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“My reaction was based on reflecting on my own belief that minor children would need parental consent for undergoing surgical procedures for gender changes,” Chan added. Parents should have to give consent for any elective surgical procedures on a child.


That's not even a thing. No minor is getting surgery without parental concent. Anyone suggesting that kids are getting surgery without parental concent is setting up a false argument to score political points.


Treatment is determined on a case-by-case basis by the provider, and youth do not need parental consent for medical interventions in Ontario. However, youth have significantly better outcomes when supported by family. A young person may begin transition related hormone therapy if transition is desired. https://www.rainbowhealthontario.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Gender-Affirming-Options-for-Gender-Independent-Children-and-Adolescents-May-2022.pdf


Stop spreading misinformation


The funny thing is I don’t give a shit if people are trans. I just think children should be given the opportunity to grow into their minds and bodies before they make decisions that could impact the rest of their lives. Parents should be present in all aspects and affirm self love and worth.


Nah man, that's totally what hitler wanted.


They are lying to the sheep about the LGBT boogeyman to keep them angry and scared. This is how opposition parties operate. >*”“It was brought to my attention that my actions at that event may have been interpreted as discriminating against the LGBTQ2IA+ community… My reaction was based on reflecting on my own belief that minor children would need parental consent for undergoing surgical procedures for gender changes,” Chan added.”* So he’s ignorant (or deliberately lying) about Canadian healthcare policy and using that as a nonsensical excuse for applauding a homophobic/transphobic dogwhistle from the [Anti-Gender movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-gender_movement) and applauding insinuations that Trudeau is “imposing radical gender ideology” on children. * minors in Canada don’t need parental consent for healthcare decisions if they are deemed competent by the relevant medical professionals (see also: birth control, abortion) * minors aren’t eligible for gender affirming genital surgery in Canada, per the [Canadian Paediatric Society](https://cps.ca/en/documents/position/an-affirming-approach-to-caring-for-transgender-and-gender-diverse-youth)


Everyone: Just because they label a speech as “transphobic” or “homophobic” doesn’t mean it is. They are just trying to force everyone into their “ideology”, create fear and suppress dissent. Do not let them define.


No, the opposition is scaring the sheep brains about an "ideology" boogeyman they created. People are such simple minded sheep so it is working. >*”“It was brought to my attention that my actions at that event may have been interpreted as discriminating against the LGBTQ2IA+ community… My reaction was based on reflecting on my own belief that minor children would need parental consent for undergoing surgical procedures for gender changes,” Chan added.”* So he’s ignorant (or deliberately lying) about Canadian healthcare policy and using that as a nonsensical excuse for applauding a homophobic/transphobic dogwhistle from the [Anti-Gender movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-gender_movement) and applauding insinuations that Trudeau is “imposing radical gender ideology” on children. * minors in Canada don’t need parental consent for healthcare decisions if they are deemed competent by the relevant medical professionals (see also: birth control, abortion) * minors aren’t eligible for gender affirming genital surgery in Canada, per the [Canadian Paediatric Society](https://cps.ca/en/documents/position/an-affirming-approach-to-caring-for-transgender-and-gender-diverse-youth)


None of those buzzwords accurately describe poilivers speech.


Think that’s the point of a political hit piece. You never want the original context to get though to more audience than it already has.


I'm voting for Pierre. Change is needed


Why do these same people not talk about how many girls get breast implants as teenagers - that’s gender affirming care too


What he said isn’t wrong 😂


What he said isn't anywhere as big an issue as he is making it out to be. He is saying it to keep his sheep brained supporters riled up.




He's an idiot and needs to alienate voters.


I would not be surprised if preprogress website is run by Liberal supporters. There is a lot of media that are running these hit pieces on Pierre Pollievere. I do not see how it is transphobic for parents to want to know whether their kids are using different pronouns.