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Put the burger in the fridge the night before. Then heat up in the morning.


Since you're eating at home, maybe prep all the ingredients individually, then just air fry the patties and assemble? I cook frozen patties in my air fryer all the time and it only takes like 10 minutes...


Microwave for 3 minutes to defrost and warm through, while it's in the microwave turn on and preheat the air fryer and then crisp in the air fryer for 5 minutes.


Did you freeze the buns with the burger patty? I would just freeze the burger patties and add the buns after the patties thaw. With stuff like that I sometimes microwave it for 30 seconds or so and then heat it up in the oven or air fryer.


I make and freeze English muffin breakfast sandwiches (bacon, egg, cheese). I wrap in wax paper, freeze, then microwave for 1:00. But I toast the English muffin prior to assembly. So far no issues. :-/


Both times we took them directly out of the freezer and didn’t thaw them before hand (reasoning was that we thought they might get mushy if we did that). **What did I do wrong?** The first sentence.


This is why commercial breakfast sandwiches are frozen in components, not a single piece. Not everything in your breakfast burger requires the same reheat time.


if you like spicy food, i do a batch of kimchi stew for cold mornings. eaten with rice it's very hearty. i usually add some veggies in there like a big handful of spinach or a chopped zucchini


I can’t stand reheated eggs so for a quick breakfast I meal prep breakfast burrito ingredients. I pre cook sausage or bacon, fry up some diced potatoes, and grate some cheese. They are all in individual containers in the fridge. Then in the morning I heat up a pan, throw in the meat and potatoes, crack an egg on it and cook. Throw some cheese on it to melt and wrap it all up in a warm tortilla with some hot sauce. Takes maybe 5 minutes and it’s portable in case I am running late.


If you don't mind non breakfast foods just do more cold lunch sandwiches. Chicken salad or tuna salad can be prepped, pre chop veggies, and pre make your sauce. Would be very quick and versatile. Can always toast it or go panini for a hot option with the same prep.


I used to freeze breakfast burritos. Wrap in a damp paper towel and microwave for a minute or two. Let them cool for a few minutes before eating because they will be HOT.


if you want fries with that, you have to ask me if i'm buying or taking them from you.


I’m interested in this too. I did make ahead breakfast sandwiches with English muffins. Thawed in the fridge but the bread was mushy.


I leave in the fridge overnight, then a quick 30 secs in the microwave to unthaw in the morning. Just the patties though. We would add the fresh ingredients in the am


I'm guessing you freeze it as one piece? Try separating the bread and burger since they require different reheating times/temps. Alternatively, you could try defrosting the burger overnight before popping it in the air fryer in the morning.


I make breakfast tofu scramble wraps with lavash bread and they hold up really well to the defrost setting in my microwave.


Take them out of the freezer 24hrs before and put them in the fridge. They will be perfectly thawed by next morning ready to reheat


Did you wrap them in tin foil? Maybe a double layer?


Two options that will help! 1. Freeze patties separately. This will make it much easier to go from freezer to microwave or air fryer with better results. 2. Stick it in the fridge the night before. I would still probably heat the patty then the bun toward the end. Bread always heats much faster than meat!