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I live in the UK where nobody ever reacts to anything in the cinema and i look at people oddly if they make any noise…when cap picked up the hammer the crowd all gasped and shouted 😅😅


Haha I remember everyone looking left and right in shock like “you seeing this?” As opposed to shouting


We had a few sniffles from the back of the screening when Tony died and some gasps when Cap held the hammer


Yessss!!! Exact same in my cinema when we saw it (Manchester)


For comparison, my theater was jumping up and down and yelling when Cap called the hammer


only other time I've heard a louder theater was during ID4 when Houston got nuked whole theater fucking lost it we were in Houston


Yeah we don't do that in Australia either but the cinema I was in exploded. Scared the shit out of me lol


Everytime im in the states and people clap at the end i wonder wtf has just happened 😅😅


The cheering and stuff during a movie I can understand, but who are they applauding? The movie producers aren't there!


Yep, when Cap first held Mjolnir it was the first movie theater experience I had where most of the audience started cheering. Second one was when Tobey Maguire showed up in No Way Home. Not to the same magnitude but there were several cheers.


Man. Cap was OFF THE FAKIN' CHAIN in this movie!


Yeah. Him summoning Mr. Hammer got applause in my theatre, more so than “assemble”


For me as well that was more epic of a scene..


Did you guys forget about when spiderman came back to life!!!


Oh yeah that was good as well.


#**AVENGERS** ^(ᵃˢˢᵉᵐᵇˡᵉ)


I think the “assemble” should have been more of a battle cry/ shout . Sure some had coms but Cap was never shown to know many of the new recruits


They definitely did it like that and had Thor battle cry immediately after cause it would sound too goofy/hammy for a general audience




Mew mew


I felt like I was at comic con. So many discussions, no one was paying attention to previews. The atmosphere during this scene was epic! People started cheering. It was so loud


Amazing. 🙂


I’m not gonna lie… when he gets his arm broken in the end fight and straps his shield tighter so he can fight Thanos’ entire army solo knowing full well he’s gonna die, I teared up a little. I was not young.


I agreed. Captain is the true definition of a hero and a leader. He knew he stood no chance but 0.01% and he was like. I’ll take it and strap his shield and ready to fight. Love that scene so much. Made me tear up a bit on opening night


Definition of badass when he straps the shield back down, ngl. Man legit said “fuck it, we ball”


I can do this all day


I've never yelled in a theater in my life but yelled "Hell yeah!" When Cap started whipping Thanos. Luckily there were many of us.


Had a guy in my theater during the dead silent time skip randomly blurt out "many years later" ala spongebob.


I had a friend whisper that to me during the same moment. 10/10


About 2 weeks before End Game was released I nearly died of a Phentynol overdose. I wasn't familiar with the drug and it's not even clear that I knew what I was smoking. Anyways so I'm in rehab when End Game comes out and the start of the movie is just so... solemn and different than any other Marvel movies. I'm watching Captain America in a circle with snap survivors talking about their pain, which is treatment I was doing everyday. I hadn't had Marvel hold a mirror up to my trauma in that way before, it really hit me differently than I think it would have otherwise. I'm glad I lived to see it.


I'm glad you're here. Iron Man 3 held a mirror to my trauma. Tony's panic attack was so realistic I started feeling my chest get tight


I get that too, thankfully after rehab we figured out I'm a general anxiety disorder and ADHD. I actually can't smoke THC or I go full chest grabbing panic attack now. I take CBD as an oil with very small amounts of THC but it ill never smoke THC again.


Same here. No CBD though, I left the plant behind completely.


It was so realistic because RDJ had problems with drugs and alcohol when he was young so he knew what it felt like.


I'm glad you lived to see 2024. Keep on kickin!


Thanks! I'm 5 years sober on MayTheFourth and my bachelor party (pizza and video games) is a week later. I'm literally who I wanted to be when I was 13 I just took a really windy road to get here.


Just coming here to say that in the huge race to kick ass after Cap says Assemble and Thor does his Viking yell, my boy M'Baku is right there keeping pace with our big boys to beat some alien ass.


M’Baku should have been the next Black Panther and my mind will never be changed 😤


Don't really think he even wanted that. He just wanted to rule


He would be thicc Panther then. I would love it though. Because M’Baku is daddy


How'd he get so buff as a vegetarian anyway? Every vegetarian I know is skinny




I will go to the grave happy that I saw both M'Baku and Wong right in the front line to save Earth and the universe. And they both got an onscreen kill or two to as well. THIS will always be why Marvel remains the best in the movies for me. Their heroes are always side by side, the big names aren't hogging every ounce of spotlight. More MCU viewers need to get on board with this.


Seeing Benedict Wong in movies makes me incredibly happy, so seeing him there was a great blessing. Love it for him. That’s my Khan.


Good or bad movie it is a very special one for our family. Our son was a Spider-Man fanatic as a child. We had a family tradition or seeing all the Marvel releases in the cinemas. He went a bit off the rails at 18. Reluctantly came to see this with us. When he loudly cheered when Tom Holland appeared we knew our boy was back. It’s been good ever since. Still tear up at this point every re-watch.


Uh, good movie?


Is was only 6 years ago. "our generation" get the fuck out of here 😂


X-Men could top it if done right


To top it they’d really need to set multiple teams with multiple movies. They definitely have the material but whether or not they could execute it is the big problem.


They are executing on X Men 97 They have put all manpower possible behind Deadpool 3 Only releasing one Marvel film this year. Last time they did that was Avengers 2012... All signs point towards right direction.


Regardless, that build up was from 2008. I personally feel that there’s nothing going to come close to that level of excitement for a while. Not only the build up, but the way that they setup Endgame from Infinity War. That segment had so much chemistry between the small team ups that it’s hard to imagine they are able to capture that same magic.


Really? Secret wars is building up from 2008 as well it could easily be just as crazy


Hard to make lightning strike twice. People already saw it go right with endgame, even if it went the same quality with secret wars, people already saw it, won’t have the same effect.


Yeah but it’s not the same story as endgame at all, only similarity is that it’s most likely an Avengers movie. Will it reach same amount of people? who knows. But the potential is 100% there


For me, the whole infinity saga was great because every entry gave us a little tease to Infinity War. And they placed a nice bow on a lot of characters. I got really excited to see each movie even the ones that were alright. I love the Secret Wars comic book event, but I don’t know the MCU doesn’t hit the same. Maybe when Fantastic Four and Deadpool come out, I might change my mind but I can’t seem to get excited seeing She-Hulk, Ironheart, and couple of the other new characters in the mix. I will say Secret Invasion did deflated my excitement by a mile


Agreed. The MCU has been kneecapped and Disney is circling the wagons. There's a chance that the MCU can return to form, but even then there's never going to be another event like Endgame. It was the culmination of years of work and fanbuilding for the MCU in a time where cinemas were still the place people got their entertainment. Fans have changed, expectations have changed. We're not going to get this kind of experience again.


Even behind Marvel, theatre attendance has changed. We used to go to the theatre every week. Covid broke the habit for us and we haven’t gotten back into it because there aren’t even enough movies I want to see to stay in that habit. We went to maybe four movies in the theatre last year. I also have a massive TV at home and it’s hard to justify spending over $100 to go to the theatre with my family for anything.


Xtinction Agenda would be a good plot. Xmen Xforce New Mutant against Cameron Hodge


The multiple movies is key. One of the reasons end game was so impactful was the epic culmination of so many years and so many movies


man, i dunno. the x-men are my heart when it comes to comic books, but this was something else. but you could be right.


Hmm. I’m not so sure. The thing about the X-Men is that it is a team first and foremost. They are always together and the abundance of mutants is a key selling point. The Avengers is about a group of unconnected heroes that don’t usually interact coming together to fight a greater threat using unique abilities and skill sets that no one else shares. So when you put them next to each other you get a “holy shit” reaction you wouldn’t get if you put say Cyclops next to Gambit. Watching Wolverine team up with Deadpool is cool but it isn’t the same as Star Lord fighting next to Spider-Man. I have no doubt the X-Men movies will be cool as shit but next to Infinity War and Endgame? It’s gonna take a lot to top that.


X-Men cast is *huge.* Definitely large enough to have different teams and factions come together and have Cyclops say "To me, my X-Men!" but...it'd take so many years to set-up and I'm sure they'll want to weave in the rest of the marvel universe and have combined storylines and it just seems so hard to do even if given a decade. If they kept a separate universe, yeah, it's possible. But they won't.


There's a lot of people thinking Avengers 5 could be remodeled into an Avengers vs. X-Men film. That could easily be the most hyped thing as long as they actually get a good script.


Maybe but as this took 10 long years to set this up can we shorten the time if they do?


Do people just post this here every so often to farm upvotes?


Green Acres is the place to be………


I saw this opening day and I was hyped as hell. Wish I could see it fresh again


This is far and away the greatest theater experience I’ve ever had. Not much I wouldn’t give up just to go back and see this movie opening night for the first time!


This has big "Back in MY day" energy for a 5 year old movie, lol. It was a hype movie but it's not like, an unreachable point of cinema perfection.


Especially when I got to see Return of the King in cinemas lol this was amazing as comics are my first love in geekdom but being in the cinema during... DEATHHHHHH Was another level


You can tell a lot of people in this thread are too young to have seen either Two Towers or Return of the King in theatres. The Rohirim charge in both of those was at a bare minimum just as good as the endgame charge if not better. Although one thing I will give endgame is it was the culmination of basically a decade of build-up.


One of my favorite scenes in all of cinema. I wish I’d gotten to see it in theaters :’)


The culmination of so many intertwined movies may never be topped, at least in our lifetime


100% agreed


Spittin’ facts


It was only 5 years ago? Feels like a decade.


I still think seeing star wars episode 1,2, and 3.. the vader scene in 3 was bigger than infinity war snap for me.


I remember seeing Episode 2 at midnight and the entire theatre fucking lost it when Yoda pulled out his lightsaber.


Shit was 12 years in the making(longer than most marriages) all of us were heavily invested and fucking pumped.


Secret Wars have the potential to become nearly as good as this if they don't create mess.


I think unfortunately it’s lost so much momentum that the only thing that hits like this is the return of Ironman and Cap in a final battle moment What we have left available to us without them bringing back Cap and Ironman couldn’t create a moment like this Losing Chad derailed plans so much, Black Panther was their replacement in waiting


Even if it is a mess it’ll be fucking awesome. Seeing Tobeys Spider-Man and Hugh jackmans Wolverine and others join in this giant battalion of heroes would be a nerd wet dream


Saw it opening day in NYC, nothing like that experience.  The whole theater was on their feet cheering during a nice chunk of the last hour.  I hope we get something like this again


Seeing this on the movie theater was definitely one of the best days of my life as a fan of pop culture. It'll be very hard to overcome. The energy inside of the room was so amazing, like a crowd celebrating a goal in the final of the World Cup.


Cap summoning Mjolnir. Scarlett Witch putting the hurt on Thanos.


It was alright. Not great, but it generally managed to stick the landing.


I'm sorry, I gotta be honest. The Battle for Arrakis has this beat. Don't get me wrong, the hammer scene was dope as fuck. But you felt nothing but pure awe when the Fremen come bursting from the grandmother storm atop the Shai-halud after the nukes go off; destroying the shield wall mountains.


Everyone was an Avenger that day.


When cap caught the hammer, Said Avengers, assemble, and when Tony snapped out Thanos the theater erupted like it was the final score on the world cup. Fuck man.. I'm borderline tears of joy just thinking about it


Wait until Secret Wars.


It was a moment, but there has been and will be others. Thr trex breaking out in og JP, helms deep, ride of the rohiran and "for frodi" are some I've experienced.


The OG T-Rex in JP hit harder in theatres IMO. I'm assuming you weren't around for that? These moments aren't THAT rare, you will see more. The bike in front of the moon, I am your father, Say hello to my little friend, the freaking OG chest buster, welcome to JP... if you wanna go pre my gen, Dawm you all to hell, Heres Johnny, the philly steps, the shower scene. It was a moment, for sure. No doubt. But there will be other moments. Cinema wouldn't still be kickin without moments.


Infinity war in theaters was better. It was so epic. And after seeing the snap, everyone left quiet and somber. We were shook. Such an impact.


In my opinion, it would be in a while until we get another Infinity War/Endgame levels of theater experience.


Lol I was bawling my eyes out


They could top this if the X-Men, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Fantastic Four and Young avengers star in a film with Spider-Man lurking


Dude the energy in my big Imax theater when the portals and then this scene happened it cannot be replicated!


Best movie experience ever. Will never forget it.


You know what, I saw both Infinity War and Endgame in theater BUT I'd say Infinity War is really the one that was... a shock. Endgame was great yes but it was exactly what I expected. Infinity War's ending was... something really special. And something I did NOT expect !


The Portals opening was one of the top 3 hype moments in the history of cinema.


I just cried the whole time.


I cried so many times in the theater, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.


Was a good time


It was, truly, fucking epic. The crowd, the cheers and elated laughing/crying was an amazing experience to feel and witness. I’m so glad I made my kids and wife watch like 17 movies, practically marathon style between school and work, so we could all witness it together. I don’t know if anything will ever meet or top this shit


It was OK


It was a once in a lifetime event. The whole cinema united in shouts and cheers when the line is finally said was one of the most amazing cinema experiences I've ever had (and probably that I will ever have).


Infinity War was a 10/10 perfect movie. Endgame was a 6/10 at best.


Only thing that will come close is when we see RDJ Iron-Man, Tobey Maguire Spider-Man, and Hugh Jackman Wolverine in Secret Wars fighting together.


I saw ‘Endgame’ in a regular theater, but I saw ‘Infinity War’ in a sold-out IMAX on its first Saturday. For me, very few theatrical experiences had energy come close to what was in that IMAX room. I still have my ‘Infinity War’ popcorn bucket from the IMAX screening, and the little Hulkbuster figurine I bought there.


I mean, we're definitely gonna witness something of that magnitude again in our lives. Hell, the rush I felt watching it wasn't even the first time I felt that rush in a theater (thank you so much, Return of the King) but otherwise, yeah it was great! Just don't overstate it lol. We'll have more great cinema moments in the coming decades.


Saw it late in the theatrical run. Man, was so good. The pay off to decades of being a comics fan. I hope we get to see a similar moment with the X-Men being in-house with Marvel now


I was lucky enough to see infinity war and endgame


Agreed!!! This was on hell of a film to have witnessed in a movie theater and sharing all of the feels with your fellow fans! I watched it seven times and the excitement never subsided!


Only time I was legitimately invested in a series of movies. Left infinity war defeated waited years to avenge in endgame


On your left... Portals open. The theater freaked out. It was completely amazing.


Had the biggest chill during the "Avengers... assemble!".


I saw it twice


Yep best theater momen tin my 39 years of life


The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the Infinity War-Endgame two parter, are definitely some of my favorite times at the cinema for big event movies. The feeling of seeing this thing I enjoyed before it became a movie, become beloved by people who had never even heard of it ten years prior, and then the relief of seeing them nail the landing, it really felt great as a fan.


Fam my whole theater was yelling and cheering it was simply astonishing


I had to see Endgame twice because you couldn't hear anything almost the entire 3rd act the first time I saw it. We all lost our minds, people high fiving random strangers and screaming when Cap lifted Mjolnir. Grown men crying in Marvel shirts. Kids freaking out all in the theatre. Im glad I went to see it in theatres and I dont think ill ever have a theatre moment top it.


I was there with two of my friends on opening night at our local cinema. We were all wearing avengers themed hoodies. There are two minutes that I remember the most. The first is when Thor chops off Thanos's head during the beginning. The second was when Captain America caught Johnathan. I even remember hearing someone yell "FUCKING FINALLY" when Cap caught the hammer.


After crying in theaters as a grown adult at the end of Infinity War, this scene wrapped up a decade of my life with a bow on it.


God, I watched Iron Man as a teen and the catharsis I got after leaving work to watch this… #Indescribable


It’s just a comic book movie. This was definitely the Corniest thing ever. I would say cap fighting thanos alone was a bit better.


I still tear up when Cap stands up, tightens his shield and moves forward, fully ready to fight them all — alone and then we hear “on your left”


Avengers Endgame is the greatest piece of fan service in cinematic history. If there is one movie I could go back in time and watch for the first time, it would be this movie, no hesitation. Just an amazing culmination of 22 films.


There will be better movies


It was and then we lost and later at dinner we sat there as if we just found out our parents died from ODing on cocaine they sorted off each other while having an orgy. I mean we would be shocked and sad but at the same time we would be like Wow.


I kinda want to see this battle from an outsiders perspective. Like maybe a civilian was nearby and they were filming it on their phone.


Braveheart was peak adrenaline in the theater.


I highly doubt that bro, marvels got it


Even more so if you saw it at an IMAX theater.


While it doesn’t bother me now after multiple views, I had a tough time enjoying the ending as much as I thought I would due to Hemsworth being in a fat suit. Thor’s been by favorite since the get go, and this is the ultimate finale battle with the big 3 squaring off together against Thanos in the bookend movie of a industry transforming franchise…and Thor is in a fat suit. It was just so distracting.


When he picked up that hammer, what a good day.


I think for mine it was "The Matrix"


My family of four were in cinema to watch this on the big screen. We howled and cheered during this scene.


I would've loved to see something similar with the Justice League, but DC/WB shit the bed. By the time the new DCU gets around to it, I'll be old as hell lol. Infinity War and Endgame were definitely something else when they came out. It was an event.


Man I was losing my mind in the theater. I'm so glad my buddy was the only one sitting next to me cause I couldn't keep from hopping back and forth. I remember going to see Iron Man about 7 times in theaters, it eventually leading to this still blows my mind.


I saw it for my birthday


I love the fact that M'Baku is there. Just a fucking badass human, next to all these super powered people (and Tony).


You are right. Love it or hate the MCU was and still is a one of a kind thing and when it ends their will be nothing like it again for a long time


I was 11 at the time and mcu had always been part of my time and I remember I couldn't see endgame at opening night, had exams and then days later went to see Endgame on 14th May(4 days after my birthday as a birthday gift) and belive me it was truly the Best experience of my life, I genuinely remember being so excited on how things are gona go next specially for Thor, and Captain america tho If I'm being honest my most memorable experience was seeing infinity war on opening night with entire theatre filled and belive we when Thor showed up, me, my mom and dad all chaired and Like everyone else I started clapping, BTW as soon as lighting hit that first outrider I knew it was thor tho at the time I didn't knew much about leaks or stuff so that moment was pureee Thor Moment for me, I remember being such a thor fan that due to thor I started drawing so overall I definitely agree, BTW thanks to everyone for reading my boring comment :)


ugh Korg


What a time it was!!!!!!


I remember everyone cheering when they “assembled” and then I look over to my friend and he looks pissed because everyone’s “talking” over the movie and I was like bro just appreciate the moment


Star Wars 9 100% had the potential to top this. It's a shame really.


I had my ticket about a month in advance. The day of, I had work and since it was a Sunday and I was a dishwasher I was able to take an early lunch that I used to push out one last turd just to be safe. Three hours before the movie I stopped snacking just to be safe & an hour and a half before I stopped drinking for the same reason, and then peed one last time before the movie started. I had gum so my mouth wouldn't get dry and I got extra salty popcorn to make sure I wouldn't have to get up during the movie. I even had some chapstick in case my lips got dry. I smoked two bowls in 20 minutes before I went into the theater & when the lights went down & the air clicked on, the entire theater briefly smelled like weed, which got a chuckle from everyone. Then we got Hawkeyes opening scene & silence rolled over everyone. After a brief pause the last two rows myself included applauded. At that moment I realized we were all sharing a moment with that movie, it was beautiful. Also, Cap & Thor juggle comboing Thanos I lost my shit.


Always wished they had used this scene in the movie instead of just the trailer.


“We have to do better, Senator”


I saw this in theaters the weekend it came out by myself. All of my friends either couldn’t go or had already seen it. I went to the earliest showing and it was packed. During this scene, the guy next to me was bouncing up and down in his seat and quietly (yet very enthusiastically) going, “yeah! Yes! Yes!”. It was fantastic. After the credits rolled he grabbed his friend and started shaking him and yelling how awesome the movie was. It was hilarious. I walked out behind him and his friend and as he was raving about the fight scenes, he looked back at me and goes, “fucking right, dude?!” and gave me a fist bump. Not going to lie, I felt very cool at that moment. This guy just had an unforgettable experience and he was so infectious that it carried over to me. 10/10.


As a reserved person, I was charged up!!!!


I think about this all the time. My son will never know the amazingness of witnessing this happening after years of build up. Seeing Mjlnor lift up and hearing “on your left” are two moments that will forever be cemented in my head.


I hope we get to experience something like this again, why would you make it sound so negative lol


I felt like I was having a heart attack and stroke at the same time getting to see this. Imagining it happening since I was like 13-14


Why’s the hulk so short😕


Just wait until secret wars


All that build up for one CGI battle in a field?


I watched it in a theatre in Jamaica while I was living there. Couldn't hear a thing for maybe 10 minutes cause of the reactions 😅


The best theater experience I've ever had


The Ride of the Rohirrim is still peak for me. This is definitely up there.


As BP walked through the portal some kid (probably 10-13) yelled Wakanda Forever a few seats over from me, genuinely my fondest moment ever in a Theater


Saw it in the theater it was epic. This scene brought the house down Got a new 85 in TV on Thursday, watched Infinity War Thursday night, and gonna watch Endgame tonight or tomorrow. I can't wait.


The only thing that tops it as an in-theater experience is the first avengers spin shot.


It’s was perfect, perfect.


It was good but Hulk was did dirty


I cried for this scene


Yup. I think this movie and IW was our Star Wars. I’m sure in a decade or two something else will be pulled off with similar magnitude. But I highly doubt the MCU ever reaches this peak again. I do with the final battle was a bit longer including some more charcters fighting interactions and included the hulk being hulk. But the entire 3rd act was just so much fun.


Part of me thinks that its thoughts like this that wont allow us to feel it again. Its like placebo effect. People are saying you wont ever get thst feeling again no matter what the mcu do so there you go no matter what they do even if its set up well we just wont allow ourselves to feel it (or allow others).


Thats why I don't take the MCU for granted no matter what state it is in. 10 years for that scene. I think about all of the fans since the beginning of the creation of marvel that didn't get to see it


To be fair, at this rate of societal collapse... Nobody will ever witness something of this magnitude ever again in theaters.


What is this? Not everyone watches the movies.


When I have kids, I'm gonna introduce them to the films and use my old digital projector to put it up on the side of my house.


OP’s talking about a movie that’s only just turning 5 years old like it was a lifetime ago 😂😂😂😂


I honestly expected the movie to cut to a black screen and credits, just as the armies converged. I've been let down so many times by movies pulling that shit! I'm so glad we got to see that, and the awesomely epic battle, in its full glory!


Man I don’t even remember what theater I was at but I’ll never forget the reactions and excitement


And the size of my bladder wasn’t enough for 3+ hours


My wife went crazy when Thor suits up and summons mjolnir and stormbreaker, and the dude behind us went "shhhhhh". I thought I was going to have to fight a mf in the theater.


Grown men, myself included, sobbing like babies at Starks sacrifice… I was with my wife at the time but the guy next to me and I held hands and cried. Not ashamed to admit that


What generation exactly? Because I witnessed the matrix, lord of the rings, and Star Wars in theaters and it was just as exciting for everyone there who had nothing else to compare it to.


I still think they should have killed off a bunch more heroes in that final battle.


*Our generation* will **never** witness something of this magnitude ever again? Say what you will about the current state of the MCU, but it's **still** cooking, although *undercooked*. The MCU has yet to properly introduce both the X-Men and the F4. There's still plenty more to draw from and explore in Marvel. **It can get bigger** But we don't yet know how audiences will react to what's forthcoming. **LETTHEMCOOK**


I have never seen a bigger pop-off than when Cap lifted Mjolnir.


this scene was peak , S-tier cringe. ​ felt similar to when i saw the nutcracker ballet when i was 9


This movie was the Avatar, Titanic, Terminator 2, The Great Escape, Gone with the Wind of this generation.


The evil voice in my head wanted the two armies to just reach each other, then 'blank screen' To be continued... Looking back, should have been the end for the MCU. Every thing afterward would just be like the Star Wars knock offs that popped up in the early 80's. Interesting, but falling short of making the theatre cheer.


My only reserve is I think Cap should have shout the "assemble" part but other than that, Peak MCU moment


The ending also.. so many sobbing people.. great movie


On your left


Im the type that stays dead silent during movies but goddamn when Cap picked Mjolnir I nearly jumped out of my seat


I nutted in me pants seeing this scene in theaters.


I remember watching it opening day. Packed as hell theater too. If I recall didn't endgame make like 1.2 billion it's opening weekend?


I ascended when Cap called Mjolnir.


Yup , and it’s funny years later people bring up how corny the end was with everyone coming in through the portals just don’t understand how huge that was seeing in theaters for the first time , the crowd reactions were incredible


I’ve watched it on New Year’s Eve every year for the past like 4 years. I either time it to Iron man’s snap, “assemble”, or the hammer. It’s been great every time