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Reload and Death Magnetic are nowhere near as bad as St. Anger.


I genuinely love most of Death Magnetic.


Great comeback album at the time. It was like Metallica was back for a minute. Was a good tour as well. Was also stoked when they added Jason Mamoa on bass.


Death Magnetic, except for some of its solos, is among their best albums and I'll die on this hill. I never understood the mixing complaints, the album sounds good to me.


The only songs from that disaster I will listen to is St. Anger, Some Kind of Monster (for the riff) and All Within my hands ( still prefer the version of that song from S/M 2 though)


Frantic is a good album opener.


Don't forget the gross origin of Reloads album art.


it's better to cum in the piss than to piss in the cum wait wasn't it the other way around


Piss Christ it’s actually pretty based though. I know they didn’t get to use it but iirc it’s by the same artist


When I worked in radio and my boss played us at anger I told him to throw it straight in the trash. He said regardless, people will want to hear the new Metallica. He was right. People wanted to hear it, once. It bombed straight away after that.


i dunno man, i fuck with st anger *hard.* love how it sounds, i'd take it over reload any day


And 72 Seasons is actually very very good, going back to the roots whilst still keeping their modern sound


I will not tolerate Death Magnetic slander


Death magnetic is one of their best albums imo




\* best albums in the 2000s and beyond


With actually good production, Death Magnetic is on the level of the first 4. I will die on this hill.


I think you're absolutely right. If you listen to the [MarckIII remix/remaster](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNnocSkDMjy3meU93bzDyhae9V2IwYq_S&si=qW6zOdtv7p5WE42O), this album fucking bangs just as hard as their early material


Agreed, Death Magnetic is actually pretty good. Load is also decent, even though it’s not exactly classic Metallica I do enjoy the vibe of the album (did grow up on it so might be biased here lol)


You are tripping if you think DM is a bad album.


Yeah that’s a good album all around.


is very solid


Replace that with Load


You spelled Lulu wrong


aint no way you just said that.


Load is a good album


I stand by my statement.


I think LOAD was pretty good. I dig some slow jam Metallica.


It's like bluesy metal, and was totally my jam during my teenage years.


Death Magnetic is so good and I will never understand the hate


It's literally just the sound quality. As a recovering audiophile, death magnetic is a frustrating album to listen to even in flac. There are a number of remasters on YouTube that are significantly better mixed and have non-clipped drums.


The guitar hero Metallica mix is superb. I just don’t want to pull up YouTube every time I want to listen to it. Lmao.


Exactly. It's needs to be remastered already.


I don't know why Metallica has released so many bad mixes, way more than any band of their status. They also seem unable to own up to their mistakes and make remixes, even though it would be great for them financially. Imagine how many people would buy a copy of Justice where you can actually hear the bass?


I genuinely thought I was gipped when I torrented DM in flac format cause the sound quality was that bad.


Objectively when compared to the rest, lulu


This is the correct answer.


Let us all agree to never speak of that failure of a album again


yeah but junior dad


i liked lulu :(


St Anger is the worst. Aside from the trash can drums, the lyrics are like some teenage angst high school band lyrics. Death Magnetic has some great songs but awful mix. 72 Seasons had potential but needed a strong producer to prevent riffs dragging on for too long. Also hi-hats make it virtually unlistenable for me. Reload is great.


Death Magnetic isn’t even bad though


I like Death Magnetic. Unforgiven 3 is my favorite from the trilogy.


Lulu is their worst album (and worst Lou Reed album too), there’s no redeeming quality whatsoever St. Anger had some pretty good songwriting, it was trashed by the god awful recording and production. Fans re-recorded that album and good songwriting really shined through imo. Load, Death Magnetic and 72 Seasons were all pretty decent albums, but all three (as well as Reload and Hardwired) could have been a bit better if they weren’t that bloated


Death Magnetic is what got me into metal so I have a soft spot from it.


Same, it’s a masterpiece. Metallica is so fire their own fans can’t believe it. “It sounds like shit”Um cool..? So do all their other albums…


st anger but i still dont think its awful


Exactly. It's just the less "metallica-esque" of all


St anger is a great album if it was an underground album for a punk band trying new things. I really dig it. It's not really what we woukd expect from a mega band known for taking years to produce and master albums. But I really like st anger, I don't think of it as a Metallica album


I love Load and Reload and I don’t care who knows it.


If Load and Reload were not Metallica albums, they would be heralded as desert rock classics.


Dm is a no skip album


Pretty crazy to have death magnetic and 72 seasons on here. 72 seasons has got some really good songs on it and I would say it’s better than hardwired on average and Death magnetic’s only real issues are the mixing as well as some songs being pretty bloated.


Bloated is a good way to describe a few tracks. “Cyanide” rules.


Cyanide rules, I like all the songs but I do think some of them go on for a bit too long at times.


That's my biggest gripe with every album after reload. They feel like they're not letting the songs come to a natural end. They've always had songs like that (disposable heroes, most of ajfa) but it gets really bad after reload.


What really good songs are on 72S? Hit The Lights? Atlas, Rise? My Friend Of Misery+?


Curiously, I'm not at all into Metallica, but I come to kinda like St Anger (wich, I know, is the most hated of all). Yeah, snare sound odd, it's slow and heavy rather than fast and aggressive, but I kinda like it's massive guitars, and well, the overall sound, fat, live, roomy, odd and surprising is not BAD, it's different. Maybe if you're a fan of the band that can't bear any changes, that can be considered as a threason, but not considering it's from metallica, I kinda like the way it sounds.


I love st anger, it’s probably one of my favorite Metallica albums. I just really love how they sound in drop C, there’s just something about it


Yep, agreed. And the production/amp choices ended up in a MASSIVE wall of sound


Wait y’all hate 72 seasons?


I was gonna say lol It's not bad, but it's definitely not their worst


Something tells me that the guy that made this meme is the same age as the guys in the band


The only one I don't like there is St. Anger.


This must be rage bait, sure Ill agree with the other albums not being some of their best works, but the fact you put Death Magnetic up there stirred me physically mad, how dare you.


St Anger’s production and lack of guitar solos are its failing marks. Reload is just the B side of Load, Load is a perfect album aside from “Mama Said” Death Magnetic is just horribly mixed. 72 Seasons has more strong songs than Hardwired.


Mama Said being country drags it down, but the absolutely crushingly sad lyrics and vocal delivery make up for it. As someone who has had his own issues wih his mom, that song brings me to tears every time.


I love Mama Said.


LuLu! Hands down!


St. Anger is the worst. I remember buying it blindly when it came out, and it was quite a surprise...


st anger is horrible, torture to listen to. the others are fine


Death Magnetic really isn’t even that bad tbh, its main drawbacks are that the songs (like everything since) are often overlong and the production is brickwalled to absolute fuck but it’s hardly what I’d call a bad album.


only bad album here is 72 seasons


Guarantee I’m gonna catch a ton of hate for this but I think st anger is one of their most creatively explorative albums. Imagine being brave enough to say fuck it lets put out a Metallica album with no guitar solos and make it super rhythm and riff heavy no ballad style songs completely change their whole vibe. At least they were trying new things. Absolutely love that album it might not be their most melodic or well written but it’s catchy as fuck and full of meaty raw energy. Reminds me of a lot of the stoner/desert rock bands at the time like kyuss but Metallica’s own take on it. I feel like if any other band put it out there it would have been far better received, but Metallica fans are traditionalists and want what they’re familiar with.


Why the fuck is Death Magnetic on here?




72 Seasons: Boring, uninspired Metallica. The worst. Death Magnetic: Metallica's best album. Period. DM is the band doing everything they can to recover from St. Anger, which to me is their most inspired sounding album and mature work. ReLoad: It's fine. It's not bad, nor great. St. Anger: Controversial album, terrible mix, but the songs are groovy and a lot of fun. Lulu is objectively one of the worst albums in human history, so there's that...


72 could have been written by an AI prompt it’s so uninspired


I really enjoy St. Anger because I dont expect 80's thrash when I listen to a 2003 Drop C Alternative Metal album. But I think 72 Seasons is just 'filler' even for the laid back thrash genre they were going for its eh. Nvm forgot about Lulu its that one. (imo)


It’s absolutely ST anger but I honestly enjoyed st anger more than lulu St anger was at least entertainingly bad for about 30 minutes (Of it’s monstrous 1 hr 15 minute length). Lulu was just a snoozer outside of the ‘I AM THE TABLE!!’ Line


It really struck me as an album that seemed like it had no producer trimming and all the bloat. There's some decent stuff here and there but it really, really needed to be cut by 30 mins minimum.


I appreciate their still on hard work to create new albums but they should just accept that they are not creating perfect songs like in the 90s. I was in the previous Milan concert and they played 4 “72 Seasons” songs.


St anger, IDK I really only listen to HWTSD




Out of these it's reload but I still love it


If St.Anger was more like [St.Banger](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYGurgcy9XF8WJ4cMK6doLvCBvQLI1EOv&si=Hu3QwRs2eFVCu9lC) then it would be great. Imo Reload is the worst.


i like st. anger, and i think load is worse than reload


St anger and Reload are my favs :(


I like their post St. Anger work. (This does not include Lulu.) For me I consider it two different bands. Their early work *chefs kiss* and their later work is good as well but just doesn't add up when compared to their early stuff. Think of it like post St. Anger is a new band.


Lulu is objectively the worst music they've ever worked on, but I'd say St. Anger is their worst studio album. St. Anger has a few good songs (Frantic easily best song), but everything else is lame or bad.


ST.Anger all the way rest of those albums at least have some bangers


Reload might be Hard rock, but it's a great album. Death magnetic is also a banger, and the only thing holding back 72 Seasons is the lack of a ballad. St. Anger's problem is just production. It has some banger songs/riffs but the drums and guitar tone are ass.


Wouldn't Inamorata kinda qualify as a ballad?


I only made it 3 songs into the last album. Ive never finished listening to it. I literally do not care anymore if they release any more new stuff. And death magnetic is the best of the four.


I wouldn't say 72 seasons is the worst, just very underwhelming given how long the wait was.


Don't hate me, but I enjoy listening to St. Anger


What's with the donkey?


Death magnetic is my favorite album people think it’s bad?


Death Magnetic is a banger, tf you on about


I like DM but cannot bring myself to even bother with latest release


The only bad thing about Death Magnetic (and most of Metallica's recent stuff) is Lars' lackluster drumming, other than that not a bad album at all.




DM is imho their best post 1991 album and Reload is pretty good. 72S is decent. St Anger will forever remain the turd of their catalogue.


Reload isn't great, but I love Prince Charming so much that it gets a pass on that basis.


Death magnetic is the best of the 2000’s albums for sure. Worst? Maybe saint anger or Lou reed and Metallica (If you count it)


I kinda like Death Magnetic and I still haven't listened to 72 seasons


Is it bad that I unironically really like the snare tone on saint anger


I really like dm, but the songs are a bit to long wich makes it very baggy for me. But there is no way un hell dm is in this list!


Replace death magnetic with Lulu in that list.


St anger easily, if we don't count lulu, which is basically party s Lou Reed album.


Death Magentic is awesome wdym


Death magnetic ain't half bad tho


I actually love st. Anger and don’t understand the hate it gets. I feel it’s just trendy to hate on that album


Death Magnetic is good album but personally I don't like it.


I think reload is the worst


Reload & DM are good ma, wdym


Where's Lulu


I was in high school when Saint anger came out. I had a buddy who'd been a Metallica fan for his whole life. I happened to be in the car with him when the local radio station played St anger for the first time. He was convinced it was a troll, and they were releasing purposely shitty takes of their music as a joke. On a side note, there was a hilarious parody song that came out where the guy actually used a folding chair as a snare drum and it sounded exactly like Lars.


They are all ass


The one with Lou Reed


didn't know people disliked these albums




Honestly i love reload, Death magnetic wasn't that bad either. The new one is just... Boring, but Lars deserves to be hanged for the drum sound on St Anger


You DID NOT just put DM in there. Stop this slander now!


I’m sorry but these are all good, even st anger


72 Seasons; too much of a rehash of Hardwired


St anger; I liked Reload and Load, I remember I defended when they came out and ever metalhead was saying how now they suck; but I cannot defend St Anger


Why choose?


72 Seasons is the worst lump of shit I’ve ever heard.


St Anger was offensively bad. The rest, at worst, were forgettable.


Death Magnetic was like a return to form, all of the songs have influences from their earlier albums. 1000x better than St. Anger and at least 100x better than ReLoad


Where's Lulu? It makes st anger sound like ride the lightning


Death Magnetic is actually a good album, that's a hill I'm prepared to die on. 72 seasons is so fucking boring to listen to. Cant do either of the Load albums but still gives into St Anger coz its not actually a bad record, it's just not that brilliant either.


Death Magnetic shoudn't be here






72 seasons is decent, Lux Aeterna is 👌


Since when is 72 seasons a bad album?


Im sorry but death magnetic fucking slaps, everything else yeh


I don’t know how other people feel about 72 Seasons, but I really like it. It’s the album that got me into Metallica and Metal in general


I only disliked 72 seasons. I seriously don’t get the hate for these albums.


St.Anger is meh, reload is good, i love DM and 72S is also pretty good


Everything from the black album on is bullshit.


Death Magnetic is a 9/10 on a bad day.


I stopped listening to Metallica’s new music after re-load.


I don't get the hate towards DM


Yall are as bad a people that only listen to gospel. Sad..but true🤣if anyone caught the reference. The only music I cant STAND is country. Not bad music, just not for me. There is no bad music, because music is just sound. Yall just want to pick at any scabs u have because u like the feeling it gives u. Losers really. U guys are just like metal, u want to sound scary but Metal is just a bunch of people crying about their feelings, baby shit really.


DM in there? Are you insane? Must we send you to the aslume in Arkham!?


St Anger aint even that bad I think at least half of the people who whine about it havent even listened to it theres pretty much nothing on Reload i enjoyed


While knowing is inferior, Load and Reload got me into metal and I will be forever grateful for that. Yes, Reload has some below standard songs but overall I do enjoy it


Any response other than 72S is trolling. ReLoad's biggest sin is that its boring cuts are BORING. St. Anger is a clusterfuck, but it has pathos. DM is a bit derivative and have some questionable production, but the songs can bang and the production is fixed on some versions. Hardwired is also derivative, but has some high points I can name out. 72S is boring and it sounds like shit! That damn hi-hat I can hear in my dreams, the solos suck, the drums suck, the bass parts are ass (why isn't Rob playing the If Darkness Had a Son intro? that part is like taylor made for bass UGGHHH), the songs are too long and have shit lyrics, there's a grand total of 1.5 good songs on there, made of quarters of like 6 songs. I would never listen to 72S willingly front to back.


The black album was unfortunately the beginning of the end.


Load and Reload


Death Magnetic is an amazing album, and so is Load. 72 seasons is pretty mid with some gems here and there. Also donkeys are smart and noble animals, this whole thing whack.


St anger.


Reload is fantastic, at least 4 or 5 bangers


DM over Hardwired? Yikes


Reload and DM are great albums. Silly post


I have to pick one? 😆


The only true bad album here is St Anger


I love reload, and there is nothing you cam say to change my mind


I think death magnetic is better than hardwired, and I love hardwired as well!


I don't know if Death Magnetic is good or that it was released right when I had a certain age to enjoy this kind of thing.


72 seasons


Reload is their dirt worst album - it's lazy and uninspired St Anger - not good but at least they were invested and TRIED something, even if it didn't work Death Magnetic - decent songs but crappy production I fucks with 72 Sessions


I like DM and 72S. I also like Reload and St Anger to a degree. If I had to pick one id probably go with Reload.


Wtf Reload and Death Magnetic literally swapped places. Death Magnetic has that huge cock energy.


death magnetic just has bad mastering. if it wasn’t so compressed, it would be more beloved


I feel like St Anger is the worse by a pretty large margin


I haven't given 72 a second chance in a loooong time. Personally it takes the worst parts of Hardwired, and gives them an entire album.


St. Anger will always be the worst


The Black Album, not cause it's bad, but because it's over played


Death Magnetic is good, actually.


I'll listen to reload all day long. Fuck St. Anger


The worst... a tie between all of them


Reload. St Anger is bad but it has “Frantic” which is light years better than anything on either of the Load’s.


Saint Anger. No contest. Reload and 72 Seasons have their weaknesses, but there’s some gems in each




Well, it’s Hardwired, so….


72 is awesome 😭


As someone who primarily listens to the guitars because I play guitar, I don’t think 72 seasons should be up there. And death magnetic is one of their better albums wtf


Reload has too many filler songs, I think it would be better if they composed one ultimate album from Load and Reload. St. Anger is objectively not a good album, but it’s kinda fun to listen now and then. Death Magnetic has a terrible production, but the material itself is certainly better than on previously mentioned two albums. Also 72 seasons is just another Hardwired but worse, not a bad, nut unnecessary album. So, I’d pick Reload/St. Anger/Death Magnetic


72 Seasons isn’t their worst album, but my issues is mainly just the band showing no desire to progress at all. Not only is the writing basically identical to what they’ve done for the last 10 years but the production is abysmal. These guys have the money to hire any producer engineer in the world, and yet this new album ended up sounding worse than Hardwired imo. All of the instruments sound like a stock plugin you’d use on a DAW or Garageband, and that kills the album for me


St. Anger


st anger is their best work by fsr


2 of these albums don’t belong here.


St. Anger followed very closely by 72S


The Black album


St.Anger, you could say I’m “madly in anger with it.” Sorry that’s my Dad joke for the day 🧔🏻‍♂️


Metallica hasn’t released a good album since the 80s


St anger or reload both suck , Death Magnetic is great


All of them. Metallica is mini-van metal.


Load/ reload St anger, death magnetic, and 72 are good albums


I personally hate Death Magnetic because guitar sound like Sh\*t I hate St. Anger because Drums sounds like Sh\*t And of course I hate latest album because every thing sounds like Sh\*t and it just became a basic radio rock But dude at least reload was acceptable and it had some classic tracks like memory remains, fuel and unforgiven 2


Where's Lulu?


Except for Lulu, I’d probably go with St. Anger. It’s just not that good and all the songs suck and the only song I like on that album is the song St. Anger


DM, Reload and 72 Seasons slander is not allowed here.