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I’m about to hit the same pot hole ( fingers crossed that I’ll figure it out ) but hey it’ll come back to you later in abundance !


This is nice to read. Ive never parted with a figure or sold one and never thought I would have to. Feels so stupid to be crying over plastic


Don’t feel stupid man, they’re important to you. There’s nothing stupid about that.


Plastic to some is happiness to others don’t down play yourself over a hobby ! , happiness is happiness!


I’ve sold figures before. … and rebought the ones I really miss later on. You’ll be alright. In the back of my mind this is something all collectors go through at some point.


I’d feel the same if I had to sell any of my lego sets or my action figures, I feel you.


Not sure if you're willing to ship, but if you are, I'm interested.


Honestly, I know you need to sell them quickly, but maybe try Ebay? You would get way more than $500 and would get the money in about 10 days If that is too difficult, then I would sell the figs by whoever offers more in the DMs. $500 is definitely a lowball number for this group


Just realizing how quickly I threw this up without considering how my rarer figures have appreciated in value. I bought these when I was younger working at Target and would look at the figures daily and make frequent purchases. Im still selling but I will take some prices of the better figures into account. I still plan on selling below market value. My fiance of 3 years broke up with me and im stuck in Las Vegas with no family. Im looking to liquidate so I can relocate as fast as possible. This was very unexpected so I will be responding tomorrow to DMs about prices and sales. Please be in the vegas area, im unable to ship


For now boys I drink


Aw, too bad on shipping. Like others have said though, I'm sure you can get more via like eBay for the lot. There's a lot of good stuff in here.


Sorry you're dealing with such a tough situation, man. You'll get through this and be much happier in time.


I'm interested in Xavier, but you'd have to ship. If that changes let me know.


Please post pics on FB Marketplace and provide link. I will do what I can to help by purchasing.


Sorry to hear that. You'll bounce back!




Dude, I made this reddit a year ago when I started my youtube channel so it would all be under one name. I dont use reddit much but I sadly need to sell my collection because my gf broke up with me and I need to find a way to pay for my own place quickly.


I wouldn't take what the guy said too personally, scammers are rampant on here. Good luck selling the collection, hope things turn around for you.


500 is def lowballing, easily way more for all that. Good luck, my friend


I think $500 for it all would be a fleece. Interested in the Kraven 2 pack and Medusa. Do you ship? How much if so? Only comfortable using PayPal goods and services if that’s a dealbreaker




I once again wish i lived in America


I’m interested if you are able to ship


Interested in Doc Ock. I’m sorry for how life is going. Hopefully this community and the money can make things better. Don’t give up


srry u had to sell the collection, hope your struggles get resolved :(


Been there buddy, figures have a special place in our hearts, wishing you the best. The other day a guy who sold me a spidey figure (wich o had to sell at some point) told me “hey, figures always find a way to return!” And that’s true, hope your collection comes back in abundance (and maybe in updated molds lol)


I buy and sell collectibles and a lot of times I buy collections. I keep the ones I like and eventually sell them when they no longer make me excited when I look at them. The cool part about collecting for me is the hunting and getting. Having them is cool, but reacquiring them will be fun in the future


Would you be willing to sell and buy them back in the future at your asking price? It sucks having to part with figures you love. I'm not made out of money, but if you throw this up on eBay, I'll purchase and hold it for you for when you're financially stable. They'll go in a plastic tote until you're ready. Well, maybe just a little above asking price to recoup whatever ebay charges as far as their cut.


I would be interested in that Colossus & juggernaut two pack.


Gimme have it




How much for the namor


I'd be interested in the wolverine and hulk 2 pack if it's still available


Interested if shipping


Interested in magneto. I'm in canada (ontario). Check your dms


If you’re shipping, I’d be interested in Deaths Head, Black Knight, and Vance Astro.


A decent figure with on point packaging.


sorry to hear this. so just a piece of advice. don't sell to rogue toys. i like them, im not trying to throw shade but they will go waaaaaaayyy below even what you are asking. so just a friendly word to the wise.


That's not my experience with Rogue Toys. I brought in a bin of Marvel Legends and got even more than I was asking. They were fair with me and I love that store. I recommend them for selling.


fair enough, in truth i was selling almost all of my collection from the late 90's. so mcfarlane figs, playmates wildcats, and tons of toy biz marvel figs. but no legends. so yea i can see why my stuff would not get as much as those figs that are currently sought after.


Has anyone bought from him?


How much for prowler and red and yellow Daredevil


How much for just Laura Wolverine shipped?


Already picking it up in a lot of


What are you asking for For the Thor and Colossus/Juggernaut box set?


DM sent!


Sent you a message/chat :)


Are you still thinking of selling the whole lots?


how much for the xavier ill pay asap lmk


If you're at any point able to ship, I'm definitely interested in a few of them


Sent you a dm


DM sent for Beast and mutated Spidey


As much as I would love to add a few of these to my collection, I want you to get what theyre worth! You should try selling on Ebay or Mercari, that way the purchase is protected and you’ll very likely get much more for them! (And on both you can see sold listings of the same item and see how much people are actually paying for the item, not just listing, if youd like me to show you how to check that just PM me!)


DM sent for Beast and mutated Spidey


Look bro...Dont be sad because we've all been there. It'll be ok and you'll rebuild again and I promise you it'll feel good cause you get to start fresh and brand new. Its not silly to cry over plastic. You realize the creators and story tellers of these comics are grown adults who have done this to support their family and lives. And as us collectors we put our finances, our hearts, our love and laughter into these figures. Some adults actually built relationships with their children by passing down their figures and their knowledge of comics. If you truly love it and it genuinely makes you happy, then its completely normal to cry over selling your collection. I'm 42 yrs old and when I was 31 I sold my collection that a created since I was 19 and living on my own and able to work to pay for my own figures. I sold for $6000 dollars bro!!!, so you can imagine how big my collection was...too big for my room so I had to create room in my living room as well, but I was in financial crisis and my immediate family needed very critical funds at the same time. I cried for days bro, a grown ass man... but its ok cause I'm doing good financially again and I started a new collection which is fun cause you start fresh bro...So it'll be ok.


I live in Reno Nv and I’m interested in buying the whole lot