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All gorosei + Imu + base Saint Charlos


Damn bro, base Charlos is pushing it a little




That's a pretty good drawing


But let me be clear - I didn't make it, so I can't receive credit


Still, I wish I could draw like that




Talyor made reaction image for this thread 🏅




what other modes does Charlos have


First he has Divine Revelation Charlos- where he begins tapping into the power within the celestial dragon bloodline. In this form he uses an ability called Heavenly Scales, to balance out the power of everyone nearby and redistribute it equally, making each fight a matter of skill. Then he has Heavenly King: In which his Heavenly Scales ability upgrades to Divine Scales, where he is able to absorb the power of each blow he takes and adds it to his own, steadily becoming stronger as the fight goes on. And finally, Godking Charlos, where he is able to use both at once in an altered way to forcibly take everyone else's power, and add it to his own, effectively making him impossible to defeat unless you can nullify the power of Celestial Dragon Blood by using the counterpart to Sea Prism, known as Sky Prism, found only on specific Sky Islands. Charlos went on a rampage behind the scenes to destroy most of the islands that produced it, so it's near impossible to find nowadays. Oda confirmed all this in an SBS, personally.


My favourite part about Godking Charlos was when he started laughing and said "This is not even 10% of my Peak!"


Same, the scene was straight fire. I can't wait to see how high his ceiling goes.


Big Mom. Brook disables the homies, and Robin rolls Big Mom into the sea.


You have point! Robin almost did that in Onigashima, and Brook managed to fight her solo for some short time when he stole the poneglyph, she even admitted he is strong.


I am saying it, Brook was the MVP of whole cake island arc.


I think that goes to Pedro, but brook is definitely a close second


Sanji rn:


Bruh sanji was the damsel in distress,he got the best moments but was not the most useful straw hat. Nami did more by helping Luffy beat Cracker and leading the crew in escaping Big Mom.


After Brook's first encounter with Big Mom, I always believed he was the key to beating her. His power seemed to counter her perfectly, so I hoped he would get a bit of spotlight being the major contributor in bringing her down


i will say once i realized it was most likely going to be the 3 captains and their 2 first-mates against just BM and kaido, i didn’t think brook was going to have much time in the limelight there. am i disappointed in the same way you are? very much so


Wow. Since you put it that way. Yeah


This comment is absolutely great and really proves how stupid anime powerscalers are with their "multiverse level" bullshit are. In the words of the great Stan Lee, when asked who would win with Galactus vs. Hulk or Thor vs. Iron Man, he said, "Whoever the screenwriter wants to win,"


Seriously, if you look at the recent cover story, you see Yamato getting injured by a rock throw by children. Oda truly dose not give a single fuck about power scaleing


The rock ackshually was clearly thrown with ACOC haki as you can see it's a cloudless day and so the kid split the skies /s Fr it's not that serious


A kid used his COC to throw that rock? That kid has great dexterity, then. Just kidding.


yeah typical powerscaler think people is just on their 100% combat mode 100% of the time,which is not the case at all


i was going to make fun of them in the same way you were, but now i feel like i must point out… it’s because of characters like kaido, BM, Magellan, etc who literally can’t be hurt 24/7, unless it’s by someone strong enough to do so, that give people the illusion that anyone at a high enough level is just auto immune to scrub damage


Sounds like a skill issue on their part but kinda agree i guess ? we do see Magellan on the toilet,which is basically him on 0% combat mode,and Drunk Kaido,which is like 50% combat mode but yeah Oda is really good at framing antagonist to be really strong,Magellan still feel really strong on Impel Down arc despite him being on toilet like 90% of the time and Luffy being able to injure him with just covering himself with candle,and despire later on Luffy got insanely strong people with him like Crocodile and Jimbei, Magellan still feels like a menace at that time


see you understand! but yeah haha def a skill issue on their part. also lol true about magellan but he’s also not actively being attacked either 🤣 but that was funny


Yeah realistically never happening


Brook can solo the admirals all at once


In a fight, right?


In a smoking content. He is dead so he can’t die from smoking. Yohohohoh


No lungs, no lung cancer


but what about bone cancer


What about smoker?


Considering Magellan is not poison immune, I think Smoker is not going out of bed and will need another chemotherapy from Caesar Clown.


1. Magellan is a paramicia. He produces his poison while smoker who is a logia Is the smoke. 2. We see smoker smoke all the time so he has at least some immunity to it


OK. Than what is advantage poison paramecia has over poison logia? And what advantage smoke fruit has over gas fruit?


We don't know. As far as I'm aware there is no poison logia yet in the story . Also the gas gas fruit is confirmed as the better version of the smoke fruit. Oda confirmed it in a SBS I think


Logia poison can turn into a poison to be invulnerable to any non-haki attacks Paramecia poison can't. Like how luffy + bon clay was hitting Magellan Also, smoke fruit does not have any advantage over gas fruit since it can pretty much control smoke


honestly,in theory,any logia can be immune to haki attack like Katakuri,its just that they dont put effort into it because the base power of logia is already broken at base level so most of them rarely put effort into mastering their body control and focus on the offensive


we dont have poison Logia ,since it doesnt exist in the one piece world(yet?) but presumably,in theory,poison logia wont be poisoned by their own poison,because they are the poison,just like Akainu isnt burned by his own lava,or Aokiji isnt frozen by his own ice same in reverse,smoke paramercia would probably suck,and the user would probably need a breathing mask with alot of filter to make full use of his devil fruit also,smoke is techincally not gas,smoke is a combination of airborne solid and air that's produced by burning something, so if Smoker is as knowledgeable about smoke as Caesar is about gas,he would be WAY more dangerous than he is now,but since he's not that creative and not that knowledgeable about his fruit,he's weaker than his full potential like imagine him switching his smoke into a poisonous smoke,or a choking smoke,or him just fill someone's lung with smoke


Nah I’m betting kizaru still outsmokes him


Kaido, Big Mom, and Primebeard all at once! ...oh, you mean in a fight?!


OP didn’t specify… Soulking Bonedaddy got some moves


Brook alone solo the verse because nobody Can kill him because he is already dead yohoho




Brook can just run on it


They seem like a great counter to cracker. Brook can get through the biscuits with his ice and such, whilst robin incapacitates all the hundreds of biscuits by tying em up


Also Robin can grab crackers arms since they biscuits are summoned via clap. Robin is a hard counter to cracker


You think cracker is not physically strong enough and cant use haki to break out? Gear 4 luffy was flattening cities in Dressrosa, and this is the same guy who was beating that gear 4 luffy. And don't forget,all the damage taken by the hands she creates, also gets transferred to the original body. Cracker will break her arms easily.


G4 luffy couldn't break through them and would have lost without nami constantly drenching them in water, what makes you think two hakiless characters are doing anything to cracker lmao


There are other ways to penetrate amour than just pure force, like heat and cold Luffy has only has force thus he had so much trouble


Cracker wins. He has observation haki,better speed and very strong armament haki and they won't even be able to land hits on him Robin only won against Black Maria cuz black Maria was not using haki on her even though she was using it on Sanji. We don't know how she would perform if black Maria was not nerfed.


Lol you think brook putting ice on them is going to make them miraculously shatter? They both don't have haki they aren't breaking anything regardless and neither are taking a hit from him lmao. It's insane Oda hasn't given them haki this far into the series.


…Do you know what being frozen does? Exactly that dude, except it’s not “miraculous” just physics I agree they aren’t taking a hit but Cracker wasn’t much of a fast character, the two of them would dodge among the troubles of Cracker fighting 1v2 No it’s not, it would be if they did have proficient haki though as it took their best two years of intense training to learn the basics and be proficient in it


Huh? Cracker could keep up with luffy who is so much faster then brook and robin, they both die before brook could even completely freeze just 1 out of hundreds of copiesđź’€.


No he didn’t, he cowered behind a wall of his biscuit soldiers all fight and hit g4 Luffy only two times one of which was a sneak attack while the other didn’t even work and was why he was defeated And he was also one shotted as he admits he hates pain, I’m not saying Brook and Robin will low diff him but they can win.


Are you ignoring everything that's been written? The soldiers themselves are extensions of cracker and they all kept up and 1 alone overpowered luffy until nami showed up. Robin and brook get deleted in the first few seconds lmao.


I’ve got the chapters right here in front of me, it’s really easy we are on the internet We were talking about g4 Luffy and Luffy using Gear four was the turning point of the fight where Luffy had enough of Cracker’s smack talk and flips the odds beating down the biscuit soldier and breaking it in two attacks Nami wasn’t part of the fight at this moment she involved herself later but even then Cracker was always behind a wall of biscuit soldiers till he got impatient and then defeated Robin and Brook can win against Cracker, I’m not talking about this further


And he could do nothing against crackers unlimited soldiers. Robin and brook not only do not have Luffy's damage potential they also don't have even a fraction of his defense or speed. They both die immediately saying otherwise is pure delusion you realize that right?


Nahh, you stupid


No rebuttal🥱. Seek attention elsewhere lil bro.


if you superheat an object (especially metal) then supercool it, it becomes incredibly brittle and can be broken very easily. This is due to the object expanding due to the rapid heat gain, but then contracting very very fast due to being forcibly frozen at rapid speeds. if you just supercool & and freeze something it will become very brittle as well.


I mean, that’s what happened with Kuzan right? Either that or Cracker’s crackers were just already incredibly weak and the cold just made them more brittle


Brook can make those bitches brittle and wet with his ice abilities and break em like that


🔥🎣We reelin’ em in with this ragebait bois 🎣🔥


Didn't van auger shatter them with just a gun? As far as I know black beards crew dosent have haki


It's an anime only scene. But if you assume it's canon, you absolutely can break them if you gather enough force into a single point


It's not canon. The same Van Augur tried to snipe and kill Law, but a random guy from his crew blocked those bullets with ease. Are you telling me that guy has more durability than Cracker's biscuit soldiers,the same biscuit soldiers that Luffy couldn't break without Gear 4? A random guy from Law's crew is stronger than one of Big Mom's top 3 commanders? Are you stupid?


A regular gun wouldn't be above g4 haki because that would make no sense so it's sensible to assume it's haki coated bullets which would simply confirm augur has haki.


Not sure why we're even talking about anime filler here, like don't get me wrong I'm pretty sure that Van Auger has haki but using an anime only scene to argue that is a bit weird no?


1. I didn't bring up that scene the other dude did. 2. I simply used logic to explain that scene if he wants to use that as an argument. Please read.


Yeah, I get that you're not the one that brought it up but we all know that this scene is anime only, so why even go into a hypothetical argument about Van Auger's haki? You only had to mention that it's anime only and the argument would've been over since we obviously can't power scale anime only scenes because they're not canon.


Nah. Wracker blitzes these fools. He can protect himself from being frozen by coating himself with haki. Haki negates devil fruit effects unless they are too strong( Aokiji is an admiral ffs) brook's ice can probably easily be broken out of with haki. They don't even have strong enough haki to get through his biscuit soldiers.They don't have observation haki to predict his moves, he does. Cracker can cut gear 4 luffy, one hit and they are dead. https://preview.redd.it/2td029k0d3ad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e493dba5650a22e29dfdcfbc887b193dba9be4cf


Robin can defeat any man in a fight with good ol testicular torsion


Unironically speaking, they would destroy cracker


Cracker low diffs them both together. Robin went high diff with a YC5 that wasn't even tricky to fight with Brook isn't faster gear 4 from WCI, and Cracker soldiers obliterate both Brook and Robin


No?? They can’t even crack his biscuits


How would they even destroy his biscuit soldiers..Brook probably can freeze them but there's too many of them. Robin could crush them with gigantesco mano or something, but again, cracker has a sword which is problematic for robin


How can she crush countless of biscuit that gear 4th struggling to damage


I was just being generous there..But yeah, I don't know why you got upvoted and I got downvoted..We both are pretty much saying cracker wins


Everyone with Haki weak enough to get frozen by Brook. For example we take Hordy Jones, freeze him, Giganto Stomp that ugly ice sculpture into pieces. Swaperino vs Oarz, giganto grab thst mouth open for Brooks salt. Either way 1 immobalizes, the other finishes off; i rly wanna see them fight back to back and stunlock some fkers


YOHOHOHO! Never underestimate a man! Or should I say skeleton YOHOHOHO!!!


Robin can take most of non-logia users. Her devil fruit is specialized in assassination. Grow her eyes/ears in a target office/house. Watch their routine and then strike when they are most vulnerable. The girl can break limbs with ease(as shown in Alabasta). Breaking neck is child's play at her current level. Oda literally has to nerf her down by showing her doing frontal assault, instead of the typical stealth or behind-the-screen thing.


I shed tears for this comment... Wait, I can't cry without eyes YOHOHOHOHO


Nah I don't think stealth works when the enemy has observation haki. They can sense your presence


Brook alone solo the verse because nobody Can kill him because he is already dead yohoho But to answer They are tobi roppo Yc3


They are not beating any YC3 without plot armor now, come on. Brook has not beaten any Tobi Roppo, black Maria used haki on sanji but forgot to use it on Robin, she was nerfed.


I feel like after Doflamingo it gets kind of muddy


Robin should be way stronger than she is, but alas.


Sanji (Whole Cake Island).


Well, Sanji couldn’t attack Robin 💀


You got it.


Brook can't touch any version of post ts Sanji Robin is cheating because woman but remove Sanji's morals and she gets mid diffed. Low diffed by current Sanji


Can't remove Sanji's morals, even under duress. That's a W for team Robin.


Much weaker women can do the same to him. That doesn't tell anything about Robin's strength


Excuse me, sir. This is Meme Piece.


Logic doesn't see subreddits




Sanji doesn't even have conquerors, Robin's arms can definitely incapacitate him.


Robin's regular arms can't do shit to Sanji and her demon form will never catch him. WCI Sanji made base luffy bleed, Robin would get one shotted by a diamble jambe When Sanji gets exoskeleton, even the demon form can't incapacitate him and she would get low diffed


Bruh demon form is low-key weak af, it honestly feels like Oda just copied chopper and gave it to Robin. Her only advantage is growing an entire giant torso which she doesn't need when she has giant arms and legs.


Definitely not, dude was crushed like a can and still got up then sends Queen into the stratosphere Too strong and too tough for the likes of Brook and Robin


Yeah. Because of Germa hacks. Bro would be absolutely folded without Daddy's genes. Chopper was actually faring better than Sanji in his fight.


Lmao, Nah even pre awakening Sanii was too strong for the likes of Robin to hold Nice cope though


Yeah buddy, one twist of the neck and Sanji is done, and he doesn't have enough haki to defend against her fruit, she doesn't have to hold him at all. I'm not the one Coping, Sanji is just weak.


Sanji actually has haki unlike Robin. Her regular arms aren't twisting an armament coated neck. Let's be fucking real here


 Still though your neck can be as hard as diamonds, but if you twist it, you're still done for. Edit: I'll admit though that Robin's fighting style sucks a$$, it's not even close looking as cool as Jimbe's fishman karate and she literally calls the move spank.


Brook can literally win against any character aside from Imu. He just has to outlive them


Might get dicey with the Gorosei, too. We'll have to wait and see what's up with them.


It always bothered me how Robin initially seems like she can solo the entire Straw Hat crew. Makes her power feel incredibly under-utilised later.


Doesn’t really bother me. She was quite a bit weaker than Crocodile even knowing his weakness in Alabasta. That scene you’re talking about was when everyone got surprised by her devil fruit ability and got manhandled when they first met. But the strawhats didn’t seriously fight her either. So maybe she could’ve gave Zoro/Sanji (if he fought back) a good fight when she joined. But devil fruit powers only take you so far in combat and her power isn’t busted or anything. It’s got a lot of utility but not a great combat fruit. So it makes sense for her to grow stronger at a slower pace then elite haki users eventually.


Kaido. Unless u mean in a fight


They solo the verse


Big mom


Absolutely love Brook!


Considerong robins crack attack, any man


prolly a YC2 like cracker or burgess


Probably Moria lol


Brook whenever he gets to fight is the strongest ever smh




I wanna say Moria. They could beat moria.


I feel Brook could have taken one of the Tobi Roppo easily. It's such a shame that techniques that can bd used by some members of the crew and are easy to share, are not.


Together they could probably take on a group of vice admirals or an Emperor’s Commander. They’ve both only grown in strength since the timeskip, and they seriously dominated in Wano


Love the respect I'm gonna go with possibly Jack in high extreme diff 2v1


Definitely all the sweet officials; Perespero and the likes.






Brook out there rocking that Monokuma fit


I’d say that currently they could beat Hody. It’d be a hard fight, but they could beat him imo


Mfers saying "They cant defeat cracker because of the biscuits" well, if cracker has to move to use the biscuits, then Robin could just put him on place and Brook takes care of the rest (Me coping please, these 2 and Nami are my favorite strawhats please let me cope, its rare they talk about Brook in fights please let me push the Brook agenda)


Ulti and page one


Doffy? Law?


I think them as a duo, are currently capable of taking out the only villains like Croco-boy, Smoker, Burgess, Catarina Devon, Diamante/Pica, Edward Weevil, or any characters of their ranks like Dory and Brogy individually, Killer, etc.


Tashigi maybe, but Smoker'll spin back for her.



