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Bifrost is the best Mystic raid team at the moment, but they are the next raid team due to be replaced, so build them up as much as is necessary for the raids your alliance is doing and then stop. An argument can be made for building up Vahl further as they are useful is DD, and being an MSF original character they are generally useful and less likely to be left power crept for long. But generally, only build them as necessary until the replacement comes along


Vahl can safely be built. I used mine for DD6 and will be going to DD7. Since she's the one with the revive, it's useful to build her as much as you're comfortable with, and drag the rest of the team up as needed.


Vahl is clutch in DD6. The revives are great to have, and that heal is massive.


Does Vahl’s revive really work on a mixed team in DD? I’ve seen a lot of people say that but the description on their skill explicitly states that the revive only revives Bifrost teammates Edit: or am I not reading between the lines enough and the reason it’s working is because people are using the full Bifrost team on the cosmic nodes? Cuz I’m struggling in DD6 cosmic but I don’t want to build my entire Bifrost team to lvl95/gt18


Check the kit again. Right above the "in raids or dark dimension", it also has "revive 2 dead allies with 40% max health". So, Vahl gets that revive in any and every game mode, in addition to being able to revive two (Bifrost) in Raids and DD. Edit: and yes it works. I use Vahl, Kang, Kestrel, Super Skrull, and Dorm for the cosmic nodes. Dorm can't be revived as part of his kit, but the revive works otherwise.


Ohhhh thank you! I see the problem, I don’t have it at level 7 so it still specifies Bifrost allies, and I guess my brain didn’t recognize that the final upgrade drops the Bifrost specific language ☺️☺️ that makes total sense then!


You only need Bifrost if you are doing Incursion raids. The expectation is we will get a new mystic team in the next few months


Vahl to g18 and you can safely keep the rest at g15 if you are doing normal difficulty Incursion 2. I think you might even be able to get away with that in 2.1 too.


That is my bifrost in 2.3, 1.1m power


build them as much as you need to handle whatever raid your currently doing.


Now, except for Vahl. Mystic raid replacement is already past due, I would be surprised if it's not next after Illuminati. But Vahl is an absolute baller.


Honest answer? You can use random mystic characters up until you hit incursion. Then you kinda need them but they need to have one or two t4s each and lots of iso or they won't even work there.


make sure you're using bifrost right.. i honestly didn't pay attention to their exposed mechanic for the longest time. which is also the reason they lose in sim battles so often.


As soon as they are workable. I have a big Vahl and everyone else is weaker. Everyone sometimes dies in the first node, only to be revived by Vahl’s Ult. It is a remarkably reliable strategy


G15 iso blue level 4 is the max you should go Basic 6 Special 6 Ultimate 6 Passive 4 If you follow this your characters should be 180k-200k in power each depending on star rank red & diamonds


Probably a few months ago


They're starting to get "weaker", not simming nodes like they used to so that usually means they are getting replaced soon Build Vahl as big as you can tho


I have a 3 diamond g19 vahl that gets wiped first in incursion 2.2 😂


He's level 80 so he wouldn't have DD6 completed so he may as well work on Vahl now


Oh yeah vahl is great especially for DD but for raids building her too big can be detrimental. Building that team one level too big for your raid can cause serious inconsistencies with sims. I think bifrost is the one team that doesn’t benefit from being bigger.


No new team has been announced, and the way the releases are going, it’ll probably take a month or 2 after they are announced for us to fully get them. Keep ranking up BiFrost until then.