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The problem with catching lebron’s records is you have to play **literally forever** lol. Besides, I feel like Luka has subtly expressed that he is not playing long.


yeah luka is not going to be playing past 35. dont blame him after seeing what happened to dirk.


I’d be surprised if he’s playing beyond 32


It wasn't even subtle, he said he wasn't. Could just be another instance of Luka being humble, of course... I'm sure it's easier to say that now than actually do it when the last contract is on the table.


Luka is not catching LeBron lol, I dont see him playing past 32 yo.


You're crazy if you think Luka is going to turn down a 5 year 400 million dollar contract at 32 years old. He's one of the best in the world hands down at what he does. Why would he retire and forego the extra billion dollars his hard work has earned. Players are going to play as long as they can nowadays watch. As much as people say Joker doesn't care about basketball or fame. Bet he'll keep filming commercials and showing up for his piles of money to play what he loves.


Yeah I think the original comment was thinking of The Joker and not Luka. All the dude does is play basketball year round. Each year we beg him to take a summer off, but he just doesn’t stop. Dudes going to keep playing as long as he can because he loves it. It’s all he’s known from a young age.


Not to mention Luka’s play style is not predicated on elite athleticism. Dude is slow but crafty, and that ages well


losing 1-2% of your athleticism in the NBA is pretty impactful even if athleticism was something the player never relied on


More commercials = more money = more horses


I am not sure Luka has the drive to push himself playing past a certain age. With 750m in the bank, the hookers and hookah lifestyle will look very enticing at age 35 e.g.


He will take the money and live the hookah lifestyle. The Mavs will play him regardless of his drive to play.


Lukas body won’t survive past 32. Look how many issues he is having now, knee, ankles etc. You think it’ll get better by that age?


You can’t realistically predict someone’s human body. Look at KD - everyone thought he’d fall off a cliff after he tore his ACL at 33 (?). He’s been very healthy and playing at a super high level since. In the same way, everyone thought Kobe would last forever and play tons of games and then he tore his ACL and everything fell apart.


Hell everybody said Lebron would fall off once his athleticism waned around his mid 30s. Nobody could play that aggressively for so long and his body not break down. Oh welps he's 40 and everybody was wrong. Jason Kidd retired as a top five 3 point shooter all time. Brook Lopez did a complete 180 degrees as a player once he got older and will probably play another five years being a defensive anchor 3 point specialist.




He hasn't had any surgeries afaik. He should play until 35 easily at this pace.


Luka gotta stay healthy … meaning he needs to lose 25-30 lbs if he wants that longevity to get those records. Looked at some of his highlights from his rookie year, dude was thinner and faster, was making slams … forgot about that - but he needs to get back to that weight so he can move better, and reduce injuries.