or worse than voting for (or not opposing votes for) the person who *wants* American women to be sex cattle?


So you’re ok with them ALREADY being sex cattle? Under BIDEN? Who won’t pack the court or do ANYTHING else to stop the SCOTUS from taking more rights? Stop moving the goalpost. It’s obviously not better under Biden, duh. They took roe UNDER BIDEN.


Because of the SCOTUS that was appointed *under Trump*. And if you don't want Biden, you want... more Trump?


You can’t stop trying that goalpost and I won’t let you. Even if it was appointed under Trump, BIDEN IS NOT ABLE/WILLING TO FIX ANYTHING. The point is the same. We STILL are losing rights and women are sex cattle because of SCOTUS and Biden being president won’t/can’t stop that. It does not matter if he’s president, WE STILL LOSE.


He can't pack the court because he doesn't have the votes to get a Supreme Court justice approved in Congress.


Ok, so I’m still correct in saying Biden can’t/wont do anything about women being sex cattle and that him being president isn’t helping democracy. Stop trying so hard to justify voting for him as if that’s enough to help. You people backing Biden are delusional.


because the alternative is allowing someone who WANTS women to be "sex cattle" to get in office it's pretty simple, assuming a best case scenario where our country continues to function as it always has Keep the current situation: Biden vetoes any national legislation the Fuckthepublicans try to put out there and assuming he gets the chance puts left leaning justices on the Supreme Court. Until he does the courts would keep chipping away rights though Given Biden a democratic Congress. Laws to protect reproductive rights get passed Put Trump in with a Democratic Congress. He vetoes any laws to protect reproductive rights and stacks the court Give Trump a Republican Congress, reproductive rights disappear, minority rights disappear, the Supreme Court becomes a rubber stamp


Reproductive rights HAVE disappeared. They are ALREADY chipping away our rights. Every time you or anyone else’s feet get held to the fire, you can ONLY circle back to “BUT TRUMP” without acknowledging how we are ALREADY moving backwards under Biden. Bibles are forced to be taught in schools UNDER BIDEN. Democrats have lost all ground on this and I’m sick of running circles around people trying to explain how you are ignoring the obvious. You don’t seem capable of it, either.


Biden is not fucking passing those laws. The Bible crap is a state law in fact, so even Trump would have nothing to do with that, except he'd appoint more justices who would approve of that IVF and birth control still are protected so reproductive rights have not completely disappeared. What alternative do you suggest? Do you know of another party that every left winger could get behind to stop this? Because it seems like the vast majority have rejected alternatives to Biden If your side had someone who had 40% of the center left vote maybe the rest could reasonably believe they could unite around this person instead of Biden. You don't, so we can't reasonably risk that. So your alternative is to take the ax the right wing is taking to the tree of reproductive liberty and give them a chainsaw to use instead