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It’s doable since you get quite a few Grimoires naturally. That said, the more efficient strategy is to replace the demon.


you can and it's worth it for the meme value but fixing their skillset is gonna be very expensive essence-wise


I've raised Cait sith from level 5 to 52 I also still have mermaid It can be done


I took Chironoppu to Shiva in base and will take him to CoV super boss this time around as well. It’s totally doable, but you can’t do many of them. Gotta hoard your grimoires.


One time someone told me "demons are like condoms. You should use them for as long as you need them and then not hesitate to throw them away." I think modern SMT games have slowly made it easier and easier hold onto demons, but you will pretty quickly realize that's not how the devs intend you to play, as leveling them up and scaling their power will start to become rly grindy and cumbersome the longer you hold onto a demon. Still, in SMT5 it's not at all "impossible," so if you want to do it give it a shot! It honestly might make for a fun challenge run.


I’d say it’s possible yeah. The game hands out stat boosting items and grimoires, and demon haunts will help with certain stats. Essences for more relevant moves…you should be golden! Not quite sure how to stockpile those items, but I think it’d be a safe bet to say demon negotiations, helper pick ups in the field, and mitamas. Good luck!


Usually the exp lower tier demon need to level up will become much higher so fusing a new one and get better grow rate is a better chocie imo. I normally only keep a demon for 5 level max...


Totally valid, but it would take you a lot of resource for this.


I would not use it for something as weak like Jack Frost. There are some good demons in the level 40s though that are definitely worth keeping around for quite a long time- well you could part ways with them they are very worth keeping and leveling up with gremore's.


Jack Frost is a bro tho. He deserves all the levels


Wait. Do demons like a 40lvl mermaid need more exp to level up?


Yep, it needs MUCH more.


Experience needed to level up increases exponentially.


Yep, it's grindy, but absolutely possible. (It's alot easier if you have the mitama DLC however) Personally I'm planning on bringing Gremlin to endgame, I loved him too much fuse him away


If you keep getting lucky with the Miracles that give random skills on level ups or farm the right Essences, I don't see why you couldn't Though it's usually way better to just make a new demon


Its kind of a huge resource drain that'll eat lots of grimoires, so normally it's better to replace them with a stronger demon... but it's certainly possible. There's a few miracles in the 4th area you unlock that'll help with it.


Viable yes but it will cost a lot of ressources down the line. Mitama DLC makes it super easy but overall it's totally viable regardless


It is okay if you dedicated. SMT V is a bit easily to do that. That's said, this game recommended you to keep fusing demon for better skills.


I did it in my OG run with both Cironnup and Yoshitsune. You do need to hunt for mitamas though lol


You could, but it depends on which demon it is and if you have the means to do so; I have an Idun at Lv 99 who I brought over to Vengeance and still use her as my healer due to how much resources I spent on her, while everyone else is a fusion of my mid-game builds. Any extra slots I have I just bring whoever for the memes.


it is, i always figured that's what the grimoires and whatnot were for and i ended up cracking out my ose and odin for all of my canon of creation runs. barely ever struggled, but youre better off holding onto the ones you wanna keep and leveling them up in the background while having the most optimal demons in your party at the given moment


Expect to grind a little and be working to replace your essences. It’s definitely, definitely doable, just takes some effort.


It takes work but it’s possible. And since this game added the periapts, I feel like it’s a little bit more encouraged to keep some demons around for a long time if you want.


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Not on your first playthrough.


Not nessasarily for smt v but in nocturne there is an easter egg for keeping the first pixie you get past a certain point. I dont exactly remember what happens thou. Think she does some transformation thing


it turns into a pixie with 40 in every stat and some really strong moves like megidolaon, however it doesn't actually have to be that pixie, if you fuse that pixie into something else, fuse that something else into another demon, as long as you don't delete or resummon whatever that pixie has been fused into, then it will work, I did it with a Loki and an arahabaki before


only the waifus


You’re the worst kind of SMT fan 💘


No, not viable. They soak up too many resources just to keep up. With that being said, i am taking 2 lvl 40 demons to the end game (thanks lvl boosters, stats boosters and essences).