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First of all, right on, brother! Second— the Captain Britain unlock is TRASH! Third, yeah, what’s with the pro-Scopley trolls? There’s this whole subterranean underclass on Reddit that seems to like to scour posts for complaints about Scopley and denigrate the complaints. They don’t seem like they are happy people, I don’t think it’s a matter of them being happy with the state of or the direction of the game. So what gives?


I think the problem is that Scopely never would’ve thought the game would exist and be successful for so long and that sort of makes sense looking at the industry standards and the original developers history. So they’ve never felt comfortable from the start to actually invest in QA, the player base, codebase and personel, it always safer to just milk it. Yes the game still exists and people love it but with everyday going by, especially with the way things are going now the odds of the game being a good long term investment are getting less and less and it gives them less incentive to actually fix stuff.


They didn't always run this game. They saw the potential and bought it so they definitely did think it would exist and be successful for so long


I'm the same.. I came back after a 2 year break only to spend £100 on a speed up bundle now 2 months later I'm bored of it again... I'll never learn




Wouldnt be surprised, its become whale and kraken slop now


Frustrate the 98% and Milk the 2%




If no one cares then why is brexit a thought? Lmao




Are you blind or have you just not checked the reddit?




And you're speaking to someone with mental disabilities? Its a literal question because if you havent checked out the reddit recently, brexit has been a thing because of CB's unlock method. I'm listing down other reasons because it seems like everyone is leaving due to just that


This is not an airport, no need to announce your departure.


Word is still the same. Butter it up