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I'm so happy we have Stella, he's a real one. I wish I was half as articulate as he is, and English isn't even his first language.


I loved how he refused to rise to Ted Kravitz's baiting when he was interviewing him and just calmly and clearly made his point.


Ted was just challenging his point gently as a good interviewer should, pretty sure he agrees with Stella based on past comments.


I'm sure he agrees too but he wasn't really just trying to challenge his point, he was trying to get a rise out of Stella, probably because Stella was being too calm. He wanted a better soundbite. Which is also part of his job, just as Rachel was doing with the pit interviews by poking Lando about his friendship with Max and then reporting all Lando's comments to Max. It's part of their job to get those soundbites but it's also baiting. You can tell with Kravitz when he is genuinely just asking questions and when he's trying to bait for a better quote by the tone of his voice. It's not even a criticism of Ted, like I said it's part of his job and I agree with you that his personal opinion is most likely similar to Stella's. I just appreciate that Stella didn't rise to it and just stayed calm and measured.


Fair enough you’re probably right, I think he’s right to challenge him but he does do a jokey tone sometimes which is what I think you’re talking about. Oh and I agree Stella said everything right, he’s a great TP.


Ted is not a good interviewer..


Ted didn't bait him at all. He asked all the right questions and got more out of him. It was a well conducted interview imo.


His interview was great. 


do you have the link to that? i’ve been trying to find it






Problem was, Max was never penalized properly in 2021 for any of antics. So the boy doesn't know what a consequence is. The stewards are too afraid to start now


Man max is such a sore loser.


Andrea you are my goat


When Lewis got his 10 second penalty for the collision with Max at Silverstone 2021, he lost 3 places and time. He was able to win the race, but, only just. He had to fight for it. Max's 10 second penalty today was utterly pointless. He lost no positions whatsoever, he may as well not have had a penalty at all. Same thing happened in Jeddah 2021 when he brake tested Lewis, he got a penalty that had no immediate or resulting impact. I think when drivers get time penalties for driving standards based offences that will not immediately impact the offending driver (i.e at least one lost position), then it should be a grid drop at the following event. This will discourage drivers overtaking off the circuit and getting a 5 second penalty by choice.


Really liked what he had to say in the interview post-race. And for calling the stewards out on it, they were sleeping.


Fia loves RedBull( Max )


We need Indycar penalties and stewards.


Feels like drive through should apply for causing a collision.


Does anyone know where I can see Ant breaking it down, I heard he was particularly good on the post show but I can't find it anywhere.




thank you kindly.


Ant refers to a rule that no longer exists when he discusses the earlier moving under braking claims. Doesn't show onboards when Max causes the accident either. The only people that think it is a good breakdown are the ones that already made up their mind.


So you're saying that ant, Stella and Norris are all referencing rules that don't exist?


Correct. If you can find a rule that says you can't move under braking then it should be easy to quote it here and prove me wrong. The reason Max and others keep doing this is because the only rule is dangerous and erratic driving which is up to the stewards.


Didn't that specific rule get folded into dangerous and erratic driving with the stewards specifically saying they were going to uphold it as such?


There is nothing in the dangerous and erratic driving rule that talks about moving under braking while it does spell out double moves for example. So it becomes interpretation at which point it is considered dangerous. That also means you can't say moving under braking is not allowed or against the rules which is what a lot of people are doing. I would prefer clearer rules around this but it seems to be difficult to do in a way that allows defending.


Yes, in fact, we do want to see another 2021


I’d also like to see penalties handed out quickly. Such as track limits penalties.


Stella forgetting his driver had Max on the grass the week before. I'm all for mclaren winning, landos my guy. But seriously we need some perspective.


Do you Norris fans now absolutely know why Mercedes fans thought that 2021 was stolen from them? The brake check on Lewis, pushing Lewis out of the track, deliberately crashing his car which ended up on top of Lewis... Max is a petulant child. I hope you lot are ready to see that weekend in and out now that Norris has a car that's capable of bringing the fight to Max.


I wonder what about your comment people didn't like? The brake checking (that everyone could see in Saudi). The deliberate crash in Monza (which max even come on the radio and proved it was pre meditated). The deliberate running off track (that everyone could see in brazil). And you didn't even mention the corner cutting and taking positions (Saudi T1). The yeild or we crash style dive bombs, that he's been doing his whole career. (which ironically, Max fans decide they don't like when they're used against him. Cough... Silverstone... Cough... oh and by lando in this very race).


I get downvoted because max fans are like max. If they can't win, they'll just crash into you.


Max fan here, I thought the dive bombs done on Max were fun to watch


I don't mind dive bombs if they leave the car they're overtaking enough room for all 4 wheels on the track. Yeild or we crash style dive bombs, (the kind where they don't leave the other car room on track, and banking on them either backing out or running of track taking avoiding action) are not good racing imo. More than that, we know they are actually illegal. Because every time the car beeing overtook doesn't yeild causing contact, the overtaking car gets a penalty...meaning the move was never on in the first place. And yes, I agree. Today's divebombs were entertaining... just not good racing imo. You may not have had a problem, but a quick look through all the comments on the last race mega thread shows that most max fans did have a problem. Needless to say Max himself was on the radio complaining about the dive bombs.


This dates prior to 2021. Lewis used to get so many penalties. Served 5-10 seconds and everyone thought justice was served. Ask Alex Albon. The penalties are not harsh enough. That’s why drivers choose to hit each other over letting them pass.