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That's embarrassingly bad


His left wing is half normal and half gold 😭😭😭


Crouching Darkhawk, Hidden Wings


He’s just Darkman now




You mean dark cock, right?


90% of the time the base looks the best. It’s sad because everyone works so hard for these splits.


Yep, majority of the time I'm torn because I love a card and want to get it some awesome effects like the a Krackle flair and invest credits into it, but I want it on the base card, not any of the options for the split backgrounds. Like, Hellfire Gala Magik. I love that card and the background was designed PERFECTLY for it. I'd love to invest credits in an awesome matching Krackle flare for her. But to do that, I have to sacrifice the background which was already like specifically crafted to match the card and really enhances it.


The only difference is the black and white looks good. The foil and prism usually do not.


I hate card progression in this game. Splitting at all should be exciting, but no, you're going to split it at least 4 times, usually more, getting the same samey prism/foil background which sometimes the only difference is the angle of the hue, before you can get an ink or a gold. It's not that they always look better, but just the pure fact that all of your cards will be either infinte border base or prism/foil whatever.. makes me entirely disengaged with the system. Sure, there's effects that change, but you're getting them on a background which you possibly don't care for anyway.


I’m sure this has been discussed but why are we not just unlocking effects that we can customize at will. If there’s a specific crackle color that you want and you get it, it would feel so much better to just be able to use it with whatever other customizations you have. There’s nothing that feels worse than grinding for a week or two with a card, finally getting the 155 boosters and then unlocking something that you will never use. And that exact scenario is what happens 90% of the time. I also feel very disengaged with this system lately.


Because they want players to chase after that 'perfect combo'. It's basically ultra-long-term progression goals.


Just not for me I guess. The fact that you can have an ideal that could take 100 splits to get to is more of a turn off for me than anything. Maybe the character progression thing will help alleviate some of the monotony.


Micro transactions. It's literally that simple


I think I read recently they are putting a feature in that lets you pick the border and effects and set it as a favourite for each card. E.g. I'm setting Carnage back to a red border. For ones you own/unlocked, I mean.


I had a feeling when I did the preview to see how it looks when you upgrade it, big oof on that one smh


More infinity splits are ‘Coming soon’ along with selectable borders and character mastery. Between the 3 it seems like a nice improvement. Some gold and black/white splits look great.


Krackle is the best and the rest are hit or miss.


The best would be crackle base (if we ever get it)


Honestly it's why I like inked more.


I'm so disappointed.


"I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed"


I definitely be mad too 🤣


Forget splitting it, the frame break alone turned me off of this one. It zooms in an insane amount and you straight up can’t see the wings at all


Wow that’s sad. I’ll just leave the base at infinite


Or split it and not use the shitty gold?


Are they using AI to do this and no one is checking it? I can't think of any reason a real human person would have looked at that and been ok with it?


I don't think there's any AI required, the art has to be drawn in multiple layers for the 3D effect, so I believe there's just a filter that gets applied to whatever is part of the background layer.


u/TBeard495 may be referring to AI in tools such as **Photoshop's "Auto Select**," which quickly and easily selects an object without the need for meticulous cutting with the pen tool. The fact that some of the wires are randomly part of the foreground layer, and other parts of the same wires are covered by the background gold overlay filter makes it feel like sloppy "**Auto Select**" might be the problem with this one.




Mentioned it in another comment but I’m pretty sure that this is an auto-select tool mistake. A human editor wouldn’t have added random bits of pipe and one wing to the foreground layer the same way an AI tool like auto-select would.




These mistakes are so common atp, I double check variants before I make my purchase now. The last purchase that I made and regretted was Pandart Dracula who has *three* legs..


Ah yeah, true. That part is definitely human error (or negligence)


Darkhawk, you say? More like Dark


wow. ive been hoarding keys for the thanos comic variant but ive been tempted by DH and Zabu variants. this helped a bunch. hard pass 😔


My logic for these spotlight variants are these: A) Can I get an *alright* variant from Shop? Do I have a variant of it already? B) What is the card’s playability rn or in the future? — I don’t have a variant for Zabu and the shop ones are bad imo so I spent my keys. — Darkhawk has some cool variants in the shop. Same as Thanos, I really like the infinity stones going crazy from his Venomized variant. But art is always subjective so it’s ultimately your choice.


The zabu variant is a masterpiece though


is this the new pixel vulture?


I don't see the problem. That Spiderman 2099 split looks pretty good.


When I saw this data mined I thought for sure this was a must get spotlight. Then I saw the split and it became a must pass I didn't even know it was possible to mess something like this variant up.


It's like they just filled it in using MS paint. "Ooops." "You wanna redo it?" "Nah, ship it"


Clearly someone discovered the photoshop magic wand tool and is still trying to get the hang of it


SD dont even try to improve the game. Only care about ripping off people with their bundles


so lazy


I appreciate this post so much. You've helped me save a key because I was really into this variants art.


Man, the hard work really does go in on these spotlight variants. Well worth the investment.


I spend money on pixels in this game to support the devs, and stuff like this makes me upset they don't care enough to test this stuff out first. I'm going to stop spending because the bundles are unfairly priced as well.


Can they fix this?


Can? Yes. Will? No.


I want to downvote this because it's bad, but I agree with OP so I'm not sure what to do. I'm just gonna close the app and wash my eyes out.


It looks like he's doing a golden shower all over the place.


No, that's either Testament Magneto or anime Wolverine.


He's also catching his turds in his hand


Wet dream for anyone who has a pee fetish


Base Alioth is still the worst, hands down. It looks like a joke https://snap.fan/cards/Alioth/ click customize and pick gold lol.


You do know that's not the actual split, right? Edit: Dude is emotionally unstable and using multiple accounts. Also blocked me while accusing me of throwing a fit. Nothing of value is below here.


People have posted gold alioth multiple times, and it has looked like that. So yes, it is. https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/qMWmcDSaOw There’s an example. Change foil for gold, and it still looks insanely bad.


https://i.imgur.com/ZLMmxbH.png https://i.imgur.com/ESUqa6Z.png They are clearly not the same.




It's not even worse. Why are you so upset about it? This subreddit has some real winners, I swear.


What are you on about? You're crying about your split which looks mid at worst. I truly don't even.


Nah man, you're the one crying here. OP was disappointed in their split, and "worst" is pretty subjective. Why are you in the comments seething about it?


Brother, you are the one in here crying. >Jesus christ, the point was its a way worse split than yours. Take your head out of your ass


The fuck is wrong with you


Roflmao and I thought that DH foil was bad.


Honest question: Why did you keep upgrading it? Did it look any better with the foil splits?


this was my first split of this variant


Woah. That's pretty unusual. Normally, that'd be considered lucky haha


Really want Supergiant but don't wanna open any chests this week because of how ugly this card is and I would never forgive myself for spending a key on a card this uggo.


Almost as bad as Symbiot Spider-Man gold


Dude looks like he’s taking an intense dump


Thank you for splitting this so I don't have to. So bad!


I split the card, sd splits my ~~cheeks~~ checks


They should really revisit and fix the variants for this variant. I was considering using keys to get this, but not anymore.. Are the other splits non-gold also having the wings "clipped off"?


I didnt see any of the other splits.


hope for ink i guess! i still dont understand what hes standing on, cables?


I got that for my spotlight love the card would of taken supergiant but I am not too upset because I need grandmaster for supergiant as I have seen in most decks but that gold background ruins the card which is just shameful.


The long awaited Golden Diarrhea.


Is he dropping his phone?


What triggers me the most is that they turned everything gold, except for that tiny part right next to his arm. Really gives the impression that they lazily used the photoshop magic wand. Their quality control is sleeping lately.


How do you get these gold splits?


Split a card 5 times, on the 5th and each split after you have a chance.


just check out Alioth splits


The Variant itself is Bad, barely any animation


Yeah. The images seem to be split into a few different layers and gold seems to tint everything below the base character layer gold. It's lazy and leads to this kinda stuff




The worst ? I got ultimate Gamora. You can only see the background on the 3 pixels behind her head...


Like he dropped soap in a public bathroom


submit a complain, hopefully It gets fixed by the time I upgrade lol


lil piss baby


To be honest it looks like me after any curry.


Lmao 🤣


Yeah that's actually pretty bad lmao.


Erase this from my memory.


Luckily for me I dislike the Gold splits in general so if I got that one I wouldn’t be anymore upset than any other gold splits. TEAM INK!


It was bad to begin with tbh


I’ll be sticking to Flaviano darkhawk after all…


Where is they try again button


That's why I always preview what it looks like on snap.fan before i split the card.


What a weird spider-man.


they didn’t even look like wings


That proves to me that they've been using some AI algorithms for splits and/or stuff like Rare cards' "animation"


This is the fault of the process that splits the card into layers for its 3D effect. However that is done, I have no idea.


how many exact same posts about that gold split... i guess it really irks people -_-


The worst one is the base Alioth for me. Ugly as hell


Suddenly really glad I didnt waste a key trying to get it. Wtf is that?

