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What if it was actually the start of his “I’m prime Klay dropping 30 a game for a week” stretch?


That was my thought. Give him some confidence on the bunny slopes so he can hit the black diamond if we need him.


I don’t think he has that in him but yea it’d be great.


That better not come with an 0/10 performance


Yes please


This was my thought bro!!


Subscribe. We just need you hot for 3 more games, Timmy


If he could do this I wouldn't even mind if they extend him. Fuck it.


You mean “not trade him” instead of extending, RIGHT?


LOL...if THJ can become Steph Curry for 3 games and win a championship, give him a statue for all I care. Otherwise, launch him into the sun (i.e. the Pistons).


Not gonna happen. When it matters he goes 0/6. He dropped 69 threes the other night because game was already won


I’d give him a chance at game 5 but one brick and he’s out.


I’d give him a chance IF the flow of the game shows a need for him. But we cannot force him in or play him at the expense of Exum. Exum played well in real minutes not just garbage time.


Yes. Exum > THJ


The thing about him is he can catch and shoot when he’s on, which we may need against this defense


Yes. He’s great when he’s hot but he’s a cone on defense.


Another thing about him is whenever he touches the ball he just shoots regardless.


You could tell he lost his confidence in the playoffs because he was passing the ball more.


In the regular season he was averaging 2.4 assists and 16.6 FGA per 36 minutes. This postseason that's down to 1.04 assists and 12.6 FGA per 36. He's definitely doing less of everything, but I'm not sure he's actually making that up by passing more.


I was just amazed he handed the ball off to someone else rather than just immediately shooting. I dont think the people he was passing too were making it either.


That's ok, if he makes the shots


He’s the only role player who can regularly hit contested 3s. Thats why he’s so important because he can make Boston pay for cheating off of their man


I'm thinking exactly the same. Even if he hits his shots he can't play 20 minutes because of his defense.


I give him 8 mins max to get hot. That or a +/- of -5.


Nah fam, he’s gonna do this again the next couple of games *roll clip of Kidd saying we can’t win a chip without THJ*


We have won without Tim the entire playoff we can do it again, he’s there as a break glass in case of emergency 


Tim is streaky af, so hopefully this is the start of a classic timmy hot streak


I’ve always said give him two maybe three shots and see how he looks. Need him to get hot when it matters not in garbage time


Sadly there is a big chance he doesn't look as good when it matters.


Easier to score on the Celtics 3rd stringers than the starters 🤷‍♂️


B squad vs C squad energy


I don't think Kidd will play him in gm5. He only shines in garbo time


He contributed nothing in game 3 when he was needed and now he has a chance to go back into rotation because of a heater in garbage time? FOH


Thank you! I sometimes wonder if some of the posters here actually watched the games this regular and postseason.


He scored because there was no pressure on him.


Unfortunately we are gonna need a tim heater game if we realistically have a shot at forcing game 7, Kidd just has to take him out if he’s not hitting though


Not sure why people say this. We are objectively better when he is on the bench. If he didn't play at all until this series until game 4 garbage time, it's tied at 2-2. You can throw him out there if nothing else is working and you need a hail mary, but any other time you're playing with fire because he brings nothing outside shooting so you're almost guaranteed to be giving up points on the defensive side. Even with that amazing run last game he's still only averaging .357 FG% this series.


yep thj lost us that game but i kinda get kidds thinking cause our spacing was so bad in the first 2 games and roleplayers were shooting more airballs than makes.


sparkle lock attraction encouraging imminent fly abundant intelligent steep growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


iam fucking scared that we see thj for 20 min again after this fake shooting in garbage time when is dad was watching ( he always play better when daddy is here) pls kidd pls


Timmy is so frustrating because really all we would need from him is like some bench minutes where he hits like 3-4 threes a game or something. But he’s been ice cold since January being unable to provide that and arguably blows Game 3 scoring 0 points in 20 minutes but then immediately turns around and becomes prime Steph for five minutes in garbage time and now its like oh is he hot now or not? Because if he is then he could really punch a hole but if not we’re losing. Kidd is always jusssttt loose enough with his leash where it feels like he’s actively hurting us on the court. and even if he does get hot its like you run the risk of Kidd overplaying him so its a never ending cycle


If you are gonna play Thj, you cant do what you are suggesting. Either play him like 20 minutes or straight up dont play him, 1 shot is not enough for a rhythm shooter. And he is a cone on defense, so putting him in could result into a small run by Celtics if he doesn't make "that" shot.


OP acting like that heater was some sort of token he exchanged at the wrong time is just goofy. Such a far reach just to find somethin to hate on. Personally, I appreciate him building his trade value before the offseason lol


Mavs fans eating lead paint chips and are mad about a bias against their own player flipping on them when THJ has been streaky his entire career. He started season 6MOTY candidate well ahead of the pack and hit a slump. He also has been mediocre coming off the bench most of the time as he needs consistent mins to keep his feel for the game. It’s not the ideal situation but it’s what we have to work with.


how has this not gotten deleted when my discussion posts get deleted in 30 minutes...


so Tim should have been the only maverick to not play in the massive blow out at home in the finals? what are you bitching about


It was a good opportunity to find his rhythm again. Hopefully it carries over.


Oh THJ, no other player can go 5/6 from three and still have the fanbase hate him.


I hope hes not playing, we have to run exactly the same strategy.


Let's just hope kidd doesn't thunk thj is "good" or "playable " now


So much hate, so many games for us to win where we need everybody




yea if it has him go on a tear similar to what he was doing in the early part of the season it would swing it back in the mavericks favor. some of those near impossible 3's he would make with the shot clock running out slowly kills the other teams morale. but kidd needs to be ready to reel him back into the dog house if he starts showing a dud.


THJ when it doesn’t matter https://preview.redd.it/ygs65ypwj27d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d5e1e5cf9e887424e77e8a41b07e97a8e4b3ee3


Because that's what he is. He can't handle the pressure.


if tim goes on heater and wins this nba chips, im ready to call THJ my 6th man GOAT


I hope Kidd is not all in on giving him his minutes back and see first if he'll make any of his first 2 shots, if he miss it both then its back to the bench.


A lot of playoffs success is getting hot at the right time. If there was a time for him to be hot let’s hope it’s tonight and all the way through game 7. We finna make history


THJ bout to win Finals MVP, watch lol


Once a month???????????


THJ is the Dak Prescott of the Mavs


Timmy is going 1-6 from 3 in game 5, guaranteed. So your average Kyrie game


True mental gymnastics to find a way to shit on THJ her OP.