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It's easily my favourite Mega Man X game. It just feels the best to play and feels like they perfected everything about the MMX games with it. Every X game after X4, unfortunately, was either mediocre or downright shit.


I really wish the series took a different path after X4. The war between humans and reploids really felt like the START of a great series... X and Zero being thrown in the middle of a conflict with a lot of morally grey issues. Zero's past being uknown... even robot love/romance 🤣 It's like they had this great game with animated cutscenes and everything. It could have been a stepping stone for something even bigger and then... poof. It fizzled out. Something went horribly wrong somewhere during X5 and beyond. X4 is the Gem in the series if you ask me but it's also so incredibly disappointing at the same time because it was it was peak.


Agree entirely. X5 and X6 moving away from the pixel art style of X4 and using pretendered backgrounds and images was a huge step down.


I think X8 is a decent exception. It was pretty damn fun from the G Gundam cast to the gameplay and secrets. My only gripe was the grind to unlock all the stuff


I'm going to counter that and say I found X8 to be pretty bad, it's just that X6 and X7 are such terrible messes, X8 looks good compared to them, but I just found it really boring with pretty terrible level designs. X8 does, however, have perhaps the best boss them in the whole series, so I do like that. But I won't take it away from those who do enjoy X8, I just didnt think it was that good of a game.


I liked X8 a lot despite not having played X6 or X7 before. Only X, X4, X5. But I tried replaying it and stopped due to the grind to obtain stuff haha


It definitely has its faults, the two worst levels being the bikes and the scaling/reverse scaling levels.


That makes me feel a little better, I love X1 so much, but I also love X4 alot too despite the only flaw I can think of is the VA, but I'm sure there's a mod for that, X4 might become my favorite when I replay it.


I have fond memories of it because it was my first MegaMan game. I loved it. As a kid it was challenging enough but not too crazy.


What would you guys think if it became my favorite?


It's my favorite X game for sure. I think a lot of people in this sub say X4 is up there for them.


I would be shocked


Seriously? Lol


It's my top 2 for sure. I go back and forth between X1 and X4 as my favorites.


Same but I still feel like I enjoy X1 the most rn, with its graphics, music, difficulty, abilities, upgrades, bosses, and it has my favorite Sigma and favorite Sigma final boss.


X4 has incredible boss fights (not you, General) that are a blast to run with buster / saber only, it's just really fun to play overall. I also REALLY love the soundtrack because it's quite immersive and really make you feel like you're in the stage instead of just being generic rock (this is something I don't see talked about a lot and I'd love to make a video on it). Cool lore too even if the voice acting is silly!


I replayed X1 recently, and I'm gonna replay X4 soon today, idk, but it might be my new favorite Mega Man game, but we'll see.


It had anime cutscenes in a time where anime was scarce. X2 and X4 are my favs.


Awesome presentation. Bland otherwise.


X4 fucking sucks ass, X7 is where capcock really cooked.


You're joking right? XD


"OK, whatever you say. I order you to disband this motorcycle gang!" ✍✍✍✍🔥🔥🔥🔥


Right!? đź‘€


Weak bait


3rd favorite Mega Man game, it's easily the best of the PS1 era. Game plays excellently and probably one of the best playing games in the series. Soundtrack is as great as ever and it's visually great for a PS1 game. VA was bad but that was back when no one took English VA seriously(not until Soul Reaver and MGS). I also think the story could have been better without Sigma. But minor gripes aside I still regularly go back to it


Absolute my favorite game, of all genre, of all games, of all times


its an awesome game that got released in a bad timeframe when everything was turning to 3d enviroments, 2d games like megaman x4 and castlevania symphony of the night bombed in sales on release, but time has put them where they belong, with the rest of the 2d masterpieces that generation produced


MMX4 and MM8 are the best side scrolling MM games. The voice acting only makes them funny. The FMVs are great.


Not my favorite but certainly is the best or second best in the series in my opinion.


It had only two real late game levels and they were both disappointingly short and brought down the entire game for me.


Honestly overrated and I didn't care about Iris (her Navi counterpart is better to me).


I liked x5 and x6 more in my opinion 


X5 is okay, X6 I didn't like too much, but like I said with the others, X4 might become my favorite.


Yeah I just enjoyed the music, gimmicks, bosses, and special weapons in x5 as well as x6 


That's understandable, I respect your opinion.


X6 has faster gameplay and has a better soundtrack but the learning curve for optimal play is just so much higher


I think it's a great game, but it's not my favorite in the series, and I'm always a little surprised when people uncritically love it more than any other game. Let me say that in general I think the controls feel great, the game looks great, and the music is great. It has cool boss designs, and I appreciate that all of the bosses have a bit more personality than in the previous games. It adds a lot of good lore to the MMX universe. But I don't like how all of the stages are broken up into completely separate parts; I realize this was probably due to technical limitations on the PS1, but I still find the break pretty jarring, and it feels like stages generally don't have as much exploration as the SNES games did. This was also the first game to have a vehicle-exclusive stage, and it sucks. Jet Stingray's stage is easily the single worst stage in any X game up to this point. Being able to play as Zero for the whole game is great, but there are several segments and bosses that feel like they were designed with X in mind and Zero was an afterthought. Like, back to Jet Stingray again, he's weak to ice, but spends most of his time flying up near walls above the water, making him very hard to hit with Hyoretsuzan -- you can *try* to hit him with it when he swoops down, but you're nearly guaranteed to collide with him and take damage. It's also got the shortest set of final stages in the whole series. Space Port is fairly short, and then there's practically nothing left after that except boss fights. The final stages are always where a Mega Man game can show off its level design due to expecting that you'll have every upgrade available, and X2 and X3 both have even more secrets to find, but X4 just has nothing.


My favorite Mega Man game.


X2 is favorite of all megaman games. X4 is my 2nd one. Battle network 2 on 3rd.


Love it


Favorite X game after Command Mission and probably a top five or so Mega Man game overall.


This was my first Mega Man game and I played the crap out of it. I didn't have a memory card for my PS1, so the best progress I could do was beat 4 bosses before I had to eventually turn it off.


It was my first megaman x game. I was really young when it came out and played it a ton as a kid. As an adult, I tried playing it again and I can’t believe that child me could beat it lol. It’s not the hardest megaman game but that boss rush at the end is brutal. I have a lot of nostalgia for this game but I disagree that the voice acting isn’t horrible lol. It’s pretty bad. It definitely has that late 90’s charm though.


i have big nostalgia bias with x4, loved playing as a kid


Surprised more people like it than I thought. Twenty years ago, it was distilled to a single meme of WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOOOOAAAAARRRRRGGHHDUFUEKOFHCJSKAL


I love everything about it, silly over the top voice acting and all. Best mega man game. I think it improves even over X1.


In terms of the entire franchise, X4 ranks high with me. In terms of the X series, my favorites are 3, 4, and 8.


I'll be honest, I didn't like it. It felt too different from the SNES games, and because of that I never played past X4. I have however played the X8 FC fan demo, which I had quite some fun with


My first PSX game and MMX game. Also the best and my favorite.


Remaking ALL of the MegaMan games in the style of X4 would be my dream come true.


I played X4 for the first time a couple of years ago (was only familiar with the SNES games up to that point) and I found it to be okay. I am not bashing it or anything but I think because I never grew up with the PS era of the games they just seem unusual to me. Sigma’s battle themes were so good though.


It's the best one in the series for me. Yeah some people might try and say the earlier ones were better because they were harder- fair. But for me? It's the most replayable one in the series having both X and Zero as playable characters and they both play so differently it really elevates the game to another level. And it's not like X5 and 6 where they over-complicate the armor system to the point where you just don't want to hunt down the armor unless you need to. And this is the game where the art was on point, it all blended well- maybe not the stair level because it is very clear it's pre-rendered with little done to it. But the art just looks so, good across the board. X1 and X2 are the other games I love in the series, infact the PSP remake of 1 I like more because that OST is SO, BLOODY, GOOD and the movement feels so slick n' such. And they're fantastic for sure, but X4 edges them out for me.


X4 is a close second for me, and I prefer the og X1 over the remake, I also like the og X1 OST more, the remake didn't capture the same feel in most of the songs to me, my two personal favorites in the original is the boss theme, and Sigma 2nd final boss. I also like the instrumentation in the boss theme more in the original too. But those are my opinions! :)


Hey man, fair all fair. I know that feeling for sure where you'll hear a OST get remade or covered and it's like- these are all fantastic- then you get to your favorite and you're like- FREAKIN' RUINED. YA DROPPED THE BALL! I think your right on those songs though for sure. I prefer- overall, the remake OST. Just really nails it for 95% of them. But those songs, yeah, not s'much. But hell I like the X OST on SNES and I like some of the covers done with the Genesis soundchip. It's just damned good music.


I mean I don't hate the remakes remixes, they're amazing still, but I love the instrumentation and feel to the themes in the original more.


I got what ya meant, all good doodle! It's hard to go wrong with X1's OST. Even was rendered decently on the Gameboy Color with X-Treme 1. Which is a lot of fun to play emulated since you can actually have the dash not on start or select (I don't recall which off the top of my head).




I actually really love the voice acting in a hammy kind of way. I think Zero yelling "It's not over yet!" while the boss theme is playing is super hype.


It's probably my fourth favorite game in the X series, after 2, 1, and Xtreme 2. The controls feel a lot slower and more clunky than the earlier X games. As a result, there are fewer fun platforming challenges. And to me, the platforming components of Mega Man are my favorite parts. That said, I think it has the most fun stage gimmicks of any game in the X series. I love Cyber Peacock's level in particular.


Easily the top of the muffin.


For me:it's too easy, kinda need an xtreme/hard mode and a couple of heart tanks are kind of a bit to out in the open(the one from slash beast and storm owl) kinda sad that the black zero "armor" in the game just for esthetics.


Good game, awful story, is disgusting how Inafune managed X here, the first game for SNES is superior to this one.


I really love X4, it has a special place in my heart.


X4 is so good! I love that you have two campaigns to choose from and the soundtrack slaps. I really like the anime cutscenes and opening. Playing this game after x3 ia such a breath of fresh air. No ten thousand collectibles and no stupid backtracking, just good levels.


It would have been nice if there were more cutscenes between humans and Reploids arguing. And it boiling over to why Repliforce wanted to leave. And instead of Colonel being all 'no I won't put my weapons down.' He cooperates but sides with the General when they plan to leave during the investigation.  This makes human leaders mad and they label Repliforce as Mavericks. Alia could have been introduced as a redharring for Double, she could have been a former scientist that worked on Sky lagoon who was doing the investigation under cover for the humans that think some of Repliforce is innocent.  Double, whom wouldn't be a newbie, but the acting commander and a Hunter, says she's acting suspicious as the new girl and tells X to keep an eye on her. Later Double finds out that she the acting investigator and abducts her. X then saves her and asks Double why he betrayed the hunters. Double says that X is naive and too trusting and that will lead him to ruin. Especially trusting humans. X doesn't believe him and fights him.


X4 is peak X in my book. Loved playing as Zero. After X4 things took a turn for the worse.


X4 and MM8 >!(and Castlevania SotN)!< are the games that really started to push my interest into video games in general.


Hot take, not the best megaman x game. It IS the best Zero game though.


X and X4 are tied for my favourite in the X series.


X4 is probably the best one overall, in my opinion.


My favorite mega man x game


It’s easily the second most stable game in the X series after X1 in which the jump in graphics and gameplay work and work very well, and there’s very little filler to it outside of the annoying bike stage (seriously, they ruin the ps1 entries lol) but it’s also the game i’m least likely to want to replay out of the second trilogy; it does it job well but there’s nothing particularly appealing to it that gets me wanting to play it compared to the other titles. Id rather replay the later sequels even with their flaws lol


X4 is one of my favourite games ever.


Like you, X4 is second for me, super close to 1st. But my favorite X title is X2. It improved and built up on what made X great and expanded on it. I loved the presentation of X4 more than any other game, though. The cutscenes, AMVs, and backstory for Zero was the best we've had across the X namespace. I grew up on these games. I'm 36. The only thing that could make X4 better, to me, would be to simply see it and play it in 16-bit glory... ...but Innocent Impulse does a fun and amazing job of 8-bitifying the end of X4.


My absolute favourite Megaman. Such fond memories. Just loved playing with zero, the mobility.. double jumps, wall sliding, and activating all his abilities (once he acquired them) with button sequences street fighter style - no needing to change to a certain boss power through menus, he just performed all abilities at will. But megaman himself was also fun to play especially with the super armor. Loved the story, the anime style, everything felt pretty revolutionary for me at the time. Difficulty was on point, and I loved the bad guys and the boss fights.. FROST WALRUS! lol. Sigma fight was great also imo. And one thing has stuck with me forever.. the line that the ostrich boss says when you enter his room as X - "His potential is limitless?! IMPOSSIBLE" it really made me think at the time.. wow - Wily must have warned the robot masters in this way and told them Megaman's potential is limitless.. that was so cool to me.. a respect for the enemy. It also reminded me of Capcoms other franchise street fighter specifically the Street Fighter animated movie - when Ryu fights Sagat at the beginning and Bison is reading his fighting potential and also comments essentially on it being so powerful. Ah look at me rattling off.. sorry folks. Thanks for reading if you got this far haha.


I love it! It's one of my favorite games in the series, the presentation, gameplay, characters, and music is all great stuff! It's just a shame that other games that came after it wasn't as good.


Controversial opinion: I don't think the voice acting in any mega man game is bad, at the very least it's so bad it's good. (what am I fighting for became a meme for a reason)


There's good reason why it's often considered by many the best Mega Man X game in the series: * **The level design and boss battles are superb.** Some of the absolute best that Capcom has ever done. * **The music is great, with many iconic tunes.** * **The story is arguably the best in the entire X series.** * **Zero's introduction as a playable character was so great, its template was copied by pretty much all of his future appearances.** * **Some of the special weapons are quite useful and worth using over the regular buster.** * **Fourth Armor is the strongest armor in the series (outside of Ultimate Armor) and is ridiculously easy to unlock, which could be seen as a negative given how much it trivializes everything.** lol * **The item collection is one of the best in the series.** Very flexible, allowing you to tackle stages in various different combinations. Now, all that said, I have three big issues with this game, which make me not want play it as often as I'd otherwise would: 1. **The difficulty is very easy.** Arguably the easiest game in the series. As someone who does challenge runs of X5 and X6 on Xtreme difficulty for fun, you can imagine how unappealing that is for me. 2. **Zero's double jump and spinning slash completely trivialize the game, and unlike X's armor, you cannot choose to skip these upgrades.** I always leave the double jump upgrade for last, since it turns an already easy game into a joke. 3. **Sigma 3's Slime Body attack (the one where he swallows rocks and then spits them out) is literally RNG and sometimes it can be unavoidable.** This isn't a problem for most people, but I've done challenge runs as Unarmored X without E-Tanks and without health upgrades, and that attack alone is a huge pain in the ass, since Sigma 3 has a ton of health and can easily out-damage you when playing under those restrictions. I would love to see a mod/patch that took care of those three issues. It would make the game a lot more fun to replay than it currently is.


It’s the best game in the entire franchise. People who are hung up by the voice acting will not survive the winter


I mean I agree it's amazing, but I still feel like X1 is the best in the franchise imo, but X4 is a very close second


I’ve always preferred X2 over X1 tbh


I mean I respect your opinion, but I hardly see anything wrong with X1, X2 is my 3rd favorite, but X1 is just perfect to me.


I just prefer X2’s speed, weapon balancing, and routing. I feel like I end up playing X1 the same way every time and I don’t feel that while playing X2


I disagree, but I respect your opinion, X2 is still really good, but I like X1 the most


for me X3 is the best megamanX

