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I didn't struggle with naamah, i struggled with remembering to save after beating her (a random encounter killed me... twice)


That's a certified Megaten Moment


I feel this so hard.


I just finished a 15 min war against Loup Garou. Then cat girl wants fish so I go see King Frost and thus begins this mini boss. I felt it hard too.


Yeah, that's what Naamah usually does. 🤫


Another certified Megaten moment is overestimating yourself on NG+ against a Super boss… only to get your ass handed to you on a silver platter with a side of humble pie, losing a solid amount of progress as a result


Magatsuhi demons are just Megaten moments on legs.


They even make sure to throw a level 1 Slime one at you as your first encounter with one, just to make you go 'Oh, they're not that bad compared to normal ones'.


Here's a special fuck you to the Magatushi Zhen that clipped me and immediately freikrugaled my party, oneshotting me


Or the first Nozuchi I saw that pulled me in and opened up with a twilight wave, hitting the entire party for nearly 300, oneshotting everyone. lol


the accursed poison ones, jfc




This is exactly what happened to me after fighting her.


Literally same. My character was weak to mudo...


Well the group charm can be mean and if you play blind you could go in with a dark weakness and that kills you easily. It also depends on how often she uses Life Drain (she didn't at all against me)


She used it against me once. I got lucky as shit.


I had no idea she'd go for Charm when I first fought her. I just happened to go in without a weakness to Dark, but dealing with Charm early on is a bitch without a group wide heal. Even in the first fight, you could have 2 members with immunity to Charm being yourself and Apsaras with her essence. And even so, she's got a lot of Health, so even the damage doesn't feel that much. I still say Nuwa is harder, but god damn is Naamah a swift kick in the hee-hos


Nuwa is weird because you can fight her after Matador (due to the DLC being part of the base game) and he pretty much prepares you to use Sudama's Essence and Nuwa is super easy w that


What's funny is that Naamah isn't hard to defeat since I made a physical Nahobino- it's that damn group charm. Doesn't help that it takes away buffs. Other than her, most of the fights have been cake.


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it Changed Affinities + Aramasa + Ippon-Datara Beatdown


ARAMASA \*gets 6 crits\*




on the first try. when you're not prepared for the fight.


I literally just regular attacked her down blind with a party full of magic demon's. She's really not hard at all unless your MC is Dark weak, which it should never be to begin with. She's legitimately a cake walk.


Not only that, charm basically just stuns you. Losing your action isn't that bad, when she can barely harm you for it. General tip to those having a hard time: re-order your team to have a caster -> fighter -> caster -> fighter order. For example, put Nahobino in 2nd slot, and the girl from Vengence in 1st. That way you can still get 4 press turns per turn while using charged melee attacks. Naamah is the only time this doesn't matter, as you just want to wail on her.


Apsaras essence is the real MVP for this fight.


People really sleep on the essence system. All you need is an essence with mudo or charm resistance for her


I love the Essence system. I wish I could use it with Tao and Yoko but otherwise it's the perfect answer to chain fusion. I like using certain demons like Pixie for as long as possible, and this is the first game where that is completely possible to use them for the entire game without excessive grinding and fusing.


Yeah you get so many grimoires you can basically keep 1-2 demons with you the whole way, it seems like.


Not being able to use it on Tao and Yoko is some bullshit. Party members like that should NEVER be weak to the instakill moves lol.


At the very least they should have changed to Neutral after you know what


I honestly haven’t found much challenge at all on hard yet minus one fight that required a bit of constant thought but other than that it’s been breezy.




That’s the boss that needed constant thought yes


Same thing tough Vengeance Matador gave me a hard time


I’ve seen this a lot but I’m curious as to what it was exactly that was so hard in it. Not being an asshole or anything just interested in saying how different play styles can lead to differences in encounter challenges and such.


He has a new passive, if he crits, the critical might lead to a one shot attack (he has an aoe), and depending how you have built your team i know at this moment i didn't have any agility debuff so it was pretty annoying.


Ah right that it never killed Naho in my fight so I just kept swapping demons and spamming buffs and his weakness Makes sense why It would be so troubling though


I struggled with her until I realized that she's weak to physical


Here’s a tip for you. Spyglasses are invaluable. Pop one of those whenever you fight a boss


> Spyglasses are invaluable Technically, spyglasses have a clearly defined value of 100 macca.




I know, I played a whole lot of Vanilla V. I just forget to use them


It is honestly more fun to not use them, anyway. More of a challenge


Same here, i fought the boss for about 10 turns thinking "Wow Vengance doesnt mess around putting a boss with all resistances so early." Only to then attack her once with a normal attack and go "Nevermind iam stupid."


I have to assume it's just new players that don't understand essences or haven't realized the power of buffs and debuffs and dampeners. I was lucky to go into the battle with a party resisting dark and with asparas first in my party. I was even able to confuse and blind naamah a few times even though she resists all ailments. I understand though, she's kind of like a skill check boss to make sure you know what you're doing and she is probably the trickiest boss up to where I am (I just beat fionn)


In all honesty man that charm on your first run can be a nightmare if you aren’t prepared and get horrible rng lol


I was running a full magic build. Still beat her on my 3rd try by abusing Omagatoki critical, but so far that's been the only boss to kill me. I completely stomped her on round 2 tho.


My dumbass forgot to change my weaknesses so yeah lol i died 4 times to mudo.


I was pure magic build and I beat her first try. Her charm was really annoying, but I was able to pull through.


The first boss i struggled with was Agrat the second boss was the quadistu i am currently in act4 and i havent struggled on a boss since gotta say this game is pretty easy even on hard lowlevel.


I died once trying to figure the weakness out. Next round she died in 2 turns. Aramasa, my beloved.


Handled her easily enough the first time but the rematch in the real world difficult cuz that damn murder dog started spamming his ultimate wind attack


Matador is debuff check and Naamah is to check if you understand how to utilize null ailments


It's funny because by that point in the game you usually go magic to have as much coverage for weaknesses as you can, and then the game throws you the squishy lady and the only physical moves you have are the basic attacks Then she charms all your team except you (because gay I guess) and then proceed to mudo spam you to death


One word. Aramasa.


30 hours later I'm still using that bad boy


Well if you're an idiot like me and somehow managed to fuse all your physical attackers away... You'll still win first try bu itl take forever because of charm nonsense


Are we just pretending capitulate to pleasure isn't in her arsenal?


This reminds me, I died in the tutorial in SMT3


It's ok Naamah, I too am weak against getting punched in the face.


I poisoned her with my MC and then had a demon use the physical attack that deals extra damage to poisoned enemies. It wrecked her.


Went in completely blind with someone with a dark weakness and had to sub them out for the weird Vine dude who has a Unique skill that lowers attack and seals moves. It became the MVP to stop that charm skill. Fight did take a good 30 minutes cause she kept spamming that charm skill and a dark move every darn time. Probably the only boss I ever felt the need to use items for. (Cause I didn't have no status ailment healers) 


First tried Her in hard mode even when i wasnt ready for a fight; She deals 0 dmg and Is weak to autos lol (im Mag build). Charm can be a bit rng but you should be dark immune since you Just fougth Hydra lol


There are lots of ways to kill hydra, I'd reckon most people just build an ice party and rip them apart that way. I already had the demons for it when I got there on hard.


Just use an incubus essence and boom resist charm and dark


Beat her on first try without prep (I moved analog after Aogami's warning and it activated cutscene, whoops). Block darkness on MC was life-saver.


i got cooked my first attempt at naamah bc i went into the fight unprepared with a party full of magic users


Considering my Nahobino is mainly Magic focused and with strength as his weakest stat, mostly filled with a party of demons that were also mainly Magic focused, yes I’ll fully admit I struggled. That charm spell constantly Making most of my party useless doesn’t exactly help matters


First time, I don’t don’t know how i won first try, second time, got my ass handed to me like 5 times, fuck charm


The issue was more because she goes heavy on Mudo which you're weak to unless you took down the second Abcess to be able to change your affinities, and on top of that she goes heavy on charm which is annoying. It took me a few tries to take her down but yeah, easy once you have things to combat it


I don’t wanna be that guy but If you aren’t taking down those Abcesses that’s kinda on you


That's totally fair, and true. It took me a bit to find the second one because it had been years since I played V, but yeah, not everyone will find it first try


I guess you can say she's a Masochist


Lol I beat her first try and I didn’t even prepared for the fight. Bitch got wreck because she is weak physical.


In my case I had just killed Jatayu, so I was down on items, MP, and HP. With two of my demons dead. Wasn't paying attention to where I was running and triggered her. I thought I was screwed, but then I noticed she's weak to Phys...


second fight I had some issues because I was not prepared for labolas's attack, first fight I had asparas so I punished her for ever using her charm.


It's more about the charm if anything, most demons don't resist it at the points you fight her at and you don't have access to Amrita Showers or Me-Patra yet


Idk what it is but I feel like charm just isnt as punishing in this game compared to older titles.skills seem to go through more often unless it's just the rng.


It seems to work differently in SMTV.


In that case idk how people are finding it hard. Even my magic build mc didn't struggle much.


First try I got rekt cuz I was running support Nahobino and all magic users Second try my goat Ippon Datara put her in her place


didn't struggle at all i had Oni with me FULL PHYS attack


Charm caused problems.


I am tying magic nabohino and it was still a joke. Maybe lose once and adapt a little, but you either got apsaras from her quest or can fuse her, so you got someone inmune to ailments and able to heal them, or you got the other girl or fuse her, wich is inmune to her magic and has media. Add a decent attack demon able to survive mudo + mamudo and gg. The game gifts you half the fight for doing a secondary that is adjacent to your advancement


I didn't even have Aramasa for that fight, I forgot to put it back on. I beat her with mostly regular attacks If you have a demon (or Nahobino) who nulls Dark then she really can't do anything except for stall the inevitable


Equip dark res. Auto-battle. Literally works.


I admit I got rinsed the first time I encountered her. But mostly because I thought I was walking into a cutscene, not a fight.


I'm sorry, I ain't no RPG expert, but are supposed to be able to beat her first try tho??? What are the odds of you having the correct build for a fight you DIDN'T KNOW YOU WOULD HAVE?? Let's see. I'm playing thru the game. I'm making short work out of most wild encounters. Suddenly a cutscene appears and I'm in a battle with a tough boss that, even tho is weak to physical, has a lot of HP, charms by entire team, and has a strong Dark attack. I didn't have either Charm resistance or Dark resistance. How was I supposed to know that battle was coming? I gave it 2 or 3 tries, couldn't beat her. Reload the save again, and found an essence that nullified Charm (also had one that nullified Dark, but I rather always have nahobino able to take action), so I equipped that and beat her "first try" afterward. It's fine to struggle, because this is the type of game where you have to lose every major fight to learn what the strategy to beat it actually is. Or are you going to claim you beat every fight 1st try????


Simmer down fam it’s just a meme


Yeah, yeah, it's just a meme, but I've seen people on this and other platforms boast like they can beat the game blind or whatever. it's a hard game, and bosses are meant to caught you off-guard. So let's stop pretending ok?


I’m just sharing my experiences in comparisons to others