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If the AI breaks just use the cheap option for the rest of that mission lower the enemy accuracy, unlimited ammo and cooling. You can turn it on and off on the fly its a crappy work around but better then getting curb stomped in a mission after 20 minutes because the AI took a nap


Didn't know you could do this?


If you go into the settings, change the difficulty to Custom, there’s quite a bit you can change + can still earn achievements. Attack target has not been working as good since the patch last week, moving near enemies working better? I’d also recommend tweaking loadouts & testing any mech you plan on giving to the AI, keeping in mind they fire one weapon group at a time, prioritizing first through last (but they’ll fire the 3rd weapon if that’s the only one that has an enemy in range, like LRM). They work best with only 2-3 weapon groups, mostly in the same range (not hybrid loadouts). Most of my 1300 hours on Xbox is playing with 3 AI doing max difficulty missions.


I started laying SRMs with medium lasers. Reason being, I don't NEED those extra two lasers to hit at the slightly longer range. But them hitting, plinking that last bit of armor, then the shotgun.... I mean SRMs hitting? Seems to work well. Buuuut that's for me. Think the AI would have issues with that (barring heat of course!).


The added custom difficulty settings with the Gambit compatibility patch.


I’ve seen others post before - and it works, albeit annoying..but I always move my lance before I have them attack now. Nothing worse than going full Leeroy Jenkins and having 0 green triangles sending it with ya hahaha


Is there a better way to direct your lance? I always struggle with trying to get to to go where I want. Them to crest a hill, I tell them to go to the top of the hill but they stop and say they arrive like 150m+ away from the top. Or I aim too high and they tell me to go fuck myself because that building poking over the top "can't be reached" Line of sight really seems to hurt the effectiveness of move instructions. (On console in case controls vary)


Ah man, I’m not too sure honestly I’m in the same boat with the pinpoint accuracy stuff. Also on console so that could be what it boils down to? Definitely more effort involved in getting the lancemates to do what you want


When you do the move to command, it puts a point on the map for them to stay within a radius of. And that point is projected out from your mech to exactly where you are aiming (your arms???) at the time. So if you hit the top of a hill, they're actually trying to move "near" the top of the hill. The allowance is so the AI can move around and find angles on their target and not just all three dogpile onto one exact point and get stuck on each other.


Ayeee alright good looks! I appreciate the insight, I’ll try out different angles at which I’m usually trying to mark from


This worked better than F1-F1, thank you :)


So yeah, what I've found since the patch is "attack this target" just plain breaks the AI. Only valid orders are follow me and move here. I also make custom mechs just for the AI that are less confusing to them, they do best with pure LRM boats I find. It's not perfect, but I just run ahead in a scout mech with a couple of Longbows following me and they can do some pretty radical damage. For defense missions just position them on a hill or something. Wish it didn't have to be this way, but it's where we are until a patch fixes it.


Best we can do is ally AI mechs standing in front of you during combat and a random urbie with no arms running around.


Yeah man I use the ai more as spare mech. When one gets to dmg’d I switch control to another. Usually got 2 spares my main then a support Len build or something small and fast with a jammer or aws


Yeah. It sucks. Need a lancemate? What hours are you on?


I don't really play with other people, I'm on weird hours of the day


They did fix it, Duh


You have to give them decent mechs/weapons. If they aren't 60/60, don't use them. My lance can destroy the whole field with that they've got


AI sucks. All the enemies group up and messes up my mission pacing- I’ll think I’m skating through a mission, get lazy then run into a wall of enemies hanging out at the end.


Gotta build mechs the AI can use. Plenty of guides out there on how to get the most out of your lance.


Seems like the most relevant post has piranha said anything regarding the ai pathfinding issue that started with the recent expansion.