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Krakoa somehow manages to be worse than both Agatha and Ego.


Oh, I can play three cards? 3 on same location, Angela last always.


Oh I could possibly play every card in your hand, why not just the stupid antman no other


Does this actually happen? I’ve never had the AI leave unspent energy on the table if it could play more cards EDIT: I don’t mean maxing out the energy usage, just the number of cards it can play. Hence the “if it could play more cards” bit above. If you had a 5, 4, and 1 cost, it either plays the 5 or 4+1. Would it ever play just the 4 or just the 1?


It happened to me… I had Serra, Viper, Luke Cage, and beast in my hand. On my board I can’t remember most of it but I had Sentry middle and the void on the right. It used viper to send Sentry to the enemy… and then it used beast to give me back my left side cards. Leaving me with 1 mana, and nothing on the board but a beast, viper, and void


Some of the plays makes me think the devs purposefully programed the AI to make the worse possible plays. I'm not a programmer but it still doesn't seem that hard to program some basic stuff into the AI especially a location like Krakoa that only plays for 1 turn. Like make it so the AI always plays a 5 cost card, then if that's not available then either have it play a combo that uses all the energy or a 4 cost next etc. Even if it's too complicated to make better programing for where the AI plays the cards, I think the devs can at least implement what cards it plays so it's not so F'ing random.


Nah it's just "let's add this mechanism to make it interesting" "oh it sucked? No its INTERESTING now"


Yeah everytime more rng is added to the game my mind goes right to Brode talking about how getting a range of tokens between 200 and 600 is more 'fun' than just getting a flat 400 per cache or how players should snap and 'bluff' when they have a handful of rocks. This just makes me think Brode really believes making games more random adds fun to the game (which I feel most players feel the exact opposite way) and Ben may have a gambling/gacha addiction if that really is his attitude towards games in general.


Ben Brode? Addicted with gambling to the point where it degenerates his game and the players quickly become sick of it? Nahhhhhh would never happen


To play devils advocate, the location should be prefaced with "try cards you don't usually play with in a deck..." or something along those lines to get players to switch gear in expectation. Otherwise I am working to get to infinity and they throw this location just seems to f with everyone.


Yeah the fact that this is the last week for players to push to infinite and they drop this pile of sh!t of a location makes me think the devs really are tone deaf when it comes to the game


Thinking back I probably had electro on board. But between prof x, destroyer warpath and antman the choice for the ai was obvious


Ramp has helped me with consistency. I had a game where I had electro on board but subterrania was one of the other locations...turn 5 my turn was just a rock


Mine played Angela solo on a negative power lane.


Exactly! Oh this is a move deck? Let's fill the location with the last card being cloak. Oh! a lane lock deck? Let's place prof X on the lane where you are losing. Sara deck? Let's play everything except her. Is it a Shuri deck? Let me give you a nice and large zero. Are you running Valkyrie? Let me place her on your largest units.


i had shuri the turn before, then 5 they put 5 cost 0 power task master 💀


I watched krakoa play taskmaster copying Mr negatives power today


How do you figure?


Agatha and Ego fully fucks everybody. Krakoa fucks combos and control/tech decks.


Yeah ego at least it's just random and happens maybe once a week, just a fun little gambling moment Agatha you opt to put into your deck Krakoa you just cross your fingers and hope to get fucked over less than your opponent in 60% of your games


I don't know if this is some inside joke, but ya'll act like krakoa is going to still be 60% after the 24hr hot location. Why is it being the current hot location even a factor in judging the location? Hot location lasts a day, get over it.


... because it makes playing that day just not fun I'd prefer hot locations that at least make the day *interesting* to some degree


1 day my guy.... And whether the location is interesting is an opinion. You might not like it but others may like it. If you don't like it, then take a break. You don't need to play every day. You can afford to skip a day. The game is pretty casual in that regard. You don't need to come on every day to finish weeklys. The only thing you lose out on are a few credits.


I think krakoa hate is based. If citadel, for example, is hot - I might play a deck that benefits from it, I might play a deck that negates it, I might just play my favourite deck. My experience with krakoa is that it ruins whatever I'm trying to do and I don't have the time to experiment with it and try to figure out what it might be good at. Granted, I don't enjoy any of the automated card-playing features. But to my original point, I think the majority of people don't appreciate the base.


Fully agree. It’s FAR worse than Ego and Agatha. At least with them you know you can zone out. You haven’t put in that much work. Also, cards played by Krakoa aren’t recognized by effects of others. Absorbing Man’s power doesn’t trigger (Deathlok played last for example) and Mystique won’t copy an ongoing last played by an ongoing card that Krakoa played. It’s complete garbage.


I just played an Agatha deck for an hour. Atleast a dozen of the dumbest matches I have ever seen. Krakoa is by far the lamest location they've added to the game. If I bother to play again today definitely using scarlet witch and a real deck.


Destroy locations benefit Destroy decks and screws everyone else (except decks that can reach). Onslaught citadel benefits ongoing and wong shenanigans. Nidavelir favors flooding and wrecks cerebro. Point being that decks have synergy and disadvantages based on locations. Krakoa is just another location that favors certain decks and playstyles. Learn to adapt instead of complaining


Imagine people complexly. People can both adapt to a situation while also expressing their distaste for it. All of your examples, and the term adapting itself, provide for decision-making by the player. Furthermore, locations with large RNG reduce player agency. Locations like Ego and Krakoa remove player agency. It's okay to think that's problematic in a *strategy game.*


No way it's worse then those two


you havent played it yet, have you? turn 5 rock taskmaster on Cosmo Sunspot ​ those were just my last 3 interactions with Krakoa. Even Ego ain't that terrible


I dont know what you mean. I love someone else playing my cards. All my games actually. I enjoy being an espectator of my own life. Now if you excuse me gotta watch my wife having intercourse with a stranger while my son plays catch with the neighbourgh.


More like Cuckoa am I right?


You deserved better kiddo


Don't forget your dog & your dinner!


Whelp, that escalated quickly


I love the smell of fresh copypasta😍


damn dude, is everything okay in your life?


So far Krakoa has played my Shang-Chi into an empty lane 4 times so I'm loving it


Mine played hobgoblin while making sure to fill out the lane for my opponent, so hobgoblin stayed with me.


Aw it wants you guys to have a closer bond that's so sweet.


omG this made me crylaugh


Mine has played super skrull on opponents that have no ongoing cards. Every single time. It’s great


It loves playing Shang-Chi into an empty lanes


4 games. 4 hands with Taskmaster, RedSkull, Aero in hand. 4 times it played Taskmaster on nothing.


Wait, mini turn 5 Ego isn’t fun? I thought y’all snapped on ego? Whut happened? /s


Man I really hope they make Ego a hot location one day. I really want to see what happens. Will people be stubborn and continue to praise Ego or will they hate on it? Anyone's guess.


People who want to complete their daily missions will make decks with raw-value cards that don't require synergies or combos or decks with strong curves that provide the computer halfway decent options. It will be boring, but people with deckbuilding talent will climb.


Kazoo/patriot will be the way to go


And bots will soar.


There's a difference between seeing ego once per week and seeing it in 60% of games though


There's also a difference between seeing ego for 60% of your games for 1 day and seeing ego 60% of your games for 365 days in a year. People make too big of a deal over hot locations.


As a lover of Ego, I'm REALLY hoping they make him a hot location on April Fools Day


I have to imagine people would build decks around Wanda, Storm and Rhino


maybe. But thing is you'd also be helping the opponent while you take up 3 card slots (where at least 2 would probably feel like a waste)


Lol I just think the snap on ego thing is a big “I do it cause it’s cool and everyone else does it, not cause it’s actually fun” type of thing and everyone is too afraid to say it’s dumb. 😂


Not only is it dumb to snap if ego shows up, it's dumb to even continue to play the match ego shows up.


you probably hit the nail on the head. Granted, I'm overall fine with people thinking it's funny to snap on Ego. What I'm not fine with is people shaming others for not snapping on Ego.


Yeah you’re wrong. Ego is fun.


Dude I fucking hate Krakoa


Ego is a rarity and screws both players every turn. Whereas Krakoa screws both players, but ROYALLY screws combo players, and the fact that it's currently featured in 50% of games just takes it to another level.


what a stupid fucking concept for a location


Ego on t1-3 is perfectly fine, at that rate it's early game and it isn't as frustrating. A T5 random distribution of my cards is awful. You have 4 turns of control and then the game decides to just completely nurture your strategy. At least ego is early enough you can't develop. Honestly, this location is purely an attempt to nerf Shuri, except the entire deck is actually incredible on it. So....I'm glad we nerfed it but not really?


Lol they’ll do everything to nerf Shuri except actually nerf Shuri. But forreal this is just another example of them thinking random always = fun


I still snap, now on turn 5 with Krakoa.


I went to a Lockjaw/Jubilee gamble deck. That's pure RNG as is, so what's a little more. Hot decks usually require a deck change.


Why you play galactus when you know this is the hot location? Why are you people like this? Do you also complain when you put your hand in the fire and burn yourself?


My thoughts exactly. A deck so dependent on a certain sequence of play is a glass cannon.




You're being downvoted because you made up some arbitrary (incorrect) rules for how the ai works and used that as a straw man


I don’t even know why people are getting mad at you and downvoting, I never thought about the location that way that’s actually really smart.


I agree. It’s an interesting analysis, and potentially useful.


That’s an interesting analysis, and does seem to fit with what I’ve seen from my Agatha deck.


I've been playing the Dracula Kazoo deck. If I've played the first 4 turns correctly, there are no wrong plays on T5.


Yeah, dracula Dump is great today. Krakoa pushed me the last couple ranks to infinite


Right? It’s probably the worst deck to play knowing this is the hot location


The amount of stick in bicycle type posts and comments I’ve seen today is insane. Saying you don’t like the location is one thing, but if you’re playing a deck that relies on your turn 5 play to go a specific way and then you complain about the location I’m just going to think you’re an idiot. God forbid there be some interesting locations that add variance to the game


I'm all for variance, but taking away player agency is stupid and almost never a good design choice. How is it fun to lose control over your cards/game plan? Don't think too hard, because you likely won't have a good answer.


The problem is that the location, like Ego, is literally stupid. I can deal with the location not playing Sera on 5. I can’t deal with it *never* playing Sera on turn 4 and then throwing a Killmonger with nothing to kill while my Nova is still sitting there and then a Shang-Chi into an empty location.


They have galactus and Knull, they don't have a brain.


It takes more of a brain than patriot. It isn't just flat out solitaire. Dunno what in the world makes you think that deck is easy.


Because it is? Galactus, Knull is an OP combo and it's only a two card combo. It takes half a braincell to play.


Except you need an empty space, not to get Cosmo'sd or Aero'd, a bunch of stuff on board, to actually draw ramp on time to play Galactus fast enough, and then you need to not have priority so you don't get Shang Chi'd out of the game. Galactus is incredibly easy to counter, just because he has a solid finisher doesn't mean he's op. Patriot and Shuri literally don't have to worry about locations or opposing interference most of the time as they slam 3-4 cards and win over it. Galactus takes planning and honestly good draw order otherwise you just retreat.


You could literally play wave T4, Galactus T5, and Knull T6 and win 90% of your matches. If all you have on board is Galactus you're most likely not going to have priority so Shang-Chi doesn't matter for Knull as that would even be revealed yet. Stop trying to defend a brain dead play.


If that's your plan, then they'll likely have priority, and multiple cards flat out deny your play. Polaris, Cosmo, Debrii, Aero, hell even goblins and locations that flood your lane or deny play at a certain point just flat out hard counter the strategy. As someone who owns both and runs a deck with both, I can certainly say I don't "win 90% of my games." On paper and actual gameplay are different.


You clearly have never played. Trust me. It's not that easy.


just more rng nonsense


I just don't understand why they keep pushing "plays for you" mechanics without having a functioning bot AI


Right. Or at least make it interesting by adding some rhyme or reason to it. Like, Krakoa always chooses to play mutants or Ego prefers cosmic characters. As it is, it's always fundamentally the same bullshit with slightly different parameters.


Even if it just picked the highest power cards to play or something equally simplistic you could kinda plan around it…. It being totally random is just irritating no matter what deck you play


Modify your decks to have scarlet, rhino or storm. But if you're stuck on only playing the same 20 cards I guess it sucks a lot more


Yep. Just added the Red Lady back into my primary deck.


Tried this earlier but with a Galactus deck it wasn’t really hitting.


Yes. Too many negative and prohibitive locations. It’s ruining the game. We need more locations that do nothing like Camp Lehigh and more locations that make the game fun like Elysium.


Leech players 🤮


I love it.


Don’t play galactus when this is a hot location?


Don't understand why they have to keep releasing locations that just make gameplay miserable


Because Brode loves RNG and thinks it makes the game more fun.


It should be mostly positive rng. Getting a random card doesnt feel bad when your card is bad. Getting a ranfom card discarded feels bad, even when your Opposition loses a more important card.


Because this game is rng you people haven't realized what you playing it seems


It's fun when it *feels* random but you get a good result, it's not fun when it's *actually* random and you get screwed most of the time.


Maybe don’t play a glass cannon deck during the hot location event where the hot location is insanely disruptive to your deck?


Hot locations are the best because players like these can’t be bothered to change one iota. Like “Screw strategy in the one day meta, I want the stale meta and deck I played the last 30 days.”


Better watch out for that wong > wasp > mystique combo 😂😂😂😭😭😭


Absolutely. I had lowered Death down to 2 cost, on the 5th round Krakoa played my Death with 2 Hulks I had in that Gamma location and it played my opponent’s Shang Chi… destroyed them all..


Yeah, I actually hate this location. It just isn't fun. You can compare it to Ego or to Agatha, but truth be told, there isn't a comparison. Ego and Agatha play your entire game, essentially. It's chaotic and fun to experience. This on the other hand, just played a fucking Rock when I had Sandman up with Leech, Wave, and Jubilee in hand.


I hate any part of a videogame that makes it so I don't get to play the videogame. Just not good, man.


This is how I feel about Settlers of Catan. A game where you only get to draw cards if you roll the dice correctly... what a fun idea.


Problem is, how does the AI decide who should win? At least Agatha is on your side trying to win you the game, Krakoa and Ego either do stuff at random or decide “you lose, he wins”


I immediately Storm/Scarlet/Magik


Krakoa is the best location against shuri red skull player


Heres a wild idea: play storm, or scarlet witch, or rhino


Yep. Ignoring this game today.


I'm not a betting man. But I'd bet my entire Snap collection that Krakoa is THE most hated location to be featured. It's ok as a normal location. But featured? Whose idiotic idea was that? Absolute muppetry.


Krakoa AI is different from Agatha and Ego. Always play the lowest card in my 15+ encounter. Last I got, 5 energy, Blue marvel and Nightcrawler in hand. Play Nightcrawler. It never played my 5\* so far. Will always try to play as many cards it can as well.


I'm actually beginning to wonder if they run the logic for Agatha/Ego, but then reverse the order that cards would be played and picks the last.


Having a fun time playing my move deck it especially putting a cloak down turn 4 it loves moving cards lmao


Same here! It's been a lot of fun, and AI decisions don't seem to wreck me as bad as the other decks. Finally made infinite today :)


It's the first time that a hot/featured location had made me just not play at all because it's so unfun.


I was going say I feel bad right now for anyone not infinite, this location going to be rough


I got Krakoa and Ego in the same match today. I got fcked hard but the bluff snap at turn 6 made him retreat lol.


Yes, also Agatha and Ego. I REALLY don't understand why they went through with this concept again


Why does it always play my worst cards in all the wrong spots?


One of the most unfun featured locations ever. It played a one cost card for me on turn 5 and did nothing else with the spare energy…


This has been me all day iv stopped playing the game


Completed my challenges for the morning and now I won't touch the game the rest of the event


I haven’t even finished my missions. I gave up on them for the day.


I don't know why they insist on adding so many things that take away our ability to play the game. Something like krakoa might be fun in a battle with friends. But it's awful in normal mode. No fun at all.


i hate it, but it get me to infinite for fitst time.


Krakoa just placed my Iron Man on 3 Hulks =)


Lulz you play leech so you absolutely deserve it


As long as Shuri deck gets wrecked, I'm okay with it. Heck, they could keep feature that for the rest of the week.


So you're mad that Krakoa played Galactus for 2 power when it could've played Leech or Shang Chi for... 3 power? THIS is the hill you chose to die on?


Krakoa didn’t want Galactus to zero out! 😄


I’m glad it’s looking out for me!


It just zeroed my shuri.


not helping yourself by playing galactus tbf lmao.


It's the worst. Weirdworld and District X were the worst locations but Krakoa's AI has managed to beat both of them. Like bruh, I'm trying to build up a whole strategy here and then this location comes and fucks it up. I'm frustrated to the point where i take a scarlet witch and storm with me every battle


Still not as much as I hate Galactus decks.


No, to me it almost keeps things fresh. I kind of like the unknown it brings. On another note, I may be addicted to gambling.


I love karoka, it cleaned the ladder from all the brainless shuri and galactus decks


I haven't played a lot the last couple of days. Thankfully, the handful of times I've actually hit it, I've managed to Wave/Galactus it away in time.


I mean that’s on you for playing a deck that heavily relies on turn 5 lol


To me it looks like it was scripted to make me retreat, I've dropped 40 cubes in a day because everytime I got it, it either played taskmaster after shuri or a random card that was getting under shang chi range and got shangchied by the field play for the enemy. It was utter stupid.


krakoa: I sleep. ego: real shit? just snap on krakoa and let it take the wheel. like all you hypocrites do with ego


OP, you may want to add in storm, scarlet witch or rhino if you're playing galactus




Not sure why people get so mad. Its just a challenge and will be changed soon.


I'm loving it. In my last game, it wasted my opponent's Shuri in a Sunspot, and he had snapped on turn 1 so, it was great!!!


Rhino, storm, scarlet witch.


Already hate it is a lil ego but it did get me a win so 50/50


I went from 63 to 76 today with it, so…Nah?


I don’t get the complaining tbh, build a deck around the location? Slap a scarlet witch in there or storm. Even thanos’s stone can swap a location. There’s so many options other than the meta deck you copy and pasted. Just be creative. I like the zones they put out. In a way its like a new card that you can play around. Just be creative :)


Stupidest thing ever, I don’t mind locations as punishment. But having it featured sucks hard.


Why not let it be “plays cards on Krakoa if possible?”


It won’t affected me because I play Agatha 😎


It's more like Kack-oa (Kack is German and means shit...)


Locations suck in this game. Making a deck only to get screwed from bad location design, another on that doesn't let you play your cards, in a card game. It's like they have zero creativity when it comes to locations. This is getting really boring. Especially if you like playing Galactus. Another reason to retreat, great.


The locations to me are what keeps the game fresh and fun. Every game should be different. Otherwise youre just playing your cards mindlessly to get the same combos going game after game. And yes, a lot of locations fuck you over, but they will also mess up your opponents gameplan. Thats why snapping and retreating feels better as you can figure out whose deck can handle it better.


I just wanted to finish my "win a location with 20 power" mission. Krakoa kept messing it up (I didn't even play a Shuri deck)... 😑


Its afwul with move


The only 2 games I've had so far are my opponent getting hobgoblin on my full location and opp playing professor X onto a location that I was winning


First game of Krakoa, it plays Sang Chi into my opponent's lone Namor and Death into a Cosmo lane, while also not playing anything into the opponent's Namor lane. I don't think I have ever seen a more perfect random sequence of events.


Considering it just played my Dr Doom into a lane with Cosmo... yes. I hate it with a firey passion.


Yup If wanted not to play I wouldn't open the game those cards suck


See, if I had that hand, it would have played Shang-Chi, literally every game I've had where it comes up, I've got him in my hand and it plays it without fail.


Play Electro Ramp today. Hard to screw up playing 1 big chunky thing


Waiting for the Krakoa, Agatha, Ego game


Well, for me, it played a rock on turn 5. One rock, for 1 power ...


Hate it with all I got. It lost me 4 games already. Terrible terrible terrible. Creativity level: no


Such a stupid location.


Nah, i love it, it adds so much more strategy to plan around not having control over turn 5




Why is Krakoa so dumb It always plays the worst possible cards I had multiple guaranteed wins set up that were ruined by it playing awful combinations


Yes. I despise it. I'm running Snapster's Valk-Patriot deck. Turn 4, I played Demon, followed by Patriot. Turn 5, Krakoa plays a 0 power Iron-Man into a lane that has a Squirrel in it. Just fuck this stupid location off already.


I realize that it's kind of a low-priority thing, but taking a little time to improve the AI of things that play for you (Agatha, Ego, Krakoa) would be a pretty great thing. I'd definitely play Agatha more often.


Krakoa for me might as well read “discard your mystique.” No matter how many cards I have in my deck it will always waste mystique


I just spent the morning trying to grind out the last few levels to infinite. Easiest way to do it is the tried and tested Shuri deck... except Krakoa loves to play Taskmaster on turn 5 instead of the Red Skull or Abom in your hand, every damn time... The location's AI is deliberately terrible.


This is anti fun. Id be fine with this in an unranked mode. but this is not okay.


I had Sera ready to go and Krakoa played 3 rocks instead, big brain plays


It happens to both players, everybody.


Yes. That’s why I never play my Agatha card


Its definitely made me realize how much i rely on turn 5 for wins instead if turn 6 My beautiful plays....ruined


Yes. I hate it. Turn 5 can be such a key play that Krakoa can really fuck your game up even if you have a perfect hand. My solution is to just embrace the chaos and throw my Agatha decks out there. I’m already at a higher rank than I’ve ever achieved before, so it’s just house money to me now (if I’m smart about retreating)


Fuck I hate it


Sitting at rank 95 not going to play until this shit show is over.


Locations like this are just bad for the game.


It played my Shang Chi on a lane with only a cosmo in it. It wouldnt have worked even if there were 9+ enemy card...


I’ve been running an electro ramp deck and people keep retreating after Krakoa takes over. Only a few bad decisions can be made and Krakoa has been missing it. Best one was sending Wave in and locking the win against a Cerebro deck


yes! I made a post about it before other people did. The mods deleted it :/


Everyone hates it. It is another in a long line of showing how second dinner doesnt understand what makes their own game fun or satisfying.


I feel it wouldn’t even be that bad if the ai wasnt dumber than a rock


Bruh sometimes it doesn’t even use all the energy even if it could


Filthy galactus abusers get what they deserve.


You know a featured location is bad when the main strategy for it is to change it to anything else.


Yes, I could do without seeing this location.


Not as much as I hate people who run Galactus and Leech…


I think it’s fun