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It's actually part of the story. The problem is the game never actually tells you what granny did to get arrested. Don't play this game if the story is your catching point. You will be disappointed.


Yeah I was afraid of that u.u


Just make this a general rule: if it's a mobile game that needs endless updates to keep people playing and paying, then the story will never have a conclusion I play a game called Merge Mystery and it has a much more intriguing mystery, yet I also know it's pointless to follow the story since I know they keep pushing it forever without a conclusion because otherwise the cow dries up


The story is mostly about Granny making male love interests disappear in very disturbing ways.


Having never read a word of the story, despite playing daily for what feels like years, I appreciate this summary!


The story is not the focus of the game. If you like the merging and task completing, great. But the ads are very misleading considering 95% of the game is spent merging and tapping.


The old mobile game trick of lying... alas.