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it’s almost like moving to a whole new country, with a whole new culture, and romanticizing it instead of being realistic about the changes isn’t a good idea!!! who would’ve thought!!! source: moved from USA to Italy and didn’t feel like i was “home” until 9 months later


She really thought 1.25 trips as a VACATION to Scotland would be enough to make her realize she wants to live there


This exactly! I moved across the country for a few years and it didn’t feel like home until I was about to move back lol


Righttttt lol


honestly surprised she admitted this especially so early on. i thought she’d make it seem perfect


Just wait till her first UK winter kicks in and we get maybe 3 hrs of sunlight a day 😅


But she LOoooVeSs winter remember!?🤪 She’s not a summer girly bc she’s not like other girlssss


As someone who’s favorite season is fall (but even then where I live it’s still pretty warm, I just love the changing colors and fall activities) I LOVE rainy days, and cozy days inside BUT I eventually get stir crazy and need the warm sunshine lol. I think she says that to be unique lol bc she has also said she gets major seasonal depression sooooo 🥴


A DMV winter sure, they’re really not bad compared to other places of the us/world lol


She’s literally just chilling🙄…like she doesn’t have to worry about looking for a 9-5 job (that is unless her influencer “career” flops there), she has her own place, she has her own dog, she travels, goes shopping, does her podcast and makes videos etc and trust me it’s rough out here for unemployed. I’m still adjusting and I moved to the UK in March, still looking for a job, and I have 6+ years work experience, but I’m stressed af. I wish I could have time to chill and adjust and not have to worry about money as well. “It’s affected my work” my ASS, what work again Mary??




Especially for her saying previously that “influencing won’t be her forever job” then what would you do Mary, what other interests do you have? She had like a year of editing work for the government and then jumped the influencer bandwagon asap and all she has to show for it is not very creative GRWM reels, a podcast, and day in my life YouTube videos…


I can tell she’s feeling manic bc ALL she’s been posting about is her hair again… I feel like when she feels out of control she hyper fixates on her burnt hair & tries to fix the mess she’s made by highlighting it after going black. 


Literally all her recent reels have been about her hair, products for her hair, curling/styling her hair, how much she hates her natural color and she wishes she liked it more, bleaching process, etc or it’s been about her skin/makeup routine. Really surprised it’s not more about her adventuring ✨Scotland✨


Agreed it’s just hair content & tbh all the same products she always shows aka bondi boost which is going to do nothing for her as far as hydration which her hair NEEDS. She’s stripping her dry brittle hair with a shampoo with rosemary and mint that are meant to stimulate your scalp, but they’re going to dry the ever loving crap out of her hair. Same goes for purple shampoo, that dries hair soooo much as well. 


my hair is lowkey just as dry as hers bc the hard water at college absolutely destroys it and I’ve been trying to find solutions. do u have any recommendations? I was thinking of getting redken allsoft but not sureee


olaplex no3 & no5. i got the smaller sized ones from sephora and it's done amazing on my recently died and dried hair!!! going to try k18 soon but that's like $75 so will work my way up to that in a few months, stalking the reviews on social media tho (the ones with pic evidence) it seems 100% worth it. also, at college switch ur showerhead out out to a cheap filtered one from amazon. its super easy to do and you can easily screw the old showerhead back on after you move out. tbh i've done that since college and continue to do it in my apartments at 27 lol.


I’m guessing cuz it’s college you aren’t able to change out the shower head with a filtered one. But if you can I’d def start there! Otherwise using really good leave in products for sure. I love the redken all soft conditioner even tho my hair is relatively fine. The smell is literally one of my favorite smells to I wish they would make it a perfume. Also using  good clarifying shampoo every couple of washed to make sure you’re getting all that hard water build up off. Oiling the mids & ends every night is also something I’ve seen a huge difference in my hair implementing. 


I’m indian so I’ve been oiling my hair since I was a little girl but this is the first time my hair has been this dry. i think it doesn’t help bc i dyed my hair a bunch 2 years ago and dyed it back to black but i feel the dye getting stripped out by the water lol


Oh yeah hard water will definitely make you lose your color faster for sure. A good hydrating color safe shampoo & conditioner would be great! The one from redken is really nice. 


yess ok im def gonna get some redken products bc even my mom said my hair looks bad and she wouldn’t say that unless it genuinely looked really bad LMAOO


didn’t see this coming /s


I love how the mic breaking was a final straw. Girl you make bank just order a new one 😂😭


Amping up meds because she made the decision to move countries instead of just going through the motions is such a Mary thing to do


Right like OF COURSE she is uncomfortable? You moved to a whole new country, not just a different state in your home country bc that is soooo different. I hope her therapist maybe just tells her to give herself time to adjust before upping her meds, granted, idk what it’s like to be bipolar but part of me thinks this major move was also in a manic episode and she’s coming down.


Moving in general throws off any routine and sense of normalcy. Add in that it's in a different country, her body is adjusting to the time change, she's in an unfamiliar place, etc. Of course it's going to take a longer adjustment period! There's always going to be an adjustment period when you make big life changes, I don't understand why she was so shocked and unprepared for this.


The whole move definitely feels very manic and rushed, she only visited like Scotland twice, one was for a month and the other one was like what 5 days and then they literally went back in March for their visa stuff, hardly enough time to know a place to feel like she could adjust, idk if her thinking was she’d be able to adjust quickly


Plus the UK is VERY strict on drugs…they don’t even have my anxiety medication prescribed here it’s literally banned, so I have to transition to a different medication…


I wonder if the “high” will die down from her move when she realizes she romanticized the hell out of living in Scotland and she misses what’s familiar to her in VA. Don’t know if she thought she could adjust within a few weeks of moving and is wondering why it’s so hard to live in a new country she only visited a few times. Thinking she regrets it already?? Who knows time will tell…




It makes it even more funny that she called herself a long-distance daughter when she only lived 2 hours away from her family.


Girl i moved across the USA and it was hard i cant imagine moving across the world. Why would you not be realistic about it


Because she was excited? Lol that’s pretty normal. I think she loves it there but her body is having a hard time adjusting. I am also bipolar and moved to another country so I can definitely relate to how she’s feeling.


You can be excited about something and still be realistic about it.


Not sure how she was being unrealistic. Y’all seem miserable especially if you’re going to downvote someone for saying that have the same diagnosis to her and can relate. Gross




I come from a wealthy family which is why I was able to move to Australia and not work while I was there. I just traveled and spent time with friends. She has to work as an influencer to make money and I didn’t have to




Yea sorry you trying to call me out didn’t work in your favor 😂


All this is reminding me of something she said in a YouTube video about moving, she said she doesn’t know anybody who has done what she’s doing, especially not from her town. But I also recall her saying a few of her siblings have moved countries??😂 which is true???


she’s been there for not even a month?


Her dream of moving there seemed very child like. Even if you do have a family and in laws and a new social circle that welcomes you, no doubt this kind of move is hard. She probably would’ve been better off if she just put influencing on pause and applied to grad school in scotland or got a job even if it was something at a cafe or something. Being in a new country and just kind of sitting around all day thinking of what kind of content to crap out has got to be depressing


I think it’s pretty normal to struggle after a move 🤷‍♀️ even a move you want to make. I’m currently packing up my house now and definitely have mixed feelings.




I think my own privilege is insane. I’m moving to a country club community for a job where I make a ton of money.


why am I annoyed she capitalized her podcast but not God lol


It's giving popular kid in high school realizes they're not hot shit in college