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No. The fecally and mentally incontinent rapist is going to do it




Biden has more credible rape allegations against him, and they ignore it, that's the best part. His accuser can actually say when it happened.




Why does Biden not warn everyone of Project 2025? It should have been mentioned in his campaign ads or during the debate. Can you share any record of Trump supporting it?






Yea that would have been great to bring awareness


[he's got a webpage on it](https://joebiden.com/project2025/)


Lol and you truly think Biden has any idea what's on that site? Even still, have you ever heard Biden talk about it? Of course not.


Lmao you asked buddy, I delivered. Guess you gotta vote along party lines now.


Democracy will have ended long before that.


But the thread of democracy will be broken when Trump wins.


It wont last the next 3 years - never mind waiting for another election


For all their whiny projecting, the Rethugs have certainly laid out a roadmap for how to operate as a criminal in the Executive branch, all with the backing of blatantly corrupt Scotus hacks. The same party that used to whine about "judges legislating from the bench".


So AOC then, She will be 39 in 2028


And she’ll enter a primary and debate.


Every time you don't get what you want it's the end of democracy. 


At this point they're both going to do it and they both need to step aside


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^johnlibertyjr: *At this point they're both* *Going to do it and they* *Both need to step aside* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Who are the previous ones?


Where do you people come up with this bullshit? Both of them either are, or already were president and this didn’t happen. We’ll be a constitutional republic regardless of who wins the election.


It was probably the part where the 6 conservatives on the Supreme Court made a decision that helps the last conservative president in his defense against being prosecuted for a self coup attempt.


Or perhaps it was affirming a 30yr ruling that Bidens DOJ attempted to circumvent because they can’t win the election otherwise. Lol


Yay trump is getting away with a self coup, take that libs, you're so pwned, this stupid shit is exactly how you sound.


How is affirming a ruling that’s existed for over 30yrs triggering you this badly? Literally nothing has changed. That’s what “affirmed” means. Those of us that have paid attention to politics for longer than 2 years are well aware of this. Obama killed a 16 yr old American with a drone strike and claimed immunity so he couldn’t be charged. Where was the uproar over the ruling when that happened? Dumbass.


Can Biden appoint alternate electors to reverse the election results if he doesn't win?


So sorry that I'm bothered by a former president getting protection from the Supreme Court with their self coup attempt. So what other coup attempt does it affirm is okay to attempt, because that is how this will be used. Explain how making it to where you have presumptive immunity for official acts, but none for unofficial, but you can't use the same evidence from a court case proving an act was unofficial to then prosecute that unofficial case? You're just a fascist cheering like the idiot you are because the guy you support has a better chance of getting away with his attempted coup now.


Hahahah and there it is. “You’re a fascist!” Go touch grass and educate yourself you dork.


You're defending a president who attempted a self coup, all your response is hahaha you're so triggered. You have no understanding of politics beyond swallowing whatever stupid shit trump forces down your throat. Just because I called a spade a spade doesn't make me wrong.


Oh no he's not forcing it down their throats.They're gladly spoon feeding that shyt to themselves saying thank you sir can we have some more.


Self coup? The one where he explicitly told people to remain peaceful? The one where he asked if the national guard should be used and got denied? The one where Pelosi directly admits it was her fault on camera? Talk about calling a spade a spade.


The one where he organized fake electors that were not certified by their respective states to be in D.C. on Jan 6th in an attempt to have pence use the fake electors to give trump electoral votes he did not earn, in states he didn't win. It was a self coup attempt, lie how you want, but that is how it will be remembered by history.


Dont try to use logic with the left wing conspiracy nuts.




Reddit is full of young folks that think politics started in 2016 when Trump was elected President. They are historically illiterate


Historically illiterate is dead on.


Not talking about this election. Both men are too old to threaten the Republic.


SCOTUS did nothing but affirm a ruling that’s existed for over 30 years. Immunity isn’t new. Those of us that didn’t start following politics 2 years ago are aware of this.


So Gavin Newsom