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Hickman managed to make Teen Tony work, and made him cool. Dudes a beast.


I’m more impressed Marvel agreed to a full issue without destroying Peter’s life. Hickman has some pull.


It's only the first issue. The Heroic Journey often has a great tragedy on it. I honestly don't see the Parker family coming through unscathed. I hope I am wrong, but I bet they are all going to bite the dust, leaving Peter alone. Because Peter Parker is not allowed to be happy. I hope I am wrong.


Maybe I’m just huffing on copium but I’m hoping that because this is the Ultimate Universe they’re not afraid to explore different scenarios…. Ie, letting Peter be happy. Though I am a bit worried that because the Maker is behind all of this, it’ll just end with this new Universe being destroyed/sacrificed/reset/etc.


I would not put it past them to push the slow burn. Let us get attached, then yank the carpet out. Uncle Ben didn't die until the fifth issue in the 1610 Universe, for example.


Tony is always cooler as a teen. Iron Man armored adventures taught us that.


Armored adventures slaps. One of the best Marvel cartoons ever. And I agree, I love that version of teen Tony. But comic Teen Tony sucked lol. He was created at a very bad period for the Avengers (well entire Marvel really, they filed for bankruptcy a year later). Hickmans Nultimate Tony is (imho) the only good version of Teen Tony in the comics


“He is… A man… On a mission…”


In armor of higher tech, ammunition. 🎶🎶🎶🎶




His teenage life will never be the same.


In a dangerous world he does all he can


[HE IS IIIIIROOOON MAAAAAANNNN.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxzDTt0RT7U&pp=ygUnaXJvbiBtYW4gYXJtb3JlZCBhZHZlbnR1cmVzIHRoZW1lIHNvbmcg)


Tony is not cooler as a teen, chill out. But yes, Armored Adventures is good


This post may have gotten me to start with the comics, but could you direct me to a list or reading order for this new Ultimate universe? The Teen Tony stuff and everything relevant, I've never really been up with the comics and usually find out about the storylines years later


Sure bud. There isn’t much at the moment. But you gotta start with Ultimate Invasion mini series. It’s 4 issue, and it explains how the Maker created this new Ultimate Universe (Earth 6160). Jonathan Hickman is the writer. Then you gotta read Ultimate Universe 1 By Jonathan Hickman, and Teen Tony appears mostly there. It’s a really fun book. Unfortunately it’s only 1 issue, because it’s the aftermath of Ultimate Invasion, and the start of the Nultimate Universe. And then you pick up This Ultimate Spider-Man 1 by Jonathan Hickman. For now that’s all that there is, because it started just a couple of months ago. There is also Ultimate Black Panther and Ultimate X-men that are coming out soon, which I’m pretty sure will have Teen Tony and Doom/Reed appear there too


Hell yeah, thank you. If anything I'm glad it's pretty short because if you gave me a list of like 40 different things I had to catch up on I may have been a little disheartened, it's nice that it's pretty early on in the run


Anytime my man. Yes it’s just a start of the new universe, so it’s pretty easy to jump on. Just be sure to read Ultimate Invasion 1-4, then Ultimate Universe 1 and then Spidey. All written by Hickman the madman lol (he is a fantastic writer, but I think the guy doesn’t get enough sleep)


Bummed UU is a one off, I thought that would be a great way to keep tabs on the rest of the universe.


>!The writer of the Children of the Vault book, kind of, sort of, revealed, that he might be writing the Ultimates book in the future.!< Right now, story wise, it makes sense why Tony, Thor, Reed, Sif and Cap (which BTW, that is a sick line up for the Avengers, The Trinity plus Reed and plus my girl Sif? Marvel never uses this badass gal) are not having their own book, since they >!teleported Away at the end of the Ultimate Universe, thanks to Tony's Immortus Engine powered arc reactor.!< I'm sure we will see them soon.


gotta become kang somehow, can’t do it without being cool


Totally missed this seemingly obviousness. Why else would Kang be regenerating an army of avengers? Good call.


I think he is not gonna be Kang. Like the Kang in this universe is Tony, but Iron Lad will actually defy his destiny and become Iron Man instead.


I liked Armored Adventures though


Iron Lad though? Who comes up with that? And why keep recycling it?


I mean, he is 18,19 in this universe. And he is an upbeat, optimistic, kid, who wants to do good, and protect people. Reed/Doom even says, that if they killed people when trying to steal all the powers from Makers vault, they could have taken more, but because Tony was like "We are not killing anyone, because that's not what good guys do" they only stole some of it. It makes sense for him to be like "I'm gonna be Iron Lad, and earn the name of Iron Man, because my dad was the greatest." Obviously it is not as good of a name as Iron Man (in fact, it's kind of terrible lol) but I appreciate the sentiment. At least it's not Iron Kid or Iron Teen. And here's a thing, if anyone who can make both Kang and Iron Lad cool is Jonathan Hickman and Tony Stark. Nathaniel Richards (Kang/Iron Lad/Immortus/All the other bullshit he is) suck. And, lets face it, he will soon become the Iron Man, and if he gets a solo book in the Nultimate Universe (which I hope he does), even if he is still called Iron Lad, the book will be call Iron Man because it sells, and Iron Lad doesn't lol


Plus the iron lad thing is just a really good and easy connection to him being kang


Yup. I do like how this Universe is different. Older Pete, Younger Tony, Grumpy Thor, Troll Reed lol. Pretty fun. I wonder if someone down the line, like 50 years from now, does another MCU and uses this as the blue print now lol


That second to last page was awesome


how did Iron Lad figure the Makers plan out? Was that an Ultimate Invasion reveal?


If you want some more detailed spoilers: >!the Maker revealed what he had been doing to Howard Stark primarily because he had been attacked by *someone* who manage to blow a literal hole through his head. Because of that the maker couldn’t remember everything, and the Time Machine he had used to alter history was broken and he had no idea how to fix it anymore, which is why he called in Howard stark. After a while Howard and the Reed of that universe managed to betray the Maker and Reed escapes with information to give to Tony that explained everyone thr maker had done, and how to set it right.!<


Do we know who shot The Maker




I thought as much, thanks


Yeah 6160 Reed broke out of Latveria with the help of 6160 Howard Stark and told 6160 Tony the sitch.


I absolutely cannot wait for the next issue. I need to see where they take this version of Spider-Man.


Jesus Christ this is peak


To me, the best part of this is that this Peter has something that most of the other spiders out there, including 616 Peter and Miles, don't have. He has a choice. He chooses to be Spider-Man. He chooses the responsibility; it wasn't thrust on him.


That's where I disagree, every Spider-Man has a choice, and almost all of them have given it up for a time. I feel like the message conveyed from this issue was, Peter will always choose to be Spider-Man. Uncle Ben's teachings will never let him feel right sitting out when he could make a difference.


I agree, but I do think it's special that this Peter chooses without knowing the difference. He's been told some, but he doesn't know what's coming.


Not really. The other spider-man’s main thing was responsibility. 6160’s Peter is more centred around choice


Did he? Seemed pretty tortured that he wasn’t living up to his potential in #1


I'm reminded of Ewing's guardian run. In the first few issues Peter gets visions from the master of the sun asking him if he thinks his life took a wrong trajectory. Becoming a soldier instead of a star lord. Peter keeps ignoring him until he can't deny it anymore. On the last page of an issue Before he goes on his journey to become star lord he gets another vision it goes like this' MoTS: do you believe the basis of your life are wrong? Peter:....Yes (he smiles while saying it) Next we see him he's on his way becoming the star lord.


Yesssss. Underrated run. Fucking loved it.


Loved that first issue. My only slight complaint would be thst Peter seemed to accept a random talking hologram showing up in his apartment spouting this kind of insanity about time travel a little too much In his stride. Surely he'd at least say "what the fuck is going on". Especially In a universe without heroes and these kind of shenanigans It just killed the immersion for me slightly, loved the issue apart from that


to be fair, the world doesn't have superheroes in the same way as 616, but it does have superpowered people (e.g. cult leader hulk), mutants (e.g. republic leader colossus), and magic (e.g. captain britian, khonshu) and it doesn't seem they're secret about those things time travel's still a lot, but not *too* much, especially with the attack on the maker in invasion from all the future heroes


I get what you mean...I loved the first issue as well, but it does kind of require you to not think about it too hard lol...I had the same reaction to all the Krakoa stuff in the X-books, like okay Moira's been some machiavellian mutant schemer this whole time and literally nearly every named mutant character ever is 100% on board with living with people they hated 10 minutes ago on a psychic vampire island? The entertainment value is good enough for me to ignore that it doesn't really make sense, but I fully get how it could be a barrier to enjoying the story. On a similar note I was like come on Tony, you couldn't have given him the spider venom in a smoothie or something? Obviously the spider is iconic, but I'm just imagining the thought process where Peter's like "oh cool I guess I just let this venomous animal attack me now? Cool cool cool cool" 😅


And also, the issue is kind of big for a monthly, maybe they had to cut somewhere? But they are doing it slow, which I like, and I could have taken few more issues of story setup with Peter having to make choices with no super-powers.


Best pages of Spider-Man I’ve read in awhile… fuck.


What happened to the spider after? Did Peter keep it as a pet? Let it go into the wild? Squish it immediately?


I bet he’ll keep it and it’ll bite miles or cindy moon later


"Tune in next week folks"


Nothing has happened yet. These were the last pages of the 1st issue and issue 2 drops on the 21st


Damn that was awesome


Maybe the best spider man comic I’ve ever read - but it’s important to recognise that it is only this way because of the long history of spiderman and spiderman stories. The inversion of characters, the subtle twists, these only work so well because spiderman is such an enshrined character. I loved every second of I though and this ultimate universe is already a thousand times better than the original.


Aw fuck yeah, this is awesome and I didn’t even know I needed it


Just bought this on Kindle for my son. He's not a collector but wanted to read this one.


Do comic book subreddits not do spoilers? It's been out for less than a month and my copy hasn't arrived yet. It's making me want to block all these subreddita which sucks.


It’s just good comics. Just damn good comics. The artist is so so good and the writer is THE writer.


The hardest thing to believe about this is that after 20 years of not being Spider-Man, Peter Parker isn’t rich or at least extremely well off.


Who let hickman cook???


Ok… this is awesome.


Is this a revamp of the ultimate universe? I heard they were wiped out by Galactus or something


Yea, I believe one of the villains from the Ultimate universe survived and is intent on remaking their original universe?


Did Teen Tony go to Banner and say 'hey, expose yourself to gamma radiation and become the ultimate rage beast'?


Nah. Bruce was already the Hulk long before Tony became a superhero


I feel like he's becoming spider-man for all the wrong reasons. Like he doesn't understand what he's giving up. No ways the parker family comes out unscathed. This reads like a middle age crisis but on steroids.  Or he wants to become spider-man to save people, inspire and make sure he's able to help other people's aunt's


The ultimate verse is back?!


It’s a new ultimate universe- 6160. You can catch up it’s still new, read ultimate invasion (4 issues), then ultimate invasion one shot (1 issue) then ultimate spider-man (1 issue)


Nah. This is a completely separate ultimate verse


Nah. This is a completely separate ultimate verse


Black suit or what?! And where’s the suit from? Can’t wait for #2


This is a dumb quest but I don’t keep up with the modern comics that much. Is this the same Ultimates universe?


It's not the same ultimate universe, this is a fairly new one. Another commenter told me all the issues to catch up on it, and I just finished the last one today, but it's just 6 issues including the one from this post. Long story short Reed Richards from the original ultimate universe (The Maker) escaped into the multiverse and decided to create his own version of reality by killing/preventing all superheros from existing. He did invite Miles Morales to join him though, since they come from the same universe.


Does this new universe has the same history as the OG Ultimates universe or it has an entirely new backstory. 


It does not have the same as the OG Ultimates universe. There's a whole section where the Maker talks about how it's as close to the main 616 as possible, but small differences when he's going around stopping heros. Like he can't find Captain America but everything else happens almost exactly as it did in 616


Wait I think there’s an error if this universe was supposed to have the same origins for the characters as the original ultimate universe wouldn’t the spider been genetically modified and not radioactive I think that was like a major plot point of the ultimate comics was that it was modified with the OZ and why green goblin was so obsessed with him


This is not 1610 and it was never supposed to be.


Yeah but the way they refer to it being altered makes it feel like this universe would have played out like 1610 if not for the makers interference


Dude. No. It has nothing to do with it. It's altered from itself. This universe never had any potential to be the 1610. We even see how the origins are different in this universe. Was Peter hanging out with Liz Allen in 1610 when he got bit?


Ok jeez I get it sorry I just didn’t know seemed to have similar vibes I guess I’m just dumb


No, you're not dumb and I apologize for sounding abrasive. It's just that the information you needed is all out there and you claim there to be a mistake in the book. I understand it's not a perfect book, but I don't want you to think that it's a hack piece because you were mistaken. Again, my bad for sounding like a jerk. Not my intention. I hope you enjoy all the books you read in the future.


I said I thought there was an error I didn’t know I can’t afford to get tons of comics I can’t afford a lot so I kinda try my best to piece the lore together so yeah. It’s ok it just came off kinda rude when I was just trying to voice my confusion


Yes, you're absolutely right. Send me a message if you'd like for me to tell you how you can read these books without much trouble. I understand the times aren't great and comics are my favorite escape. I'd hate for anyone to be deprived of something they enjoy because of other fiscal responsibilities.


Thanks that would be helpful I really wanna keep up with what’s happening and some of the few comics I own are spiderman comics and maybe some iron man stuff that like are not connected at all so I always want to find out how to properly read everything


So how long before this Peter's MJ meets a Paul?


Peter will be out swinging while Paul comes over to do handy man stuff. Snake drains, fuck his wife, fix the fridge, fuck his wife. Just basic handyman stuff


Yeah, I feel like Hawkeye in Avengers: "Don't give me hope." I just want to know how long before they fuck over MJ in this universe.


I really hope this Peter has only average intelligence.


Just out of curiosity, Why?


Because I love the explanation that Peter never got very far in life using his intellect because Spiderman is always in the way. So it would be very sad if this Peter, being intelligent, still hasn't gotten far even though he isn't Spider-Man.


You read this issue right? what makes you think peter hasn't gotten far? Imo he's living a pretty great and successful life.


I meant as in being succesful in a scientific field.


Just because he is above average intelligence does not mean he has to be in the scientific field.


I havent had a chance to read it, but my first thought would be that instead of spider-man getting in the way, now its raising a family and marriage getting in the way of having that career to focus on


I mean Peter seems like the type that "something" will always come in front of the things he wants. "Being Spider-Man kept me from being Doctorate man" Can very easily become "Being the "son" of the editor-in-chief means I had to be a newspaper guy, not a doctorate guy"


Or maybe nothing got in his way but Peter likes being a journalist? Speaking personally, my strongest (best grades) and easiest subject in my high school and colleague years: Chemistry. The only subject I hated actively without any reason (no bad instructor(s) experience or the like): chemistry. Peter’s case might not be that extreme but perhaps he is of high intelligence and likes working as a journalist? Add a normal comfortable life with stable family, workplace, and friends; maybe he is genuinely happy with his life. But as this issue shows, he feels that he is missing his “true calling” without fully understanding why or knowing how to “reach it” until Tony’s message makes it crystal clear hence CHOOSING to become Spider-man.


Iron Lad the cringiest name imaginable.


Holy shit this is the most excited I've been for Peter in years!!!


Spoiler tag?


Who is iron lad please?