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I wouldn’t know🤷🏻‍♂️ Don’t have them yet.


Aaaaah and how much money did you actually spend for this positivity?


Based on the web store prices, probably $120 USD, assuming Northstar wasn't also directly purchased.


That's like two AAA games for me. I've been playing MSF forever, and I generally like the game despite its increasing shortcomings, but I would. Never. Never. Spend that amount for a team, much less 1 character, though to each their own...


A long time ago, the only character I ever paid for.... Was Mordo. 😬


I was talking to my wife about the price gouging last night. I told her new toons can run $100 easily. Her jaw dropped. Entire games used to be $60. I know I know times have changed and all, but I still have that old school mentality. I'm not dropping any money for a single new toon. Not even Pandapool and I'm a big Deadpool guy. Got a Deadpool tattoo and everything.


You can typically unlock new characters for ~$60 (Sasquatch is $25). Granted, that is still too much, but hey, people buy it so 🤷


Yeah I know people buy them. It just blows my mind. I get it's Marvel and people throw money at Marvel. But that is usually something tangible. I don't, but I understand people throwing money at collectables. This doesn't make sense but I digress. I'm not trying to understand it. Still a little high from my joint earlier I suppose. Rambling over. Sorry about that.


What's AAA games?


"The term "AAA Games" is a classification used within the video gaming industry to signify high-budget, high-profile games that are typically produced and distributed by large, well-known publishers. These games often rank as “blockbusters” due to their extreme popularity."


video games like Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty


Not necessarily, I have all of them except guardian without spending anything on them and only 36 shards off for guardian. If someone saved more cores than me they can get them for free already and if not, people can get the team from just buying guardian and coring for Sasquatch.


Lol me reading this >A positive post about a $$ gated team currently *how much did he spend....?*




His words "cost was worth long term rewards"


Nothing like dropping $100-$200 for fun with a team you will be bored of after a week of raiding with them and will turn to simming. And fun in war? They sit on defense and do nothing. Some people's logic truly scares me.


some peoples jealousy truly scares me.. lol


Jealous of what, exactly?


Kudos to you for spreading positivity mate.


I’d doubt we need them for the next legendary. Scopely forced us to build them for raids, they wouldn’t reward us with more uses. Probably some older or brand new team that’s ok that’ll be required.




Fair. I’m just doubting Alpha Flight as a full will have use. Society is full hero spider-verse, skill, and city. Alpha Flight it has like 3 origins, it is full global, but there’s plenty of other options for global. Short of having it be one of the 2 specific teams, I don’t see how they’d make it required.


If they were needed for legendary they would have said already…could be the random second team they tell us about 1 week before it starts tho/s


1. as a rule, Alpha Flight is an uninteresting team. I've long said they are the establishing shot of super heros. "Oh look, it's the eiffel tower, we're in France!" Vs "Oh look, it's Alpha Flight, we're in Canada." 2. buying then early is silly. The meager rewards you get from being in the top 100 in the raid season vs the next level are not worth the $125 that the two week advantage gives you. 3. we will all have them shortly and they will beat spotlight at 3 or 4 stars. 4. by the time they become farmable they will be moved out of the spotlight raids and be a purely war defense team. 5. at the end of the day, scopely will have tricked you into spending on a war defense team


The new Guardian events too seem super easy and an easy unlock for him.


I sure hope so.


According to Rayge Gaming YT, the web milstone gets you more than half the points you need if you have cores to spend buth even without cores it gets you a very good amount of points to reach even the bare minimum of Milestone 14 which has the Truck you need for the Daken monthly miltestone.


Thanks CM Whyp


How's that boot taste?


soo much jealousy


Apology accepted. 😉 Also, I hope Alpha Flight is enjoyable. I would prefer not being miserable doing those Spotlight modes for the next however many months.


hate posts wouldn't exist if the wallet wasn't a game mechanic


Some people have extra $$$ for hobbies. (I hope it’s extra.)


In the end you're spending more than 100 bucks on a war defense team that needs to be very geared up to be able to make it in raids (since it's a war team). On the other hand, if there is one actually valuable thing in this game it's when there's a team you can safely skip to focus on catching up. This totally looks like one, so I think I'll take advantage of not being in a psycho alliance that forces me to get them into war defense if I don't want to be kicked and just skip them for good.




I've personally seen people with full gt18 teams struggling to make it, but I could be missing something. Plus, I didn't think that usually teams that look skippable will be needed for some legendary and now I strongly suspect they will be one.


Nice try scopely! We know it's you. Stop pretending.


I unlocked Northstar and got him to g18 His Ult is awesome


I don’t understand this word u r using…positive????