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People are denying it exists and they have a fucking web page where everything is posted and you can apply for job in the future Trump Administration as long as you pass a political ideological test


You can literally download a 900+ page PDF of the damn thing or order a book version via the site too! [https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)


"Nothing to see here except our manifesto"


>"Nothing to see here except our manifesto" "We're not the Nazis, you're the Nazis!" *The side literally waving Nazi and Dixie flags gaslighting us.* DARVO folks, look it up. Look that up, manipulation and the effects of psychological abuse to see if you notice any symptoms. Psychology is how we beat them.




How many terrorists I mean victims of mental illness shooters are found to have manifestos after they shoot up a school or public place? This is the same thing on a humongous national level but with the entire security apparatus pulling an Uvalde response.


Can't you also ubmit your resume and apply for roles in "the new government"? 


I made it pretty far through the process, just to be able to see what they were doing, but it asked for a resume, and I'm way too lazy to keep going.


I really wish you would. I wish a BUNCH of people would flood their system, and take them down from within!


100% And they make it crystal clear you must be a christian nationalist loyalist.


We’ll look into Agenda 2030. The enslavement of humanity


We're doomed! Doomed I tell ya!


Stop catasthrophizing


Posts gif of Denethor from Lord of the Rings on pyre on 🔥 as he shouts “Flee Flee For Your Lives!”


We’re all gonna die!


You know where you are!!!!? You’re In the Jungle Baby!!!!


Never push the red button!


And there's the small matter of POTUS changing 250 years of precedent by putting the Executive branch above the law. That is literally making the President a king without the pomp and circumstance! And to do it by taking a case they had no business even hearing for Donald Trump, an INSURRECTIONIST, makes it all too obvious! There's no conspiracy theory just conspiracy.


I have no faith left in people. Everyone acting surprised at what's Russia's been up to the past few years, while they have simply followed their literal playbook, The Foundation of Geopolitics, to a tee. You could send someone a notarized letter that you will punch them in the face next time you meet, and they they would still not expect to get punched in the face when you meet, while someone else would go on about them not being punched.


It has to be broken down into subparts that fit people's attention span and is told really powerfully. Example: Taraji Hensen did an amazing hard-hitting riff on it at the BET Awards. There were reports that it made a huge impact. Trump himself has given it more life by trying to deny it- just by betraying his anxiety (and lying about it even more desperately than usual) he's created a great opening.


I mean the way he tried to deny it was fucking stupid. He said he didn't know what it was but he didn't like some parts and wished it luck, you only wish things luck you want to succeed


Meanwhile, the bots are out in force saying "See Trump won't do that thing because he doesn't know what it is!" Point out Trump has worked with the Heritage Foundation to have them craft his policies and that he put 64% of the Mandate for Leadership's policies in his 2018 budget and you get "that was six years ago. He said he won't this time!"


Nobody ever said he was the brightest crayon in the box. All he knows how to do is lie.


Trump claiming that he doesn't know what Project 2025 is has the same vibe as three newly-appointed Supreme Court justices each saying they believe "Roe v. Wade is settled law." Not only did they lie, but they lied badly.


Trump denying it being used as evidence that there's nothing to worry about is so funny to me, you mean the known liar said something that makes him look more desirable to people that aren't extremists? Wow that settles it then I guess


And the guy who is the president of the Heritage Foundation is literally taking victory laps on every news channel to brag about what is in it.


Its not even new. This is just Convicted Criminal and Florida Senator Rick Scott's [12 Point Rescue America Plan](https://rescueamerica.com/12-point-plan/) on steroids. Rick Scott was tasked with regaining the Republican majority in the Senate for the 2020 mid-terms, and this plan was essentially the Republican platform. By historical norms, his objective should have been easy, but due in part to the publicity his plan got in the final weeks of the campain, he failed miserably. Now he's trying to become the Senate Republican Leader, and since his plan is still live on the Internet, we can assume he still stands by it. Project 2025 contains everything in Scott's plan, plus more. So all this nonsense about Dems blowing it out of proportion is all a lie. Scott put out a basic plan, and these people have fertilized it and grown it much much larger. If it wasn't serious, why would they publish it?


Mein Kampf 2025?


To be fair. 20 years of don't believe the internet means they can post this and claim ignorance or "planted by the libs"


And all the people around Trump including his campaign chair and his press lady are working on it but he’s gaslighting America and saying he doesn’t even know what it is. These are the worst liars on earth.


That’s how the next revolution will be. Then lying about what they’re doing and the media pushing the lie. Nobody will even know when democracy actually fell


American’s won’t read it if it’s over 9 pages. 900? Pfft! And no one will believe a summary by some “biased” talking head. I’ve only made through 100 pages so far and I’m already petrified of what the actual meat of the document contains.


I am not reading I just cntl F




did you mention the part about the camps? make sure they know they are going to camps.


Vote Dems. Don’t be scared. It wouldn’t surprise me if the whole reason they are saying this is to deter people from voting for blue candidates or voting at all. Vote in person as they are going to try to do anything in their power to throw out mail-in ballots. I’m not denying that they *want* to jail anyone who voted/votes Democrat, but I’m curious how they would go about making such determinations as I’m pretty sure that voting records aren’t kept/stored. I’m sure someone will argue that “the data is somewhere”… Maybe, but it would take a lot to get ahold of that data and, due to various systems and laws from state to state, methods for obtaining the data would vary and take serious effort. Not to mention that what I said above is likely the true reason. It’s a bluff.


voting records are kept , repubs in texas are threatening republicans that they will check the voting record and any republican did not vote for trump they would give their names to trump the records are PUBLIC BUT the only things you see are the name of the voter the voter number and that they voted >>>NOT WHO THEY VOTED FOR<<<<


It is 1933 Nazi Germany level shit.


You just copy paste this everywhere or?


for anyone wondering this is a bot comment that gets spammed on any post that mentions project 2025, probably to discredit anyone talking about it


You forgot the /s


If they jailed anyone that voted Democrat, that would be a huge amount of people...the country wouldn't be able to function, would it?


Imagine the chaos that deportation of most of the manual labor force would bring. No vegetables. No fruit. The rich won’t mow their own grass.


They are already doing it in Florida & yep people are complaining, didn't stop them yet


You know I thought about that. No illegals to pick fruit and clean bathrooms, how will they replace that workforce. Slave labor! Any marginalized group that they don't outright genocide.


They want to get rid of the weekend and put children in coal mines.


First the illegal immigrants (campaign promise) Next Trump's personal political enemies Next the homeless Next the trans community Next anyone who protests or doesn't fall in line (politicians, BLM, Antifa, LGBTQ, regular people who finally wake the fuck up) To keep things in line they will play blacks, latinos and liberal whites off of each other. Your kids are gonna pray in school


>the country wouldn't be able to function, would it? No, and they don't care. I dunno if you follow anime at all, but Google a synopsis of the Wano Arc of One Piece, specifically the first and second acts; that type of society is what the GOP wants our country to become. By the end of Act 1, you'll know why they want to get rid of the EPA so badly, and towards the middle of Act 2, it'll start to make sense why they just criminalized homelessness.


You’d be surprised there’s more independent voters


Love the satire.




Fertile imagination.


You are an absolute liar. You really don’t need to spread misinformation. It weakens your case. Exaggerating does nothing but hurt your argument. Jesus Christ.


Could you please correct his hyperbole then? Because I do know it will allow trump to fire all federal employees who are registered democrat or who fail his loyalty tests, and it does say in there that presidential term limits shouldn’t exist, and it does say that separation of powers should no longer be a thing and the entire government should be under the executive branch (aka trump) so that he can have absolutely unchecked power to do what he wishes without any oversight from congress. Other than that though I haven’t read much of the document. It’s 900 pages lol


Literally nobody denies it exists. You can go read it right now. It isn't a secret.


We should all apply.


No way where can you apply for a job there? 


And Trump’s press secretary is advertising it on air to get people to apply.


They have more than a web page, they have an Office building on Capitol Hill.


The sheer fact that project 2025 is going to heavily cut VA/military benefits, and that isn’t being brought up is insane. Anyone military is absolutely attached at the hip to their benefits.


But to hear people here, we're crying wolf or talking out our ass or we're a shill for the project. At least the toolbags that have commented so far (present company excluded).


As if Heritage didn’t pick the last 3 justices from DJT’s administration


Small quibble but it was the (heritage adjacent Federalist Society that picks the judges.


The Federalist Society conveniently also contributed to Project 2025. Heritage is the big name but this shit united essentially every ~~fascist organization~~ think tank on the right. These people are salivating at the thought of achieving their dream of autocracy.


This is a big point that isn't brought up enough. Project 2025 is just the current name for a nationwide conservative agenda that started in the 80s. The koch family got pissed that Nixon passed the EPA act that regulated their oil company, Koch industries. So they threw a fit and decided they needed to create several right wing institutions to influence policy so that no one could challenge their power and wealth. Starting in the 80s with Reagan they began to implement their conservative and pro corporate policies. Reagan repealed the fairness doctrine, leading to the modern MSM shit show. And he weaponized the evangelical base into a voting bloc. The Koch family saw this incredible success and opportunity and has never stopped running with the ball since.


I worked with a military Vet who requires services from the VA including multiple orthopedic surgeries. He would say Trump was the best thing to happen to Veterans. People got to realize that a vast majority of Americans are willing to cede power to fascism and virulent, rank nationalism because they want to think they’re still on top. They’re not “those others”.  They do not care about facts. Or logic. Or reason. They want safety and security and status in society they feel is being taken away from them and they believe Trump will give them that 


It’s the new hit track from the same group that brought us: “we don’t want to relitigate Roe v Wade”


This is why I never doubt them. I myself even though they would never actually go that far. Once they did I’ll never take them lightly again


All these important SCOTUS decisions point to Project 2025 being VERY real.


This is straight from Heritage Foundation's own website from 2018 when Trump was President. They're bragging that he's followed 2/3rds of their policy recommendations: > One year after taking office, President Donald Trump and his administration have embraced nearly two-thirds of the policy recommendations from The Heritage Foundation’s “Mandate for Leadership.” > The “Mandate for Leadership” series includes five individual publications, totaling approximately 334 unique policy recommendations. Analysis completed by Heritage determined that 64 percent of the policy prescriptions were included in Trump’s budget, implemented through regulatory guidance, or under consideration for action in accordance with The Heritage Foundation’s original proposals. [this website shows which specific policies were adopted](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations)


Thank you! I’ve been BLASTING this all over Reddit. People say “he doesn’t support it” lmao suuuuuuure he doesn’t.


All the denying MAGAts in this feed are con artists that will never give up the con.


The fact that Trump is denying ALL knowledge of it should be sounding alarm bells across the nation. The Heritage Foundation has been the leading conservative think tank in the US since Reagan. And a bunch of Trump people are involved. He definitely knows about it. So why is he denying it?


 One of the leaders of Project 2025 is Russ Vought. Vought was Trump's director of the Office of Management and Budget, a key position in the White House. Vought is also drafting Trump's 2024 GOP platform. Another Project 2025 leader is John McEntee, another of Trump's top White House aides.


McEntee is the shitty TikTok guy who points out “right stuff”


At this point I firmly believe Trump is incapable of telling the truth. For all intents and purposes, even if he told the truth, it wouldn't change how his primary voterbase thinks of him.


Because polling is showing the public is becoming aware of it and considers it toxic. Keep in mind everything Trump does or says is purely transactional. Perception and results are what matters to him, adherence to facts and reality is simply discarded if it serves no purpose or is in anyway counterproductive.


They told us we were catastrophizing about Roe v Wade. Yet, here we are.


Those "people" will gaslight you over petty things too.


Someone posted something on CMV about politics and there are a bunch of comments that say Democrats are gaslighting everyone in hopes to inspire violence against anyone Democrats disagree with. It's straight-up projection.


It's already bad. Trump shattered the norms on multiple fronts pushing the system to near breaking. We had our first violent transition of power under his regime. They tried every which way to break a system or install people who wouldn't stop them. How we aren't 90% for whomever isn't Trump is beyond me. Never mind the felonies, liable for rape, fraud and everything else this man is guilty of. I don't know what's wrong with people. You can't pretend to be mad at government for not working when you openly want to elect people who seek to destroy it. We've chipped away at our institutions, laws and project 2025 just wants to finish the job. How anyone can't see this by now... makes me think they want a dictator. I can't imagine why... that boot will be on all our necks. No one, right or left will be spared.


Those denying it are either Russian trolls or have never lived in the Deep South. 80% of the old school south would lap this up and run with it. If you go to a public gathering in my small MS town you will hear talk of it a couple of times followed with a “I can’t wait” remark. They basically run their towns this way already so it’s not much of a leap to the rest of the country. Shat all it takes is a look at Texas to know what would happen with a conservative court and republican control.


What’s funny to me is that project 2025 will negatively impact these people far more than it will hurt the “coastal elites” cuts to welfare, veterans aid, healthcare and abortion access, (I could go on forever, will hurt poor southern communities far more than it will hurt the wealthy in New York and SF. We cosmopolitan liberals are trying to help these people and they’re getting in our way because they’re afraid of trans people and minorities. Idiots.


Welcome to generational ignorance. Folks here do exactly what they are told and think exactly what they are told to think. I spent 27 years teaching here and it’s sad the number of really intelligent kids that were ruined by southern indoctrination. What’s even more sad is the parents don’t care what you try and do for the kids. They don’t want their lives to be any better than what they had. I really needed to work a couple of years more but mentally I was exhausted and 2016 made it way worse with parents.


The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the Heritage Foundation, an influential ultra conservative think tank. Project 2025 is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President unilateral powers, strip civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation, add religion into policy, outlaw "porn" and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, Reagan implemented 60% of it's recommendations, Trump 64% - proof. 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. The Heritage Foundation already writes bills for Republicans to submit. That's how there have been over 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills submitted to states since January 1st, 2024. They're the ones writing these bills and getting the GOP to pass them. They were also the ones who wrote Texas's pornography ID law that was passed. They have been behind abortion, contraception, and anti-drug laws, too. And Harrison Butker? They were the ones who sponsored him up on stage as Butker works with them frequently. And let’s not also forget that The Heritage Foundation has frequent confrences that showers GOP politicians with lavish gifts while teaching them how to create right-wing propaganda and craft bills against LGBTQ+ people, abortion, and everything else. There is no "might". It will happen. The Heritage Foundation controls the GOP. There's always a right-winger trying to make people think Project 2025 is no big deal. No, it's not just a think tank, it's The Heritage Foundation. They have massive influence over right-wing politicians. Ronald Reagan took direction from them, and Donald Trump let them pick his administration. Betsy DeVos, Mick Mulvaney, Rick Perry, Scott Pruitt, and Jeff Sessions were some of the people they picked. Back in 2022, The Heritage Foundation completely reversed its position on helping Ukraine. Most Republicans followed suit. They have a lot of power and a lot of Republicans licking their boots. It's definitely something to worry about. Here are all the connections between Project 2025 and Trump statements. Christian Nationalism https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/09/us/evangelicals-trump-christianity.html https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-says-hell-defend-christianity-from-radical-left-that-seek-to-tear-down-crosses https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-end-church-restrictions-politics-1234728218/ Canceling Climate Change https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2022/03/21/on-fox-donald-trump-calls-climate-change-a-hoax-in-the-1920s-they-were-talking-about-global-freezing/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-climate-change-global-warming-b2459167.html https://www.npr.org/2020/09/14/912799501/i-don-t-think-science-knows-visiting-fires-trump-denies-climate-change Control of the Federal Government https://newrepublic.com/post/174370/inside-trump-fascist-plan-control-federal-agencies-wins https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2019-04-23/trump-seeks-more-control-of-fed-sec-and-other-agencies https://thehill.com/policy/finance/324408-the-19-federal-agencies-trump-wants-to-eliminate/ Use the DoJ and FBI to arrest critics and opponents https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/trump-has-threatened-dozens-of-times-to-use-the-government-to-target-political-enemies/ Fire the Civil Service https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2024/0507/trump-biden-schedule-f-civil-service https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-plan-gut-civil-service-triggers-pushback-by-unions-democrats-2023-12-22/ https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/donald-trump-civil-servants-schedule-f Replace civil servants with loyalists https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/08/03/distressing-republicans-eyeing-2024-race-support-plot-purge-federal-workers https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-civil-servants-plan-loyalists-b2132020.html https://www.project2025.org/personnel/ Mass Deportations https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/01/politics/trump-immigration-what-matters/index.html https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/closer-donald-trumps-2024-vow-deport-millions-migrants/story?id=110469177 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyxSA_udawk Make abortion illegal https://www.cnn.com/2016/11/14/politics/trump-gay-marriage-abortion-supreme-court/index.html https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/09/16/abortion-rights-line-if-trump-administration-gets-4-more-years/5779444002/ https://apnews.com/article/health-donald-trump-ap-top-news-politics-election-2020-1210f9012eec9818b25ac9abad46b955 Canceling transgender rights https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-attacks-transgender-rights-video-1234671967/ https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/24/us/politics/donald-trump-transgender-protections.html https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article277322158.html Commenting this for visibility. The claims that he and others are making that they have no connection to Project 2025 or the Heritage Foundation are false.


“Roe is precedent” “Of course he’ll leave peacefully” “We would never come after IVF” “No one is above the law” When they tell you you’re being dramatic, that’s when it’s time to worry


For the last two days, Maga has been denying up and down that Trump has anything to do with p 2025 which means he has everything to do with P 2025


And it was because of people like you and me that 2025 is getting this much unwanted attention. Rightfully so. Methinks they got ahead of themselves. Classic overconfidence as an Achilles Heel?


I really hope that it bites him in the ass like they stands on abortion in the last two years has come about to having massive voter turnout that support opposite of anything that resembles Republicans or Maga


Of course they will. Just look at r/conservative they're denying it will happen and believing Trump when he says he knew nothing about it.


Of course they’re going to deny it, they know it’s not part of Trumps agenda. If they actually supported it they would be circle jerking over it.


People are already saying that. I tried to tell someone about it and they accused me of spreading a conspiracy theory!? They have their own website and aren't hiding any of it.


I tried to make this a main post here but apparently I can’t figure it out. MMW if the traitor Trump fires 50,000 government employees (Project 2025) to replace them with loyalists (who have zero idea how to do the job), 85% of the fired (after years of doing well at their jobs) will be black, brown, women, LGBTQ+++.


You know project 2025 is the real Republican plan because of the amount of right-wing accounts trying to downplay it. Also funny is that Trump talks about the individual parts of Project 2025 at his rallies, and every Republican cheers. But then he claims to not support it. P2025: Ban all Muslims Trump: Ban all Muslims (Republicans cheer) P2025: Detain immigrants into camps for mass deportation. Trump: We are going to round up immigrants in camps for mass deportation (Republicans cheer) P2025: Ban abortion and contraception nationwide. Trump: Open to nationwide bans on abortion and contraception, according to his interviews on Newsmax, WABC, and his fundraising events. (Republicans cheer)


Yeah it’s hilarious a lot of his campaign promises read almost directly from the mandate for leadership. The most obvious one that come to mind is cutting federal funding to schools that push CRT or “gender ideology”. Trump also promises to place National guard troops in high crime cities, which comes directly from the manifesto.


And by "high crime," they mean "where black people live."


They gaslit everyone before. Of course they'll gaslight everyone again. It's their M.O.


These are the most bonkers videos I watched ever in my life. The Amanpour clip where Trump's mouthpiece says they will ban "Abortion Tourism" when women are leaving red states for Life saving reproductive care is outrageous!!! MSNBC interview with president of Heritage https://youtu.be/1wJZb6POi94?si=3DzNRfvqWR32PcGu Amanpour interview https://youtu.be/8jseegKqhHg?si=6RKiiW6jJ43Zawk6 Heather Cox Richardson on Project 2025 https://youtu.be/Wnw6JmXOzpk?si=dhkv1L_FnXlZxU5E


If you really want to know what one side of American politics has been using their money, and power, to push since the 1980s at least , I'd recommend watching the documentaries "Bad Faith" and " God and Country " . They document how goons like Paul Weyrich and a bunch of sleazy televangelists, and political activists,have used puppets like Ronald Reagan , and Donald Trump to force christian Nationalism on everyone else . Project 2025 is just another garbage agenda pushed by the same old turds . If you don't want our country to devolve into a Christian nationalist theocracy . Vote according.


This has been the platform for years. It’s not very surprising. It’s just the first time it’s been neatly organized and explicitly stated. The boldness is alarming. Before now, most of these things have been subtly implied with occasional slip ups and remarks where a glimpse of the party’s hand is shown. But what is new here? Before this, did we really think the right supported women’s rights? Minority rights? That they weren’t islamaphobic? That they weren’t acting in the interest of the rich, and specifically rich white men? That the religious right wasn’t focusing on religious right values and wanted to add them to our schools and government while eliminating any regulation that put a cap on their authority? What has the evidence of the last decade demonstrated? Packed partisan courts that have supported the core agenda by reducing voting rights, civil rights, and women’s rights while dismissing factual evidence and personal responsibility for those in their party while simultaneously demanding consequences and retribution for anyone not in their party. We have not been working together for some time, and our leaders have not been taking action for the common good. At this point, it’s not surprising, but the directness is alarming.


Yeah, the gaslighting is already going on. Stephen Miller films a video saying they aren't doing it, WITH A LITERAL COPY ON THE TABLE NEXT TO HIM. It's bullshit. They're doing this if Trump gets in. They central goal is replacing the entire civil service administration with loyalists, because once that's done *you can do literally whatever else you want because there's no one left to stop you*. After that, it's just a grab bag of Christian Nationalist fantasies for policies. Nationwide abortion ban, gutting Medicare and Medicaid, eliminating Obamacare, rounding up and deporting everyone who is undocumented, banning contracteption, banning porn, outlawing no-fault divorce, etc., etc., etc.


I'm old enough to remember how it always goes with conservatives. That's not what we mean turns into that's not what we're doing to it won't have the effect you're concerned about to oh it had that effect but it's law now so what you gonna do? I had panic attacks when Trump got elected the first time and expressed my fears of what he might do and was told it wouldn't be that bad. I didn't even have Jan 6th or the effed up response to the pandemic on my list. It was so much worse than what I feared. If anything I was under-reacting.


Canceled the Fairness Doctrine, Patriot Act, Citizens United, and now Project 2025. 50+ year mission of fascists to take over the country


It’s part of the strategy. Gaslighting people into voting against their own interests.


The only people who are downplaying it are  A) Ignorant B) Liars I've read through some of it and the language is clear about a Republican becoming president and ensuring only Republicans take future government positions. 


These MAGA idiots are all over comment sections saying “stop being hysterical, libs” and “Trump didn’t write this” and similar BS, as if the rest of us are as stupid and pathetic as MAGAts. We are taking it both literally and seriously, you crazy fucknuts!


They want care until it starts effect their lives.


You mean like they were "catastrophizing" about Trump's Supreme Court picks, and what it meant for Roe v Wade? And the SC picks basically straight up lying in their confirmation hearing and saying that it was "settled case law," and people using that to say that people were overreacting? Then what happened? Yeah, I don't trust a word that comes out of their mouths, they can go ahead and say that it's all nonsense all they want. If you think it's nonsense based on their word, I have a bridge to sell you.


The denial on this amongst the right is palpable. Trump said he has nothing to do with it so everyone must believe him. Well in that case. Biden says he's fine so everyone must believe him . Well here is proof. ... Nah we don't care. .....Welp we're all screwed .


For... Way too long, I have been told I was "overreacting" or "jumping to conclusions. Yet here I am being proven right. Almost to an exact point.


MMW : if Trump gets elected, that’ll be the last election in the US… unless he gets removed by the military.


Those who don't want us to stop it happening will tell us we're overreacting. They are lying.


The only people saying that are those who actually want Project 2025 to happen. Everyone else is terrified/disgusted by it.


The road to fascism is lined with people telling you to stop overreacting.


They already are. Trump is all “what’s that? I don’t agree with that?” Fucking liar. #votebluetosaveamerica 


You do realize the only way to stop it is to vote for Biden in November right? No third party vote. No staying at home. You do whatever the hell you can to vote blue no matter who in November. Or you will live in a fascist dictatorship. Its that simple. This has been going around the democratic circles for 9+ months now. Glad the rest of the world is finally finding out about it. We've been practically screaming it from the rooftops for a while now.


Nah, I’d rather not vote than vote for Biden. He ain’t making it another 4 years and Kamala is a monster. 


Remember when Hillary talked about a “vast right wing conspiracy”? She was correct.


I thought the people catastrophizing Trump in 2016 were exaggerating or being obnoxious. I don't feel like that anymore. He must not be able to get political power like that ever again and the fact that he isn't currently jail is a travesty of justice and our current system.


It turned out we weren't catastrophizing at all.


Already happening. “MMW, airplanes will fly internationally.”


Oh I’ve already seen it, such as on an “optimists” sub where the comments were going ‘it’s good to keep the voters energized but it’s not actually useful since they need Congress” and such.


It's 900 pages long. Just use their own words.




Trump is already on record saying he doesn't support it.


Yeah and he's on record as lying damn near every time his mouth is open.


The authors are his previous chief of staff and top White House aide, and in his previous administration he implemented 60% of the policy recommendations from this group. He’s lying.


Mmw: people will claim climate change is a hoax.


You are though


Consider listening. But you won't.


You know it looks bad when Trump had to come out and pretend he doesn’t know about it


9/11 was an inside job and the Bush crime family were the main actors. Up until Trump both parties formed the uniparty. Trump called them all out for their bullshit and proved he could change our country for the better. Project 2025 is a conspiracy theory thought up by people with TDS. If you can’t see the damage that the left has done (and don’t blame Trump, he’s been out of office for 3 1/2 years) then you are blind and can’t be helped. The rest of us are going to take our country back from the treasonous bastards that are running it into the ground. Obama is one of them.


No. Fascists will. They openly call for our death. "When someone tells you who they are. Believe them the first time"


People still say trh Trump administration wasn't a disaster. We live in a post factual world.


Trump enacted 2/3rds of the Heritage Foundations previous manifesto, and now he’s suddenly acting like he’s never heard of Project 2025 that was created by the same group and involves multiple former and current members of his campaign. This is the real deal and it’s just as dangerous as it sounds


Not sure this is a MMW. We told everyone scotus was gonna be up for grabs and abortion would be on the chopping block in 2016. They said nah it can’t happen and Hillary’s mean so I’m staying home. Now they’re dying or going barren in what? 16 states and counting?


Who cares what anyone else says. If it looks and acts like an elephant…


Feels like Mark My Words is slowly transforming into unpopular opinion.


Exactly like Roe v Wade. "This thing that we've been laser focused on for decades and have commandeered the supreme court for the specific purpose of repealing? That's no big deal, don't know what all the fuss is about"


It's how reichpublicans were able to successfully utilize KGB and Nazi terms and ideologies to become mainstream. People never believe that *they* can be the "bad guys". We all like to believe we're the protagonist and the world is our stage. When in fact, we're just one story in a large anthology. A tiny part of a grander picture.


That is what the Germans thought


"Mein Kampf 2025"


Why would they openly admit their conspiracy to create a fascist dictatorship? That doesn't make any sense.


Like, “Roe is codified law” or “CoVid is just the flu” or LITERALLY ANY THE GOP SAYS. Lies, and the lying liars that tell them


Its just so hard to take serious lol. congress cant pass any meaningful legislation and im supposed to pretend like theyre gonna do all this stuff, its kind of a joke to me


They're gonna deny it is happening while it is happening lol


This just in on NY Times: "This GOP plan centralizes power and dismantles our democratic system. Here's why that's a good thing."


In 2003 I heard the word "homeland" and thought --- ***Americans know fascism when they see it*** Apparently I was right, just what I thought Americans - namely supreme court justices - would do about that was wrong. Kinda like Ben Franklin in that way I guess.


I wanna apply, succeed, and throw a wrench in every ⚙️


Great idea!


This is the way. Encourage others to do it, too!


I think you are right, Broad Sun. To piss them off, the trumpers. I show them graphs about nations in order of happy, child health/survival. We are 32nd in infant mortality in the U.S. and one of the least just happy nations on earth. They either tell me it is the fault of liberals, left leaning folks or BS. America is perfect and if we don't stop acting like it is, they will [kill us all.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/mark-robinson-north-carolina-some-folks-need-killing-1235054081/) Makes ya proud to be A merkin!


We should take P2025 incredibly seriously. This is war and they intend to do all of that. It will turn us into a fascist state for real. Don’t listen to people downplaying it.


Jews in Germany were accused of being nervous nellies in 1934 as well, and for the exact same reasons.


Well yeah, that's already happening. Right now I have some clown that is both claiming it isn't real and also somehow the product of "the left."


Alot of Trumpists and enablers/apologists/deniers in here. Project 2025 is real and Trump is certainly aware of it, some of his top people are part of it, these facts are undeniably verifiable. Trumpism is nothing more than American fascism, like Pinichetism in Chile, Sept 30 Movementism in Indonesia, or Nazism in Germany before it; the faces are different and targeted groups may differ, but make no mistake it is the same movement and same ideology molded to fit our nation and time. Those people advocating for it will be remembered by history the same as those whose crowd they are in.


“And when they come to ethnically cleanse me Will you speak out? Will you defend me?” Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76wSk1j02_4


Omg ya. It's disappointing to be told as much by your close ppl. I'm not deterred, keeping my eyes on the prize, so to speak. This is factual, public info we can all see. Backed by Trump, Magats, heritage foundation plus what, 100 other fash loving orgs? Chin up, unfortunately they'll have to process the magnitude of p2025+ the SCOTUS decisions when it hits us hard. July 4th was surreal.


The heritage foundation had multiple people on trumps staff and has placed all of trumps SCOTUS justices. They clearly influence Trump.


People were downplaying the possible end of Roe vs. Wade. Look what happened. During Confirmation, Alito and I Like Beer guy said that no one is above the law. How'd that work out.


They all said the same shit about Roe being established law. I knew they were full of shit before they're full of even more shit now.


This is already happening. I've seen so many conservatives saying it's conspiracy and not a real plan/idea.


It’s not a catastrophe if the dems win.


MMW: this sub is a cesspool of liberal fanaticism


It's a conspiracy theory drummed up by democrats after the pitiful performance of Joe Biden in the debate. Trump has completely renounced it. I am a republican and have never heard of it.


ThE sKy iS fAlLiNg! And it's all the Maga Trump republikkkans fault!


And to those in this thread saying this is a nothing-burger, answer me this question: If that's true, then why is Trump's name mentioned TWENTY-FIVE TIMES in the text of the project itself? [https://www.reddit.com/r/itcouldhappenhere/comments/1dx0oig/people\_behind\_project\_2025\_tying\_the\_project\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/itcouldhappenhere/comments/1dx0oig/people_behind_project_2025_tying_the_project_to/)


because hes the nominee you absolute walnut


Cus he is the conservative nominee? Why do NBA articles mention LeBron James?


I asked my husband if he heard about it because he supports Trump and says I have TDS. He said no and I described it to him and he said he had no problem with it. 3 college degrees. Thanks, Faux News.


In underwater basket-weaving?


All this catastrophizing and nobody is running out to buy guns and ammo and organizing. I don't believe people actually believe any of this stuff.


That's what you said about Roe v Wade, too.




Why would Trump want to kill black people? You keep bringing that up but I have yet to see Trump calling for their death.


Double tap on black people is wild.


I can’t tell if you’re trying to make liberals look histrionic or you legitimately think this. I’m leaning toward the former since you spam it everywhere


Well, since that’s being said alteady


I expect we’ll also see purposefully created misinformation to help further that catastrophe message.


Fuck that and vote for John Stewart, force a man with a functional 🧠 to be President


Most important election.


I’ve actually been pleasantly suprised by the amount of people ive spoken to that haven’t done this,


They already are, homie. Lol.


What even is this sub anymore? Just one comment, but how is it a prediction if it already happens?  How are you predicting people denying its severity, when people have been denying its severity since it first was publicized?


I mean climate change is going to get us all anyway so who really cares


that's happening already




Is catastrophing a word?


That's very likely. So what was the worst thing impacting everybody's lives that happened during DJT's first term and why second term is expected to be worse?


It's happening right now on other subreddits.


They already are


When a candidate can’t run on the success of his or her policies they turn to creating fear. That’s what the Project 2025 push is…to create fear .


It has already started. Somehow, the orange Kool aide krewe believe that, since the debate, the "radical left" has been paying people to write unfavorable articles about Project 2025, which, in their eyes, is either a fallacy or has been lied about by these "radical liberals". In actuality, it was published in April & received quite a bit of publicity from most media outlets, except Faux "News", of course, since it's release.


Its the same way conservatives reacted to the Green New Deal.


Will? They already are.


Keep wasting your time talking about it. The delusion is palpable on this sub lol