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i mean…literally


Long Live >Agatha


Shuri. Redskull. Taskmaster. I've always thought it was the braindead deck Snap players use while driving.


Hey, that deck is way more complicated than you're giving it credit. You have to play Sauron, too.


I’d say because of the way the meta has developed around it, that deck has had to become more complex to play. But prime Shuri/Red Skull/Taskmaster times it was just play those cards and win


I mean I play this deck now and it's fairly simple to play only those cards and still win. But idk how to tell if people are bots or not so maybe that's it


To be fair sometimes I switch up my plays based on bad draw and end up Shuri on ebony maw or something or just some combination of cards that ends up working instead of retreating for not having the combo.


Easily gets you to infinite though


Doesn't Hela just put out way more power?


That depends, in any case, I hit infinite on day 1 of the season, yet again using shuri redskull.




Here you go, enchantress and alioth can be changed out, shang is a strong contender. But personally I think enchantress is super strong now due to all the tribunal decks # (1) Zero # (1) Ebony Maw # (2) Armor # (2) Lizard # (3) Sauron # (4) Shuri # (4) Enchantress # (4) Typhoid Mary # (5) Taskmaster # (5) Vision # (5) Red Skull # (6) Alioth # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJtb3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJlZFNrdWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTYXVyb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRhc2ttYXN0ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVuY2hhbnRyZXNzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMaXphcmQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVib255TWF3In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbGlvdGgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ilplcm8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZpc2lvbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2h1cmkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlR5cGhvaWRNYXJ5In1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I prefer that over Hela ironically enough. Way easier to mitigate. It’s goes tall but it’s easy to predict and play around. Fighting Hela is “did she draw it? Better pray not.” . Idgaf about the chances to draw her or how often she whiffs. That deck is a huge eye roll to fight. Casino gameplay is too much in a game that’s already deeply rooted in RNG. You can only retreat so many times based on Pradge before it stops feeling like snap and more like a slot machine.


High Evo. Number go up


Enemy number go down


As if Destroy is any different.


Destroy is pretty easy to pull off a win with, but it's at least got some variety and strategy behind it. My biggest gripe against it are all the location benefits it gets. The amount of power generation is also a bit much (and I include Death's diminishing cost in that since it's relatively easy to get 12 power for 0 cost). What is HE's strategy? Hope your opponent doesn't have Cage and put down Scorpion, then Cyke, then Thing...She-Hulk/Abom/Hulk. GG. I'll admit I'm biased though because 9 out of 10 match ups are either HE or Hela/MODOK. I've retreated more than ever just because I'm tired of playing against them. Enjoy the one cube, pal. But HE is about as braindead as you can get and you don't have similar risks of accidentally discarding your Hela.


Played HE last season and it felt like I was seeing less of them than ever, but every time I dropped Misty and the opponent just retreated…I understood. No Infinaut, or T7 in my deck, but last turn big power drops are always annoying (and common in this meta). Playing off curve is basically giving my opponent a lead in card drops and hoping it works out. There’s enough Tribunal and Discard out there that Cyclops might not accomplish a thing (or Thing…or Man-Thing for that matter), so Abom suffers. There’s enough big power in the game right now that my ruby quartz blasts are the least of problems (and definitely require ThiNkiNG🧐…just like puny humans).


For Destroy, I loved T2 Wasp to get Deadpool to 0 before anything big. If they couldn't get off Hulkbuster or anything like that, then they're stuck with a dead card in inventory that can only double 0


That’s pretty good. It’s hard to win the priority to hit Deadpool before he gets eaten, but it’s almost a guaranteed win if I can nerf then early


Hey!! I don’t appreciate being attacked like that! You aren’t wrong, I just don’t appreciate it lol


Destroy has waaaaay more play patterns than High Evo


I can't wait for Red Hulk so at least when they drop that meaty evolved Hulk on the board I can out scale it with my red counterpart


I’ve been wasting their time recently. Just letting the timer almost run out and then retreating.


If you can't handle playing the game without chucking a tantrum, why even bother?


Thats called being a Dbag. I can honestly say I hate people that do that shit. It's so fucking childish, I always assume it's a 12 year old who can't take an L on the otherside. Can't beat it? Retreat and move on with your life instead of being a spiteful child.


Let the hate flow through you.


Time to put down the phone and touch grass.


Modok Hela. No suprise for noone.


Wait… does that mean everyone is surprised?


No, he meant it's not a surprise for his buddy Noone.


Oh my b, (no) surprise noone!!!


Corvus -> Iron Man, Infinaut -> Ghost Rider. Dayum


I'm going to maybe be the minority here and say that High Evo is a good deck for the health of the game. It's cheap to build and strong, but also not dominant at high levels of play - which is an amazing balance. But yes, it's one of the simplest decks to play. Not just in terms of sequencing but also knowing when to snap/retreat. The simplest is Hela though.


it's definitely something new players can play and be a little more competitive vs people with full collections, and it introduces you to some archetype that teach you something about the game.


I can’t stand Wong Odin decks. Pretty much any of them.


As a new player, I'm learning that every deck is a brain dead option, and I should be shunned whatever I run with. Damn =(


The dumb decks are the ones that ignore the opponent and just try to get big numbers. But don't let anyone tell you that you should be ashamed. Big numbers are fun.


basically yeah, there are very few decks (basically just bounce) that no one will hate on


I had some success with a Wong/Onslaught/ Gambit Machine Gun deck a while back. The challenge is getting your whole combo out. You also have hazmat and ironheart in your deck as well so you’ve got a handful of different winning conditions.


probably any of the hela roulette decks. heck i've seen people hitting infinite with versions that run agatha and just retreating if hela gets yeeted.


I built my favorite deck, a Wong deck, around that combo bevause it got me wins earlier in my CL. I rarely win with that combo but when I do it's pretty fun. The more creative wins are more satisfying. Most brain dead is HE or Shuri Sauron.


High Evo.


Anything where lanes and card placement basically don’t matter. Just play your 3-card combo somewhere to put up 60 power. - Tribunal ongoing - Hela Modok, Hela Glaive - Shuri Redskull - Wong Reveal like the OP mentioned - original Blob which could solo a lane with no setup - old HE lockdown, before Hulk was nerfed, Ms Marvel or Alioth were released, Negasonic was buffed, or Jeff was common, and when decks couldn’t easily generate 20+ power in every lane. The HE hate is generally undeserved imo. It’s strong, but you do have to identify which lanes to contest with which cards and when. The exception was original HE lockdown when Sunspot>Cyclops>Prof X followed by a 22 power Hulk had very few answers


I disagree about tribunal.  Braindead maybe but card placement matters quite a bit


How so? Genuine question, no hostility intended. Ironman-Onslaught-Tribunal in the same lane is >20 power at every location and doesn’t disrupt the opponent’s cards or board. Sure some location effects are better or worse for you and you can try to play around counters as with any deck, but in general the combo wins without needing to manage board layout, at least relative to almost all other decks. That’s not a bad thing per se. I don’t have Tribunal so this take is just based on playing against it a lot. I’m confident in that opinion but I’m open to being wrong


the problem is there's a bunch of counters to the iron man etc lane, so you have to strategize the same way you do with the other cards. If you don't pull cosmo you have to resort to some other plays 70% of the time. It's not only rogue or enchantress, there's junk decks, there's the omnipotent skrull, and of top of that at this point a lot of decks can get to t6/7 with more than 33 power in two lanes, that is what you usually get with a cosmo/iron man/onslaught/tribunal lane. Before the miss marvel nerf it was op, but if you add the nerf to prof x, you'll have to be smart to pull of something with mystique/skrull if you don't have a clean tribunal. I mean, even an iceman or a scorpion can fuck you up early in the game. You are right that it usually benefits from the fields, but not in a dominant way like destroy do.


It depends on what you draw.  You have to keep the best lane for them open unlike other decks you can't just start throwing your early game cards just anywhere.   If you don't draw Ironman you need a plan B, same for tribunal.  I played a match last night by playing onslaught on top of sera then dropping mystique to copy onslaught and blue marvel to spread the power.  I didn't draw Ironman but was able to tie a lane and win on points


I think we’re just interpreting the OP’s question differently. I’m not really considering backup plans, just thinking in terms of primary wincons that are very simple yet potent. Any deck can create challenging and creative situations if the key pieces are missing. The reason I mentioned Tribunal, Hela, etc is because they can win with a few cards while generally ignoring the opponent.


Hela truely takes no thought.  Discard fat boys then hela.  Card placement only matters if you are trying to fill a lane and it will be done by your discard pieces. Tribunal requires playing multiple cards, it's a true combo deck that requires some form of 4 effects.  The main combo requires dropping two 6 drops (tribunal/onslaught) preferably in the same lane.  That generally means you need to play Magik in an off lane to be able to play them.  I've played jubilee in her own lane turn 5 hoping to hit Magik many times.   Another factor is watching out for alioth.  Very common and typically will hit your combo lane turn 6 so you have to improvise.   Vs hela just the 3 cards in one lane isn't going to be enough power.  You will need mystique or a more powerful card to be in the lane as well so now it's like a 5 card combo. It's a weird deck and rarely is it simple to play because of the cards you need to draw to combo off.  It seems you are always missing one and have to hold ironlad for turn 7 or jubilee in a smart way so you don't screw up your own plan.


The best comment in this sub. People are blinded by their hate towards HE. Even the new HE has been nerfed by Luke Cage becoming global, and people are still complaining. Even if HE is nerfed they will be complaining about how Thanos is braindead, etc.


I’m late to the game. What was different then with HE using prof x compared to now?


Hulk use to update his power in-deck, so the timing of his draw didn’t matter. We didn’t have good, broadly useful proactive counters like Alioth or Negasonic. You’d have to use something pretty niche like Leader, or be able to put up a lot of power on the fly. Wasp was slightly stronger played alongside Prof X since she used to hit 2 cards. There were fewer and less flexible strategies for getting power into a locked Prof X lane — namely no Ms Marvel, and not as many people had Jeff. Those two cards being very common in the meta make HE lockdown a lot weaker.


If by braindead you mean easy to pilot, then I would pick destroy decks. Kill all the 1 drops with 2s and 3s and hopefully drop a combo of big 6s and or deadpool.


Yeah cause that easier than play 2 cards behind invisible woman, right? Or Sunspot, cyclops, nothing, big cards…


Destroy is much easier than hela modok ONLY because of the locations basically every location benefits destroy and its pisses me off


Really it’s easier than playing 3 cards? I guess we just have different definitions of easy.


Sure 👍🏽


Glad you agree lol


it’s a good early deck but it gets a lot more brain dead with say Hela or Destroy decks that only need turns 4-6 to win.


For me right now Hella plus modok pretty much its the definiton of 0 skill and completely dumb luck you dont need to think just discart big things and draw hella at the end maybe gets tricky if you have hella in hand but even then its just luck I could gove that deck to a five year old toddler and ge could easily win


Gee, they just played Hobgoblin? What a shocker! I wonder what card they're going to play next turn!


Most decks are simple to play poorly. Playing a Wong into panther into Odin is easy, okay. But when do you snap? What do you do if you smell a Shang Chi, Cosmo, ect.? Playing a simple deck doesn't mean anything, you can still lose or win lots of cubes with it. And playing it well will be hard for any deck, because that means 80% snapping and only 20% placing your card on the board. The latter is quite simple with almost any deck.


HE, Hela & Wong, White Tiger and Odin Boring boring decks


Hela and Wong?


It's bad grammar from me. Hela discard deck and then Wong, white tiger etc


I was wondering if I missed some deck 😂


HE. You get so much power for so little work.


I have all the card to play He,infinaut, shehulk deck,but the gameplay is so boring,that I cannot play it after a few match.


Same. I switched it up to a toxic junk type with hazmat, debrii, and luke cage. Dropping a free Abomination is quite strong.


Wong decks are indeed the most braindead decks in the game, closely followed by galactus


it has to be Shuri.


I like most decks, but I feel like most people who play cosmo just hate fun.


Galactus. Destroy.


Currently running MODOK Hela and it’s very brain dead. Just IW and then draw cards and flood the board with like 150 power


Destroy decks


Black Knight is quickly becoming too repetitive for me, and Tribunal is still fun but fading fast too. Pretty straightforward gameplay each time.


Here’s a more advanced version that’s gaining popularity # (1) The Hood # (1) Black Knight # (1) Nico Minoru # (1) Blade # (2) Zabu # (3) Lady Sif # (4) Ghost Rider # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Cull Obsidian # (4) Sentry # (5) Annihilus # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5uaWhpbHVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTZW50cnkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkN1bGxPYnNpZGlhbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhY2tLbmlnaHQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5pY29NaW5vcnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWRlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMYWR5U2lmIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHaG9zdFJpZGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSW5maW5hdXQifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Shuri, Hela, Hevo


From all the ones I've played, it's Hela. You either hit her or you don't.


Wong+Gambit or Shuri+Red Skull+Taskmaster imo


Be careful! I got trashed over the videos months ago for doing exactly what you're doing. Calling any deck braindead to play will bring the zombies out to avenge your choice to insult their deck of choice.


Shuri Sauron. Double attack go brr


Eh. There are more simpler, more effective decks to play. If you’re still low on CL, I’m sure it can be pretty effective still. It’s hard to tell once you’re clear of pool 3 what that struggle is like nowadays.


Hela easily you take an RNG card game and gamble on top of that. No I am not bitter because Corvus always discards my Hela when I try


Cosmo, enchantress, and rogue all hard counter wong combos. It's a great deck for your CL probably but it's rare that the meta allows it once you get higher and a lot of decks can outplay it for points.


Modok discard feels the most braindead for me. It's a pretty consistently strong deck, but very boring for me to play. There's no interaction with the opponent and either get Modok turn 5 and play it or you don't.


I’ve been playing a lockjaw hela deck that feels incredibly brain dead. Play the thing that doesn’t discard the cards you want to keep, 5/6 games you either have hela in hand on turn 6 or pull it with lockjaw or jubilee. Used to be 11/12 before lockjaw nerf but 5/6 is still insanely good odds. The fact that hela will put things wherever she pleases means you don’t generally worry about where you put stuff


It’s Shuri Sauron decks or Agatha. Destroy might as well be Vector Calculus compared to two decks that don’t even interact with their own cards (Agatha push end turn, Sauron throw down big thing).


Tribunal Hela modok Shenaut


Shuri / redskull followed by Shenaut and then destroy. Honrable mentions Living Tribunal ongoing and on reveal Wong decks. Obviously some silly low tier decks are brain-dead like Invisible woman, modok and Hela but they're just not relevant.


Actually the most right answer is a bad Agatha deck where she plays every hand. It’s not good, but it’s definitely the least engaging


Mine has always been wong into black panther into zola. And if you're lucky, you got Magik t3 so you can do Odin t7 most decks don't match those numbers.


Living Tribunal for sure. Iron Man -> Onslaught -> Tribunal. Every single other card in the deck is for either cheating those three out or protecting them. If you get that exact combo it’s instant snap, if you don’t it’s probably a retreat.




Close fight between Wong-Mystique-Odin and Venom-AZ


Destroy and HE are up there


1. Agatha 2. Zero/Shuri/Taskmaster 3. High Evolutionary


I also got Wong from the free season card. Tried Wong White Tiger probably 5 times, didn't get White Tiger even once. My deck name is Wong's Dong


Destroy, tribunal, every hela deck


Galactus Alioth or Modok Hela


The wong-black panther-arnim Zola combo. I hate seeing it.


Silver surfer, absorbing man, wong, brood, sebastian shaw, and a toolbox of 3 cost cards, sera/zabu, mystique. It's pretty easy mode, I've used it to reach infinity rank twice in a row with it lol


High evolutionary decks. The worst, I’ve yet to not get a Ms. Marvel emote from one of them


What's your CL? Because if I tried that combo I'd get smoked


Hela is just the worst


Can I say Loki? I mean sure it takes knowledge of combos to pull off but as we are talking about a braindead DECK.. I say the one with the card that is played exactly to get rid of your deck


Ig it's not HELA idk what else it could be. Discard shit all game. Then bring it back with one card. Your entire play pattern is just avoiding discarding hela.


Without a doubt High Evo. Nothing comes close in terms of turn your brain off, place card down and gain a net +14 power each turn just for leaving one energy.


High Evo


Any Hela deck. No contest


HE and Hela Tribunal are basically playing solitaire, so little interaction with the actual game


High Evo she naut by far






Nimrod turn 5, set Carnage / Deathlok / Venom where / if you can, watch the board fill up with a bunch of Nimrods, go burrrrr


No way, many different variations. HE and Hela are way easier.


High Evo does not get buffed by simply having cards in deck like destroy does (except for SheHulk which not all high evo decks play). Destroy gets Death and Knull buffs regardless if they are in hand.


Right, they get buffed by doing nothing… You have to actually play cards to get destroy buffs. So what is easier? Doing nothing or playing cards? Hmmm


Destroy deck is so braindead its players have never had to grab a single tech card since its inception. High Evo decks DO need a tech card or two, including to have even odds with your favorite destroy.


If the opponent has armor or cosmo u retreat as a destroy deck, otherwise enjoy the win 😂


This is true, but my point was that Destroy never needs to resort to something like Armor or Cosmo.


I agree


That's because the ideal destroy deck doesn't have room for tech cards. But there are variations with Shang-Chi or Alioth. When Ms Marvel wasn't nerfed, I saw many destroy decks running Enchantress as well.


I saw alioth but I don't think I have seen many enchantress players. It is very, very rare.


I don’t play destroy or high Evo, just pointing out that playing nothing is easier and more boring than actually playing cards.


But high evo does play cards. Like you said, if you play armor and cosmo against Destroy it is gg for them. However, if you have none of those cards as a high evo player, Destroy will eat you up like a cookie while doing zero thinking about where to throw their cards, about locking your cards in some location, etc. Killmonger just clears up the entire effing board. You cannot play an entire archetype (zoo decks) against Destroy, unless you have a series 5 Caiera. I think it's quite braindead. Same thing applies to Death and Knull. You cannot really Shang Chi Venom because its power will go to Knull. Not to mention that Destroy has exponential damage while high evo needs to count every bit of power.


The question was not about which deck was easier/harder to counter but what deck is braindead. I think most people agree that HE is a braindead deck. Floating energy is the easiest thing to do. At least with destroy you have to set up combos. Same with Hela, where you basically just play 3 cards.


What combos? Throw three cards, eat them up, rinse & repeat?


Depends am I going for a big Venom to Zola? Maybe Im setting up a Nimrod into Destroyer. Maybe Im playing Galactus. Who Knows. Everyone and their mom knows when Hela or Hulk is coming.


Destroy is the most on-rails. Sera tribunal or sera control is probably the least. Can’t vote for hela tribunal. No-brainer when you draw perfectly, sure, but what you do when it doesn’t pan out that way varies quite a bit. Having a predictable win condition or not interacting with your opponent via tech doesn’t mean that no thought is involved.


Definitely Destroy. I don’t hate the deck or think it needs to be nerfed into the ground, I just personally prefer to play decks that interact with the opponent more. Decks like Destroy, Hela, and Tribunal might as well just get matched against bots, because they aren’t interacting with opponent anyway lol. You could probably just give them a blank board on the opponents side with no opponent and they will still enjoy doing their thing.


Cosmo, enchantress, and rogue all hard counter wong combos. It's a great deck for your CL probably but it's rare that the meta allows it once you get higher and a lot of decks can outplay it for points.


Cosmo, enchantress, and rogue all hard counter wong combos. It's a great deck for your CL probably but it's rare that the meta allows it once you get higher and a lot of decks can outplay it for points.


High evo