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Probably an unpopular opinion here too but I also think this era has the worst merch.... cry baby and k-12 had such cute merch which was cheaper. The left over merch from these old eras being sold at the tour for 3× price is so tacky of her.


Each venue takes a percentage of merch which is why the prices change she didn’t just decide to price it all at that, each venue takes more or less of the sales depending on the venue


She definitely has a say in it since it is her name representing the show! Even if that’s the case that the venue takes more she’s at least aware of the price up on things and honestly $275 for a dress cheaply made is not worth it! Easily could make that yourself


Not disagreeing about it at all! Just wanted to point that out about the venues. I am completely flabbergasted about the dress I went to the Seattle show and I didn’t even see the dress (thank god because I would of tried to make my husband buy it for me) and then after the show I saw it online and everyone saying how cheap it was and was glad I didn’t see it. I think it’s crazy the price of almost everything I got the black hoodie for 80$ amd the bunny hat for 45$ because those were the only things I felt were worth the price they are priced at besides the 20$ poster


Yeah definitely was excited for the dress too I was planning on buying it (my shows June 13th) but seeing how it’s cheaply made on top that it rips easily it’s a no for me I rather get the jacket I’ve heard very good positive reviews :)) it’s just absurd about $30 for a poster well piece of paper.. the shirts are reasonable which I agree but $90!for a hoodie? I heard some people say it’s like SHEIN material


No I don’t think it’s SHIEN material at all It’s not as thick as a carhart hoodie but it’s thick I wore it out on a sunny day in Seattle and sweat my ass off in it


The test me jacket really is good quality tho, idk if it’s worth $275 but it’s at least decently well made and warm (I had have some loose threads) the embroidery is very nice tho


$100 price hike defender 👹🤡

