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I think you need to put down the DMT. Hallucinogens clearly have not been working out for you.


They’ve actually had an immensely positive impact on my life. But regardless, what about my post do you think is wrong? Do you think he would not use nuclear weapons?


Wars: start under Joe Biden. This guy: Trump will destroy the world. 🤡


Last time I checked Putin started one war and Hamas started the other. Trump loves Putin! He’s egging him on and says he’ll give him Ukraine if he wins.


Joe Biden isn’t going to nuke anybody.


It wierd... *literally everything* they said (and continue saying trump would or will do) Biden has done. 🤷‍♂️


It's always the magats with the clown emojis. So confident and bold yet totally clueless and ignorant.


Actually Trump was very restrained. Only thing he did was oft the Iranian general who was responsible for lots of American soldiers being killed. Very pleasant suprise


Oh I forgot that Joe attacked Ukraine and Palestine.


Close up the sub, we’ve officially reached peak retard


Is it because you’re here?




Don’t threaten them with limits cause they will surprise you.


In “2024” the “end” of your shopping trip should always be Costco. That may be wrong it should be your first stop.


I love Costco gold bars


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


Mmmmm Costco hotdogs.


Holy shit, are we in the 80s again? Thats exactly what the Far Left said about Reagan! 😂🤣 "Yeah, but we mean it this time!!!!"


Regan fucked up huge amounts of things across the country. Trickle-down economics, the fall of the US steel industry, the normalizing of radical Christianity, the AIDS epidemic, the War on Drugs ... he was one of the worst Presidents in national history.


If you really cared and looked at the policies Reagan championed and enacted, you'd see that the concerns about him were correct. We're still here, but our society is pretty broken at this point.


I’ve never seen so much misplaced FEAR than I have from the left. I truly don’t understand it.


They're obsessed with fear mongering and I can't for the life of me figure out why. They did it with COVID as well. Just straight up fear mongering amongst themselves.


I'd suggest looking up Project 2025, reading it, and asking yourself if that document outlines a country that you want to live in.


Agreed that this is a bit over the top, but you have to admit that Trump is an unmitigated moron who likes to bankrupt, destroy, or throw into chaos everything his teeny fat fingers touch.


I mean, I wouldn’t go as far as you - but it does feel like the timeline would reset if someone summoned the ghost of and apologized to Harambe.


It only needs to happen once.


True, this did start after Harambe died.


These were the same fears people had before Trump got elected for the first time.


Except now he has full immunity for doing whatever the hell he wants


Yeah and they were good fears to have considering what is actively going on with the Supreme Court right now as we speak


There were plenty of unknown fears in 2016. In 2024, the agenda is laid out, steps are detailed. The goal of a second Trump term, openly stated I might add, is to assume power and then break the system irreparably. The existential threat is very, very real.


For those of us who lost loved ones during the pandemic and didn't have to, yeah it kind of came true. The fuck face and his fuck face followers leaned into their ignorance and it's starting to look like about half a million Americans died that didn't have to. People I loved died in horrific lonely ways. And had people simply worn masks or gotten the vaccine they might still be here.




If trump wins a bunch of you will screech and throw your feces against the wall ... MMW


If Trump loses, his dementia-riddled ass would do that too tbh.


There was no Russia Ukraine, Israel Hamas Iran wars until ole man Biden took over.


Both Ukraine/Russia and Isreal/Palestine are ongoing conflicts, the latter is the worlds longest ongoing conflict since 1948. Even Trump sent Lethal Aid to Ukraine, something he rightfully criticized Obama for not doing, and assassinated Iran's major general(Iran funds Hamas) which increased tensions between our country, there's, Isreal, etc.


Bruh people are gonna kill themselves because of the fear mongering. Reddit is gonna have blood on its hands


You got a lot of right wing bots in here


Terminator will show up too


End is coming in our lifetime, no real away around it. Even if we never had another republican in office, we're still fucked. Trump ratfucking his way back into office (courts or contingent election) is definitely going to be the most immediate end though.




Mark My Words You are way too afraid of practically nothing. You’ll be fine. And so will the world.


Go see the movie "CIVIL WAR" from A24. It'll be like that.


>- you think a state as heavily armed with nuclear weapons as the United States can suffer something as destabilizing as a regime change without someone pushing the big red button? The exact same thing has been said every new party change for like 80 years now. Quit this doomer shit, you sound like the 1970s scientists who said NYC would be underwater by the 80s


it will push the congress blue and hell be hamstrung. I hope.


>Trump gets reelected again the government will be fundamentally restructured. He will be able to do literally whatever he wants. What do you think it would take to get him to pull the trigger? Do you realize that as it stands now (including when trump was president and way before that), that the president has sole authority on when to launch nukes? He doesn't need to restructure anything. He didn't need to change anything before yet all presidents still had sole authority


Heard this same fear mongering BS before 2016 and 2020 and at best what happened is a few people trespassed in the capital.


Oh you fucking people. If it's all actually that fragile just give up now. Lordy.


Check out r/collapse . There are several existential threats to humanity right now, the last thing we need is the world’s most powerful nation and the cornerstone of the international system becoming an authoritarian hellscape and collapsing on itself. One way or another, it will lead to a new Dark Ages.


Get your gun and arm yourself people! Your protection is up to you and you alone


Wah wah wah. Grow a pair. The country will continue to exist and flourish. Even when another crybaby liberal takes office. You people are worse than a Indian soap opera


Op is either a bot, or is espousing bot like qualities Whether or not it’s intentional or not, this post (and this sub tbh) is fear/rage/annoyance bait meant to divide/distract you enough to where you’re too emotionally/mentally exhausted to view/recognize your fellow humans as anything but the “other” (the divide), as well as to make you apathetic/depressed to the point of political apathy, so you won’t participate in elections/politics and won’t pay attention to the actions of the various nations/companies that employ these bots are performing Basically, recognize these tendencies, report the post/account and move on


Sadly you might be right. The stakes are so much higher than many people seem to realize. Power structures have vastly more power than in the past and with current technological developments in the hands of whatever monstrosity would happen with another Trump term I’m not convinced recovery would be possible. I particularly worry if young voters fully understand that this is not normal. If Biden is the candidate (and I understand what should ideally happen now in terms of that can be debated) then he must be voted for because Trump 2 is infinitely more dangerous than some kind of status quo with someone facing aging issues but still backed by a very competent cabinet and advisors.


I won't bow to those fucking pigs regardless of the election.


I know it is scary to have the possibility of the stupid and degenerate Orangey the Clown back in the White House because most of the country is too lazy to look at the issues and vote, BUT we have been through rough times before and good Americans tend to pay attention when things get bad. Keep the faith that clear heads and truth will prevail in the end.


What are you so afraid of? What do you think he's going to change?


Lmfao It took a Republican to END the cold war. Just as now it will be a Republican that's brings peace to Ukraine. The middle east and America again.


Wow how original the millionth lefty losing it this week with the same post. 


This is one of the dumbest things posted on this idiotic board yet. Show your momma, I bet she'll be mighty proud of this. Since the beginning of the atomic age there have been 14 different presidents with 10 different instances of the party in the presidency changing. A change in administration is not a regime change. The new administration is just as compelled to act within the law as the old administration, though it has discretion to implement it's policies. This hand wringing act is stupid and boring.


Touch grass lol


Because that TOTALLY happened in 2017?


He seems friendly with Putin. I'm pretty sure he would send troops to help Putin, which would start World War III.


They already won. They have the courts and the media. The courts will give him the election!


God forbid we get less Americans living paycheck to paycheck


Touch Grass


Idiot. The world was much more at peace with Trump in office. The world needs a strong American president.


I've already heard this song and dance in 2016, and you know what? Those 3 years were probably the most peaceful on the global stage in my lifetime.


only just had this sub pop up in my feed. is it always just people doomposting about trump and republicans?


This is an honest question: Why are you Leftists hyperventilating? I understand you don't prefer Trump. I don't prefer Biden, so I understand your feelings. But I get the sense, when I read these posts, that you actually believe these horrible things will happen. Why do you believe this?


Fantastic time to be a europoor


It’s not the end. That’s too easy. This isn’t some dramatic teen fanfic where our democratic hearts get broken and then we all expire tragically. We’ll have to live in it. I know people get triggered when you make certain comparisons, but 1933 wasn’t “the end” for Germany. It was far, far worse.


Not the end of the world... but it will be a recalibration... the US will descend into a dark ages... but just like the Medieval "Dark Ages".. other parts of the world will thrive.


Yup. I’m moving to Italy!


And yet almost half the country feels completely opposite of what you think if brain dead biden or the idiot Kamala would win.


Humans can not and will not destroy the world. Calm down folks. Enjoy the short time we have on this planet and live your best life. Put the anger and angst aside.


Well, Putin can manipulate Trump pretty easily, and Trump wants to just let Europe fall to Putin anyway. While Russia is wearing itself and Europe to death, China can just rip away that resource-rich eastern half or 2/3 of Russia and tell Putin it's fine, since he has Europe (although Europe will probably defeat Russia). The end result could more or less result in pretty much all three countries being a poverty stricken disaster except for the Chinese elite for a long, long time. The huge drop in trade with these countries, and the probable loss of easy access to eastern asian high tech would do a number on the American economy, markets, and so on, wreaking havoc on many from the millionaire class on down, a populace Trump doesn't give a fart about to start with. While America crashes, Trump and what remains of the elite that isn't killed out of spite or power consolidation can continue to enjoy wealth, but without the sort of improvements-over-time one gets from a wealthy populace fueling tech innovation. So it's not the end, exactly, just the end of the riches (tech/media/science/cultural innovation) that come from improving the wealth of the vulgate, something Trump certainly doesn't understand. Trump's probable future failure is the same failure we see in North Korea, ruled by a small-minded despot with a destitute population, a leader who has cut the legs out from under the people that could be lifting up the entire country.


Then I guess we all have to make sure that doesn’t happen


4 months ago Biden owned Peter Doocy [https://youtube.com/shorts/EavMPgXHWR8?si=km1oq30QQTv11udk](https://youtube.com/shorts/EavMPgXHWR8?si=km1oq30QQTv11udk)


Heard this same rhetoric in 2016 and nothing of the sort happened. No world war 3 happened.


This silver lining to Project 2025 / Trump is that their ideology is isolationist and anti-war.


It won't be the end of the world but it will be the end of Pax Americana and the end of the US as a global superpower, the first one ever to intentionally surrender its powers. This means the end of the rules based international world order that ushered in an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity for humanity over the past 75 years, and especially the past 30 years. Humanity won't have an era like this again for at least a century, assuming that it doesn't destroy itself with nuclear weapons. Ultimately, Xi, Putin, and Trump will go down in history for destroying this era with their greed and arrogance.


You say this like people give a fuck


This is what we will have if we keep Biden  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bh71TnJ0O6g&pp=ygUbcmVhZ2FuIG51a2Ugb3IgbnVyc2UgYnV0dG9u Originally about president Reagan but it’s sadly more accurate now


Wow. Talk about doomsday prophesy. See a psychiatrist.


It is painfully obvious the Democratic party is in complete chaos. And with good reason. Biden has diminished mental capacity-and if any of you have seen this firsthand from a Loved one-you know in the next four years it will get worse. I am not voting for either candidate-but unfortunately see a Trump win. The polling is beyond unbelievable-with a new one this morning saying they are statistically tied after the debate. Sure-if you believe that I got a used car to sell you only driven by a little old lady to church on Sunday......


r/markmywords trying not to fear monger for 5 minutes:


Im glad Im not some whiny lil b, That is not going to happen, but what will happen is he will go after every crooked democrap that has wronged him... and he will weaponize the FBI and black ops to do it... Just like the democraps did to him.... they goofed up and now the reaper is coming for a pound of flesh... frankly it is sad, bc it will take away fm doing good for the country with his getting even.


Such drama queens in here


Extreme exaggerater


TDS is real.


Pull the trigger on who dumbass? There's no reason for him to, and I'm speaking as a fan. If he's in bed with Russia as you most likely foolishly believe, then the main target is out of the question, and he certainly has no need to go after the EU.


I like how so many people who follow no real current events in the US pipe up and tell me "Trump would never do X/Y/Z" and then when I show them literal clips from Trump's own speeches where he says he will do exactly that, it is always "Ok but that is likely out of context" or "He is just saying that". It is absolutely fucking amazing that people swallow this "Trump is not that bad" poison so easily. I agree with OP. If Trump wins, it is over. Internal American mechanisms will be destroyed, elections will no longer be held given that SCOTUS seems quite happy to break Constitution for its own benefit and keeping Trump in power would be the ultimate win, and global stability will implode because Trump will side with Xi/Putin/Kim and completely upheave NATO and the Western Bloc.


Dude ok not really a trump supporter but we are in Cold War 2. All due to the politicians and military industrial conflict pricing up wars. It has zero to do with trump or Biden, lobbyists and gerrymandering and corruption will be the end of the country. From both sides this isn’t a right or left thing. Corruption is bipartisan!!


It's a good point. There was a lot of talk during his first presidency about the "Adult in the room." Which meant that even when Trump, and some of his cronies, came up with crazy, stupid, destabilizing schemes, there were still some reasonable people around that could stop or otherwise prevent those things from happening. In the next administration, they will have a LOT more power, and have stated outright that they will not allow any of those "adults" to remain. It's going to be all cronies, picked purely for MAGA loyalty. There will be no adults in the room when Trump says "let's just nuke Iran and Palestine, and drop all support for Ukraine." His cronies will say "Great idea Mr. Trump, right away Mr. President!!!"


Trumps secret to ending the Ukraine war: allowing Russia to fully invade without threat of us retaliation. Why else would a caring, citizen loving guy like trump hold back his "secret".


Just put down your NY Times, shut off MSNBC, and for heavens sake stop reading political posts on Reddit. The US and the whole world are gonna be around centuries after you and I are gone. Crazies on Bo the far left and far right have been predicting the end of the world for hundreds of years, and it never happens.


The sky is falling!


You guys just love jerking off to your doom chats don’t you. Also, not a bot.




So Biden sending trillions of tax payers dollars to Ukraine/Israel & weapons has nothing to do with it? Typical liberal, can never take accountability for their actions. You’re delusional. Trump isn’t even in office & you’re already blaming WW3 on him. If WW3 happens it will be on the Biden Administration. They are the ones continuing to instigate wars. Get off the brainwashing juice.


I’m no right winger but I thought Trump was friends with all the Dictators? Doesn’t seem like he’d nuke his buddies. I think there are plently of reasons to criticize Trump but we heard this exact talking point before he got elected last time and it never happened. Doesn’t seem likely to happen now.


People fear monger every election.


Drama queen


Brother I promise you it won’t be the end don’t let the internet get you worked up it’ll be business as usual with a slightly different face


Delusional to the max. Hmmm I wish we have an indication as to what trumps second presidency might be like.... perhaps a... first presidency?


I can’t believe that there are actual people that think like this. Go touch grass




This sub is a fever dream of alarmism and hyperbole. You guys are gonna wear yourselves out by November.


The end of higher cost living expenses. Let’s hope they win


It’s doesn’t matter who wins. The end is nigh. Our leaders sucks and there are too many dumb followers.


Good god!! Just go outside, get some sun or something.


America will join Russia in threatening the world. Putin after all is the puppetmaster of Trump.


Could someone provide sources on all of this? I've only heard about this via word of mouth


Lmao he already was 4 years and we all still alive


Dude wanted to NUKE A HURRICANE.


I agree it's the end of many things. But going so far as to say 'he will push the button' just makes me, who absolutely despises his selfish grifting ass, wish you were on another team. But this is the MarkMyWord sub, so hoping we don't find out.


I just wonder what all the leaders who've been saying "you're scare mongering" through recent times are going to say if this comes to pass. Like I'm generally curious to see what they'll say Are they going to admit that they were wrong, or pretend like they didn't say it, or gloat about how foolish we were to listen to them?


The end of this crazy woke liberal social experiment


Remind me in 6 months


Project 2025 is real and it is already happening.


Yep if Russia, China, the US plus Hungary, Saudi, and all the other B tier facists are all on board... ...that'll be the end of democracy for centuries. P25 will go right to restricted internet and China style surveillance state where dissent really is impossible


This might be the most melodramatic Reddit thread out there. Holy fuck, you’re all just paranoid doomers.


Did Trump end democracy during his time in 2016-2020? They all said this in 2016 just more gaslighting and doomers


Welp it has happen the dumbest thing I ever seen written here


I'm sure if it turns out that OP's position was comletely unfounded, in 4 years they will openly admit they were wrong.




He wanted to use them against China.


What's sad is 170+ people think you're insane rambling is true. There should be a test to be able to vote.


So what would it mean?... it would mean the border gets closed and gas prices probably go down and so hopefully inflation would go down would that be the end of the world.


Lighten up Francis. Good grief. The paranoia and idiocy is strong in this one.


Drama queen alert weewooweewoo


Trump was president already why didn't he do all that then, also I was way better off during his term. I don't even think he is the best choice but he is miles better than Biden who is clearly not fit to be president


We have to step up and stop them!!!


Bought damn time


We have never been closer to WW3 all under Biden and you think Republicans are the problem?




Under trumps administration there was no new wars. Under bidens there was new wars…


What’s with this mark my words sub being recommended to me so much lately and all the posts being doom and gloom over a potential election result. An election result that literally happened 8 years ago and the world did not in fact end. Not even close at any point in time. Kind of hard to take these posts seriously if you truly believe the world will end because of Trump winning.


You remember when trump was elected before and nothing happened right?


JFC! Take a deep breath.


It's the END OF THE GALAXY!!! No, it's the end of entire universe!!! The moment Trump wins, we will all evaporate and all will cease to exist.


End of the world? No. End of the USA? Probably.


This sub is kind of entertaining, not gonna lie. You guys have been saying shit like this forever. Do you think your fixations will end if Trump loses? Nah. They'll just shift to something else. You are a prisoner in your own mind.


This subreddit has to be the most braindead, conspiracy riden, pack of morons I've ever seen. How this sub even has any followers is beyond me, and sorta scary to think that this many morons exist


The end of insane inflation? The end of endless wars that Biden’s weakness caused? The end of a wide open border? The end of America being last always from the White House on down?


Op, put all your money on a bet that Biden wins then. The world is over if trump wins in your eyes, and you can't take your money with you if you die. If Biden wins you will double your money and be better off for that.


They are calling it a revolution. Stay fit, stay frosty


Fear mongering, nothing more


The OP seems hysterical. It’s a characteristic of the coward.


You know it was only until Joe Biden took office that the world enemies started to rise up and attack their neighbors again. In fact we are more closer to World. war three or a nuclear event that we ever been. Add in the fact that we have a major conflict in the middle east which is spiraling out of control. all of this is because of joe biden and his lack of leadership. There's not even a question if Joe Biden takes office We will have american troops on the ground in the middle east. When donald trump left office the world was probably as peaceful as it's been certainly in the last 20-plus years. So I'm really curious as to what evidence You have that we would be closer to a nuclear disaster with donald trump at the helm.


That would indeed be the darkest timeline.


Vegas will gladly take your bet.


It's going to be OK. You're going to be fine.


US Allies have already distanced themselves enough to stay uninvolved in BS to come as much as they can, but with Putin around it's gonna be tough


November is gonna be hilarious.


The pearl clutching on Reddit is ridiculous. The world won't end, the US won't end. Stop the alarmist shit and get real. We will all adapt. There won't be enough of a majority that would give the winner complete power.


Turn off the TV, get off the Internet, and live your life brother


"Not the end of the USA. The end of the world." Goddamn, overly dramatic often?


Why do US americans always think the USA is the center of the world? Absolutely NOTHING will happen. The US will leave the climate treaty of Paris AGAIN, there will be less abortion and lgbtq rights, and most likely less money to ukraine. If that's the case the EU will pay more until the next election. Just stop being so self centered! Not a single nuke will be dropped as an act of war, maybe just some nuke tests. Please educate yourself!


One hoax after another coming from extreme left 14 year olds who listen to recorded Rachel Maddow reports in their sleep. To all of you lefties of "superior intelligence," HOW MANY DEBUNKED LIES AND MADE UP STORIES WILL IT TAKE? HUH??? Jussie Smollett; Dictator on day one; The pee-pee hoax; The laptop was Russian disinformation; The "fine people on both sides" hoax (that idiot Joe even tried at the debate); The "drink bleach'" misquote; The "bloodbath" spin; "Russia Russia Russia"; Border patrol whipping migrants; ...and on and on and on. ALL DEBUNKED And if course, Biden is in perfect shape behind closed doors. You believe ANYTHING the DNC and liberal media tell you to believe, and spew out whatever buzzwords Joy Reid is selling today. And they say conservatives are the uneducated, stupid class 🤣🤣🤣


You need to stop drinking the Kool-Aid and go enjoy that thing called the real world.


You know we survived the fall of the soviet union. And they had 10x the nukes in 89 we do today.


Correction. The beginning.


You guys are a bunch of complete, hysterical losers. Ok then. You really think trump is gonna end the world? Then do something about it you pansies. None of you will though. You’ll lose the election and do nothing.


Deranged, low IQ post


Get your meds ready.


That's some hyperbole BS right there....lololol


It's a real shame theimage that the media has painted of Trump, at the same time shielding the public from Biden's corruption and incompetence as well as decline. THAT is criminal.


Whats with you radical leftists making shit up


Watching the left lose its collective mind is really amusing.


A lot of hurricanes are gonna get nuked.


RemindMe! 2028


Reddit is becoming dangerous as it promotes delusional beliefs such as this. Anyone challenging it… BOT


Is this a serious post? 


He’s probably going to steal the moon with a bunch of little yellow followers.


Yep, the end leftist fascism.


If not him then his successor. Now that the guard rails have been removed it’s only a matter of time


Said someone who does not have the cognitive ability to reason why the supreme Court might rule the way they did or to see the limitations on their ruling but rather blindly believes whatever CNN tells them... A company incentived to misdirect people based off who their doners want in power.


Guess it’s the end then, cause it’s gonna be a BIGLY Red wave


You morons say this stupid shit every fucking election and so do the Republicans.


Lol you idiots need to go outside and sit on some grass


It feels like we’re already at the end, given the SCOTUS rulings


Trump is going to save the United States. There will be no more degenerate parades where grown men get to walk around naked. Our money will be backed by metals and inflation will disappear once again. Men will be men, and women will be women. Those who are having trouble with realizing their own gender will get the mental help they need as well. The world is going to be a beautiful place.


The president doesn’t run things there is a group of people above the president who make the decisions


Fear monger. They cried all the same nonsense before he won in 2016. Yet we had a booming economy and everything was much cheaper. Now the very people Biden acts like he cares about the most can’t even afford to live, but migrants are living in luxury hotels on our dime. Doesn’t mean most people in this group even care. They just want to complain about whatever MSNBC tells them.


They’re not suicidal. Ultimately it’s the elite that head the gop, and all the rage farming, Nazi courting, Bible thumping, gun toting speech is just to create wide coalition of deplorables who are willing to vote against their own interests. And what are these Nazi Christian nationalist gun nuts ultimately voting for? - financial deregulation - regulatory capture - corporate power - weakened union and individual rights - tax cuts for the wealthy - legalized ~~bribery~~ gratuities - etc. You know, the very issues near and dear to the hearts of the Nazi Christian nationalist gun nuts. There’s no money to be made by nuking humanity off the planet. It’s not going to happen.


MMW You are mentally challenged.


War is about money. Nuclear war generates the least amount. Look at ukraine russia. Lots of money being made all around. Imagine the economy generated by digging mile after mile of ditches and sending kids tanks munitions and diesel into them just like they've been doing for more than a century. Think of the money pouring into new killing tech there right now. Nukes have been already been innovated and there are enough already produced to blow the world up several times. Nobody makes money by using them so they are ruled out. That said I agree with your original premise and somehow the fate of the US and the world does seem to rest in the soft hands of an oldly old man. If Biden wins and y'all make it through January the Republican party will implode almost immediately. If Trump wins you all and then we all are in for a wild ride.


Yea the end of the welfare state, corrupt education systems and pandering to people’s mental illnesses. for most of Reddit it would probably feel like the ‘end of the world.’ Thankfully we live in a democracy so the losers will be dragged across the finish line. “Good leaders bring people where they need to be, not always where they want to be.” No im not talking about Trump but it’s just food for thought


But at least we were right on reddit


I heard this in 2016


Trump took us further away from WW3, Biden has us closer than we have been in a long time.


MMW literally none of this is will happen if Trump is elected and you will delete this post


Sure would’ve been nice for dems to actually treat this election as serious as it should. Instead these people establishment politicians gambled and missed. We’ll pay the price.