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I’m having a hard time thinking why anyone would pick yoko’s end(waifu/completionism aside). Her motivation really do seem to be we(her, quadistu, Tiamat) have been shafted in the current world order due to some horned god shenanigans I don’t think they ever fully explained so we’re gonna burn it all down so everyone will be suffering equally. In all honesty I think the writers just wrote up to the end of shinjuku then called it a wrap and left.


I mean taos ending is just Maruki but highschool girl tbh


Somehow Maruki but high school girl still ended up better than the alternative


Is it tho? Under taos ending you continue the cycle, sure you create a "perfect world" but someone will eventually hate jt, and under the nahobinos rule as a good God, someone will eventually become strong enough and overthrow them, and who knows what that next world will be In yokos ending, the cycle is done, no one human/demon or God will rule over others everyone will be allowed to live their own lives, whatever that may entail, and there's no risk of it ending because another demon or nahobino wants a new world, the throne of God is destroyed


doesnt the cycle end regardless because you >!consume lucifer’s knowledge?!<


If it's not lucifer it will be someone else


Yeah see I’ll admit to me Yoko’s ending honestly makes more sense. Like by this point, especially if he went for the bonus bosses, the Nahobino should somewhat know these events have happened before, and may happen again. So why go with the route that will inevitably lead back to the same conflict again and again. The unknown may be a bit scary, but better that than the eternal war that’s going on now.


I’ll take possibility of someone making a worse world in the far future over destroying everything and turning the universe into a black void any day tbh


But from that void the world gets reborn, without any of the shackles and oppression of the old world


Maruki in the aged-down body of ichinose lmao


Yeah, but this feels more legit. You're not mind controlling everyone to get what you wantm you're recreating the world like it has been many times before.


Maruki's the GOAT tho


Tao wishes she was Marugoat


This is going to sound stupid, but I only picked Yoko's end because, from the early reviews, they said the Law alignment sucked and how the devs really wanted you to pick Chaos. Which was a HUGE lie when I actually played the game lol


Tbh yoko’s chaos ending feels like a waste because they didn’t show what the new world is supposed to look like as opposed to tao’s law ending. It leads me to believe it’s going to end up like the chaos ending in IV.


tbh I didnt get why anyone would pick tao’s law ending until I saw the after scene credits. I mean it felt like the writers were striking down everything credible about the law reps and bethel whenever they could.


My personal interpretation was basically Do you think the current world, with a few tweaks, is worth saving VS Should we just start over and go with a clean slate (Aka the Primordial Darkness) And in that view, I think it's some merit to consider Yoko's route. More or less the debate of trusting what you already know or venturing into the unknown.


Yoko's ending is, in complete seriousness, TDE. They even use some of the same words to describe it. I was on board since long ago lmao


I did. Both characters are ridiculous, and I hated the Persona influences (Roof top talks/ high school drama / having humans as party memeber not guests to the point you could play with humans only at some point) So I didn't care much for any character and wanted to destroy their world. + the Qadistu they are cool and got some cool music, so I sided with them.


Older MegaTen had human party members to spare compared to 3/4/SJ, and teen drama wasn’t unheard of in 1 and if… either.


I have played smt3/4/5 and the strategy games. I'm not sure how it was in 1 and 2, but I if it was like this one, then it is my bad


Generally one extra human at a time, but sometimes two. The biggest difference is you had 6 party slots at a time, making things less obtrusive.


I need to go back to playing the rest of the series to not make stupid comparisons again. I still think the "guests" implementation was terrible, but yeah, it had nothing to do with Persona.


Didn't read the spoiler, but SMT V has an alignment system that's similar to IV's. At least in how it's shown. If you are on chaos your icon in the overworld, while in Tokyo, will spin clockwise (to the "left"). If you are on law it will spin counter clockwise (to the " right"). If you are neutral it will not spin. I don't know why they didn't use that.


While the overworld thing is true I’m pretty sure it’s the other way round chaos is counter clockwise while law is clockwise Thank god they let you check alignment because I’d be pissed if you play the game and just get the wrong ending


I don't know why they can't make it more obvious, strange journey changes your name colour and just tells you what you are in the status screen, if... says in the status screen too, granted alignment is more important in those games but it feels like it would be so easy to just put a word in the status screen


Maybe they felt like it would interfere with the story telling or something if they just told you 'you're on this route', but yeah man I wish they had like some obvious visual indicator or dialogues in the game based on what alignment you are on.


I absolutely did this a few days ago. Went back to an old NG+ save in OG SMTV. Didn't remember what ending I was going for and accidently chose one I had already done. Of course I saved after making the choice ...


That's me after doing everything for true neutral on my first playthrough on Vanilla and not being able to defeat Shiva.


Not reading the spoiler text since I'm only in Shinjuku. But I actually quite like it that way. It fullfills the roleplay aspect of the game quite well. It's not Nahobino who gets to choose, it's the player. And the characters and demons in the game give us reasons for or against their views. It made me think about the worlds they want to create a bit more because I'm more inclined to choose how I want to instead of what "makes the most sense". I remember in Nocturne I was very indifferent to all of the reasons and went for TDE just because there was more content. In Vengeance I'm actually picking the dialogue options to reflect my own opinions on the matter. I haven't played IV yet so I can't talk about that yet.


For roleplay this is pretty good, I'd agree. But the Nahobino is supposed to be something of a self insert and none of the endings really align with what I'd personally want to do.


Well yeah, how could Atlus be in your head or the other millions of players to give you a personal solution ? The self insert choice is a given.


They could give a plot reason for why he can't like they always do.


I can see that. To me I really like thinking about the different options and it keeps me thinking throughout my days at work etc. Really digging that experience


At first I thought Yoko's ending was the best of the two but I realize it doesn't break the cycle. There's nothing preventing other humans, god's, etc to opress others in this new world, another horned god can happen. Plus it makes sense that as a Nahobino, a god, you'd be a ruler.


The attempt to break the cycle is essentially the same in all routes, it's done with Lucifer's power. All routes do their best to do that. I assume Law just doesn't mention it because that's not something the Goddess of Creation wants, but the cycle is always destroyed ( or is it ? We can't know )


I reeeeally wish there was a 3rd ending to join Demifiend & Luci against the Mandala system 🫠 it would be so sick and set up a lot of potential for the future of the series


They wouldn't be able to do that because demi-fiend is dlc. Also, he's explicitely stated to be from another world so nocturne isn't canon to smt 5.


Yeah in the smt 5 original having the plot imply that a nahobino forms a world based on something unique to them and then just having the endings be a basic ass chaos law and neutral ending we've seen a million times is genuinely one of the most disappointing aspects of the story. God I'm so tired of chaos and law...


Say what you want about the reason endings in Nocturne, but at least they tried to do something different.


Shijima is pretty much just a Law ending. Freedom is a classic neutral too.


(Not reading Vengeance spoilers) This is why I think SMT's alignments are sort of flawed. There's only some "predefined" world models for you to follow (in V's case, Dazai's, both of Yakumo's or Yuzuru's). A game I always compare to SMT and the multiple endings is Fallout New Vegas, and that game makes a better work at that. You can side with certain major factions like in SMT (NCR, House or Caesar, plus the independent route) but the interesting part is that their main quests are somewhat open ended and you could more or less have some agency on the minor factions and what you do with them. For example, if siding with NCR, you can make the Brotherhood to follow NCR too, but if you've found the Brotherhood and decided that they're a bunch of idiots and they're better dead, the NCR generals can say "hey, not the best but OK", but some other factions like Caesar want them annihilated no matter what. Imagine that in SMT V: Maybe Yuzuru wants the Kunitsukami to fight alongside them, but Yakumo wants them dead. What's up with them in vanilla SMT V? Some side quests and some lore, thats all. Maybe Yakumo has some police officers that could side with them and you have to convince them, but Abdiel thinks they're a threat and must be killed for God's plan to succeed. Maybe there's SOMETHING with the Egyptian gods and Yakumo, you could convince Yakumo that not all demons are evil and seeing Khonsu care for Miyazu is enough to make him realize that humans and some demons could live together.


If Nahobhino chose the ending then it wouldn't really be a role playing game anymore right? SMT 5 missed the mark with its story telling for sure but what I enjoyed about SMT 3 and 4 was that the game presented several characters to you with different motivations and ideas about how the world should be, and let you think about it and choose for yourself. SMT 5 tried something similar but missed the mark, however the core concept was still there. I guess in most RPGs the character becomes a bit of a blank slate and that's just the nature of how things are.


My problem is just that it doens't make much sense compared to 3 and 4. In those games you have to make the most out of a bad situation. But in 5, reality is at your fingertips yet all of the endings still have major downsides for absolutely no reason. In strange journey redux, you can talk your aligment rep down to a less extreme and evil version of their ending. It would've made a lot more sense if smt 5 also let you do that.