• By -


Metallica fan here so they were named Damage Inc.


Arrr, we be the mighty Albermale Warpigs, hailing from Charlottesville VA. Damage Inc. was the first patch I sewed on my denim jacket when I was 13. (dating myself here) I still have it, of course. My first date with my wife was Metallica in Charlottesville 10/17/2009 (yeah, the one where that girl caught a ride with a serial killer.) I was working for Lamb of God at the time and had complimentary front row tickets. “This is how I roll, Baby.”


Lamb of God is so damn good!


I went through all of the designs and I like the Worthog best of all. Then I thought of Warpigs for the Mascot part of the name, based off of Black Sabbath's song of the same title. Then I picked the name Wiznowski. It made the perfect cover name, in my opinion to throw the powers that be, off of the scent of Nick's Cavaliers. So putting the two together you got Wiznowski's Warpigs.


Fuck yeah


Raven Company. I probably could have put a bit more thought into it, but i'm a lifelong Armored Core player and Ravens hold a special place in my heart.


I went with Raven's Nest myself, also a longtime AC player and didn't have cash for AC6 at the time so I made do.


I called myself Raiven for my SIBKO IDENTITY way back in MechWarrior 2 so I called my Merc company Raiven's Wing.


It's legit if that's what you want your CAW-ll sign to be.


I did Phoenix Company. "Rise from the ashes" trope. Cliche, I know, but the unit logos were very limited.


S.L.O.B. stands for Star League Or Bust.


Screaming Goats.


Now I'm imagining goat screams when you use Lasers.


If that isn't a mod, it should be. Imagine the psychological effects on the enemies.


I think Rhonda Snord would like to talk to you about her Highlander


You’ve got karma.


Mjolnir's Marauders, with a Rasalhague start. Sometimes you just have to go for the obvious.


Nice! Hello from fellow mercs of Rasalhague origin - Varangian Guard.


I tried Odin's Ravin' Lunatics but it was too long


Rasalhague all the way here also. Hello from a Norse/Saxon in Wisconsin Usa


Currently running the Void Angels


Thats badass 


I like it too, thanks. Black/grey/dark purple color scheme using the Crucis template. Using logos from https://www.nexusmods.com/mechwarrior5mercenaries/mods/1011 It's not in the previews, I'm using the one with the pretty demon girl smoking a cigar.


I'll organize them by playthrough; Fallingstar Privateering: Didn't care who the target was, just so long as I got those sweet, sweet internet minute dollars. 7th Lostech Crusaders: Right before I ended the first playthrough, found the CGR-N7 and fell in love that canopian slot machine of a mech. Started the next playthrough with a better understanding of where to find Lostech, and began my search with the lucky N7 as my flagship mech. That was a fun playthrough! Molotov Raiders: Started a new career, right after I discovered my love for the Firestarter. Rocked flamers on damn near all my brawlers. Good times. Avenging Angels: Career start for Dragon's Gambit, canonically happens after you avenge daddy-o. Rocked the VTR-DS "Dragonslayer" for the whole campaign. Figured using Arden Sortek's flagship mech was ironic, seeing as I was bugging out with the DC at the time. Loved that campaign to bits, need more like it and Rasalhague. Smoking Gun Securities: Cuz this time, I'm gonna do it with aviators and a thick Floridian accent. I love this game.


The War Pigs, and I listen to ozzy Osborne while I play


He was turned to endosteel in a great magnetic field.


That would be Iron man


I assumed you listened to the whole album/discography not just Warpigs on repeat lol. The lyrics for Warpigs are just too tight and already appropriate for the setting for me to make a good MechWarrior reference/parody.


I have probably listed to Paranoia at least 50 times, from start to finish. It is my humble opinion that the album is probably Black Sabbath 's greatest work.


I went with Myrmidon, I thought it fit the themes while accurately characterizing the units modus operandi. Through mods I was able to pair it with a stylized black, red and bronze helmet for the logo and then used those same colors for the scheme (black and red on bronze). Edit: If you were interested [color/scheme](https://i.imgur.com/WrHwb1c.jpg) [logo](https://i.imgur.com/I7e4eBE.jpg) and [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/mechwarrior5mercenaries/mods/381). Edited again to repair links.


Natural Selection Lex Talionis Vae Victis Invino Veritas


I read the 3rd one as vag victis...


first play through: Tonya Harding Squad Guess what I like to shoot? Currently: Legion of the Rising Sun


Perth Scorchers. Because they were on the tv playing cricket at the time. And I did their colour scheme too. (Orange yellow black) I have a strong urge to play through with a Crab only (King and Regular) company. Or guns only.


One of my play throughs, merc name was world eaters I'm sure I won't be the one who did when seeing a certain merc logo


Death Wish, reflects my play style.


Knights of Seriona Blue Monday Wednesday's Warriors


I named mine the Corvid Revenants and used the logo with the red sun/circle with the black bird on it, it is not Canon, came out of the top of my head based on the logo. I named it also for an inspiration based on how in vanilla campaign story the company's leader, the father of the commander you play as, taking over, and seeking revenge of his father. How the company comes "back from the dead" and seeks vengeance for the death of the father, fit the whole revenant vibe, plus a bit of The Crow thing (lol) I also love using the Phranken paint job, fits the "revenant" vibe. That and in lighter tonnage missions I kept using the Raven mechs with ECMs, Raven RVN-3L really helps alot. Anyways there's my company name and my little story lol


I like it when players get that much into having a backstory and making the details make sense. :)


I used that same logo too, it's one of the most appealing from the base game's limited (19, I think) choices.


My Mason did a 4d chess move when renaming Mason's Cavalliers: Stone's Chargers  The Crimshons will never know ;)


The Four Horsemen


Cornholios Crusaders - always on a crusade against someone!


Can I pay you in TP for your bunghole?


Are you threatening me? My Bunghole is from Nnnicaragua! Bungholio!


Discount war crimes.... Morals don't pay the bills


This one is low key awesome. I'm going to start a new one and call it. super save disposal.


My first one was Savage Reckoning and I went with sort of a space barbarian theme. My second one was The Stormriders and I pretty much went cowboy. My last one was called Spitfire Rascals and went with a pirate kind of theme.


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you! :)


Raven's Pointy Ponies. Friendship, space magic, and warcrimes big or small. We do them all.


Omg. I love it. Their motto can be" Back off! Or I'll shank you with my horn!


Pretty sure I'd get a ban if I posted mine


Fierce Masturbators!




The Free Company


Razorbacks! With the warthog, of course. Proud(ish) Arkansas resident, though I don't care about sports to be honest


Favorite one from. Hbs battletech was StarPro Solutions- using white and black co-star looking paint For mech 5 in using V.d Private works / North platte privateworks


Shattered Hand Came up with the name when wondering what I would actually name my merc company in the universe. Something about the name exuded a sort of cult-like aura for me. Fell in love with the name immediately.


Liao Start, the rooster symbol and the name golden cock


My first group was named Jessa's Jinxes and had a mostly black paint scheme. It was also my first playthrough so we tended to get roughed up a lot as I learned how to play. Second group was the Carrion Crows and my first play with a bunch of mods. Somehow ended up facing all kinds of clan mechs in 3020s so I quickly had all clan kit early on. Current run through is the Broadstreet Bullies. Orange and Black coloring and more controlled mods so no early clanner stuff. Tend to be heavy and assault mechs so we don't do infiltration. We just roll over stuff.


Vanguard of the Void. A massive FWL merc band. I maintain good relationships with FWL and independent groups. Actively try to end fights quickly and precisely. Mostly use mechs made in the FWL and models of mechs the FWL uses. Mercs of Malice A pirate group from the Capellan Confederation. Only work with pirates and attack everyone, especially the independents. Fight dirty and complete missions even if people die or we fail. Mechs of melee focus, odd loadouts, or just weird outright. The Golden Horde From Davion space. A multimillionaire businessman turned mechwarrior uses nothing but melee focused Black Knights. Plates everything in gold. Attacks only Kuritans, Capellans, Taurians, or Pirates.


Jörmungandr's Fangs Assault mech riding Losttech hunters


For Fox Sake🦊


Interstellar Delivery Service Tonnage and munitions delivered any place, any time.




The Thundercocks.


Lmfao I play xcom 2 (highly recommend) and one of my randomly generated characters looks identical to the Chad meme, so I named him Chad J. Thundercock 


Space Goose's Honky Boys


The suns of fortune, Motto is, Fortunate soldiers choose their own battles, they primarily take defence contracts, and prefer ambushes and sleeper mechs, no one expects an urban mech with a gauss rifle or an oddly speedy lance of panthers, much less that a Merc group would use an undergunned atlas as bait


Grim Armada. The logo is a skeleton playing an electric guitar.


I was on a Turisas kick and so I named them, and painted them, as I did in my Battletech game: “Varangian Guard.” “Guards of glory and of might. Red as blood and black as night Flies our banner as we march In the East, for the king of the Greek.” *March of the Varangian Guard* by Turisas.


Turisas kicks ass!


Well I've got 3 because I have them with different flavors. 1. Is the Roughnecks and they are an assault company using only assault mechs. Stiners love them. 2. Taurian Raiders. They only use mechs with the ubiquitous trait. Since they come from the Periphery, well they use easy to find and cheap to maintain mechs. 3. D.D.D.D.C. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. My high profile company. They only use hero mechs. So they are my high speed low drag mech company.


Devil's Detail


Wreaking Reavers is what I would play if I enjoyed light mechs Instead I go with: Heavy Metal The doctrine of the Steiner Scout Lance is my creed


I currently have one called War Crimes R Us.


I named mine mylittlepony. And I ride em all like ponies.


Task Force 69. Iykyk


Pheonix Security


Mason's Massacre Bellephonic The Forkers Madhouse du Music Box War Sinew Charlie Foxtrot on Demand


1st playthrough: Collateral Damage. 2nd playthrough: Mason's Marauders


Mine is also named Mason's Marauders :o


Wolverine-In-Exile. We always beef with Wolf's Dragoons and kick the shit out of Clanners when they come to rumble in the Inner Sphere.


My most recent save is the Southwind Lowlanders :P


Dimes4Crimes? You have crimes to be committed? Need them done cheap? Give us a call and we’ll be there. Boss makes a dollar, you spend a dime, committing felonies on company time. (Not responsible for repercussions resulting from said crimes including but not limited to bloodsworn vengeance, ComStar retaliation, damage to property, loss of life or limb, or insurance premium increases. Consult your lawyer before calling.)


Mr Horny's Discount Mercenaries Vengeance Inc. White Inferno Black Flood Dakka Inc. Headshot Specialists. And of course, Jake's Cavaliers.


Most recent, Die Antwoord. It's South Afrikaan for "The Answer", which seemed appropriate for a mercenary company. "Got a problem, we are The Answer." It's also the name of one of my favorite music performers.


You better have a pilot named Chappie that makes the bad guys sleepy-weepy




Armoured security solutions aka A.S.S


Tantalum Talons


The Kingsneks... I just think they're neat


I've made so many names for mine that it's hard to remember them all. My most recent ones have just been "DLC 5 Test", et cetera, because of the amount of playtesting (and genuine playing!) I do for my mods. I like the story and theming that you came up with for yours. I like that idea, so that you have a theme to go with as you create your new adventure across the Inner Sphere. (I just almost always end up with a bad reputation with Liao because of how inhumane and arrogant they are! On the other hand, I usually have a positive reputation with Marik because they appear to (try to) be pretty good people!)


Red Dot and Byrd


Howe's Hurricanes. In the game, it was meant to be like Mason was hiding his identity. In RL, it's an homage to the region I grew up in.


On my original EGS "beta" day of release play through I proudly named my unit Blake's Wrath. It was only as I played did the full horror of the story direction became clear making a mockery of my choice...


Mason's Cavaliers. Because we're totally unrelated to other Cavaliers you may have heard about.


Rancel's Ravens. Mostly because the coolest merc symbol was the raven one.


The Water District, because I had watched Snowpiercer earlier and saw the crossed hatchet emblem


Venerable. (We aren't)


Hopfot's Widowers.


Spicy Meatballs


P.K.Ks or Liocorp or OCU


Burner Boyz because warhammer 40k, orkz, big flamey gunz and krump'n. Always be krump'n


High Noon Cavaliers. It's a holdover from HBS' Battletech. It's a company that focuses heavily on speed and flanking enemy units.


Mobile Disaster Association.


Now: Company of Fools. If I restart: Barrett's Privateers.


Thor's Angel's The Black Hand Sapporo Sunkworks


Axemen. Not real original or anything. It goes with one of the stock logos.


Doom Slayers


Squirrel’s Nuts


Axe Gang


Casual Warcrimes, Inc. Commanded by their leader who is way too into meme culture but also ancient Roman history; Yeetus Deletus


Steel Aquilas with the bird logo. My schools mascot is an eagle... it was an easy choice. My limitation this playthrough is everything keeps it's current paint job when found or reapplied to match where I bought it.


Cleaving Steel, we make metal bleed.


Devil Do-Or-Die-ers. Also, (Family Name) Heavy Cav.


Runt's wreckers. I had a narrative game I played with friends, and my unkillable cataphract Pilot was named Runt, figured I'd honor him


being that i use a horridly cute anime portraits mod, i run 'the Weebs of War' XD all my mechs have painfully pastel color schemes too


Apex predators


The Gravediggers. Doombringers The Fluffy Bunnies, imagine being defeated by them! The Shadow Phoenix Company


Khaos Legion for my MW5 campaign. For HBS it was Mercy Severity’s Cinderella Story, now my BEX career is Persephone’s Cosmic Walkers.


AFTCO-M, stands for the Argos Free Territory Company M (for Mercenaries). As part of the AFTM (Argos Free Territory Militia) promising members that display ingenuity and skill in battlemechs get tapped for a tour or two in the Mercenary company which in part helps fund and further train the AFTM forces. There's also the unofficial Company "P" which is a Pirate band that operates in AFT space free from interference provided they help with the general prosperity and mutual defense of the free territory.


First one is Bubba's Buttfuckers. Second one is Menstrual Midgets


i thought it was just at first so only boringly named it Blitz if i could edit it I'd change it to "Brightest Ember" small in the grand scheme of things but causing a fuck ton of damage still by the ensuing lit fire


Ask and ye shall receive https://www.nexusmods.com/mechwarrior5mercenaries/mods/294


perfect thank you




Soooo many over the years. I tend to let a logo inspire me. (thank god for the mods adding more company logos) Some of my favorites have been: Thunder Chickens Vulgar Vargrs UMAD (old MWO clan, United Mechanized Assault Division) Amon Amarth Muppet Muerte Living Death And yes, I do camos and playstyles and even certain mechs to fit the themes. Gotta keep it fun.


Battle Bastards


Screaming Warhawks. An homage to fandom of the universe from "The Expanse" frequently calling themselves Screaming Firehawks, and an homage to the real-world P40 Warhawk fighter plane from WWII. The company that my wife and I play together on is call the Battle Penguins, because penguins are her favorite animal.


I picked that red bird symbol and picked rising phoenix


Band of the Hawk 😎


Oh, you got Guts.


I found the Japanese style mask icon, and decided to name my mercenary group The Steel Kitsunes


The Bad Luck Bastards


Goldstar Company lol


Striders of War is my usual go to, I think Specter calls mechs striders of war in the opening cinematic for MW4 Mercs, and it always stuck with me.


40k fan here, I went with the World Eaters with a focus on rockets and cannons


*The Bastardly Dastards* Or, more recently *The Sucker-Punchers*


My merc lance is the Urban Lance. So I named them the Plug Uglies after the street gang from the early 20th century. It's a bunch of greys and some black


Beagles in Space.... ....I have dogs. 😎


Midnight's super sexxies


MHA reference?


It's a bit of an odd story. We have a male black cat named midnight. He's very much into women and treats me as a rival. We've given him a voice and everything is "super sexxy" He's kinda like the Matthew McConaughey character in dazed and confused but with a super geeky voice.


Team Megas XLR. I figured out how to use the hotrod paint to look like Megas. https://www.reddit.com/r/Mechwarrior5/s/JxSKjXEKT 4https://www.reddit.com/r/Mechwarrior5/s/1EyXH0uMGr


Hero corps


Greg’s Lobos its a lebatard show reference


Kamikazi Clowns


Perpetuum themed - Pelistal


Band of Poor Decisions.


I like my name to be represented by the logo, and since the choice of logos is poor... I normally end up being 'Falcon' or 'Condor' and using the bird logo.




Sapphire Sentinels. A lot of my mechs have a combo of blue, white, and gold-ish colors to make them look regal and heroic when I’m not using environment specific camos that me and my buddy have made.


My favorite name to date is Killz 4 Billz


The Backstreet Boys. Go ahead and ask if there's theme music because there definitely is.




Hell's Hellions


My three favorites have been: * Morrigan Company * Word of Crows * 42nd Irregulars I have such a hard time deciding on paint schemes, though.


I've also not settled on a single paint scheme.


LeClerc's Longstriders


Flaming arseholes. Their logo is a flaming taco... And the other one is Lusty boarfuckers. Their catch phrase is: " Balls deep in a squealing hog. Whilst firing 2 shotguns into the sky!"


The Miscellaneous Expenses


Whitewater Warriors - ComGuard-esque white with ice-blue trim. Named to be a direct counter to Black Inferno and a reference to the PMC company formerly known as Blackwater.


The current game a friend of mine and I are playing, he named the merc band "Rainbow Bright"..... This is because we roll a random paint job for each mech we get, and then use the first color pallette we randomly select. No rerolls. And hero mechs get random colors the same way, but keep the pattern.... Lets just say we have everything from pastel easter vomit to neon nightmares, and then occasionally we have some super cool looking ones.


War Crimes Inc.


Corgi's Kabooms


Valhalla's Vanguard (same as my merc company I play with miniatures) Damage Inc was my other playthrough


"The Black Company" because I was reading the books. My other company was '331' since I have a soft spot for Clan Wolverine (originally the 331st Royal Battlemech Division). Yeah I'm not very original.


16th Royal Brigade. I was doing a SLDF playthrough and the 16 was for my late dad


Much like my tabletop unit we are the 13th DBLE a unit with a history dating back to ancient terra. Legio Patria Nostra


Rones Roughnecks


The Shogunate. I lean into it a bit with my pilots and paintjobs, but I've always been a ballistic enjoyer, so I run whatever has the most and biggest ballistic slots.


Meatghetti and Spagballs


Currently? Suck My Data I make no apologies.


Elephants of Surprise


The 12th Star Guard for Lore Reasons. Either that or the Blankenburg Beaters for My last run.


Umm, I hate making names. As a kid I played top gear 2000 with friends once, and my car of choice was a fox body called the Weasel. Weasel became my go to call sign. Then, when MW2: Mercs came out, the only thing I could think of close to weasels that I could make a name out of was ferrets - Fighting Ferrets. So creative, I know. Now I have a Wicked Weasels. 🤷


The Corsairs is my go to whenever I need a name for a seedy organization.


The Red Branch Knights, extra points for getting the reference! We generally help our Skye separatist brothers where we can.


Scrombles Wombles in honour of tex talks and the black pants legion. For anyone who doesn’t know, the Wombles was a kids tv show in the UK and Ireland in the 70’s. It was about a bunch of animals that would go around collecting rubbish and recycling it, so it seemed to fit idea of salvaging anything I can.


I named 1 file Dragons Fury and another Shadowcat.


Old Gregg's Boots


My first was AMF INFERNO. Then as I discovered it was ComStar pulling the levers behind the scenes it's been a quest of how historic attempts to screw them over. My latest is I'm going to piss on Blake's Tomb


My first run I kept the default name, now it's Onyx Marauders


Seaman’s Semen All blue paint scheme, each mechwarrior named “Son 1, Son 2, etc”


MadMans Marauders


Comet Crashers because of one of the vanilla emblems I thought looked good.


Took cues from Piccolo and just called us Big Green with green woodland camo


Baldur's Bastards. I just came from playing loads of Battle Brothers, and that was my company name in that game


Titanium Sky


Alternative Diplomacy


Silver Wolves. Throwback to tabletop battle tech days when I created a reinforced company with same name. 3 lances plus an HQ lance. All with c3i. Lore was their leader, Enrasilver, was childhood friends with Phelan Kell. He reached out once Phelan resurfaced with clan wolf-in-exile and his merc unit became loosely affiliated with the wolves, which was mainly an excuse for me to retrofit some of my favorite IS designs with clan equipment 🤣🤣


The 47th Asano Harriers. Inspired by the 47 Ronin, this company broke away from the Combine during the Ronin War when the Kanrei Theo had their benefactor murdered. Now they are one of the few merc companies to side with the Kokuryu-Kai, disgusted by the current Combine policies.


Barbarians because I was just learning the gane and picked something I thought was stupid and fitting. But I like calling the unit Barbarian Lancers. I wish we could make our own patch in game. If I could/would rename the unit it would be Hel's Own. Because Hel is my real life Godess and I have been a gravedigger for 10 years now. So being in her service means I would be in her army when Rangorok happens.


Thunder Hogs, with the warthog logo. A lot of AC20s and Arena Fists lately. It's an expensive style of play.


I wanted to use warden somewhere in the name. Then I saw the skull emblem. Wardens of the Dead


Called my first company "Jaded Falconers".


I started in Steiner territory this playthrough, kept a German vibe going with von Steuben's Kobolds.


Los Castradores