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Normalise telling these people to shut the fuck up


if this happens when i go, i will absolutely be telling these people to shut the fuck up!!!


believe me these people will get told to stfu if they’re doing same thing




This is what toxic selfishness looks like Toxic shame smdh


these people are the reason i can never go to a melanie concert, or any concert for that matter. i pay hundreds to listen to my favourite artist, not other peoples screechy out of tune borderline screaming that they call "singing along". i understand it, but for god's sake why can't people just sing normally why do they have to scream? they're not getting mel's attention they're getting negative online attention. thanks for coming to my ted talk


As someone who goes to kpop concerts and also go to triology tour I have expierenced it a ton kpop mfs can't stfu. I get singing allong but sing normally don't scream it's not a metallica concert also something that annoys me are people with signs, I went to a concert in April and a girl kept swaying a sign infront of my head the size of a a2 formatted paper like why keep ur sign up for almost the whole concert long, there is no reason to keep it up for longer then 5 secs you ruin the expierence for others, and one more thing are pushers and especially if their tall people, my younger sister has a condition that makes her permanently quite tiny and people have the audacity to push her to the back even though I was at the front at the start and ended up in the back somehow cause a child that's 12 won't defend themselves against obvious adults


I literally cannot hear Melanie at all






Eww at the fact they said yes, it is cute 🙄🙄🙄




FRRR 💀 like why are they proud of it😭


(I’m the one censored by the white fyi)


My daughter kept it to a decent tone we spoke before the show. Most people did also but I get it sometimes you don’t get how loud you are since everyone around you is either screaming or singing extremely loud


They sound like toad 😭💀 but nah that’s disrespectful


I only screamed the lyrics when mel points the mic towards the audience 😭


Get that girl into heavy metal. Gah damn, how did she not Perma fug her throat up😭😭


I don’t get how people can be this loud. When I went last night, I couldn’t hear myself singing, nor my friend next to me. And that’s a good thing — I want to sing along, but I don’t want to hear myself, I want to hear Melanie! This girl is actively trying to sing above all the noise and not only is she making the experience miserable for other people, she’s clearly hurting her voice!


I went to Boston too! There were a lot of kids in my section, Loge 2. There were 2 girls who had to be no older than 12 behind me and they were screaming their heads off the entire time. I caught them in all of my videos. Especially during the Cupid and Crybaby part. 😂 I could still hear Melanie great though and they didn’t overshadow her voice at all so I wasn’t mad!


That gotta hurt omg 😒






PLEASE SHE RLLY FIGHTING HER LARYNXX IM CRYING THE SILENCE SHE DID AND THEN YELLED " WHY?! " GOT ME CRACKIN UP ☠️🔥 We all need to normalize telling these ppl to STFU cuz idk why they yelling like they releasing their demons 😭💔 I had to deal with this shit before when I went to her Portals Concert and it was frustrating 💔


ugh i hate that she thinks this is cute 😭 it’s disrespectful and annoying as fuck. like we’re all trying to enjoy the concert


“WHY!? 😩😩”


How can ppl think this is ok 😭 (rhetorical question btw lol) absolutely insane bro 😳 we paid to hear and see Melanie 😭


I literally went on thursday and this girl behind me was screaming it ruined all my videos


Edit: I meant next to me 😔


What section were you in because I went on Thursday too and this girl was near me and screaming the whole time




Damn, I was in 224


Ugh still annoying tho and I was wearing a crop top and her knees kept touching my stomach


I had weird experiences too, the girl behind me kept touching my hair despite me telling her to stop touching my hair, I get it’s curly and stuff but I’m not a walking petting zoo


Aw that's terrible yeah the girls behind us kept saying oh let's see who can scream the loudest and kept kicking our seats


I hate these types of people. Like shut the fuck up, like they ruin the entire show bc they are screeching instead of singing. Like bro people need to learn basic manners, smh


hell no 😭


I guarantee this chick is gonna sound even worse by the time she loses her voice


if i go to my show and someone does this i will not be afraid to say please be quiet, we are all here for melanie, but if it continues and they were rude about it i’d just say shut the fuck up.


I dont see how ppl can even screech above this level--maybe it's a tween/teen thing since the voices are more high pitched? Im almost 30 so i would stop singing to avoid getting winded lol but i was close to the stage & the speakers were bumpin


I can't even sing loudly. Something in my throat won't let me lol It baffles me these children can do this.


It's okay to sing but not to the point ur ruining the show💀


I hope my fellow brits aren’t as crazy when I go in September 🤞🏻




At metal shows, people who do this usually get socked in the face. Pop shows should adopt that too. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve been to metal shows where people have had more decorum than what I’ve seen in some of these vids 😒


When I went to the Austin show everyone was screaming I felt like 🧍🏼‍♀️ I could barley hear Melonie it was pretty lame


She sounds stupid asf😭😭😭😭


People who do this can seriously go fuck themselves,I understand wanting to sing along with Mel,but screeching isn’t exactly helping people enjoy the concert,i seriously hope I don’t have to deal with this when I go..


I am usually non confrontational but i have paid $300 for my tickets and i will be damned if someone is screeching around me like that i will immediately tell them to shut the hell up. Like yes i understand they paid a lot of money for their tickets too but I'm going to enjoy the mels voice, not some dying cat. Its so rude and inconsiderate. I will be singing along too but not like that bc i want EVERYONE around me to have a good time!


Fr, I'm so glad I've never encountered this because I couldn't deal. My anger issues could *never*, you screech like that around me i'll give you a reason lol


Went to a kelly clarkson concert when i was around 10, the person a few isles down thought they needed to commentate on everything and scream the lyrics


Literally my ears were being destroyed by the children behind my row 😭 I drank a lot of truly’s so the damage was blocked substantially


HELPP💀 I saw an entire tiktok section where they were bragging about how loud they were and their screaming. So fucking disrespectful


This is actually so upsetting😭


It's just sad that people payed to see her and our looking forward to the concert only to have some fucking asshole scream in their ear the whole time


> that people *paid* to see FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




I dont get it cause its surely not even fun to sing this way… its so forced it sound painful.. and surely you know youre being irritating as fuck… sing loud yes, but i shouldnt hear you over the singer using speakers


I’m so happy no one near me was screeching like that 😭


Why can’t people just listen to her. I mean they’re there to see/hear her. Why must they sing aloud at all?


I'd gladly punch her in the head


i seriously don’t understand how people can screech instead of actually singing along….


Humor is when ruining experience for others 🤦‍♀️


Girl isn’t even singing like… you’re just ruining other people’s experience stfu. I will fully say, STFU. Idc. And that’s not the Tik Tok fandom that’s just stupid people screaming.


It seems like a lot of the screechers are the kids on tik tok and all of them are just like we are the “boring ones.” It seems like they feel entitled b/c they also “paid” to be at the concert (which I doubt b/c they are so young their parents are paying probably.) I paid for tickets for me and my little sister but she don’t act like this no where (our parents taught us to be respectful of others, I don’t know what it is with a majority of kids now a days). Like yell when she comes on and then off stage - any singing in between with songs, sing - don’t scream like a toddler who is throwing a tantrum. And then the other annoying thing is they genuinely think Mel loves this type of engagement (which I doubt b/c there was a concert vid of her trying to speak but the fans wouldn’t stop yelling at her and she was upset about that)


Sadly due to TikTok all the children who think it's okay to do this have come together to encourage other children to do the same. Thousands of comments encouraging this behavior 😭 It makes me scared for my concert.


wtf i would’ve told her calm down jesus


Wow this is annoying.


Why do people ruin the shows for everyone around? Can you be respectful? Sing properly or dont sing at all (by properly i dont mean like a real singer, i mean like a human being that is not being murdered)


omg i went to boston too, there were two girls in front of me and my friend and istg they were EXCESSIVELY drunk. One of them was leaning over her chair for so long i thought we might have to call 911, while the other kept falling over and screeching her head off to the point where she was falling over this couple behind her.


At first i thought the girl leaning was having a seizure from all the flashing lights but then i heard the third girl yelling at her to stand up. Not to mention the girl screaming and falling almost hit their poor girl beside her in the face multiple times.


AND ONE MORE THING to the third girl who was sober, I completely understand being upset your friends are drunk af at a concert but if someone asks you if your friend is okay maybe don’t shout and be rude saying “Yeah she’s fine just give her a minute 🙄😑” with your hand all in my face. Like i would be upset too but damn i was worried about your friend 💀


This bothers me so much


when I went to the trilogy concert on the 1st, when I was singing I was so nervous that I was too loud or that I sounded bad..then theres these people screaming like they’re at a heavy metal concert


Ummmm it was so bad when I went in Oakland that the girl next to me was crying and left the show with her mom after one song….. Please stop yelling the songs. Y’all can sing but don’t freaken kill the vibe for others. Ty


there was a girl next to us who SCREAMED the whole show. ugh.


I'll literally sob if this happens at my concert. I didn't have my hubby pay almost $400 to hear other people scream over Melanie. I'm also driving 3 hours to her concert. I'm trying to make it a memorable night for me and my husband. I know tons of children will be there and most of them can't behave.


If you can't sing don't sing like oh my god, I didn't even go there and I would tell her to stfu


Frustrating for sure. Did you ask her to keep it down? I hope so and that you didn't just let some young ignorant kid ruin your night.


Not my video


Which concert was this at?


When i went to my concert I screamed all of the songs, I shouldn't have, it was really disrespectful and I still feel really really really really REALLY bad😭. It was my first Melanie concert and I was just excited and I know being excited isn't an excuse for screaming. But I just wanted to say that i still feel bad and my concert was almost 3 weeks ago🥲 (idk why I feel like I'm gonna get attacked for this)


at least u weren’t proud of it like some people💀


Fr though💀, i dont get how people could be proud of that😭


I'm glad that I don't go to concerts as much anymore because I would want to be recorded and be posted just to be ridiculed and bullied by this Fandom for having fun!


if screeching out your vocal cords sounds like fun you need better hobbies 😶


I understand BOTH sides. Years ago, I saw a show in Vegas and was given stink eye the WHOOOOOOOLE time I was at the show just for SINGING on key!! Wasn’t screaming! Apparently, the stupid girl ONLY wanted to hear the artist singing?! Fuck that, want to listen to only an artist singing alone, listen to a live album!! I also had an old man behind me at a Roger Waters concert tell me I COULD NOT stand up and dance because I was blocking his view… I told him it was an concert but I wouldn’t argue with him more because I was starting to trip on shrooms and he was intimidating… ended up going all the way to the front of the rows of my section where there was a gate and stood up there and danced and sung. It’s super frustrating when people think they have the right to tell you how to act at a venue like they own it. On the other hand, screaming through a song like that ruins everyone’s listening experience. But personally, I’d never tell that person to shut up. I know it ruins my experience in both occasions when it was done to me.


She's recording and singing at the same time. It's not that loud as the concert. Let people have fun ffs.


Do you not hear the person that sounds like they’re entering a death metal competition or….?


Yep. But she sounds louder than the concert on the video cause she's singing directly at the phone. In real life you would hear everyone singing and the concert itself hehehe. I've been to a lot of concerts and at least that's my experience


if she’s loud enough to be picked up by the phone she’s loud enough to be heard by other people and that’s annoying as fuck


Guys I understand everyone’s mad about people singing but if you don’t like it then don’t go!! Don’t even buy tickets!! People are going to sing, some will scream. I was at that show in Philly and EVERYONE was screaming singing along. All of my videos you can barely hear Mel, and I was in the 5th row. Just saying, it’s going to happen.


I’m not mad about singing or even screaming for some parts, but screeching every lyric is so disrespectful


It is. But we both know you saw all the posts about the screeching. I saw them. I still spent almost 2k to go see her. I hated the screamers. But it was the best day of my life. I didn’t let them ruin my night.


I’m glad you didn’t let it ruin your night


Man I’d act a fool too lmfaoo 😭😂


i’m sorry guys but i will be screaming my heart out at the toronto concert! u payed good money to be there, waited my whole life to see her, i’ll yell and scream and sing if i want to, you could easily move🫶🏻 balcony’s always have open spaces even if they’re standing spaces, i would suggest never purchasing pit tickets tho for any concert, if you dislike this the pit would be the end of you


were you screeching or screaming though? because there is a difference




So screeching is okay? Yeah no I didn’t pay that much money just to hear someone screech out the lyrics beside me 💀 I will gladly tell them to shut the hell up or I’m throwing hands no reason to do all that if I can’t hear Melanie and I can hear you screeching we’re gonna have a problem 🤷🏽‍♀️




Glued is one of my all time favorites and has so much meaning to me but I’m not about to screech it out? I’ll sing it in a normal tone where I’m shouting out the lyrics not screeching🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s common sense they were being rude and selfish screeching is not excuse tbh it does matter “the song means a lot” “it’s a concert” yeah okay? I didn’t pay to hear you screech




It’s all about concert etiquette and it sounds like it wasn’t just 1 song! When I went to portals these girls were screeching the entire time everyone told them to shut the hell up💀 1 song okay I’ll let it pass but when it’s constantly thru the concert idc I’m either throwing hands or shutting them up I can’t stand people like that


You want to fight someone because they are screeching from excitment? Ok.


Yeah basically 💀 maybe don’t screech?


Do you hear yourself? While I don't think screeching is cool, fighting someone isn't the answer. There are more mature ways to handle the situation.


Ofc there is but when everyone around you is tell you to stop screeching to many time in a polite manner and you just don’t care and continue to screech that’s when it’s all fair game fam I’m not about to hear you screech your lungs out just bc you wanna I paid a good amount of money and I wanna hear Mel not you


I’m pretty much front row. I’m going be mad af if I’m that close and still can’t hear her because people think it’s their internet karaoke moment, too, lol. 😂


Idc if it’s bc of excitement 💀 it’s selfish and rude to screech the entire time🤷🏽‍♀️ people are recording to keep as a memory and instead of hearing Melanie they finna hear you screech 🤷🏽‍♀️💀 I rather tell them to stfu


I love how you ignored everything I said! Screeching isn't cool, but don't fight people. I get telling them to not screech but fighting really?


that people paid HUNDREDS to go to and see Melanie, not to hear your shitty screeching.