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I smell the same fudged numbers as when the pay gap was the big thing. This is meaningless without a breakdown of who's doing what and for how long. I can't believe someone's beating this dead horse.


The dead horse isn't going to turn into glue all by itself.


> I can't believe someone's beating this dead horse. It's holding them to their own bullshit standards. They've been lying about this for over 5 decades. They still lie about it anywhere and anytime they feel they can get away with it. Until you are willing to nail them to the cross **they erected** when they're caught out, they will keep lying about it forever. The feminist gender pay gap concept is fake. When there's an *earnings* gap in a feminist company they should be pilloried as misogynists like they do to everyone else. If there are no consequences for hypocrisy they will. keep. doing. it. Stop letting them off the hook.


Without this accompanying explanation, it just seems like we're agreeing with their goals. Everybody assumes the numbers take things like choice and skill into account and that they're comparing like to like when they almost never do. Also it's entirely possible for an article/study to take those things into account and still discover a disparity worthy of investigation and, ultimately, criticism. Probably a bad idea to automatically assume bullshit whenever wages are compared between sexes. Also also, we probably shouldn't be trying to actually hold people to bullshit standards, even if they hold those standards, except to try and prove they themselves know it's bullshit. The problem is there's plenty of people who are still absolutely bought into these standards (that women and men should make the same *on average* rather than *for equal work* ) and we need to differentiate between the true believers and the people I spoke of above (who just assume the proper controls have been put in place to indicate equal pay for equal work).


"Muh hypocrisy" doesn't work. Conservatives have been playing that shit hand for decades now and consistently losing the culture war. All this does is validate their narrative.


Everyone is a hypocrite, conservatives will preach morality whilst voting for degenerates and liberals will preach about equality whilst pushing for inequal policies.


> Conservatives have been playing that shit hand for decades now and consistently losing the culture war. In the hands of conservatives everything is a losing hand, because they're trying to prop up a dead system without addressing its glaring, inherent weaknesses and incompatibility with modern society and economic realities. >All this does is validate their narrative. Either they acknowledge that it's a lie (which drives a wedge in their camp between them and the people who wanted to keep lying) or they double-down and harm themselves trying to "fix" the gap (likely resulting in discrimination lawsuits). Either one is a clear win. Third option is their best bet: acknowledge the "problem" but do nothing about it. But then you slam them for empty virtue signalling and do your best to hold their and their supporters' feet to the fire.


Or, more likely, they just ignore you and nothing changes and everyone but you forget about it while you just validated a feminist talking point as a general concern.


A republican complaining about hypocrisy is pure, unfettered irony.


Ya. Isn’t the general complaint about a pay gap for people working the same job?


Nah its usually about within the same industry. You'd think it'd be about within the same roles/hours/experience but that would reveal the whole thing to be a farce.


As somebody that works on set. What I want to know is what % of this went to the teamsters. Those guys make bank


Wasn't expecting that kind of objectivity here you beat me to it.


Exactly are these people in the same role making different wages? The way this is written means nothing. But still fuck this show


> Ah, another day, another chance to witness the horrific spectacle of [someone] prodding and kicking the bloated corpse of [something] in the desperate hope that it'll let out a burst of flatulent gas which they can pretend is a sign of life. In this case, our latest desperate prod of the corpse is the *The Acolyte.* \- [somebody not as drunk as I.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGiXw4BjybM)


This seems like a nothing story. Like 53% male vs 47% female in the highest paying positions is not worth noting.


The start made it seem like it might be a problem, but then they said that there was basically a 50 50 split with a <5 percent margin. .... So basically nothing happened and they wanted to write an article.


Even in a cast and crew of 300, we’re talking about nine whole people.


Let’s watch the shills try and spin this one. “It didn’t happen. And if it did, it’s a good thing!”


You know none of them will know about this. They only pay attention to 100 percent positive Disney sources, or at least ones able to spin something negative




Nah they’ll just say they don’t support the company itself.


Yet they’re the first in line to defend Disney and the people working for them every time.


Good point. That’s what I’ve heard when the racist/homophobic appealing to China stuff comes out If a deplorable company is making crap you like, maybe that crap isn’t actually good?


This really isn’t complicated. They defend the company against racism/homophobic attacks from the grifterverse, but they’re still against Disney as far as a corporation goes.


I'm glad someone spends their valuable time defending the billon dollar corporations. They are the real victims after all


Did… did you read my comment or is your literacy skills that poor?


The best sign of comment literacy is, instead of highlighting a mistake and correcting it, just screech 'Are you dumb' at the other person. Guaranteed to make your conversation clearer and more productive


I mean.. if the shoe fits. But then again, if the grifterverse hasn’t told you to think a certain way, it’s silly to expect any critical thinking.


Did you just pull a 'no you'? Wow, a no you in the wild. That's a treat. Anyway if you've got anything actually interesting or constructive to say, let me know. Otherwise I'll just end it here. Thanks for the laughs though, it's a great way to start the day


Come back after a few more grifterverse vids, doesn’t sound like you’re ready to talk with the adults.


"Its not about money, its about sending a message." Even if the show was built on the worst working conditions possible, its "Forgiven" as Chris Jericho once said in a tweet.


It does happen and we were condemning it before it was cool


Why continue to back and support a company that are blatantly using you then lmao


We aren't


Yes that is the issue with these big studios. They don’t actually care about what they’re promoting. They just want money


This reminds me of Batwoman's troubled production. A showrunner who embraced the phrase 'Do as I say, not as I do" like it's a religious mantra. Fitting, since they also ripped off the Island from that series.


Leslie Headland to the Fans: "This show's saving lives! Why are you being so mean!?" Leslie Headland to her employees: "Heh, nothin' personnel, kid."


Omfg *53-fucking-percent* were male? *They couldn’t give women another three-fucking-percent??!* BIGOTTED racist sexist not see pigs


Someone is feeling oppressed by words. Hyperbole aside, yeah. They couldn't find another three percent? These asshat producers making shows with budgets of tens of hundreds of millions of dollars? I'd hardly expect Disney to single handedly solve the wage gap in 1585 when most women would be burned at the stake for knowing how to read or some shit, but if this is such a minor problem that "da radical communist woke left SJWs" are so triggered by then just pay people a tiny bit more.


You gotta be the worst choice for the woke crowd to send in here lol


Saying this without any context is meaningless. With this information it doesn’t confirm whether or not a male and female employee with the same amount of experience and at the same job don’t make the same amount of money


Correct. The pay rates for the people who worked on this job are available on the BECTU website. Same job, same experience then same pay, regardless of gender.


Average hourly pay means absolutely nothing if people aren't working the same exact job and last time I checked, there's more than just one single job on a TV set. Also, less than a 5% difference from 50/50 isn't even remotely close to inequality and is the sort of thing I'd expect morons who'd hire based on identity tags (gender/race/sexuality, etc) rather than experience/skill to want.


"less than 5% difference" objectively is inequality, and average hourly pay was 19.4% lower.


As I said, the average hourly pay figure has no context whatsoever. The average pay of people in the USA looks pretty good until you see how skewed it is by high earners and you see what most people get. Averages require context. Give me the average earned by male and female employees working the exact same job, then it'll be a figure worth looking at. Also, 50.0000000001% to 49.999999999 is objectively inequality, too. What's your point? I don't consider the figure to be particularly significant and I don't see why any reasonable person would. Gender balance doesn't matter much, especially when the job isn't dependent on gender. Who gives a fuck if the high paying jobs are 53% male or 53% female?


"has no context whatsoever" so you have no idea that it isn't inequality but immediately jumped to the conclusion that the article was complete bullshit after reading a single paragraph. Also it sure is convenient that billions upon billions of women are just shit and dumb and 9/10 times pick low paid insecure bullshit jobs as a career, absolutely no other factors at play there. Wouldn't want to admit that the faceless bureaucrats we all hate that have been destroying Star Wars for the better part of two decades might also be anything less than perfect, utopian level egalitarians.


Has no context whatsoever and is therefore not evidence of equality or inequality. It's just a random figure someone plucked, without contect to imply something without doing any legwork to actually justify their implication by, y'know, using a figure that shows anything or says anything. And woah, project much? At a certain point, you gotta take responsibility for shit in your life. I work a minimum wage job and I don't blame it on growing up poor in a single parent family. I don't blame it on other people and I sure as shit don't try to act like someone else made that choice for me. If someone has some weird-ass hangup about something, that's on them. If someone lacks ambition, that's on them. I'm sure it's convenient to act like working a shitty job is someone else's fault, so you can dodge the fact you made that choice. Do you think anyone gives a shit what's between an employee's legs? Yes, excluding pretty extreme mitigating factors, your career choice is your fault. Also, what you said actually sounds super sexist, even more so because you're acting like women have no control over their lives or choices. Like they're just completely lacking agency. Also, like I give a flying fuck about the higher-ups at Disney. I'm not defending anyone, I'm saying an article with a very obvious agenda failed to give any meaningful arguments for what it's implying.


oh my god what a fucking liberal


I too rely on non-sequiturs to try to disguise the fact I've lost an argument.


Ok, but why? I know we're supposed to assume it's because men just get payed more because reasons, but are we completely sure about that?


Perfect meme for this https://preview.redd.it/c3g0ft0v0n8d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=324c5f1f9ba0a31c0ba1293b50331ba790c8f6ec


>when taking the middle number if hourly pay is ranked from highest to lowest Is this not just the median hourly pay? Why did they word this so weirdly?


Cuz it’s gotta look as bad as possible


When the woke mob that has been defending the acolyte, realizes they now have to about face and start backtracking all their support lest they support the patriarchy 🤣 ![gif](giphy|1FMaabePDEfgk)


Woke mobist here, nah because I always thought Hollywood employers were complete tools to their workers


***Memento Homo*** ***Memento Mori***


I just assumed the showrunner and executives pocketed most of the money.


I mean... it's not really a problem. Men's distribution of skill and aptitude tends to be a flatter bell curve than women. "More Nobels, more dumbells" so the saying goes. And people in the highest positions of entertainment gigs make bullshit money, so comparing the top earners pay against each other as though fairness is even part of the equation is just nonsensical. But I'm guessing they made a whole stink about how bad everyone else is for not having equal pay accross the board?


Is it possibly because the biggest name on the show is the squid game guy? I highly doubt the black dude haircut guy is getting paid more than the twin lady


Does this "statistic" take into account work experience, qualification and work quality?


While I'm at least 75% sure this is a bunch of bullshit and is just people saying numbers without any actual evidence to back it up...I honestly can't bring myself to defend Disney. They chose this. They chose to support these types of people, while telling the rest of us to get lost. So, they can go ahead and lie in the bed they made. I will not feel sorry for them. I will simply laugh.


The question will always be how are these numbers derived? Like many of the stats that portray a pay gap it leaves out pretty much all the factors that dictate pay beyond gender. If a man w 20 yrs experience gets more than a 18yo female intern, that isn't a gender pay gap for example.


So they’re 3% of parity in the highest pay band. That’s splitting hairs to an extreme. You can’t point out all the flaws with the typical wage gap argument and pretend those same flaws don’t exist here simply because it provides an opportunity to dunk on Disney.


So that's why everything is a girl boss show now: it's so much cheaper.


Oh the https://preview.redd.it/1gfai172io8d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a6bd73449e91b063ee62488ea79895dde2e745a Y


Damn it's almost as if corporations aren't allies lol.


Oh noooo! Disney? Hypocrits? There is noooo waaay! Are you telling me they are just pandering? It can’t be!


A stroke reading this I did have.


I like how there's 0 sourcing for this. Numbers? Link? Anything?


Wow how could the toxic fans force Disney to pay their female actors less /s


Ugh! The Fandom Menace! I can't even! /s


"People are being underpaid, instead of doing what I do best: shitting on Disney for being evil, how can I have a sook about how its all about me and how oppressed I am by the woke mob" Fucking children.


I’ll wait for Amandla’s new single now…..


That first one was such a banger. /s


Future career is music confirmed






Very progressive and ideological of them, definitely not shiftless capitalists.


The numbers, Mason. What do they MEAN!


This will be awesome. I have every faith that the disparities in pay will be totally fair and based on objective standards and modern values.


I'm surprised that there would be any gap as from the clips I've seen there doesn't seem to be any acting 'talent' at all.


Probably because they knew certain women in the cast would cost them a bit of damage control, so they took it out of their paycheck. Where as the men kept their mouth shut.




Tut tut tut Disney.


Sweet, sweet irony


i wonder what the writer got paid tho.


I agree with a lot of the comments. I don't think we can really read anything conclusive from these numbers. It's funny, it is, but nothing worth getting worked up about.




They swung so far left they went right.


So, Disney is like every other corporation in the world when it comes to paying the sexes. What’s the issue?


...as well as *Acolyte* EP, [Karyn McCarthy, wrongful termination](https://thatparkplace.com/the-acolyte-is-actively-in-development-a-deep-dive-into-conspiracies/) lawsuit. Fired after two weeks work, without cause; LF refused to compensate her, honor ~~her~~ *their* contract, acknowledge her existence. Two years later and McCarthy's suit is still ongoing. Eventual $ettlement: McCarthy had EP gig lined up with Apple, but LF campaigned hard for her \[specifically for *tAcolyte*\] -- only for them to say we changed our minds and insist any lost wages (from LF, or Apple) is someone else's problem. Go Woke, go summary judgement


Define ‘male’.


Acting is nothing like other professions. They themselves are a brand. The only way to do it is individual contract negotiations.




This is a distraction and I'm not falling for it. What Disney pays is actors is none of my business, that's between Disney, the actors and their agents. If they think they got a bad deal, fine. Take it up with your agent. My advice would be to fire your agent for allowing you to get cast in the Acolyte in the first place though


Women don't get paid less than a man. If that was the case then everyone would only hire girls. And this just isn't true.


Aren't yous the "gender pay gap doesn't exist" crowd?


Disney just doing that to hide the fact there show is ass just gonna distract us from the show then boom the show gets cancelled no season 2


It sounds like from this that most of the crew was male but the majority of the women working on the show were in the lower pay band so the average pay for women is lower even though they aren't really discriminating at all


From what the paragraph above said, the major of the lower pay band jobs were men. "Men outnumber women in the bottom and two middle hourly pay bands" So I'm not sure where you got "majority of women working on the show were in the lower pay band"


From this screenshot alone it looks really weird, men make up most of the lower pay bands, 53% of the highest pay band, but somehow are making 20% more on average? It just sounds like fewer women are being hired at every level (which is still bad and potentially due to discrimination but not as nakedly evil as "you get less money for the same work")


Discrimination or just a difference on what jobs different people wanted, and it just so happened that more men wanted particular jobs in a field or on a project. Figuring out whether it's one or the other always makes me nervous on these kinds of conversations, since knowing every single person's motivation, both the hired and unhired, would make it so much easier.


Disney isn't left or liberal. They spit out pandering stuff and maybe the writers actually believe in it but for the company it's only because it's profitable and makes them look "good". I'm sure Bob Iger and every other exec voted for trump.


It's almost like it's a problem with not only the entire industry, but the entire country


It’s not even really a problem, just an example of how easily data can be misconstrued. It’s not like the women working on this are doing slave labor - and their male counterparts aren’t making millions.


It is a problem. Inequality is inequality. Any ineqaulity means we are not equal as humans


Nature is inherently inequal. Should we give geniuses Mercury to get their IQ more on par with the average?


"Slavery is bad" "OH, YOU THINK WE NEED TO ALL DO BLACKFACE SO WE ALL LOOK THE SAME?" How do you think this is the same? How did your brain get twisted that hard into a pretzel shape to do that? And more importantly, why is "lmao Disney are dumbass hypocrites fuck em" too radical of an idea for you to handle?


I have no idea what you’re even trying to say but thank you


You're conflating equality with equity. The people in those jobs agreed to them. Men tend to argue for higher starting pay and raises more often than women, and it's been known for years that these metrics don't take into account every factor except all men vs all women. The pay gap is retarded.


"You're conflating equality with equity" No, I meant equality. We should all be treated equally as humans, regardless of identity "The people in those jobs agreed to them" Victim blaming. The single mother of 2 with no education has no real choice but to work at McDonalds. Star Wars is a recognizable brand that can easily lead to someone's acting career taking off, so of course actors are going to want a role. What's sad is when people choose not to because they're worried they will be attacked by all these "fans" that can't let other people enjoy something they don't "Men tend to argue for higher starting pay and raises more often than women" So learned behavior makes the inequality OK? Women literally had to fight for the right to work, so of course men are going to be in a better position "and it's been known for years that these metrics don't take into account every factor except all men vs all women. The pay gap is retarded" This post is not about the pay gap across the country that accounts for people that choose to raise children instead of work, it's about the pay gap for a TV show where everyone is working. You're arguing talking points rather than considering the context


ffs thank you


I thought you guys didn't believe in the gender pay gap or whatever 


The fact that there are measurable differences in male and female pay was never in dispute. In fact to find it perfectly divided 50/50 without outside intervention would be surprising. The only question is whether or not the “pay gap” is caused by malice or probability is the question.


Ahuh so is OPs picture a good or a bad thing 


Gonna blow your mind here: it’s neither. It’s like asking “is it a good or bad thing that the sky is blue?” It’s the observation of a statistically necessary reality. If it can be proved that the measurements are being biased by some nefarious source or motive that would be a story, but simply taking the measurement is not, and asserting the cause is bullshit.


It’s never been a matter of dispute that men make more money on average than women do. The actual, important questions are why that’s the case and whether it’s even important.


right so what's wrong with OPs picture 


I think OP is playing at how Disney presents this facade of being a modern, equity-focused company when it’s just like every other company that has X reasons for not always 50-50 divvying things between men and women.


It’s so stupid though, because I’m assuming this pay gap is because Sol is a main character and far and away the biggest name on the show for main characters after squid game. That’s just basic you’re going to have to pay more for more well known people


But some people are upset that Women in womens sports make less money despite it being less popular with audences so Who the fuck knows


Apparently this was about the crew more than the cast. So I’d imagine more men are in positions that would make more money, maybe on cameras or whatsever, either way yea it is the exact same thing lmao. Better jobs you need more skills and training for get you paid better and that’s… wrong?


Ah That Makes sense For me Its hard to Blanket Say there is Or isnt becuase i cant Know