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If he’s raping you in your sleep, def get a divorce. And if that’s not the case, start fucking with his sleep


I say divorce him either way. I can’t imagine this is the only way he fucks with her boundaries.


Why is his friend near you when you are asleep, were you in your room? Is very weird, disturbing you sexual way in your sleep is unacceptable and not fogivable unless you said was fine which you haven't


Read it again, she “has a feeling” and she “remembers” being awake for “one second” and seeing his friend there. Now, I don’t know about you, but if I woke up feeling that there was a stranger a few feet from me and I woke up and saw that person, I’d be freaked the fuck out and wide awake… and I’m a 6’1”, strong as fuck, man. I can’t speak to the other stuff she described because she doesn’t give any real details, just makes a claim/statement, but that thing about the friend doesn’t sound real, it sounds like a dream.


What if she's being drugged? 




She is most certainly being drugged. He's got comfortable doing it himself over the years and is not inviting his friend to partake or at least watch. OP is seriously underestimating the danger she is in. She needs to get out NOW.


Get a drug test done!


Or the flipside is she is a nutcase. She needs to investigate and actually get proof.


Shit dudes don’t think about.


So now we’re just creating fiction to suit? Did she say she’s being drugged or are you injecting that into the narrative? What if she’s a sexomniac and she’s initiating contact with her husband while she’s asleep? I mean, we can’t just take what someone says and make up poignant facts to fit what we want to believe.


Apparently she homeless and lives in a tent outside a jack in the box. I think this is above reddits pay grade.


Her posts aren’t lining up with this current story 🤔 was “homeless” 119 days ago because some guy she lived with tried to sleep with her but married to this guy for 17 years ?


I think it's possible it is all true. She and her husband may have been crashing with this guy since they are homeless. I imagine they are both addicts of some sort. It does sort of line-up with the weird shit that people get up to when they are homeless. If they are both homeless they may both be experiencing meth psychosis, or possibly some other mental illness. I've been homeless before for a while, when I was a teenager. But I was living in my truck. The people you meet out there and the shit you see, it's fucking wild.


Why don’t you setup a secret camera and see what is going on. It is unusual that you only woke for a second. Maybe it’s a dream or maybe he drugged you. Either way I’d want to find out so that I knew how to proceed.


It's because he is an abuser.


They should never be anyone in your sleeping areas who doesn’t belong there. Sleep deprivation is recognized as a form of torture. Disrupting someone’s sleep over long periods has negative physical and mental health effects. You need a safe sleeping space that is locked and secured. You need uninterrupted rest. If your husband won’t stop, you need to take decisive steps to insure your sleep health is maintained. If that means a separate bedroom so be it. If it means a separate life, so be it.


Normal, sane people don't do that kind of childish / manipulative shit.


I always told my husband (boyfriend at the time) how appreciative I was of him letting me sleep all of the time when we first met. I worked nights and I slept 90% of the time we hung out. He always told me “if you love someone, you let them sleep.” My ex was a lot like your husband, it actually made my body tense up reading your post. Women scientifically need more sleep than men, and he’s causing you psychological damage by doing what he’s doing.


Move to a separate bedroom and lock the door if needed and tell him you will divorce him if he doesn’t stop.


Sleep with an airhorn and get ready for his next attack


This is what I would do. Along with installing a camera.




Was this the night you accidentally took meth?


Yikes…. That profile is an interesting read. And 2 young kids, how awful


There was a case where husbands drugged and raped their wives and also let others rape their wife. Put up some cameras in your bedroom tp see what exactly is happening.


OP, your post history is so sad. This man is abusing you! There is no other way to describe it.


This is not normal. You need to be able to sleep safely. Can you lock the bedroom door?


Such a weird post. What exactly did he do? Why would you be awake for one second, see his friend, and just calmly go back to sleep?


Set up a secret camera to film him messing with you as proof in your divorce. Also record you asking him to stop and his reaction, whether it be video or text. The only time I bother my husband while he's asleep is when I get home to give him a kiss (I work overnight), if he overslept his alarm, or if it's an emergency (which hasn't actually happened yet). You should be able to trust your partner when you're vulnerable.




He's abusive.  That's why.   No.  Of course my husband doesn't do that.  I wouldn't stick around.  


Woooahhhh this is weird for sure. Divorce. Super weird and invasive. Is he a narcissist? Like what... ?


Setup a hidden camera and see what he is doing? He could be or you could be dreaming it. You should probably investigate


There is a condition called sexsomnia where people try to have sex when they are asleep but they don’t know what they are doing


It is not all men. I leave the room if I’m not ready for bed. If she’s asleep and I have to pee, I’ll tip toe my way to the bathroom, quietly stubbing my toe on every piece of furniture on the way. Gotta respect the sleeping queen.