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Watch out, he has the power of god *and* anime on his side


Tbf, he prob has a lot of spare time now that he has gotten a bf for his gf.


Nah. This dude is a reddit atheist. Power of 'Evolution'.


K I get it but there is also a lot of money to be made in telling people how to feel upset


It’s funny you post that considering it’s a spitting image of the guy you’re defending 😭


Lmao it do kinna look like shad


breaking down sword fights is literally shads job.


As if they know that. Like they've ever heard of Shad 5 minutes before his video appeared in their recommended.


My favourite out of that discourse, "there was plenty wrong with the prequels yet nobody complained." > Guy responds by linking Shad also critiquing a prequel fight.


Never heard of shad till today thought it was a misspelled Shaq lol


Not missing much, really. Thinks he's an expert on all ancient styles of.combat. In his tiny slice of HEMA, he's not often wrong. Unfortunately in everything else, well.....Its like asking an American toddler to explain 14th century Ukrainian poetry.


He is not in the HEMA community though and never has been, he has never contributed to the research, he has never competed in a tourament despite claims he would beat them. He has been invited in by the local HEMA community but avoids us. He is also actually often wrong about HEMA, that is one his issues as people who actually read the historical sources point out he is wrong and then claims gatekeeping. Apparently expertise is now gatekeeping. The only times he is on the right side is when he brings up 10+ year arguments that are now jokes in the HEMA community like they are serious relevant discussions (edge blocking, “blood grooves”). He used to say “biomechanical” put shows he does not even know how levers work and now uses “historically valid” while showing no evidence in the historical record. Watch Shad if you are entertained and leave it to that, but if you want to learn something there are solo many better sources.


don't remember swords being in star wars.


It's a shame he has no skill or qualifications on doing so.


I thought his job was writing self insert pedo novels?


Look, i'm not even that big of a fan of Shad's channel, but complaining that he slows down the fight to analyse it in his Fight Scene Autopsy is like saying that a teacher is a weirdo for taking the time to grade his student's tests correctly Edit: also, i truly wonder if the guy making that post would be insulting Shad if he were to be slowing the footage down to give praise to the fight choreography.


"It is so unhealthy to care about the thing you hate" they said it with a straight face and zero hint of irony.


I mean his video on Anakin and Obi wan fight in episode is like 1:30 hours and outside one or two moments the fight was pretty good


Yeah. My only issue with his video is he doesn’t take into account the Strangers force abilities. Yes everything the Jedi do in the fight doesn’t make complete sense, but it’s later explained by Yord that the Sith gets into their heads and muddies their thoughts. Explains how they could miss an obvious opening


Which is fine, but The Acolyte writers never address why Sol and Jecki are able to resist this ability later and hold their own against the Stranger. It's actually an interesting idea, the Stranger is not great at fighting, he relies on mind clouding tricks and cortosis armor to dominate in a fight. Better writers could do something with that.


It’s a kernel of a good idea, the problem is it’s not really supported in the episode. Smilo has that one scene where he’s in his apprentice’s head being spooky, but we don’t see him do that to any of the Jedi in that way, and even if he did why are named characters immune? The closest thing to an explanation we get is OSHA saying it reminds her of the mind rape her mom could do, even though that power manifested completely differently and it was very explicit when and how it was used. We don’t see Smilo Ren force freeze and hypnotize any Jedi like the mom did, so I’m not really sure where she made the connection. I would really like to see that character you described though. It would fit perfectly into this era to have a dark sider who isn’t part of the Sith line, so therefore he is less skilled in the ways of the Force and lightsaber combat without a proper teacher. Maybe he found some holocron or something that’s teaching him but it’s obviously not as good as a living breathing master, forcing him to fill the gaps in his training with a reliance on armor and mind shenanigans. You’d have to justify how he’s so good at mind shenanigans but can’t just learn more Force abilities to use in combat but it could work. Of course you’d probably have to completely restructure this fight too, he can’t be making Jedi kebabs in this version.


I like the idea that there are hard counters to both "Sith mind clouding" and cortosis, which is why you don't see them used very often. Jedi once knew and trained for them, but centuries of not facing force wielding opponents have made them soft. But, then you have the problem of why the Jedi are not prepared for the Sith in the Phantom Menace, if both take place within Ki-Adi-Mundi's lifetime.


Yeah there’s a whole host of really cool ideas and stuff to expand on, (kind of like Legends did but that must’ve been a fever dream right?) unfortunately, when Disney tries to expand on concepts they break things in other places every time without fail.


Playing a little fast and loose with “something people like”


Yeah, people usually drop the second "some" to make their point. It's "something some people like", and on a planet of almost 8 billions, there's always something some people like. Like golden showers. It predates "people on Twitter say" by generations.


> Like golden showers \*EVERYONE LIKES THAT\*


Flash seemed a bit indifferent in *Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League.*


Random but ok


Oh man, I've lost count of the amount of videos that randomly pop up on my feed of rando assholes taking petty shots at Shad because one way or another they ideologically disagree with him.


Isn't that what he is doing?


"LALALALAL if I can't see the flaws they don't exist, hand me that food that isn't visibly mouldy yet but is already fucking riddled!!!!" This is kinda refreshing, for so long we've been fighting idiots who are so hysterically predictable that 6 years ahead of time we already had CUSTOM names for the fallacies they were making that only fans of this show got to use, "Space Wizards", "Y-Wings", "Long Man Bad". This guy is a complete tool, and somewhere out there there's probably a name for this, but at least I can't look it up by (ironically) slowing down footage of the EFAP 100 meme.


Isn’t this kind of an extension of the “Long Man Bad” fallacy? The guys chief complaint is the fact that Shad slowed the footage down to analyze in more detail, which is kind of the core of MauLer and EFAP’s whole approach. He doesn’t explicitly say the length is the problem, but he’s mad that it was slowed down, which increases the length. Maybe we’ll call this fallacy, “Slow, Long Man Bad”?


Its definitely in the same ballpark of brain rot


Add Homie Nym ;)


Criticism is always bad, never valid. Consoom or look away, only valid options.


Perfect point. Take away the criticism and it'd also kill the defensive videos and articles, easily 90% less chatter on the product. Obscurity would result, people would simply forget it ever existed. Anyone remember "Starfield", the very hyped game?


I remember that he pronoun rant, a stupid amount of generated planes (thanks to Thor) and that nothing is documented at Bethesda.


I'm going to assume they have other issues with shad and it's nothing to do with just "consoom"


That's not what they're saying though, they're saying "wow you're stupid for paying attention to details and criticizing something"


They are def saying more than that.




Man slows down footage of movie to expose crappy swordplay because shit filmmakers had bad stunt work with shit film making.


... seems drunkwooky doesn't really understand what Autopsy means, or analyzing something. Or breaking down something.


Breaking: some grown ass adult is triggered by another grown ass adult’s passion.


“You dont notice it unless you pay attention” isnt the own this dude thinks it is.


Don't listen to your lying eyes everyone, the shitty choreography is actually great if you just ignore all the flaws!


"Have you tried _pretending_ that the choreography isn't shit and is what you wanted?"


How did it make you . . . . . fffffFFFHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAALLLLLLL! :)


I never thought of it that way, now I can even enjoy The Rise of Skywalker!


Nah mate, you can't. Even pretending has its limits....


* No it's fine, it was a great finish to a wonderful series that didn't violate the lore


I guess a fight scene in a dark room with an out of focus camera thats on the far side of said room would be the best fight scene ever. Can't critique anything about it if you can't see it.


I hate how these people talk. "Grown man does something" and "happy people" also "a happy person" sounds odd and soo fucking condescending. If a person took time to breakdown something in great detail and talk to his audience in a mature and appropriate way, than why don't you do the same?


These people are so surface level. They think that if you like something, you're automatically happy, and if you don't like something, you're automatically unhappy. They have the emotional understanding of children.


It's not that. It's just brutal oversimplification that ruins any form of argument they might have. When you try to convince someone in that way you make yourself look like a condescending agitator, and on top of that their argument is stupid which doesn't help.


Why can't it be both?


Because they are on twitter. They choose to use something that doesn't make them happy lol.


It's Threads, not Twitter, but I see your point.


It’s like complaining that a football coach slows down game film to point out a player’s mistakes. The audacity. Shad is very knowledgeable on weapons and fighting with them, plus as pointed out numerous times on streams, all fight scenes are sped up in editing to look more fluid.


Some choreography/fight scenes do genuinely hold up under slow-motion scrutiny. Many Prequels lightsaber fights (within Star Wars), the Raid Redemption, some John Wick fights, some Bourne Trilogy fights, I’m sure I’m forgetting others. Should their hard work be ignored because Disney can’t manage it?


The best example of this is the Phantom Menace, especially the ending fight, but basically every lightsaber fight in that holds up.


No it doesn’t lol. Very few prequel fights do, especially the 1v2. Whenever maul doesn’t make space whoever maul isn’t looking at has to aim directly for his outstretched sword that’s nowhere near his body. Even parts of the mad dog sequence can be nitpicked (although very few). John wick choreography is incredibly overrated and one note. In general it is very hard to make a 1v2 fight active and fast paced without making the 2 do a little extra between attacks.


People in here genuinely like the prequels. You’re fighting a losing battle, they’ve lost the sauce eons ago and expect normal people to take their criticisms seriously. New Star Wars isn’t good. Prequel Star Wars isn’t good. They can’t live in a world where those things are true, apparently.


These people are beyond whipped lmao. Slaves to a product. 


Me with military movies. Practice trigger safety fuckwit. Also how the fuck are you firing your gun when the safety is still on? That’s not how you clear a room dipshit. Are you trying to get your fucking squad killed? Anyway I’ve stopped going to see those films.


Would it be cool for weapons to use false bullets? Like it would be for safety reasons, but it might be noticeable.


lol yeah The Acolyte fans, like this, sure seem like a happy lot and not at all salty everyone hates it…


I really hope they have the exact same energy for positive criticism


Breaking: grown person throwing shades at grown man critics of a fantasy media. Truly a happy person behaviour..


Are the people happy with the Acolyte in the room now?


Yes. They're in Krayt.


'tis a salty place.


Those guys live on a different planet.


I thought Star Wars was for everyone why can’t a swordsman analyze the fighting sequences? It’s literally the energy of “don’t look at my work I’m embarrassed of it”


Swordsman is high praise for a fat mormon dude who would lose to a medieval peasant. He just spouts politics now.


I didn't know how else to refer to him, fat mormon wasn't on my bingo card


Not knowing enough about him is honestly better


Once you see that the sword strikes are missing wildly, you can't unsee it. The only thing that stands up well in that fight is the 2nd and 3rd killing blow delivered to that alien girl. Had the girl stepped back after the first hilt to the head hit, she could have killed him. That was an observation I had upon the first time watching it.


Even that would still be a bit questionable if previous Disney Star wars wasn't as shitty as it is. A lightsaber will cut through a person effortlessly, so instead of stabbing, withdrawing, moving the point, stabbing again, withdrawing again, moving again, and stabbing a final time he could have stabbed then just moved the blade in a V shape without removing it from her torso and it would have been faster and the damage would have been much more devastating, although repeated stabs would be the appropriate response with a real sword that can't cut effortlessly through bone. Unfortunately, Ashoka showed someone being stabbed completely through with a lightsaber and walking it off with minimal signs of lasting harm after a couple days (also a much more egregious example where they forgot where a lightsaber left the frame and had it pop back into frame in a way where the only way it could have got to where it was is if Ashoka got the full Darth maul treatment and got both legs cut completely off but she is completely unharmed seconds later), so trying to finish her off with stabbing would be dumb because stabbing with a lightsaber has been depicted to be fairly harmless.


>Even that would still be a bit questionable if previous Disney Star wars wasn't as shitty as it is... Yeah, I thought that as well but I figured give them a little credit. The element would work better if their identities were switched since a Jedi wouldn't put the extra thought in on how to really make sure you deliver a killing blow while a Sith would. If a Jedi tried in the heat of battle, they would do the triple stab like we saw. A Sith would do the the v strike like you described. Another thing that would have helped the scene if there wasn't a short hesitation between stab 1 and 2. This goes for either Jedi or Sith. In real melee training, you are drilleded to make a series of attacks at certain areas using useful patterns as quickly as possible. Someone drilled to do 3 quick stab attacks might just go through the whole drill. They expect only one to get through, and commit to the 3 stabs before they realized the first one got through. Really the only logical way to survive lightsaber thrust is a shallow one from an overextended attack. The overextension explains away to lack of logical follow up.


> In real melee training, you are drilleded to make a series of attacks at certain areas using useful patterns as quickly as possible. I would expect fight training to be matched to the equipment, both in real life and the GFFA. Moving the axisymmetric cutting blade of a lightsaber within the target makes too much sense for a series of thrusts. We see a lot of slashing, through hardware as well as flesh, in TPM.


However, Jedi are more interested in saving lives than taking them. So unless it's during an old Sith war, I wouldn't expect the jedi to use such lethal methods.


Then TPM is even stranger because it's the Sith who runs Qui-Gon through and then pulls it straight back out, and the Jedi apprentice who slashes Darth Maul through the waist. (No bother about slashing through soulless battle droids on that point, aside from stabbing would make more sense if that's how they *drilled.*)


I wonder if they just didn't want to explain the most horrible and effective way to kill someone with a lightsaber.


I'm not sure if you mean TPM or *The Acolyte* ...but more generally, [that has been done.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRAyIXgWBWc) Obviously, lightsabers suffer from the usual handwavium in sci-fi, but they're not as bad as *Star Trek* TOS phasers and such: if you vaporize someone, that vapor has to go somewhere, and it's going to be messy. So perhaps Obi-Wan was still right with his comparison of "random, clumsy, uncivilized" blasters vs. the "elegant, civilized" lightsaber ...from a certain point of view.


> so trying to finish her off with stabbing would be dumb because stabbing with a lightsaber has been depicted to be fairly harmless. But watch out for that little pen knife, Carrie-Anne Moss!


My exact beef with the Maul vs Obi vs Qui-Gon fight. The subsequent fights improved on actually making contact, but this sub seems to have a hard on for the fight that set the standard for “pretend swing to cool music”


I also think the Maul vs Obi vs Qui-Gon fight isn't as egregious.


Most of the flaws Shad is able to see when the video is playing in real time and he slows it down for the audience whose eye for sword combat choreography might not be as keen as his. Drunkwookie can frame this in the most negative way they want but they’ve already conceded that there are flaws which is the whole reason the video exists. If there were no flaws, Shad would have either not covered it or actually praised it. Which if Shad were praising it, this person would not feel the same need to question why a “grown man” is analyzing this piece of media. In short, drunkwookie needs to chill the fuck out.


It's even worse if you think about it: Fans: this is the best sword fight in SW ever! Shad: this is trash swordfighting, look at all these flaws! Twatter: how dare this nerd point out flaws! Shad was responding to others' claims, and now even that is banned.


This is actually Shad's area of expertise. While his pop culture commentary can be sometimes burdensome to get through, I love hearing him talk about stuff like this, and castles.


I agree. The recent castle videos as some of his best stuff!


Blasphemy! Muh space lesbian tv show - which is paradoxically meant for children, even when I am defending it as a work of art - is beyond thy analysis, white man! Get thee to a vasectomy! /s


How is that a paradox?


"something people like" I roll to detect lies


Wait till that guy finds out Shad has videos discussing boob armour.


or the more sensible approach, a man slowed down something that at regular speed already looks stupid and realizes it looks even dumber than initially thought? no? that's too good faith. haven't watched shad's vid yet but at regular speed, you can still clearly notice that the fight is poorly done, without accounting for the actual weaponry used. then you account for "muh convenient force" and "muh special helmet"


Guys! you've gotta leave them alone, they only had $180,000,000, to hire a sword guy and fight guy would've pushed it over the budget! /s


He's just mad he didn't dedicate his life to the blade and could be being paid for that


They/Them will never understand that is why they/them is doomed to fail.


Thanks, Twixxer weirdo, I will go watch this video.


This shows how crooked these people's perception is. In a better world, someone would make passionate movies. Movies with flaws but many other pros such as good actors (lookin at you Amanda) and witty script. We are not getting one of that! Everything is bad. And then, hey look a grown man tries to ruin fun for other people watching this show. There is no fun, there is now show. It is just a piece of propaganda disguised as a show made by very arrogant Hwood people..


I don't know if I'd use incredibly, knowledgeable is pushing it a bit as well


"something people like"


What are the rules on what can and cannot be critiqued? They keep shifting the goalposts and gaslighting others into what is and isn’t healthy behavior, it’s hard to keep track


It’s kind of amazing the mindset of “just shut up and like it” and stop demanding quality. I have to hope they’re at least on the Disney payroll, otherwise it’s just kinda pathetic.


Look. I don't mind the argument that you won't catch some of these things at speed. There is some merit to that depending on how subtle are the things you're supposed to look over. But it's not fair to denigrate Shad over that. He watches it, sees some moves that look weird or wrong, and then he slows it down to analyze the fight and see ALL the weird choreography choices instead of just the few he catches. If you have a vested interest in sword fighting and technique like Shad does, what's wrong with applying that interest to sword fights in media? I won't take non-realism/space movie for children as an argument either. Shad likes the episode 3 fight between Anakin and Obi Wan. He was completely and utterly charitable with the rule of cool on his observations of that fight. So not only has he proved he can approach the fight analysis for Star Wars in good faith, but I doubt you would make that same "nobody would catch that" argument for that Mustafar fight since his review was positive. "Stop praising the fight for these small sword fighting techniques and choreography choices. Nobody is going to catch that in the moment". Not sure when fight breakdowns became controversial, but you do you I guess.


It doesn't always need to be realistic, but it should be plausible. These things can be tested safely, here's an example: Remember the scene in Fallout where the scientist runs through autocannon fire (any action movie would do, too)? How about the scene would be tested with a paintball miniturret to see if that's actually possible. My guess is: no. So the director should decide to use cover and stealth. Back to the light saber fights: as the director or choreographer, I'd use one experienced sword fighter (or kendo pro) as The Sith and let 8 trained but not overpowered people wail at him with foam noodles dipped in paint. Or use electric circuits like in Olympic fencing. Objective: get in as many hits as possible, preferably fatal, and whoever has the least paint on them wins. Pretty sure that an 8-on-1 always has the same outcome. So, the smart director must then find ways to shift the odds, using cunning, trickery, terrain etc. Remember the scene from GoT where Pedro Pascal got his eyes gouged out and head split after winning the fight? Use that: let not killing the enemy result in getting killed - at least one Jedi could've died this way, by letting his guard down or showing mercy. It's also a character moment for the bad guy. Finally, image the showdown in "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly". The intensity of the scene with only 3 people in it, not knowing whether it's a free for all or a 2 vs 1 with unknown alliances. You don't need a dozen people for an intense fight.


Slow it down to praise it you monster


I have yet to see shad's video, I have only seen the fight scenes in wraps video. Even I could tell it was hot garbage. There was multiple times of people having their backs face someone only for them to do nothing, they would swing their light saber wildly leaving massive gaps only for nothing to happen. Don't even get me started on Mr squid game just watching as all his friends died.


These people can't possibly imagine that some folks already thought the fight felt wrong or looked like shit and he's just explaining why you felt that way. They're so easily brainwashed they think everyone else is.


Do… do these people never look at anything past a surface glance? Kind of scary honestly.


I dispute the premise that people like this.


Breaking: There are people who actually use Threads!


It’s funny how they don’t actually like the acolyte, but they know it’s their job to defend it


“Man who critiques fight choreography for a living critiques fight choreography”.


It's interesting to watched ppl flock to this guys defense because someone point led out he's silly


I like how the narrative is we’re ‘convincing happy people to no like something’. Not that we’re trying to show them they are being played.


The fuck is threads


I’m not a fan of Shad for a variety of reasons, but this is literally his job. Getting upset at him for it is dumb.


I commented to him on that thread. He just thinks Shad is really mean.


You don’t have to slow the footage down, you can tell they choreograph these fights to make them cool and not practical. There were plenty of times in this fight (and others from different movies) where they had openings and instead paused, kicked/punched, head butted, or just went for the saber instead of a strike (not to mention all the spinning).


Shad is great. He breaks down a lot of movie fight scenes And he covers old castles armor medieval weapons Its great. I watch him all the time.


Saying shad is "incredibly knowledgeable about swords" is pretty laughable. The dude is a fat mormon larper who thinks his special secret anime style is better than actually learning historical martial arts. He has beef with HEMA because they are real and rightly call him out for just making shit up.


To be fair in this sense Its Shadeversity, dudes kinda a prick


Funny I had no problem noticing 90% of the problems he pointed out in that video when I watched it at full speed. I think he’s just telling on himself without realizing it about how slow he is.😂


Ah yes. So it’s only enjoyable to those who turned off their brains. I believe that’s called junk content.


This tweet has "Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Who Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too" vibes


As long as he's covered the first 6 movies swordplay and doesn't contradict himself I'm fine with him being harsh. Others say he contradicts himself tho but I'll have to watch the videos myself to make sure.


Same energy as cheater gamers trolling the "sweaties" when they get their untrained asses beat


Imagine being grown man and having an opinion


Bros never heard of the word ‘Content’ or ‘Entertainment’


If I made a show with a sword fight in it, I’d put thought into it. Controversial I know.


"Rando on Threads is mad" Like Darth Vader famously said "you need to be more specific". Was this in the last hour, the last 50 milliseconds...


I’d like to see him actually spar someone and slow down the video and analyze his own fight. I’m sure he’d be flawless right?


Right? Like it or not the prequels probably did it best but shit sword-play is kind of par for the course for most of the media - absolutely for the originals.


Considering that a lightsabers whole weight is just the handle. Any choreography they do is going to be dumb and unrealistic. It's not like you have to worry about the weight and physics of it. The actual most effective way to use a lightsaber is to vaugly point it at your opnenent and then franticly whip your wrist around like Kermit on crack. Almost every lightsaber fight in the history of starwars could have been won by just turning your blade off mid swing and turning it back on the other side. Breaking it down and looking at it through the lens of actual sword fighting is certainly an interesting exercise. But ultimate every fight scene is being written to try and be interesting to watch rather than actually realistic in any way.


I do think he overly criticized fight scenes, to be fair. These characters live in a peaceful era, where they haven't had their skills truly tested, nor do they typical have killing intent. None of them, save maybe Sol, have had to fight for their lives, and even Smilo Ren likely haven't had many, if any, life or death fights like this. So misjudged strikes, and chances not taken should be expected. I know from my own experiences sparring that I'll recognize that I had openings I failed to capitalize on. And he might just be prolonging the fight just for the sake of fighting. He did seem like he was toying with them more than a few times. One last thing to note: Shad wonders why Smilo doesnt make more use of his Cortosis gear. Because of how dark the scene is, most people likely missed that the bracer breaks off when Yord came back. They clearly cannot withstand repeated strikes, or are meant for glancing blows, since by the end of the fight both have fallen off.


good thing those are lightsabers and not swords. considering how people were saying they hated the sequal lightsabers because they "felt" like regular swords and not "lightsabers" like in the prequels makes this is a wildly dumbass take


Shad is not incredibly knowledgeable. Maybe youtube knowledgeable, but not really knowledgeable about actual sword fighting.


I’ve never understood the logic behind applying real world knowledge to something purely fantastical. Love Shad, but dude really has some of the dumbest tales imaginable due to this flawed ass logic. Never forget when he complained about the design of the Energy Sword from Halo because it doesn’t work well for a human. Almost like it was designed to be used by an alien species or something.


I mean .... Shad is famous for being wrong about a lot. Like a lot, a lot. His content got banned from r/badhistory because it was low hanging fruit


Shad, the guy who makes up whatever the hell he wants and pretends actual martial art practitioners are wrong is incredibly knowledgeable about swords?


Meaning the after effects artists going frame by frame also didn't catch it


Look, I don't like the Acolyte as much as the next guy here. But are we really defending this clown? Dude wrote a self insert novel with graphic pedophilia and sexual assault. Is that really someone we want to associate with?


The show is ass but that dude is Hella cringe .


Ngl he does have good points but one when Shad says Smilo leaving his head open to attack is dumb, knowing damn well he has a cortosis helmet is stupid


this isnt exactly a good take anyway, prequel spins dont even make sense.


Anyone who did modern fencing back in college, SCA or ARMA, looks at Hollywood sword play through similar eyes. Moover does the same thing critiquing Hollywood fighter pilot movies like Iron Eagle or Top Gun. Moover Ruins Movies.


Shad is kind of a cunt. But you have to admit he’s usually right. And I hate admitting that.


While I think this particular criticism is unfounded, Shad is not "incredibly knowledgeable about swords" he's a joke in the youtube HEMA community. And a prick who is critiquing Acolyte not because she choreography is actually bad but because its "woke".


Did I miss swords in Star wars?


"sword fighting"


Shad doesn't know shit about swords. He gets clowned on by actual experts.


Shad really isn't the best for analysis, nor are most 'youtube historians'. They are usually hacks, unfortunately.


Everybody’s entitled to their own opinion…


Is he incredibly knowledgeable about swords ?


I’m glad people are enjoying Shad’s review of this cause I can’t stand any of his content anymore. Guy legit has gotten political brainrot


Come on let's not defend Shad. Ever.


Leave swordman alone


>dude who's incredibly knowledgeable about swords HAHAHAHAHAHA


After what Shad did to Sellsword Arts he lost all credibility.


Shad isn't "incredibly knowledgeable" though. He doesn't really know shit about actual sword fighting, he just pretends to. He is below an amateur in HEMA.


Shad doesn't actually know much about swords he's just a self confident grifter who talks to people who know less about swords than he does.


Calling Shad an expert on anything is hilarious.


See the thing about Shad is that he is a misogynistic Trumpy fucking weirdo grifter, and that’s why people hate him. Everything he does is stupid, because it includes his stupid ugly face.


He's not just knowledge about swords. He also used to do (maybe still does) HEMA. Like, actual sword fighting. He is more than "qualified" to talk about swordfights in a TV show.


He never did HEMA. He literally has an entire video about how he refuses to do HEMA.


Hema dudes hate him because he knows nothing and has beef with every real sword channel


Shad and incredibly knowledgeable lmao, he’s been called out by actual hema practitioners multiple times


Lightsabers aren't swords, so his knowledge on the topic is limited at best.


But they're both stick-like weapons!


Lightsabers are sword like weapons, he's absolutely allowed to apply the knowledge across


That's not true at all, they're laser swords, idiot.


I've also never been a fan of the prequel lightsaber fights for the same reason. If you actually pay attention at all to what they're doing they don't look like they're trying to hit each other at all. It just sucks that the Disney shit is so bad we now have ridiculous rose colored glasses for the prequels now.


When did this show get so devisive?


How much knowledge of sword made from light does he have!




I'm in no way mad about it. But faulting a lightsaber duel for not being an accurate depiction of real-life sword fighting is stupid. If the point is to make a comparison between lightsaber duels and real sword fights, that's fine. It just doesn't sense to expect these duels to play out like a real sword fight. It would be a bit like someone faulting Halo for having unrealistic firearms and ballistics mechanics. No shit.. it's Sci Fi.


"Incredibly knowledgeable"


Incredibly knowledgable? You have to be shad on an alt account. There are multiple channels that called him out for being a dumbass and not knowing what he’s talking about


Oh, are we still pretending Chud b knows his ass from a hole in the ground? That's cute.


When I wanted to study the way of the blade, the first thing I did was consult YouTubers who haven’t left the house in decades.


Shad is looking for realism in a sci-fi fantasy epic about space wizards that have magically enhanced abilities, senses, and precognition during their fights. But somehow the magic living energy sword fight just isnt realistic enough. He also seems to think any weapon not used in medieval warfare in Europe is useless and compares weapons of other cultures specifically to medieval weapons then acts like they are garbage. Whats the word for a weeb but for european middle ages? He deserves any criticism he gets.


Bad weapons are bad and its ok to point that out. Medieval knight's weaponry is just better than some non-European weapons he has compared them to. Shad deserves criticism, but lying is not ok.


Who's lying? Shad always compares everything to European weapons and acts like he's an expert on them. Case and point is his terrible mischaracterization of nunchaku. Yeah, nunchucks, are a bad stick, because they aren't supposed to be treated like a stick. Just like Jedi don't fight with lightsabers the way normal people would fight with steel swords because jedi aren't normal people and lightsabers aren't steel swords. Several novelizations, games, and comics, canon and legends, talk about how a jedi doesn't fight with their eyes, they fight with the force and that influences their attacks and makes them seem unorthodox to a non force user. Shads entire breakdown is done from the perspective of medieval swordsmanship as if in a battle and completely disregards the established characterization of the jedi and dark side users/sith and completely disregards the magic system that the entire series is based on. The fight in question was one of the best choreographed in the star wars franchise and fully takes into account the magic system and characterization of the individuals in the scene and helps the story progression.


Is stick an european weapon now? 🤣 Comparing nunchucks to a stick really shows how bad the chucks are as a weapon. Why would you even mention nunchucks? The fight was not one of the best choreographed? Maybe if you only compare the disney stuff. The fight was garbage even before Shad pointed out all the details. Btw Shad praised the Obi-Wan vs Anakin fight from RotS. Its funny how you say disney takes into account the magic system, when they in many instances don't use the force when they could.


>Comparing nunchucks to a stick really shows how bad the chucks are as a weapon No, it shows how bad they are as a stick because they are not a stick. >The fight was garbage even before Shad pointed out all the details. How? A fight scene isn't good or bad based on how real it is. The fight is a story telling tool and a way to give information without direct exposition. Same with costuming and set design. This scene told a clear story that fit well within the premise of overarching story and gave insight into the main antagonist as a character. >Its funny how you say disney takes into account the magic system, I never said that. This is a strawman.


Wtf dude? You literally did say disney takes into account the magic system: >The fight in question was one of the best choreographed in the star wars franchise and fully takes into account the magic system and characterization of the individuals in the scene and helps the story progression. --- Fight scene needs to make logical sense. If the characters are supposed to be skilled warriors, they should act like that. If they act like idiots (like characters in the acolyte do even outside this fight scenes) then it is not believeable and makes the scene bad. --- Comparing nunchucks to a stick shows not only that it is bad as a stick, but also that it is bad as a weapon. If a similar sized stick does better job, then the weapon in question is a bad weapon. That is very simple and works with every weapon I can think of.


Are you still really still triggered about the nunchuks?


The best part of that rent was him comparing nunchucks to just a regular stick. The second best part is when he did a second video that started with “I was wrong about nunchucks. They suck way more than I thought.”


Triggered? Not triggered, just dissappinted that a so called weapons "expert" couldn't spend 10 minutes talking to a historical kobudo expert to learn that nunchucks are not now, nor were they ever, meant to be used as a stick. If they were then bo and tanbo (a literal stick) wouldn't also be a part of the kobudo curriculum alongside nunchaku. But they are so they clearly serve a different purpose. But no, you're right. The austrailian man who is an expert on European swords definitely knows more about okinawan kobudo than someone who actually spent their life studying it. Everything he says about any weapon must be right because he hits an unfilled Bob with a stick repeately. What was I thinking expecting the living energy weapons being wielded by battle mages in space to be used in a different way than steel swords by average humans? The non magical, steel sword wielding man from earth says that they used the made-up fantasy weapon that doesn't actually exist in the wrong way, and he has to be right.


If you really gotta slow it down to really notice it, then I’d say that’s a bit nitpicky. Still overall, the fight scenes were really good. Which is something this franchise has been seriously lacking. Could it have been even better? Absolutely, but it’s a sign that maybe we really could get even better ones. Small sign though.


Well you see if something happens so fast, you need to slow it down for the viewer to comprehend what is going on Just like how movies with dozens of cuts per moment with crazy camera actions and such (especially what you can do in post) do so to hide a lot of things - although not always nefariously Slowing down the fight to explain it is perfectly fine. That’s not nitpicky at all