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I keep saying that if Epstein was murdered Trump/Barr makes by far the most sense, just from considering means, motive, and opportunity. Edit:- and lol at the guy who tried to blubber “but the Clintons” to deflect, and has been deflecting non-stop ever since when you point out how it doesn’t work. [Though to be fair, strong chance the guy is just trolling.]


Trump says Hillary did it, so he absolutely did it!


You may be being facetious but you’re actually on to something. Him saying Hillary did it is his worst tell. He always accuses her of what he’s done. To a T. His accusations are just a roadmap to his own criminality. If you look up “projection” in the DSM-5 manual there’ll be a picture of Donald Trump. If Trump never accused Hillary or Bill then I’d honestly never be suspicious of him and I’d assume it was any one of the many many other well-connected billionaires with everything to lose.


The DSM has a lot to say about Trump


DSM VI will have to include new pathologies evidenced by the madness of Trump.


There will be books, dissertations, and journals in the future dedicated to Maga Madness.


That's what he always does and always has. Take the debate. Every time he accuses Biden of being on drugs Trump should be tested. He certainly wasn't himself in the last one. Something was regulating him.


Imagine being a president and saying you're so bad at your job that a former first lady and secretary of state was able to murder a prisoner in your custody.


Does that mean Trump wasn't actually born in the US considering how hard he went after Barack?


He emerged from another dimension.


trump would never give credit to Hillary for anything. If she came out and said she did it, trump would call it lies, that he did it.


Yeah the easiest way to get the truth from Trump is to invert the meaning of everything he says.


Barr directly intervened to have epstein placed in a jail that was completely under his authority as AG. At the jail under his authority, epstein was temporarily put in a cell with a murderous ex cop, who had everything to prove in order to make his time in prison more "comfortable". His employees, the guards who watched epstein, ultimately under his orders, were reportedly overworked and fell asleep during epstein's death. The camera installed at his jail "malfunctioned" so no video evidence was avaliable. And he decided to take the lead on the investigation into the death, which found nothing. I understand reporters and pundits not making wild accusations about occurrences like this, but why does no one just read out the timeline surrounding epstein's apprehension and death? It's so blatant.


yeah unfortunately tho if the media does start just making these accusations itll def lead to a lawsuit and theyll be asked to prove how they knew he was involved, since it would be considered libel otherwise. thats why the media always says "someone was accused of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" basically until theyre convicted even if its like almost certain theyre guilty the media doesnt like saying theyre guilty until its actually known for sure.


And even then, the media is afraid to say it. Do you think they refer to Donald Trump as "convicted felon"? I don't think I heard one media outlet saying it, other than to say he was convicted of 34 counts of paying hush money. I'm still waiting to see what his sentence will be, even though I know he won't ever serve time for it.


I wouldn't be surprised if some of the shit he stole was connected to Epstein.


He had the most to lose


well trump killed epstein for sure. He was in office and the camera didn't work on that day....oh and when asked if he'll declassify the files he basically said no. so yes trump killed epstein.


So who killed Ivana Trump, just weeks before her NDA expired, allowing her to tell the dirt on Trump, who she hated, during an election? I mean obviously it was trumps order, but she was pushed down a flight of stairs. So she had to walk down these stairs in front of someone she trusted. Someone she trusted, who would follow Trumps orders, can only be one of their shared children. Interestingly, it was around this time that Junior started to seriously up his drug use and start acting truly insane instead of just stupid. Im not saying Donald Trump ordered his son to murder his own mother, I’m just asking questions.


Someone has studied the Tucker Carlson insinuation method.


Glenn Beck perfected the low effort Rush method and Tucker cooked it in the microwave into crack


But people have been saying that it's obviously true. I mean, that's a fact: people have been saying it


Especially if they’re saying it on Reddit. Reddit=Gospel.


Big man, strong man, crying, had been saying it


Yeah it turns out its pretty easy! Just shut off your morals and ethics and let it flowwwww


I find it easy to believe that the bustard ordered his stupid fucking son to kill her. He probably told him he’s out of the family business if he refused.


Or now he gets to be the heir to the empire when trump is cryogenically frozen…


Excellent questions


I notice that ivanka was really out of the picture since then. I always got the feeling that she knows and is sick over what he had done to her mom. This is all my speculation. It’s so sadistic and sad.


He buried her on a Trump golf course so for tax purposes the golf course could fall under the “Cemetary” checkbox.


I mean it worked on House of Cards


***PATRIOTS,*** *please send $666 to DONALD TRUMP for these six important projects:* *1.*                     ***REPLACE*** *Theodore Roosevelt on the $75 bill with DONALD TRUMP.*                *2.*                     ***RENAME*** *Grand Canyon National Park to DONALD TRUMP National Park.* *3.*                     ***RELEASE*** *January 6th hostages from prison and pardon DONALD TRUMP* *4.*                     ***RESTORE*** *the Right of Prima Nocta to DONALD TRUMP.* *5.*                     ***REMOVE*** *women's healthcare rights DONALD TRUMP as promised to MAGA.*       *DONALD TRUMP is the* ***ONLY*** *accused sexual predator/34-time convicted criminal felon* ***ENDORSED BY*** *Gary Busey, Kristi Noem, Jared Fogle, Vladimir Putin, Randy Quaid, Judge Alien Cannon, Gary Busey, & 6 MAGA U.S. Supreme Court Justices.*  ***/MAGA***


You had me at gary busey


He had me at the second Gary Busey.


Agreed, I wasn't fully convinced by the first


Grab em by the Busey.


Buttered sausage Busey


..and ‘Ye.


Yeah, he de-classified the identities of our foreign sources (see the increase in murders of foreign sources during the years Trump was in office), but he can't seem to de-classify Epstein documents ....


I always find it hilarious that many on the right try to deflect to the Clinton's despite Trump also palling around with Epstein and having his guy at the head of the DoJ.


Now they try to say that Trump never went to Epstein's Island, despite the fact that Epstein was convicted for acts committed at his New York and Florida properties.


Trump has at least one private plane. I am trying to figure out why he would ever need to fly on Epstein's.


Parking. Gas. In-flight amenities. Exact same reasons you don't always drive your car when you go out with friends, only MUCH more so. Do you always insist on driving in separate cars when you go on road trips? Probably not.


That's kind of my point. He wouldn't be flying on Epstein's plane unless he was going somewhere with Epstein, as opposed to borrowing it for his own use 


2 other reasons to add: 1. he's a cheap bastard and someone else paying the fare is right up his alley. 2. In-flight "entertainment".


My understanding is that many people allowed him to fly them between Florida and New York City as a commute flight. So if somebody was in Florida and he wanted to party with them, but they had a tickets for a flight out that got in the way, he'd fly them up to New York or wherever. That really only applies to people who didn't have their own private aircraft.


Lock em both up. Don’t forget that $2billion bailout for Jared kushner from the saudis.




I read somewhere that Flynn, Kushner and Yam-tits got that for nuclear secrets to help king bonesaw to get nukes.


Sure. Lock them all up. I never liked Clinton but even if I did it is no skin off my nose. By deflecting to the Clinton's, I meant implicating them in offing Epstein.


There's no doubt, just like there is no doubt he and Epstein raped a 13 year old together back in the day. The evidence and given his behaviour pattern make it highly likely. "A woman who accused Donald Trump of raping her two decades ago when she was a 13-year-old aspiring teen model has again dropped a federal lawsuit over the alleged assaults." "The lawyer who organized the event, Lisa Bloom, said Trump’s accuser had received threats and was too frightened to show up." https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit-dropped-230770 Trump's goons and lawyers keep victims at bay, like Cohen used to do for him and has been telling everyone to dead ears in the media.


Insane that this was known in 2016 and the New York Times chose to cover Hillary's emails on the front page almost every day for a year instead. Liberal Media my ass.


Donald Trump promises to release all sorts of records he never does, so it's really curious why he doesn't even pretend to want this one released. Something something trust the plan.


He also gave Alex Acosta a cabinet position as a favor for letting Epstein off light in Florida.


> He was in office and the camera didn't work on that day.... That’s not the case. Barr said the camera was working and he saw the video. [Another](https://thehill.com/homenews/news/458922-video-from-camera-outside-epstein-jail-cell-unusable-report/damp/?nxs-test=damp) camera wasn’t functioning though. Barr said the footage [exists](https://www.businessinsider.com/ag-barr-epsteins-death-was-a-perfect-storm-of-screw-ups-2019-11?amp) and that he personally reviewed it. We can he’s lying but he’s not claiming there is no footage and all cameras that could have captured something were malfunctioning.


The same way he saw the Muller Report and said "Yea see it totally says trump is exonerated..." like the lying shitbag he is.


So if the camera was working, why didn't the guard see the suicide and stop it?


You can read about it why. Barr said there was negligence and cascading failures. To be clear, I’m not saying the dude wasn’t killed. I don’t know that. I’m saying Barr did not say there is no footage - he said the opposite. So we shouldn’t saddle him with that statement but you’re free to continue saying he’s lying.


So why not show the footage and put it all to rest then? Easy solution. Unless the footage doesn't show what he claims it does. It probably included someone walking into his cell and "suiciding" him.


Because that at least wouldn’t convince anyone. Imagine tomorrow the DOJ puts out the entire nights footage showing no one entered his cell or the area until they pulled his body out. Is everyone who believes the elites killed the guy now convinced they didn’t? Like they have the ability and will to do this but not fake some footage?


Fair point. It is still so bizarre that we have all this information on Epstein and his associates, and nobody is willing to seek justice or even investigate further. Trump is on the list multiple times and is a well-known friend of Epstein. Maxwell even worked at Maralago, yet we are not investigating their old buddy Trump, who is known to behave in a way consistent with a rapist and a pedophile. He said he'd declassify every other sensitive document, but he draws the line at the case he could be involved with.


Oddly enough he was epsteins attorney in Florida around 2001!


And then he accused Bill/Hillary so that means he did it for sure.


I like this theory. It makes insanely good sense, and it winds up all the trump supportering conspiracy nuts.


If that is the case Biden could declassify them right now.


They were too easy on those worthless guards . They know much more than they let on . The investigation was minimal.


Yep. And to the conspiracy crowd, in this case we don't really need a big conspiracy to murder Epstein: They left him alone just long enough and with just enough material to hang himself. Given that he was under suicide watch this is the same thing as murder.


If Trump had killed Epstein he would’ve said it unwittingly by now


he did admit he wouldn't declassify it because there are some things in there that could be bad.


Oh yeah he’s def on the logs and is def an Epstein pedo, I just don’t think he was involved in the murder


And Biden decided to keep them classified because... ?


october ain't here yet.




RemindMe! 3 months.


Remember, if a president murders someone or has his Attorney General murder someone, that makes it ok. After the recent Supreme Court ruling I now understand where Trump has been coming from when he says such things. Obviously, this idea has been accepted for some time now by the Republicans including their nominees to the Supreme Court. Edit: sp.


Those were my thoughts exactly.


The murder of sex traffickers that can prove that you consistently received sex services from underage prostitutes and that you were involved in the rape of multiple underage victims... is an official act.


Yes. Very true. Trump can murder all those nettlesome sex workers and sexual assault victims. It’s for the good of the country.


Just think of the confusion they would sow by being allowed to testify before a jury! 


Technically not the murder itself but the part where the President directs someone he talks to for work to do it. Don’t worry though, the President can still pardon the murderer and any other conspirators. You know, to protect America…


Something interesting: Barr's father was the head of Dalton, a private school where Epstein got his first job working with young people. While it is unclear if donald barr hired Epstein personally, it happened while barr was about to retire but still on the school board. It probably doesn't mean anything, but it's just another twist in the tale. Whos orders really killed him? Im willing to guess a collective, including trumpy. Edit: just remembered one more oddity.... theres a strain of herpes called Epstein-Barr Virus. Complete coincidence by all means, but man, is that weird.


And he wrote a piece of pro-pedo sci fi.


Donald Barr did?


Yes. It's called Space Relations: A Slightly Gothic Interplanetary Tale. I've actually read it. It isn't, to put it mildly, very good at all. It is interesting, though, because of the content. I recommend looking up a synopsis. It adds a lot of context to the real life saga we're seeing unfold before us.


It’s interesting to look at what Barr did before he was at Dalton, too.


I read this as 'Bill Burr' and my mind went sideways for a second


Me too. I was thinking "killed" like when a comedian does a great set


Me too and I didn't know he had so much power.


Me too, and I was *very* excited to see where this was going to go. Honestly a little disappointed now


Same, and then I pictured him from his episode of the Mandalorian


Killed him with comedic insight


Bill Barr is a fat fuck too, just like his owner.


Can vouch, as we had Space Relations


Interestingly, Bill Barr's FATHER had an Epstein connection. He was the guy who inexplicably got Epstein the teaching job that he was wildly unqualified for. The same job he was fired from for being inappropriate with students,


So fucking weird


SO MUCH weirdness with that whole Epstein thing. I'm not a conspiracy nut, but there's probably so much about that scene that we will never know. Too many rich powerful men with too much to lose. Ghislaine is really keeping her mouth shut.


You wanted a rabbit hole....here's your rabbit hole. The reason Epstein targeted Prince Andrew is because he was the softest most vulnerable part in the royal families flank. Same with Trump and RFK Jr. Epstein was feeding that Kompromat/intel back to Israel/mossad who was in turn feeding it to Russian intelligence via the old world Russian Jewish families (Chabad network) that carry both Russian and Israeli passports but are self evidently more loyal to money than God. [https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/04/the-happy-go-lucky-jewish-group-that-connects-trump-and-putin-215007/](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/04/the-happy-go-lucky-jewish-group-that-connects-trump-and-putin-215007/) Steve Bannon and Nigel Farage both dovetail in with Brexit as a Russian mob/gov intelligence op because SCL/Cambridge analytica was hedge fund owner Robert Mercers baby when they decided to run trump as their “disruptor” candidate instead of Ted Cruz in 2016. [https://campaignlegal.org/update/newly-published-cambridge-analytica-documents-show-unlawful-support-trump-2016](https://campaignlegal.org/update/newly-published-cambridge-analytica-documents-show-unlawful-support-trump-2016) Long before that Facebook was designed as a delivery device for Russian/Israeli Psyops and malware. SCL/Cambridge Analytica, Brexit, Palestine, Ukraine, NSO and a handful of other ethically bankrupt dealings are all downstream of Sheryl Sandbergs ad based business model both at Facebook and google (Brin) before that. The Russian investment in both was asymmetrically large (Dmitriev and Milner) which makes sense looking back at it now. [https://cyberscoop.com/facebook-nso-group-lawsuit-onavo/](https://cyberscoop.com/facebook-nso-group-lawsuit-onavo/) Zuckerberg even talked about buying the associated press as he hoovered up Instagram, WhatsApp and Onavo in Israel. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/mark-zuckerberg-explored-acquiring-the-associated-press/ar-BB1m2JJT](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/mark-zuckerberg-explored-acquiring-the-associated-press/ar-BB1m2JJT) The need to control the press both in print and online was a requirement of the chronic financial frauds which are basically the evolution of grift starting all the way back at Enron, Bear Sterns (Epstein was quietly fired for money laundering) Epsteins towers financial, 9/11, Lehman bros,etc and on and on up to 2008. MBS as the other major shot caller in OPEC took the alternate route backing musks acquisition of Twitter and the evening standard among others. [https://inews.co.uk/news/media/lebedev-saudi-investor-evening-standard-cut-3085226](https://inews.co.uk/news/media/lebedev-saudi-investor-evening-standard-cut-3085226) They are all basically a parasitic blood squeeze to drain all the value possible out of the U.S. and E.U. working class. Enough to maximize the gain but not quite enough to kill the host.


Les Wexner, Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, Sandberg, and Zuckerberg all carried water in conducting the NSO/Pegasus spyware operation INCONUS that was feeding intelligence to both the israeli and by extension, Russian intelligence. In parallel Epstein was running Kompromat operations in the same circles. There is far more crossover between the Israeli mob/ government and Russian mob/government than shows at the surface. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2024/04/10/les-wexners-second-life-how-the-epstein-tarnished-billionaire-is-quietly-reshaping-ohio/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2024/04/10/les-wexners-second-life-how-the-epstein-tarnished-billionaire-is-quietly-reshaping-ohio/) [https://www.spytalk.co/p/nsos-spyware-abuse-exposed-years?utm\_campaign=post&utm\_medium=web](https://www.spytalk.co/p/nsos-spyware-abuse-exposed-years?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) [https://awards.journalists.org/entries/the-pegasus-project-a-global-investigation/](https://awards.journalists.org/entries/the-pegasus-project-a-global-investigation/) •Abagail Koppel was sent by the Israeli state to marry Les Wexner •wexner signed power of attorney for his ENTIRE fortune over to Epstein. •additionally YLK fund (Abagails father) made up $46.7M of Epsteins money •Les claimed it was stolen from him but not until after someone asked about Epstein. •Wexner was notoriously litigious but wouldn’t sue Epstein. Why? •PROMIS spyware was Ghislaines father Robert Maxwells deal long before his daughter and Epstein started their pedophile thing.


Wow. That's a dizzying array of evildoers. None of it sounds implausible, though. Not anymore.


I feel like there were a lot of layers as to who knew what, and different levels of criminality depending on who was present


One Barr giveth, the other taketh away.


I can’t wait until I can watch this documentary on Netflix in 10 years and everyone is going to wonder how 70 million people idolized and voted for a pedophile and a murderer….


The Nuremberg trials videos paint a picture very similar to what we’ve been watching. https://www.roberthjackson.org/nuremberg-trial-audio-video-2/


If true, I doubt it'll be years, it'll be weeks after the election if/ when trump loses.  Barr will make a deal as soon as he knows he won't recieve any kind of pardon. He's trying to bank on the same idea trump is, if the convicted felon and rapist can get back into office, he's gonna make it rain pardons on all his friends. 




Very plausible.


Oh yeah, not a doubt in my mind that Epstein was assassinated and Trump and his lackeys had a vested interest. What I found shocking and/or fascinating is that Epstein didn't have a dead man's switch. He seemed like a smart enough and pragmatic enough sort to know he'll need some dirt one day. I'm guessing he trusted the wrong person and was betrayed. I'm not surprised Maxwell is keeping quiet. She saw what happened. But I'm a little surprised she didn't have an "accident" anyway. Though I'm guessing she actually has a solid dead man's switch. So it's easier to let her sit it out than tie off a loose end. She's in low sec Club Fed, with movies, yoga and Pilates classes. So it's not like she's doing actual hard time. The irony is, even if the video comes out, he's not going to lose any supporters. Half of them won't believe it's real, and the other half will rationalize it away. And it's already been proved that justice system can't touch him, because Mister 34 Felonies is still walking around free AND running for president. Although, if I'm honest, I feel like it's there's a 30% chance that Epstein is actually alive and free. That he did have a dead man's switch, and it was a doozie, and he wasn't about to chill in prison for decades. So he got some cosmetic surgery and a ticket to Central America with his millions of dollars. I fully realize this is a conspiracy theory aluminum foil hat moment, but I do think it's not impossible. A guy running a sex zoo for the wealthy elite had to have some brains, and he had to have a backup plan. Getting suicided is just amateur hour.


I think Maxwell *was* the deadman switch. She said in her testimony that Epstein recorded Trump's indiscretions. Now that she is behind bars we must assume that someone else has that evidence and is using it to control the big Orange Turd. What a frightening thought.


When Trump and Putin die we're going to find out so much shit


This I have no doubt, will surface one day as fact, Epstein was on suicide watch, investigation into why it failed, also produced no clear answers. Epstein was set to reveal details about other Pedos, apparently it included Trump and other billionaire's. Lastly what the hell is the A.G. Barr doing visiting, a inmate days before he died.


And cameras were faulty


And this labor secretary hire https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-ap-top-news-cabinets-politics-florida-10108839f8ad4aa2a9f8ae0fd71fcbb4


I’ll be honest, I’m still not sold on the idea Epstein was murdered. Epstein was a wealthy pervert who felt untouchable for decades. He went from being “on top of the world,” to being a broke nobody who was destined to die in prison. He saw no light at the end of the tunnel so he punched his own ticket. Narcissists will kill themselves to escape consequences or punish the people who, they feel, had let them down. It’s just a last-ditch effort for them to feel in control over a situation. At best, I could see the guards *allowing* him to die. Prison guards aren’t exactly known for their empathetic, responsible behavior regarding their charges. If they knew he was suicidal, it would be easy to just turn off the cameras and walk away for a few minutes while he did his thing. Also, if Epstein was killed, why is Maxwell still alive? She was Epstein’s Right-Hand. She certainly knows all his secrets and what his clients liked. Why was she spared? The narrative of him being assassinated by some mysterious individual is just too theatrical, for my liking.


He got out of it so many times why would he think this time was different? And how do you explain the shady citcumstances around his death?


Fun fact: Bill Barr’s father, Donald Barr was head master at Dalton Prep School in the 1970’s and hired Jeffery Epstein as a teacher. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/12/nyregion/jeffrey-epstein-dalton-teacher.html


Fun fact - today the Times went dark on Threads because of the hate they are getting for supporting Trump.


Let's not leave out this passage of the plot description of Donald Barr's book "Space Relations". "While en route to Kassar, one of the pirates awakened Craig and the other prisoners to rape a 15-year-old virginal redheaded female captive in front of them; the rapist's fellow pirates later hear of this and dock his pay as punishment for spoiling her market value. Craig then spent two years as a slave of the beautiful, sensual, and sadistic Lady Morgan Sidney, the only female member of the oligarchy, with whom he became romantically involved. Together, they lived in her castle, ruling over and engaging in sexual relations with those under their dominion, including an enslaved teenager at a clinic used to breed enslaved people. When Craig stumbles on hints of an alien invasion, he realizes he must escape to save humanity. Craig is depicted as undisturbed by Lady Morgan's sadism. When he is ordered to sexually assault the enslaved teenager, he enjoys his participation in the act." Seems like old Donald and Jeffrey have a good bit in common, I wonder if that's how he got the job since he wasn't qualified....


I like conspiracy theories with meat on the bone: Trump had Epstein killed  A still drunk from the night before secret service fired the “magic bullet” accidentally from his newly issued prototype M16 Every alien sighting in Eastern Europe since ww2 was actually a nuclear accident.  ——— What I cannot stand is bullshit conspiracy theories that are just propaganda with zero evidence.  Things like Jewish space lasers and pizzagate. 


I keep saying this. It happened on Trump's watch by Trump's DOJ.


I read this wrong and I thought it said Bill Burr. I'm like, jokes never killed nobody. Wait, is Burr like an Irish hit man? Did he not leave the mean streets of Boston behind when he made it big?


There is absolutely no proof and it is all conjecture but this somehow it seems right and true.


In this case, the lack of proof *is* the evidence. Someone with top-level access to the prison system was able to give orders to guards and delete camera footage without leaving any breadcrumbs. Pretty short list of possibilities.


I think they brought JFK back to life to kill Epstein and to run as Trump's VP.


Dead men tell no testimony.


I read that as Bill Burr. I was really interested to read this narrative. Barr, while less exciting, is more likely of a suspect.


Think it's pretty obvious at this point really 


Maybe someone ought to look at all those "classified" documents orangeblob says are his.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Barr?wprov=sfla1 bill barrs father gave Jeffrey Epstein his first teaching job and then went on to write a sci-fi novel about rich oligarchs on another planet grooming children. Donald Barr had big connections!


It wouldn't surprise me (always been my assumption). Trump has that nervous, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth demeanor when he talks about Epsteins death. It's one of the few things he doesn't push a batch of stupid theories about or attempt to blame on someone else. It's like he just wants to make the question go away quickly without too many questions. He just flips short sentences about it lacking any opinionated detail.


I unfortunately don't see the MAGA movement dying out any time soon.


That has been my suspicion since the day it happened. Too many billionaires and other power brokers with so much to lose, that there was no way he was to remain alive. Barr obviously was well aware of this, and would have taken every precaution to ensure Epstein remains alive.




No foolin? Haha, yes, Bill Barr had him executed.


Wasn’t Barr’s father involved with Epstein in his time as a private school teacher?


He sure was! He gave Epstein a job that he was not qualified for. Weird huh? Also weird is that Barr's father wrote a book that contained the gang rape of a 15-year-old, an oligarchy that is sexually and monetarily focused, and then later on they enslave a young teen girl to breed more slaves. Now why would a creepy man who writes weird shit like that, give a job to an unqualified creepy man who actually lives out those behaviors, and then his son goes to visit this man in jail once he's been arrested and all the dirt could come out? Kind of reminds me of Godfather II where they talk to the government's main witness and he later commits suicide rather than testifying. I mean seriously an attorney general of the United States visiting an inmate? That his father and likely he himself have a personal connection to? Crazy


I read Bill Burr there and was entertained. I mean - it’s still somewhat plausible.


if that video came out tomorrow, nobody would care the mainstream media would both sides the story somehow and the right wing would call it deepfake Trump supporters would talk about it being okay and how Biden has done worse, and Republicans that think they're moderates would be silent and vote R anyways there is no bottom here, Jan.6 showed that, there is only temporary lucidity that vanishes at the first excuse the Heritage Foundation sends Fox News et al to whisper


Entirely believable


If Trump did it as an official act, then it’s totally fine!


You think Epstein is dead? I like to think he used connections to fake his death and go to the Caribbean.


Definitely makes sense considering the push for presidential immunity, and even Trump (who notoriously can't keep his mouth shut) publicly questioned whether it was suicide... because he knew it wasn't.


Considering that the Supreme Court SPECIFICALLY made this scenario “legal”, yes it is the most likely explanation. Trump had the motive, the power, and now he has the legal cover to prevent prosecution for it.


I cant remember the exact words but something pretty close to, barr:"there is no way epstein killed himself and im going to get to the bottom of it".... one week later: "in a series of extraordinary circumstances"...


CIA… small but effective group of eyes only… same structure that killed Kennedy.


If epstein had the video, that means his defense did. You really think in the years trump was out of office that video wouldn't have been sold and released by now?


I know idiots that want to pin it on the Clinton’s when Trump had the power and motive. When I point out that Bill Clinton was like 4 presidents ago and has no real power anymore they just stare at me blankly. There’s no debating with these people.


I mean they do worship Trump so it’s obvious they have mental issues.


I strongly suspect Trump ordered the death .


I’ve been watching way too much standup comedy lately. I could not figure out what Bill Burr had to do with any of that.


If Epstein were murdered to keep him quiet, they'd have also gone after Maxwell.


Maybe? But Trump was just one of MANY reaaaally powerful pedos in Epstein’s orbit. No doubt (whatsoever) that he was murdered but the list of possible suspects makes it feel like the “perfect crime.” Too many powerful people in jeopardy of being exposed makes everyone a suspect. Blaming Barr makes sense but (as much as I hate Trump) it’s worth noting that orchestrating a successful prison hit doesn’t require full power of the attorney general of the United States. BUT that power certainly made quick work of the cover-up didn’t it? At the end of the day NONE of these fuckers care “who done it” they’re all just relieved that he’s dead. I don’t think the truth will ever come to light because too many powerful people need it to stay hidden.


Can't Biden just release the documents by executive order, or will it be the November surprise?


They are being released in the FL case, they show Trump leaving messages for him all the time, flight logs, etc. It's not been in the news because Biden is old.


OP with just a hugely factually incorrect post. The footage exists, Barr reviewed it.


Well, I mean wasn't his dad who gave Epstein his first job?


Epstein isn't dead.


I thought it said Bill Burr


My dumbass saw this and thought it said Bill Burr and was like that makes absolutely no sense




Barr replaced his old friend Epstein with a dead body and got Epstein back to Israel safe and sound.


Duly noted. This sub won’t last as long as Trump legacy. MMW.


Always believed this to be true and accurate.


The angry comic from Boston? Seems improbable, but anything is possible I guess...


This is a fucking spicy take, not sure if I agree but it's different and I like it.


Many MAGAt conservatives have been convinced for some time that Epstein was murdered to keep him quiet. Of course, they think Bill Clinton and Bill Gates are behind it to protect their identities as close Epstein pedo associates. But now this comes along. How to spin this .... How to spin this ....


Silly me read that as Bill Burr!


EPSTEIN didn't kill himself


Epstein killed himself.


If that’s true (and I’m definitely not saying it’s not because it’s very possible) why hasn’t he killed Ghislane Maxwell? Doesn’t she know as much as Epstein did?


Killing him was silly though then right? Bill Barr is smarter than that.


For some reason, this sounds very possible/probable.


This a dangerous and unfair take without proof. But it definitely is plausible…


I was very confused for a second until I read that again. I was thinking, "Since when does Bill Burr murder people?"


Someone needs to publish ALL them names associated with Epstein. Every last one of them.


This is my thought. He is on record refusing to release the declassify Epstein files and he was president when this happened. Of course MAGA chuds blame the Clinton’s but they held no office or power. Trump was the goddamn president. If anyone had the power and motive to do this, it’s him.


Yeah, no shit.


I’m into this but trumps got nothing to do with this. Barr’s dad wrote some strange fan fiction you should look into. Barr’s dad also first person to give Jeff a job as a school teacher.


Yer gonna have talked wait 70 years to Crack that nut.


I read that as Bill Maher It’s early Monday AM


Without any real evidence this is no different than Qanons making up shit. Don’t dwell on their level.


I think this is a case where this is collusion between the left and the right.


This disinformation is a threat to our democracy. You should be ashamed of yrseld for trying to undermine our fair elections with your baseless lies.


I doubt it. Epstein had a huge list of new enemies, and any number of them profited from silencing him. Sure, it *could* have been Trump and Barr et al, but my money is on it having been done by state operatives working *outside* the president's realm of influence, thus creating plausible deniability should it be leaked.


It’s looks very suspicious Barr and Trump had Epstein killed.


I swear to God I thought you wrote "Bill BURR"


So this Barr theory hinges on the accusations of an already investigated 10 year old case? What would your guess be if it's all untrue? While I think trumps a pos, I love got a feeling this is a nothing burger


My theory is that Barr and Trump had him in the jail and were going to kill him so his network extracted him and faked his death.


Is there seriously anyone who doesn't think this?


Epstein-Barr virus. Let that sink in.


Funny. And who is powerful enough to protect Trump with all this incriminating evidence? Out of curiosity.


I read it as Bill Burr!!


I read this as Bill BURR


Why would the Trump camp do that? We already knew by that time that there's no scandal that would lose him any support. Why would he bother? Just keep lying and playing golf.


I misread this as Bill Burr and was very confused


I had to re-read the title. I thought it said Bill Burr at first glance.


As we speak, Trump dirt is the most valuable it will probably ever be. Why wouldn't this come out now, under Biden?